План урока Настоящее совершенное время

В разработке представлен конспект  урока по теме "Настоящее завершенное время" для 6 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English". Тип урока - комбинированный. Форма урока - урок -путешествие, путешествие по грамматической галактике. В ходе урока повторяют формы неправильных глаголов, прибавление окончания -ed. Разработаны тренировочные упражнения. Учащиеся знакомятся с правилом образования повествовательных предложения в настоящем совершенном времени. Продумана рефлексия начала и конца урока....
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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The model of the lesson.

Level: form 6.

Theme: "We are going to the Grammar Galaxy".

The aim: to introduce grammar material "Present Perfect Tense".

Objectives: to repeat irregular verbs, has/have;

to practice in usage of grammar material "Present Perfect Tense";

to bring up the culture of communication.

Teaching aids: text books, exercise-books, a personal computer, an interactive board "Triumph".

I. The Beginning of the Lesson

1) Greeting

T: Good morning, children!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: Sit down, please. I am glad to see you.

P: We are glad to see you too.

T: How are you today?

P1: I'm fine, thank you.

P2: I'm Ok.

Today we are going to the Grammar Galaxy. And we'll visit the fifth planet The Present Perfect Tense. Let's prepare for our travelling

2) Duty's questions

Слайд 1.

T: … you are on duty at our spaceship today. Please, stand up.

What date is it today?

P: It's the 3rd of December.

T: What day of the week is it today?

P: Today is Thursday.

T: Who is absent today?

P: Ann is absent today.

T: What do you think about the weather today?

P: The weather is good. It's sunny and frosty today.

T: Look at the picture. Tell me what the weather is on the planet "Present Perfect". Слайд 2

-Is it sunny there?

-Is it snowy there?..

The weather is wonderful. Do you like to visit this planet?

3). Before every trip we get some instructions. The best instruction for our trip is a good pronunciation.

Let's do a special phonetic exercise. (Professor Higgins)

  • Today we repeat the sounds "t-d".

  • Listen and repeat examples.

II. Check homework.

I think you are ready for travelling. Ready! Steady! Go!

(What planets from the Grammar Galaxy do you know?)

Слайд 3.

I can see space monsters. Oh, I know them.

They don't let us to go. They are very angry! They are very hungry!

And their favorite dish is your homework.

But only excellent work will be useful for them.

Let's check your homework.

Слайд 4 (На доске домашняя работа с ошибками. Нужно проверить ее. Исправляют ошибки на доске.)

Open your workbooks at page 53, ex. 24.

I've got one of your workbooks but there are 7 mistakes. Correct them. (Слайд 5)

__________________________ Сдают тетради

Well done! Our space monsters disappeared! We can go.

-А какое правило вам пришлось вспомнить, чтобы выполнить домашнее задание.

Правило чтения окончания ed (Слайд 6)

Приведите примеры по правилу из домашнего задания.

III. Repetition

Слайд 7

Let's continue our trip.

We can see a planet. Oh, we know it is the planet "Irregular Verbs".

Слайд 8

And I've got a task from them. Let's try to do it.

Open your exercise books. Write the date. You should guess what each word is. Write it down. Add the third form of these verbs.

You have 3 minutes.

(проверяю домашнюю работу и раздаю)

Слайд 9

Your time is over. Let's check your work.

Поменяйтесь с соседом тетрадями.

Верните тетради. У кого нет ошибок в работе - поднимите руки

У кого 1 ошибка?

  • Now let's do exercises for our eyes. Look at me and repeat after me.

Up and down

Right and left

Close your eyes

Nod your head

IV. Grammar material.

Слайд 10

I can see the planet "Present Perfect".

Let's read about this planet.

Open your books at page 112. (Читают 1 и 2 пункты правила)

Слайд 11

There are a lot of satellites around this planet.

Look at the screen. Repeat after me.

Read. Translate them. Consult with the rule.

Слайд 12 Шторка

Match these satellites and their translation. (выходят к доске, соединяют стрелками)

Слайд 13

We've just landed. Look at the screen you can see different sentences which live on this planet.

Прочитайте их все и попытайтесь найти формулу, по которой составлены все предложения.

Подчеркиваем глаголы.

Учащиеся выводят формулу. Открываю шторку.

Когда мы употребляем have/ has

Читаем 4 пункт правила.

Слайд 13

Choose have or has. Translate sentences.

Our trip is so long. I think you are hungry. And our guests too. I propose to cook pizza.


Open your books at page 113, ex. 32. (Part 1)

Complete your own sentence. (Один составляет предложение, другой переводит)

Слайд 14

Let's visit another city "Negative Sentences"

Как же образовать отрицательные предложения.

Open your books at page 113, ex. 32. (Part 2) Complete your own sentence. (Один составляет предложение по-русски, другой переводит)

Work in pairs.

You've got the cards. Read all sentences and write down only correct one. You have 3 minutes.

*Open your books at page 114, ex. 33.

Look at the pictures and complete sentences.

V. Тhe End of the Lesson

  1. Sums

Слайд 15

ex. 26, p. 54 WB

Правило стр. 112

Слайд 16

-Выберите фразы, и закончи предложения.


Warming up

to involve in foreign speech;

to get the pupils ready for studying;

to check homework

To repeat the rule

To repeat irregular verbs.

To relax.

A rest for eyes

To introduce grammar material "Present Perfect Tense".

To relax.

To practice in usage of -Present Perfect Tense

to practice in usage of grammar structure;

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