Урок Я и моя семья

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Урок по теме

«Я, моя семья»

Подтема Обязанности по дому.Урок Я и моя семья

Учитель Новоазовской общеобразовательной

школы I-III ступеней №2

Кушнаренко Лариса Эмильяновна

Тип урока Урок закрепления, повторения и обобщения.

Практические задачи:

  1. Организация монологических и диалогических высказываний по заданной теме.

  2. Организация работы с иллюстративным и дополнительным материалом.

  3. Совершенствование техники и выразительности чтения.

Образовательная задача:

  1. Акцентировать внимание на положительных качествах человека - трудолюбие, желание помогать родителям.

Развивающие задачи:

  1. Развивать долговременную память.

  2. Развивать умение самостоятельно планировать речевой поступок, делать выводы.

  3. Развивать творческую активность, познавательный интерес.

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Воспитывать трудолюбие.

  2. Воспитывать познавательный интерес к изучению языка.

Оборудование: О. Карпьюк. Учебник английского языка для 4 класса,

раздаточный материал, презентация, игрушки, иллюстрации,

цветные карандаши.

Принципы: Коммуникативности, доступности, наглядности, прочности,


Формы обучения: индивидуальная, парная, групповая, коллективная.



Речь учителя

Речь учащегося


Начало урока.

Приветствие, организация класса к уроку.

Основная часть урока.

1.Речевая зарядка.

Повторение предыдущей темы «Страны и национальности».

2.Организация диалогических высказываний.

3.Сообщение темы и цели урока.


а)постановка цели;

б) контроль работы учащихся.

5.Организация аудирования текста

а) постановка цели и вызов интереса к ней;

б) снятие лексических трудностей;

в) прослушивание текста;

г) ответы на вопросы.

6. Организация чтения текста по ролям.

7.Описание картинки в настоящем длительном времени.

8. Организация игры.

а) постановка цели;

б) вызов интереса к ней.

9. Организация проведения физкультминутки с целью повторения темы «Части тела».

10.Организация работы по группам.

а) вызов интереса;

б) постановка цели.

11. Диалогические высказывания учащихся.

12.Психологическая игра.

а) постановка цели;

б) подведение итогов.


1.Объяснение домашнего задания

2. Подведение итогов.


















Sit down.

How are you?

Fine. Thanks.

I see you came from different countries. It`s interesting what countries are you from? Ask your classmates.

It`s high time to introduce yourselves. Tell us about your names, age, your country and nationality.

You came from different countries but children all over the world do the same things. They help their parents about the house. The theme of our lesson is "House holding". In Russian it means …

During the lesson

weshould revise the words on the topic "Housework"

we should practice in listening, reading, speaking and writing about housework

we should think if we really help our family about the house.

Let`s start from revising the words on the topic "House holding".

Match the expressions and pictures.

Check yourselves.

Now you will listen to the text. There are three children`s names on the blackboard. Your task is to say "Who is doing something about the house?"

Read and remember the new word

a hard worker - труженик

Our family is big and nice. There are 5 of us: father, mother, sister Kate, brother Tom and me. Now we are busy because we are helping our mother. Kate is doing the washing-up but she doesn`t like to do it.

Tom is a small boy but he likes to help about the house. He is sweeping the floor.

My name is Bill. I often help my mum.

Now I am feeding a parrot.

Mum says we are hard workers.

Answer the questions.

Who is… feeding a parrot

doing the washing-up

sweeping the floor.

Are they hard workers?

One day mother asked Kate and Bill to help her. Let`s read text 2 on page 14 to know what they talked about.

Answer the questions.

Is Kate a hard worker?

Is Bill a hard worker?

Open your books on page15. So, Bill`s family is hard working. In the picture we can see another family. Let`s describe what they are doing now.

Father …






How do you think are they hard workers?

I`d like to see are you hard workers.

Let`s play.

"What am I doing?"

You are tired. Let`s have a rest.

Revise the parts of body.

Show: a head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

Let`s sing a song.

Good children help their parents about the house. Somebody likes to do housework, somebody doesn`t like to do it. And what about you? We`ll find out it working in groups.

Ask "Do you like to do something..?"

It doesn`t matter you like or you don`t like to do the housework -we have to do it, we have to help our parents about the house.

I`ll give you cads which help you to make the dialogues.

Make up the dialogue "What do you do to help about the house?"

I see children often, sometimes, always or never help about the house.

You have got a card with the question "How often do you do something?"

Take your pencils and write down the letters "A"- always, "S" - sometimes, "N" - never. Then count your points.

"A" -2 points

"S" -1 point

"N" - 0 point

Raise your hands who has got 13- 18 points You really help your parents. They are proud (гордиться) of you.

Raise your hands who has got 7 -12 points You help but you should help more. Think what you can do or ask your parents, "Can I help you?"

Raise your hands who has got 6-0 points Your poor parents! They work hard and you play.

Take the cards home. Using these cards write 9 sentences how often do you do something.

For example : I sometimes do the washing-up.Open your day books and write down your home task.

We have done many exercises. You were hard workers today.

That`s why you get good marks…

You have the pictures with small houses. If you liked our lesson - colour them. If you didn`t like the lesson - draw the legs to the houses.

Thank you for your work.

The lesson is over. Have a rest. Gоod-bye.

Good morning.

Fine. How are you?

-What country are you from?

-I am from Britain.

-What is your name?

-How are you?

-How old are you?

-What country are you from?

-What nationality are you?

-Nice to meet you.


Bill is feeding the parrot.

Kate is doing the washing-up.

Tom is sweeping the floor.

Yes, they are.

Yes, she is

Yes, he is

is fixing the chair

is doing the ironing

is doing the cooking

is going shopping

is doing the dusting

is sweeping the floor

Yes, they are.

With pleasure.

-What am I doing?

-You are feeding a dog.

-What am I doing?

-You are sweeping the floor.

-What am I doing?

-You are going shopping…

With pleasure.

With pleasure.

-Lina, do you like to take the rubbish out?

-No, I don`t.

-Kate, do you like to make your bed?

-Yes, I do.

-What do you do to help about the house?

-I go shopping, do the dusting and walk my dog.

-Do you like it?

-Yes, I do.

-How often do you go shopping?

- Sometimes.

Работа в парах.

Учащиеся обобщают изученные темы в диалоге.

Слайды 1,2.

Учащийся у доски соединяет выражения и картинки.Слайды 3,4,5.

Проверка результатов работы учащихся - слайд 5.

Слайд 6.

Слайд 6.

Работа с учебником.

Работа с учебником.

Ученик выполняет определенную работу по дому. Учащиеся комментируют, что он делает.

Выполнение упражнений в сопровождении музыки и песни.

Учащиеся объединяются в группы. Выбирают ученика, который задает вопросы. Остальные участники группы отвечают на этот вопрос.

Слайд 7

Составление диалогов по образцу.

Слайды 8,9

Учащиеся записывают выбранные слова, подсчитывают очки.

Учащиеся разрисовывают домики, если им понравился урок.

Если не понравился -

рисуют избушку.

Слайд 10

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