Конспект занятия по английскому языку для 5 класса Михайловка-мой родной город

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Mikhailovka is my native town.

Занятие по английскому языку для учащихся 5 классов.

Занятие разработано педагогом дополнительного образования высшей квалифицированной категории Боевой Мариной Викторовной.

Образовательное учреждение: МКОУ ДО «Центр детского творчества городского округа город Михайловка Волгоградской области»

Тип занятия: занятие обобщения знаний

Цели: 1. Расширить знания учащихся о своём городе.

2. Развивать любознательность, языковую догадку.

3. Формировать навыки говорения и аудирования.

4. Воспитывать уважительное отношение к своему городу, к его героической истории.

  • познавательный аспект - знакомство с особенностями географического положения г. Михайловка; развитие умения извлекать информацию о культуре своего города.

  • развивающий аспект - развитие языковых способностей, умения формулировать выводы из услышанного, развитие внимания и умения слушать собеседника.

  • воспитательный аспект - воспитание чувства гордости за родную страну и место, где ты живёшь.

  • учебный аспект - развитие умения говорить на заданную тему, развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.


  • дать визуальное представление об истории города и достопримечательностях Михайловки;

  • развивать умение учащихся отвечать на вопросы;

  • формирование навыков говорения.

На занятии осуществляется развитие общеучебных умений и навыков учащихся в соответствии с их возрастными особенностями, развитие способностей учащихся к продуктивной самостоятельной деятельности, закрепление умений и навыков монологического высказывания по заданной теме.

Оборудование: 1. ноутбук;

2. экран;

3. мультимедийный проектор;

4. тематические картинки по теме занятия, стенд с работами учащихся по теме «Михайловка - мой родной город»

5. Музыкальное сопровождение занятия.

Форма занятия: защита мини-проектов.

Подготовка: работа по группам (5 групп), подготовка материала на заданную тему.


  1. Организационно-психологический момент.

- Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you?

- Fine, thanks.

- Listen to the «One small world song»

  1. Речевая разминка.

- What country do you live in? (Russia)

- What is the capital of our country? (Moscow)

- What other big cities in our country do you know? (Volgograd, St.Petersberg, Rostov, Voronezh)

3. Объявление цели занятия.

Слайд 1.

But while visiting other cities don't forget your native place.

There is a proverb - East or West - Home is Best.

Today we'll have a talk about our native town - Mikhailovka.

  1. Выступление учащихся. Защита компьютерной презентации.

Слайд 2.

  1. Mikhailovka is a town in Volgograd Region. It is situated in the south-east part of Russia on the Medveditsa River. Mikhailovka is 193 kilometers from Volgograd. You can go there by railway слайд 3 (you can see the railway station), слайд 4 by bus or by car.

Слайд 5.

  1. Mikhailovka was founded in 1762 by Mikhail Sebryakov.

Слайд 6.

  1. We can see the history of our town in the local museum. It is located in the building which was built by tradesman Aksyonov. The south part of the town is the oldest. You can see small old houses here.

Слайд 7.

  1. The first church was built in 1901 at the expense of citizens.

Слайд 8.

Church of St. Nicholas was built in 1988.

Слайд 9.

  1. Almost 11 thousand people went to the front during the Great Patriotic War. Although the city was not fighting, some of the buildings were destroyed. The hospital for wounded soldiers was located in Mikhailovka.

Слайд 10.

  1. There is a monument to fallen soldiers and the eternal flame.

Слайд 11.

  1. Go straight along the central avenue of the town and слайд 12 you'll see the Culture House. Слайд 13. The local theatre is situated here.

Слайд 14.

  1. Park of our town is very beautiful, especially in the spring. The Park has got lots kinds of trees. There are many different attractions for children.

Слайд 15.

  1. Our park saves air for us from the industrial plants. In 1953 famous Cement Plant was built.

Слайд 16.

  1. Hotels, a stadium, restaurants and cafes are always available to guests.

Слайды 17-23.

Let's name the buildings of our town:

• It's a place where you can watch a film or a cartoon (a cinema)

• It's a place where you can have lunch or dinner (a restaurant)

• It's a place where you can buy fruits or vegetables (a market)

• It's a place where you can see the doctor (a hospital)

• It's a place where you can swim (a swimming pool)

• It's a place where you can find old things (a museum)

  1. We are children, but we have some dreams: a sports complex, an entertainment center, a cinema, the Park, the improvement of the Park.

-----Look at the questions and the pictures and answer honestly what you would do in these situations. After you are through with the answers work out your score and compare it with the scores of other students.

Are you a good citizen?

I. What would you do…?

…if you were in the street and you saw two people fighting?

    1. I'd try to stop them.

    2. I wouldn't do anything. I'd walk past quickly.

    3. I'd call the police.

II. What would you do…?

…if a shop assistant in a supermaket gave you too much change?

  1. I wouldn't say anything but I'd feel bad.

  2. I'd leave the shop quickly and I'd feel happy.

  3. I'd say 'Excuse me! I think you've made a mistake.'

III. What would you do…?

…if you were sitting on a crowded bus and an elderly woman got on?

  1. I'd give her my seat immediately.

  2. I wouldn't get up if was tired.

  3. I'd look out of the window.

IV. What would you do…?

…if you wanted to have a noisy party in your fiat?

  1. I'd tell my neighbors the day before.

  2. I'd invite my neighbors too.

  3. I wouldn't tell my neighbors.

V. What would you do…?

...if you found a homeless woman sleeping in the entrance to

your flat?

  1. I'd tell the police.

  2. I'd ask her to go away.

  3. I'd try to help her.

How to score

1 a = 3 b = 1 c = 2

  1. a = 1 b = 0 c = 3

  2. a = 3 b = 1 c = 0

  3. a = 2 b = 3 c = 0

  4. a = 1 b = 0 c = 3

What your score means

    1. You're a model citizen.

    1. You're a typical citizen, like most of us. You're quite civilized but you could do better.

    1. You are not a very good citizen. Try to think of other people sometimes, not just yourself!

Less than 3

Have you ever heard of the words 'citizen' and 'community'?

So, we are good citizen. What can we do for our town?

  1. Keep our town clean.

  2. Plant flowers in the gardens.

  3. Save water.

  4. Don't smoke.

  5. Turn off the light when you leave the room.

  6. Never buy a fir tree to a New Year holiday.

  1. My town

My native town, I have you one,

You're in my heart forever

Let your troubles bypass party

Miley will not find ever!

There are many other cities in the land,

Is not this perhaps the essence,

And in that one you in the world such

My cradle, my shelter.


Мой город

Мой город родной, у меня ты один,

Ты в сердце моем навсегда,

Пусть беды обходят тебя стороной,

Милей не найти никогда!

Есть много других на земле городов,

Не в этом наверное, суть,

А в том, что один ты на свете такой,

Моя колыбель, мой приют.

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