Контрольная работа к УМК New Millenium 10, Unit 5

Контрольная работа к учебно-методическому комплексу New Millenium 10 класс, Гроза О.Л. Unit 5 Family Issues. Разработана на 2 варианта. Содержит 5 заданий: на усвоение лексики (упражнение 1, 2), на грамотное использование герундия (упражнений 3), на употребление глагола keep в различных значениях (упражнение 4), эссе на заданную тему (упражнение 5).
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

Variant 1.

Task 1. Write a suitable family value to each definition.

  1. Feeling of being more calm, cheerful, or hopeful after you felt worried.

  2. A strong belief in the honesty, goodness etc. of someone or something.

  3. State of being protected from the bad things that could happen to you.

Task 2. Write the correct word.

Mother's father is

Nephew is

Father's sister is

Grand grandfather is

Uncle's son is

Father-in-law is

Wife's sister is


Task 3. Tick the words after which the Gerund is used. Make up 3 sentences with these words using Gerund.

Start, cannot help, seem, avoid, believe, know, let, finish, make, like.

Task 4. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the meanings of "keep".

  1. You can keep my coat. I don't need it anymore.

  2. "These medicine will keep your blood pressure normal", the doctor said.

  3. She keeps on giving money to her children, though they are already grownups.

  4. Don't keep ice-cream out of the fridge for so long - it will melt down.

Task 5. Write an essay (8 sentences or more) on the following subject: "The things that may destroy a family"

Variant 2.

Task 1. Write a suitable family value to each definition.

  1. Having the same opinion, experience, feeling etc. as someone else.

  2. Feeling that someone is important, so that you are interested in them or worry about them.

  3. The state of being protected from public attention.

Task 2. Write the correct word.

Father's son is

Niece is

Mother's brother is

Grand grandmother is

Aunt's daughter is


Husband's mother is


Task 3. Tick the words after which the Gerund is used. Make up 3 sentences with these words using Gerund.

Must, give up, can, expect, go on, continue, mind, turn out, keep, make.

Task 4. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the meanings of "keep".

  1. If you keep the speed, you'll get to the city by midnight.

  2. Lily said: "If my granny keeps baking these tasty cakes I'll become fat".

  3. When my sister comes to town she keeps her stuff in my room.

  4. You may keep this copy - I've got two more.

Task 5. Write an essay (8 sentences or more) on the following subject: "The things that may destroy a family"

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