Прикладные курсы по английскому языку на тему Страноведение ( 10 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан.

Средняя школа имени Магжана Жумабаева.

Авторская программа по английскому языку :

« Страноведение »

(для 10 класса общеобразовательной школы)

Нурланова А. Т.


Авторская программа по теме : Страноведение

Пояснительная записка.

Данная программа представляет собой дополнительный материал для чтения на английском языке о культуре, традициях ,природе, знаменитых людях Казахстана. Оно предназначена для учащихся 10-11 классов общеобразовательных школ ,лицеев .гимназий и , в основном для той категории учащихся ,которые имеют цель не только изучить и совершенствовать свое знание английского языка, но и получить дополнительную информацию о своей стране на этом языке. Тексты программы носят познавательный характер ,расширяют кругозор учащихся.

Книга состоит из 7 тематических разделов(7 Units) ,объединяющих 34 урока .Каждый урок состоит из текста на определенную тему и комплекса специальных упражнений, направленных на расширение словарного запаса и основных элементов грамматических норм . развитие навыков чтения. устной речи и письма.

Работа с текстом предполагает чтение, обсуждение и пересказ основного содержания. Каждый урок содержит также комплекс специальных упражнений, направленных на развитие навыков понимания не только основной идеи текста .но и его деталей. В целом ,упражнения данного пособия развивают произносительные ,речевые, орфографические навыки ,способствуют улучшению технику чтения, развитию памяти и кругозора. Упражнения дают возможность учащимся расширить свой словарный запас в рамках изучаемой темы , их рекомендуется выполнять сразу же после чтения текста , так

как они помогут не только понять содержание ,но и подготовить текст к обучению.

Грамматические упражнения. данные каждому уроку, не ставят задачи предметного изучение грамматики - они представляют собой специальный комплекс, который поможет учащимся еще раз акцентировать внимание на грамматических нормах и правилах ,предусмотренных обязательной программой обучения, и на конкретных примерах использовать их.

Обсуждая предложенные вопросы , связанные определенной идеей с основной

темой урока ,учащиеся получает дополнительную возможность для развитие навыков устной речи. В реализации данного задания ученик должен быть свободен в выражении своих мыслей и идей.

Цель программы : «Страноведение»

* Расширить и углубить знания учащихся о Казахстане.

* Воспитать в школьнике интерес и положительное отношение

к изучаемому языку, к культуре народа Казахстана.

* Расширить общекультурный кругозор учащихся ,их эрудицию

в различных областях знания.

* Развить у обучаемых такие важные познавательные процессы,

как произвольное внимание, логическая память ,

аналитическое мышление, расширить и углубить интересы

в области общественно -гуманитарных наук, научного

мировоззрения, способностей и речевой культуры.

Задача программы: « Страноведение»

*Дать представление о географическом и историческом положении

страны .

*Научить учащихся работать самостоятельно , анализировать,


*Углубить знания, выработать прочные навыки и умения учащихся

в устной речи и чтении.

*Подготовить школьников к участию в межкультурном общении

в устной форме, с учетом их интересов ,приобщить школьников к поисковой, исследовательской работе.

Особенностями данной программы являются:

Более высокий уровень развития навыков и умений

в говорении и чтении.

Систематизация языковых и расширение

страноведческих знаний.

Ожидаемый результат

По окончанию курсов учащиеся должны уметь:

делать подробные сообщение в пределах тематики,

передать основное содержание услышанного или

прочитанного текста;

вести дискуссию в рамках изученного материала;

выразить свое отношение , мнение, оценку

относительно определенной проблемы;

расширить знания истории . культуре и

традициях народа .

Основные требования

1. Усиление профориентационной направленности

в обучении школьников иностранному языку.

2. Освоение лексики пассивного и потенциального


3. Социокультурные знания, умения и навыки по


а) географические и природные условия страны;

б) общие сведения о государственном устройстве;

в) сведение о культуре страны;

г) организация быта и досуга ;

д) праздники и знаменательные даты;

е) особенности речевого этикета и поведения;

ж) общие сведения об образовательных учреждениях;

з) Фоновая лексика , культуроведческая направленность

аутентичных текстов.

