Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме Id like a hamburger

Урок английского языка по теме "I'd like a hamburger". Данный урок относится к разделу Еда. В нем повторяется лексика по данной теме в игровой форме, а так же вводится новая лексика определения мер веществ. На этапе закрепления введенной лексики одновременно выполняется повторение грамматического оборота there is (are) в игровой форме, в ходе проведения игры "What is in your fridge?". Также в данном уроке изучается новая грамматическая тема: употребление some и any, которая закрепляется выполнен...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Lesson planning for the 5th class on English



Theme: I'd like a hamburger

Class: 5

Aims: to explain the grammar materials, to consolidate students knowledge concerning the theme; to improve lexical skills and to expand a lexical

to develop pupils' speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises.

to increase students interest to English

Type: combined

Method: explaining, verbal

The equipment of the lesson: pictures, cards, books
New words: names of food

Gymnasia component: Game "What is in your fridge?"

The course of the lesson

I. Warming - up

a) Greetings
- Hello, children! I'm glad to see you again. Sit down, please.
- How are you?

b) A talk about on duty
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent today?

- What day is it today?

- What date is it today?

- What food do you like?

- What drink do you like?

  1. Checking the home task


  1. Work on a topic of the lesson

- What do you have for dinner?

- What did you have for dinner yesterday?

- What soup (meat or fish) do you like?

- Do you have soup for breakfast?

- Do you like ice-cream?

Wa rot

Pota bage

Cab to

Sand ke

Car wich

Ca ge

Oran ter

- Find the odd word. (water)

2) It's time to learn some new words

a glass of water [ɡlɑ:s of ˈwɔ:tə]

a kilo of apples [kilo of ˈæpl]

a litre of milk [ˈli:tə of milk]

a cup of tea [kʌp of ti:]

three pieces of cake [θri: pi:siz of keɪk]

a bottle of water [bɔtl of ˈwɔ:tə]

Game "What is in your fridge?"

Make up the sentences using the pictures.

THERE IS (ARE)... in my fridge.

Minute for relax

Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips, jump jump jump

Stand still bend right, bend left

Touch your toes, turn around

Hands up, hands down and sit down.

  1. Grammar

Употребление some и any.

some - в утвердительных предложениях перед неисчисляемыми существительными. There is some water in the bottle.

any - в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. Is there any water in the bottle? There is not any water in the bottle

в вопросах - просьбах в значении "немного" - some. Would you like some juice? Can I have some tea?

1. Is there … sugar? (any)

2.I usually buy … cakes. (some)

3. I don't buy …. coffee. (any)

4. There isn't …water in cup. (any)

5. Would you like ... tea? (some)

  1. Individual work

Choose: some, any.

1. There is water in the glass.

2. There aren't vegetables on the table.

3. Can I have orange juice?

4.Are there sweets in the bag?

5.Hobbit has tea in his cup.

  1. Home task

  2. Reflection

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