Для достижения предполагаемого результата

необходимо использовать следующие

принципы обучения

Специфические принципы

коммуникативные направленности

учета родного языка


Общие методические принципы

воспитательного обучения





индивидуального подхода

Programmed for - 34 hours

Part one: Country and symbols.( 4 - hours)

1. Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

2. Social life of the country.

3. National flag.

4. Astana is the capital of the country.

Part two: People. (4 - hours)

1. Ablai Khan.

2. Abai Kunanbaev.

3. Abu Nazyr al Farabi.

4. Olzhas Suleimenov.

Part Three: Towns (6 - hours)

  1. Karagandy.

  2. Atrau.

  3. Taraz.

  4. Kokshetau.

  5. Ust-kamenogorsk.

  6. Uralsk.

Additional material (1 - hour )

Part Four: Originals.(4 - hours )

1. Golden man.

2. Dombra.

3. Nauryz.

4. Yurt.

Part Five: Place of Interest. (5 - hours)

  1. Aisha Bibi Mousoleum.

  2. Baiterek.

  3. Burabai.

  4. Taikasan.Turkestan.

Additional material (1 - hour )

Part Six: Traditional food and sport.(5 - hours)

  1. Customs of hospitality.

  2. Kazakh national cuisine

  3. Kumis.

  4. Kazakh national games.

  5. Aitys.

  6. Additional material (1 - hour )

Part Seven: Nature. (4 - hours)

  1. Eagle.

  2. Typical Kazakhstan animals.

  3. National Parks.

  4. Nature of Almaty.

Optional lesson: Review all the materials (1 - hour)

Учебно- тематический план.


Тема и основное содержание








Country and Symbol

Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

Social life of the country.

National flag.

Astana is the capital of the country


познавательной активности.Разв.

кругозора.Формиров.навыков интел.труда.

Геогр. карта







Ablai Khan.

Abai Kunanbaev.

Abu Nasyr al Farabi.

Olzhas Suleimenov.


умение твор

чески использ.






















Additional material









Golden man.












Place of interest.

Aisha Bibi Mousoleum.




Развитие эстетичкого



с видами


Customs of hospitality






Traditional food.

Kazakh national cuisine.


Kazakh national games.


Additional material



через усвоение




ции. карточки.







Typical Kazakhstan animals.Snow leopard.

National park.

Nature of Almaty.






ции. карточки


Optional lesson

Review all the material.





1.Аяпова .Т.А. Английский язык 10 класс.2007

2. Аяпова .Т.А. Английский язык 11 класс.2007

3.Новокрещенов.А.П. Stories about Kazakhstan.2009

4.Косович П.В. Все о Казахстане.

(краткий справочник путеводитель) 2010.

Lesson 1

Theme : Kazakhstan is my Homeland.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Educate pupils that they should protect, loved, to develop their Motherland

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary (- work with the vocabulary)

Replace the underline words in the sentences with the words below.


1.The climate often varies to the greatest degrees.

2.People in Kazakhstan raised their domestic animals on vast territory.

3.The weather in the winter is extremely cold in the north of Kazakhstan.

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1.Where is the country situated?

2.What can you tell the political system of Kazakhstan?

3.Which climatically and natural zones does the country occupy?

b)looking for main details

Circle T if the sentence is true.Circle F if the sentence is false.

1.Within this country there are not tall mountains, but only fields ,forests,sandy deserts. T. F.

2.Kazakhstan is divided into 14 provides and two cities for the purpose of local government. T. F.

3.Squirrels don`t live in the steppes and forests. T. F.

V. Disscussion

Would you like to live in Kazakhstan? Why?

VI. Writing

Write about this topic some sentences or short composition.

Love to your native country, what is it?

Lesson 2

Theme : People . History and social life of the country.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Educate pupils that they should protect, loved, to develop their Motherland.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Which sentences have the same meaning as sentences from the reading? Circle the letter of the correct answer :

1.Woman generally wear colorful handmade dresses.

a . Dresses are really dull in color and not very interesting .

b. People prefer bright multicolored clothers.

2. The recitation of epic is very important part of culture.

a . Writing poetry is a necessity for everybody.

b. People like to tell aloud from poems and songs.

IV. Comprehension

Circle the letter of the best answer.

1.Common Kazakh food includes meat dishes and milk products, such as.

a.tea and sugar b.cheese and curts c.edible plants.

2.They recite folk songs and legends_____.

a.not very often b.from time to time c.for many occasions

V. Grammar. Complete the sentences ,(use a,the,no article)

1.Kumis, made from fermented mare`s milk, is____traditional drink.

2.Cooking styles vary from ___place to___ place.

3.It is mandatory according to___law.

4.Women generally wear___colorful handmade dresses.

VI. Disscussion

Would you like to live in Kazakhstan? Why?

VI. Writing

Write about this topic some sentences or short composition.

Write about most interesting place you live in.

Lesson 3

Theme : National flag


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Educate pupils that they should protect, loved, respected their Motherland

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

(- work with the vocabulary)

Compete the sentences with the words

Devotion , symbol , aspiration ,intention ,freedom

1.The Statue of Liberty , used as a ____s____ of freedom , stands on an island in New Your Harbor.

2. He has political _____a______ and hope to become a minister one day .

3. We were promised f________ from persecution ..

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1.What does the eagle in the state banner symbolize ?

2.Why is the symbol of a dome very important for the Kazakhs ?

b)looking for main details

one word in each sentences is not correct . choose correct answer.

1.The ancient Turks believed that the Earth is kept on the horns of a red (blue) bull and painted it on their battle banner.

2. The eagle symbolize of freedom , a sign of aspiration to great ideals and a flight to great buildings (dreams)

V. Writing

Draw and describe own flag attractive for the town you live.

Lesson 4

Theme : Astana


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Educate pupils that they should protect, loved, respected their Motherland

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Compete the sentences with the words

Merchant, architecture, remarkable, resident, destination.

1. A lot of __ come last year to the annual fair to sell and buy goods.

2. This building is a fine example of modern _____ in our capital city.

3. The local ________ were angry at the lack of the parking space .

4. The Virgin Island are popular tourist ___________.

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1. Why was this city chosen as the capital of the country ?

2. What is the main industry of Astana now ?

3. What has been done to make Astana an exciting ,interesting place to live and visit?

V. Discussion

If you had to choose a new capital for our country , where would you put it ?

VI . Writing

Write about this topic some sentences or short composition.

Write interesting history of the country.

Lesson 5

Theme : Ablai Khan .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Educate pupils that they should learn famous people biography.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary Complete the definition

  1. If a person is very well trained he is ________

a . wise b. single c. experienced

  1. When an army wins ,it is called ________

  1. shout b. victory c. fight

  1. All people agree on adecision ,the decision is ______.

a.numerous b. unanimous c. amazing.

4. When two armies flight , it is called

a. battle b.vote c. state

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

  1. How did Ablai Khan get his name?

  2. Why did people respect Ablai Khan ?

  3. What happened to him 171?


VI. Disscussion

What other famous leaders of the of the Kazakh people do you know?

VI. Writing

Write about this topic some sentences or short composition.

About famous leaders

Lesson 6

Theme : Abai Kunanbaev .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics.

Educate pupils that they should learn famous people biography.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary Complete the definition

1. If you change writing or speech from one language into another it is called ­­­____.

a. reservation b. training c. translating

2. Abai's creative _________includes a lot of poems,songs and even some musical works.

a. heritage b. ethical problems c. humanity.

3. His books full of _______and hope that hard times will pass though .

a. result b. approach c. faith

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

  1. What factors influenced Abai to become a well educated person?


VI. Grammar Complete these sentences

  1. His father brought him back to the country where he had to _______ (to prepare) for his future activity as the chief of a big family .

  1. Only some of them _________ (to write) in that period have been kept and can be read now.

  1. But he could not __________ (to finish) his training in town.

VI. Disscussion

Is it worth to be a well-educated person ,give your reasons?

Lesson 7

Theme : Aby Nasyr al-Farabi .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics.

Educate pupils that they should learn famous people biography.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the sentences (absolute,concept,intelegence)

  1. He introduce the ___________of selling books via the land.

  1. The was an _____________disaster.

  1. He is a child of normal _________but he is emotional immature.

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

  1. What is implied by the idea that some scientists named

Al-Farabi "the second teacher"?


VI. Grammar

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of works that is not correct

  1. He wrote 160 treatises in different branches of knowledge.

a b c d

  1. Had studied the world of general theoretical ideas , he offered his own

a b c

philosophical concept.


VI. Disscussion

What other great Kazakh scientists can you name?

Lesson 8

Theme : Olzhas Suleimenov .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics.

Educate pupils that they should learn famous people biography.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary Circle the correct answer

  1. The City lived in harmony with mountains.

  1. The City was situated near mountain.

  2. The City composes the whole with mountains.

  1. The lyrical heroes of his verses are our contemporaries with unusual

bright variety of spiritual interests.

  1. He mainly wrote about people who lived at the same time with him.

  2. He devoted his verses to legendary heroes of the past.

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

  1. When did the first Suleimenov's poetic works appear in public

  2. Expect poetry what other activity was he greatly interested in ?


VI. Grammar Complete these sentences with the articles a, an, zero.

  1. His strength and his roots are in _______Kazakhstan .

  2. Seven is __________special figure.

  3. This man stood at ________ beginning of the wide social movement for

Semipalatinsk nuclear range closing.

VI. Disscussion

What literary works of Olzhas Suleimenov have you read?

Lesson 9

Theme : Additional material .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics.

Educate pupils that they should learn famous people biography.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary Complete the definition

1. If you change writing or speech from one language into another it is called ­­­____.

a. reservation b. training c. translating

2. Abai's creative _________includes a lot of poems,songs and even some musical works.

a. heritage b. ethical problems c. humanity.

3. His books full of _______and hope that hard times will pass though .

a. result b. approach c. faith

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

  1. What сan you say about Abai Kunanbayev?

. 2. Where is Astana situated ?

3. What do you know about Olzhas Suleimenov?

VI. Writing

Make up test 10 questions about the theme Astana.

Lesson 10

Theme : Karagandy


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Developing pupils knowledge about cities .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Fill the categories

1 verbs 2 adjectives 3 name of the places

IV. Comprehension

a)looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1. What can you say about repression period ?

2. What do you know unique cultural heritage?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences

  1. Karlag ____________( came/became ) the place of imprisonment for many workers.

  2. Karaganda history is _______________( close/closely) connected with labor prison- camps.

  3. German and Japanese prisoners of war ________________( participated/participate) in construction of the city.

VI. Discussion

What interesting information do you know nowadays ?

VI . Writing

Write about climate of Karaganda.

Lesson 11

Theme : Atyrau


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Developing pupils knowledge about cities .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete these sentences

a wooden stockade, saga, fortress.

  1. The city was founded in 1640 by brothers Guryev , who built ________

in the mouth of the Yayik (Ural) near Nogai.

  1. The world " atyrau", that used to mean " island is also connected"

with the meaning _____________.

  1. In 1810-15 the _________ was abolished and razed to the ground.

IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1. When the city was founded and by whom ?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences

  1. From 1885 it (was/is) __________ the chief city eyed.

  2. In XXI it was ____________( calling / called) Guryev township.

  3. Balykshy suburb a port on the Ural river ________ situated/ situates

near the Caspian Sea .

VI. Discussion

What can you say at the present Atyrau?

Lesson 12

Theme : Aktau


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Developing pupils knowledge about cities .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete these sentences

Exile,landscape, the range of sharp.

  1. It deceases _________changes of temperature.

  2. Taraz Shevchenko, a Ukrainian poet and artist , who was there in____1850-1857.

  3. A lot of his sketches of local _____ people 's day today life , made with great love ,have been kept safe up to our days.

IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1. Could you say any information about former Mangyshl?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences

1. From 1964 the city __________ was named/is named Shevchenko.

2. Karaghiye ____________ translated/had been translated from Turkic as" Back Jaws".

3. Aktau port is situated / be situating on the eastern coast

of the Caspian Sea .

VI. Discussion

Have you ever been in the port? Describe your impression?

Lesson 13

Theme : Kokshetau


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics and related areas.

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.

Developing pupils knowledge about cities .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete these sentences

a wooden stockade, saga, fortress.

  1. The city was founded in 1640 by brothers Guryev , who built ________

in the mouth of the Yayik (Ural) near Nogai.

  1. The world " atyrau", that used to mean " island is also connected"

with the meaning _____________.

  1. In 1810-15 the _________ was abolished and razed to the ground.

IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1. When the city was founded and by whom ?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences

  1. From 1885 it (was/is) __________ the chief city eyed.

  2. In XXI it was ____________( calling / called) Guryev township.

  3. Balykshy suburb a port on the Ural river ________ situated/ situates

near the Caspian Sea .

VI. Discussion

What can you say at the present Atyrau?

Lesson 14

Theme :Taraz .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics .

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition. Developing pupils knowledge about cities.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Concealed, mentioned, shady gardens, remained

1.In 1936 it was___asMirsoyan city.

2.MedievalTaraz was a populous city with___and noisy bazaars.

3.The city was___in Chinese sources of the middle of the first century BC.

4.One of the most ancient cities of Kazakhstan is Taraz, whose remains are under buildings of the modern city.

IV. Comprehension looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions.

1.What do you know about Kangiuy Associations?

2.tell about sightseeing of Taraz?

V. Grammar. Complete the sentences

1.Since that time and up to our days such pearls of Muslim architecture have been/has been preserved as mausoleums Aisha-Bibi and Babaju-Khatun ,Karahan and Davudbeka.

2.It___was connected /is being connected with political history of the first states in territory of Kazakhstan.

VI. Disscussion

What interesting do you know about the rout of the Great Silk Road.?

VI. Writing

Write about nowadays of Taraz?

Lesson 15

Theme :The gold man.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics .

Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition.Pupil learn the history of archaeological excavation.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Replace the underline words in the sentences with the words below.

Mound,warrior, weapon.

1.In 1970 the scientists found the remaims of a soldier in gold armor in the burial mount 6 meters high and 60 metters in circumference.

2. Some objectsusully used in fighting and war were found in the tomb of the king son.

3. They tried to build high rounded hills over their tombs .

IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions .

1.What was the main sensation in archacology in 1970 ?

What does the figure of the gold man symbolize?

V. Grammar.

Complete the appropriate form of the Participle .

  1. There were more than 4000 pieces of ornaments of gold near him .

  1. made b. making

  1. The fact of ____ a silver bowl with an inscription testifies a high level of saks?

  1. Discovered b. discovering

VI. Disscussion

Would you like to live in Kazakhstan? Why?

VI. Writing

Why are the archeological finds very important for each country?

What was the main reason of gold man's great popularity in Kazakhstan?

Lesson 16

Theme :Dombyra.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition. Educate pupils that they learn Kazakh national musical instrument.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

make up the sentences with the words

Widespread,legends,snatched, obligatry.

IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions .

1.What was the main idea of the legend about dombyra ?

Give the best answer

1.According to the text ,the Kazakh national instrument is similar to ______

a. guitar b. violin c. banjo

2. The elder brother broke the instrument of his younger one because he ______.

a. did not obey him b. was more popular among people c. forget about his family .

3. A dombyra can be only ____.

a. two stringed b. two stringed but three stringed as well c. ever more .

V. Grammar. Make up sentences in the Conditional .





VI. Disscussion

What are other Kazakh national instruments do you know?

Lesson 17

Theme : Nauryz.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics .. Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition. Educate pupils that they should learn holiday for the Kazakh people.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

complete the definition

  1. The 22 nd of March is the day when ________.

a.spring begins b. day is equal to night c. people gather together for religious rituals

2. The words of approval given by old and honorable people to do something in the future are named _______.

a.blessing b.forbidden c. forgetten

3. When the government of the country decideds to celebrate special day , it ______

holiday . a. asks for b. invites c. declares.

. IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions .

1.When Nauryz is celebrated and what does it coincide with ?

2. Why nust the celebration of this holiday be generous ?

V. Grammar.

Complete these centences with the prepositions

With . between of. On. Before.

1.This holiday appreared among the peoples of the East long ____ they become Moslems.

2.This day coincides ___ _ the day of the spring equinox when day and night become equal.

3.The programme _____ the carnival includes different games , sport competations .

VI. Disscussion

Make up story how you celebrate it in your country?

Lesson 18

Theme :. Yurt.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition. Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national "Киіз үй" (felt house).

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Сircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.A yurt is a portable ,felt -covered , wood lattice framed home used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia.

a.light enough to be carried or moved easily

b.Quite stable and impossible to change its shape

2 .The wood frame of a yurt is covered with pieces of felt.

a.thick cloth made of pressed mass of wool.

b.thick strong fabric made of cotton

3. The Yurt is waterproof in stormy rain.

a.can be easily wet through

b . not allowing water to go through

4.There is a hearth in the center of the yurt.

a . the floor of a fireplace

b . a place for the guest to sit

. IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions .

1.What part of yurt considered the most symbolic ?

2. What does the word yurt in Kazakh ?

V. Grammar.

Complete these sentences in the Passive Voice .

  1. The left ___ of wood of sheep .

a.had made b. have been made c. is made

2. The yurt _____ inside into two halves.

a. had been divided b. be divided c. is divided

3. In old Kazakh communities the yurt itself would often ______and rebuilt.

a. be repaired b. is repaired c. was repaired .

VI. Discussion

Describe ideal house for you.

Lesson 19

Theme : Aisha Bibi Mausoleum


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics .. Writing provides stimulus for pupil to write a short composition. Educate pupils that they should learn history of Aisha Bibi Mausoleum.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Choose the correct expression to answer

Nurse, venomous,tomb, fidelity,to fall in love .

1. What idiom means '' to become romantically involved''?

2. Who is the person who bring up the child and looks after it?

3. What is the name of a beast which is very dangerous for people?

4.What is usually put on a grave with the name of the person buried there?

5.Which words means " a high level of devoting "?

. IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer to these questions .

1.What is the main reason for many people to come and

see Aisha Bibi Mauseleum?

V. Grammar.

Choose the word that correctly complete each sentence below.

  1. _________(In spite of /despite of )the time the building still stands.

  2. _____________(Like as a sign/ As a sign ) to recognize her fidelity she was

ranked to be a sacred.

3._____ ( After to/ On ) coming back to Taraz .Karakhan missed the girl . .

VI. Discussion

If you fell in love would you behave as Aisha ?

Lesson 20

Theme : Bayterek.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn the biography of sightseing.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the definition

  1. If you have a strong hope or wish for achievement and success it is

usually called ____. a.aspiration


c. desire

2.When the Congress announced clearly and Thanksgiving a holiday it meant they

_______ it officially . a.pronounced


c. spoke out.

3.Before constructing the building they picked up the most interesting plan or ___.




. IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Give the best answer .

1.Bayterek is a famous building in _________ . a.Astana


2.This monument symbolizes ____________.

a.a certain time when Astana was proclaimed the capital of the country.

b. a state with strong historical roots roots and aspiration for the future prosperity.

V. Grammar.

Complete these sentences with the articles.

  1. The tower also symbolizes a new status of________Astana as anew capital of Kazakhstan.

  2. Some ____ monuments and memorials are not only the element of the city decoration .

  3. Bayterek in its shape and composition expresses the idea of ancient nomands about the structure and origin of ______Universe.

VI. Discussion

Do you know any other statues monuments in your country ?

What are they?

Lesson 21

Theme : Burabai.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh natural beautiful region.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary


  1. Burabai is called a real of nature because ____.

a.it is unique and unforgettable natural oasis.

b. it is very popular among people

2.If the people say that place is mysterious and enigmatic . it means _____ .

a.there a lot of different legends about it.

b. that some aliens visited it once..

3. When people say about a mountain that even an arrow can't reach it . it means

that ___.

a. this mountain is really very high

b. this mountain is rocky .

. IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Answer the questions.

1. Why has Burabai become a place of people's admiration?

2. What is the main architect of this natural beauty?

V. Discussion

  1. Some people prefer to have their rest going flora and fauna .

What must be done to keep them this harmful intervention?

  1. Do you know any legends about amazing place and fantastic

word created by nature?

Lesson 22

Theme : Turkistan.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn history of town .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Replace the underlined words in the sentences with the words below.

1.Some outstanding monuments of great cultural and historical importance.

Exist in the form of mounds, fortresses, mausoleums and even whole settlements.

2.Many countries sent their official representatives to this city.

3. In his talks on religious and moral subjects he convinced people to be honest:

He taught them to despise greediness and avidity.

IV. Comprehension

looking for main ideas

Write complete answer s to these questions.

1. Who brought great popularity to the city ?

2. What was Turkistan mainly famous for?

Looking for details

1.The city is about 1.500years old . T . F.

2.It is the largest city in Central Asia by the number of tombs and mausoleums located there. T . F.

3. His poem were very popular : they were learned by heart and recited in many places but only inside the country. T. F.

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences

  1. ______ (Existing /existed ) today mausoleum was built 233 years later after his death.

  2. The city _______(was situated/being situated) near the Great Silk Way.

  3. A famous and highly _____(Respecting /respected ) in Islam world poet Hodzha Ahmet Jassavy brought it great popularity.

VI Writing

What does it mean to be honest ? Give your idea about it?

Lesson 23

Theme : Additional material .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh famous people .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the definition

Circle the letter of the correct answer

1. Who brought great popularity to the city ?

2. What was Turkistan mainly famous for?

Looking for details

1.The city is about 1.500years old . T . F.

2.It is the largest city in Central Asia by the number of tombs and mausoleums located there. T . F.

3. His poem were very popular : they were learned by heart and recited in many places but only inside the country. T. F.

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1.Accoding to the passage ,what is the main idea of the text ?

2.To become winner in aitys what main qualities should participant have ?

  1. Why is kumis so popular among people?

V. Grammar

Identify one underline word that must be changed for the sentence to be correct :

1.Many of them have received big popularity between people.

A b c d

2.The genre of aitys has not lost his actuality and continues to live in the

A b c

Kazakh culture till now.


VI. Discussion

  1. Can you play any musical instruments?

2.Have you ever seen or heard about aitys before?

What are your impression of it?

Lesson 24

Theme : Customs of hospitality.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn traditions of hospitality .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

complete the sentences

Traveler, hospitality, wood.

1.To receive any ___ is an ancient Kazakh traditional.

2. Kumis was poured in special cups made of ____.

3. Dastarhan is not only the traditional of a feast , but also a whole philosophy of ____.

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1. What is traditionally put on the table in front of the most honorable guest ?

2. Why is it very important to give a certain piece of meat to each guest?

3. What are the large dinner for meat usually made of ?

V. Discussion

What other traditions of hospitality do you know ?

Lesson 25

Theme : Kazakh national cuisine.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national food .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

What is the meaning of the word

1.Hospitality - a. kindness and special behavior to guests

b. feeling of gratitude towards the table

2. Attitude - a. the way you feel about somebody or something

b. special manner of behavior at the table

3. Preference - a. a special card game usually played by guests

b. desire or custom to use one thing rather than another

4. Storing - a. keeping something for use in the future

b. preparing food by boil in

5. dairy - a. products which are not sweet

b. products which made from milk

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1. Which method of cooking is traditionally preferred the Kazakh cuisine ?

2. Accoding to ancient traditions what sort of food a guest is usually served first?

V. Grammar

If it is correct write C , incorrect write I :

  1. Boiled meat usually was served with whole large pieces___.

  2. The host cut meat each guest giving dainty pieces____.

  3. Milk other dairy products were widely used _____.

VI. Discussion

  1. What is your favorite dish ? If it possible , explain why ?

  2. What dishes can you prepare?

Lesson 26

Theme : Kumis.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national food .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the definition

1.The general opinion that people have about somebody or something is usually

called ____ . a. reputation

b. idea

c. behavior

2. The particular way food or drink can be recognized by its taste or smell is _____.

a. flavor

b. excite

c. stimulate

3. _____is the place where people usually live.

a. castle

b. dwelling

c. stadium

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

  1. Accoding to the text what domestic animals was of great importance for nomads?

  2. Why is kumis so popular among people?

V. Grammar

The sentences below have 4 underline words or phrases

Identify one underline word that must be changed for the sentence to be correct :

1.Since ancient times kumis has a strong reputation of a all purpose medicine, it is really true.

A b c d

2.There are about 40 types of this beverage made from mare's milk.

A b c d

3.The horse was of great importance than other domestic animals.

A b c d

VI. Discussion

  1. Why do people drink dairy drinks?

  2. Describe soft drink you like most of all?

VII. Writing

Different nations have their specific drinks. What do you know about them ?

Lesson 27

Theme : Aitys.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national folklore .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the definition

Circle the letter of the correct answer

1.If you want to praise and honor someone or to make him seem more excellent than it is actually true you usually ____him .

a. glorify b. stimulate c. estimate

2. A set of special events ,mainly musical performances and plays ,usually happening

in one place can be named as a_______.

a. arrival b. festival c. civilization

3. An activity done by a number of people ,each of them is trying to do better than all

the others, is commonly called _______.

  1. composition b. congregation c. competition

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1.Accoding to the passage ,what is the main idea of the text ?

2.To become winner in aitys what main qualities should participant have ?

  1. Why is kumis so popular among people?

V. Grammar

Identify one underline word that must be changed for the sentence to be correct :

1.Many of them have received big popularity between people.

A b c d

2.The genre of aitys has not lost his actuality and continues to live in the

A b c

Kazakh culture till now.


VI. Discussion

  1. Can you play any musical instruments?

2.Have you ever seen or heard about aitys before?

What are your impression of it?

Lesson 28

Theme : Kazakh national games.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national games..

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the sentences

a Kurban and Oraza Aits. b. game c. ladies and zhigits

1. ".Kyz kuu" is another ______ typical of Kazakh tradition which is still to be found

2. People would gather at a race course, and young ___________would have their racehorses prepared

3. . Kyz kuu was usually held in conjunction with other big celebrations, as during ____________.

Give the question to the underline words :

People prepared much food plenty of kumiss. Of course, as it was a celebration, everybody would wear his or her best clothes. People in attendance would eat and watch Kyz Kuu.

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

  1. Ak suiek" is a very ancient or modern game.?

  2. When did its play this game. when all the players gathered ?

  3. What is the game picking tenge from the ground on a horse ?

V. Discussion

Can you say about national games of Kazakh ?

Lesson 29

Theme : Additional material .


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh famous people .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

What is the meaning of the word

1.Hospitality - a. kindness and special behavior to guests

b. feeling of gratitude towards the table

2. Attitude - a. the way you feel about somebody or something

b. special manner of behavior at the table

3. Preference - a. a special card game usually played by guests

b. desire or custom to use one thing rather than another

4. Storing - a. keeping something for use in the future

b. preparing food by boil in

5. dairy - a. products which are not sweet

b. products which made from milk

IV. Comprehension

answer to these questions.

  1. Ak suiek" is a very ancient or modern game.?

  2. When did its play this game. when all the players gathered ?

  3. What is the game picking tenge from the ground on a horse ?

V. Grammar

Identify one underline word that must be changed for the sentence to be correct :

1.Many of them have received big popularity between people.

A b c d

2.The genre of aitys has not lost his actuality and continues to live in the

A b c

Kazakh culture till now.


VI. Discussion

What do you say about Kazakh national instruments.

Lesson 30

Theme : Eagle.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national bird history.

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Which of substituted for the underline

1.courageous - a. original b. brave skilled

2. lambs - a. baby cow b. a baby deer c. a baby sheep

3. authority - a. the power to control or demand obedience from other

b. the desire to be the best

c. the ability to understand everything

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

  1. Was was the eagle chosen as the symbol of many countries , including the USA ,the Russian Federation ,Kazakhstan ,etc.?

  2. Describe the bird in detail ?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences

  1. Eagle look ______( fierce/ fiercely ) and they soar gracefully high in the air .

  2. The head of an eagle is large and _________( covered / covering ) with feathers.

  3. Eagle vary in size ________( depending / depended ) on the species and individuals.

VI. Discussion

  1. If you could be a bird or an animal , what would you be ? Why ?

VII. Writing

Tell a story about animal.

Lesson 31

Theme : Kazakhstan typical animals . Snow leopard.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national animals .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the sentences

Solitary,Dexterity,livestock, mammal.

  1. Any animals in which the female to babies ,not eggs, and feeds them on milk from its own baby is a ________________.

  2. If you are only one not with any other people , you feel____________.

  3. The ability to use part of the body skillfully in doing something is ___________.

  4. We can name domestic animals which are kept on a farm ____________.

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1.What is the animal the snow leopard resembles by its manner?

V. Writing

Give a short summary

Lesson 32

Theme : National park.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn Kazakh national park history .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Replace the words

Forbidden, sport, immence.

1.This lake attracts extremely large number of waterfowl in period of spring migration .

2. Hunting is not allowed .

3. For many centuries it was a particular place where various rituals and sacrifices

took place.

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1.What national park is famous for its unique canyon ?

2.What are the four lakes near the Mount Bayan Aul are compared with ?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences :

1.One can name many other places _______ their virgin beauty.

a. keeping

b.to keep

c. kept

2. This lake _______ immense number of waterfowl in period of spring migration .

a. attracts

b. attract

c. attracting

3. The majority of animals and birds ______ there were put down in the Red Book .

A. living

b. lived

c. being lived

VI. Discussion

  1. Have you ever been to any national park?

  2. Describe your impression .

VII. Writing

Write about the most interesting place.

Lesson 33

Theme : Nature of Almaty.


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn the biography of the town .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the sentences

Suburb , capital , panorama

1.The city which is in the center of government for the country is always the_____ .

2. From the top floor of the hotel you get a _____of the whole city .

3 Most of the people who live in the _____work in the city..

IV. Comprehension

  1. Where is Almaty situated ?

  2. When did the history of the city begin?

  3. When did Almaty become the capital ?

  4. How many people live in this remarkable city?

V. Grammar

Complete the sentences :

At, by within , in after.

  1. Almaty is unique ___ its location as well as its cultural atmosphere.

  2. This beautiful city ____the foot of emerald green mountain range is named as a "city- garden".

VI. Discussion

Where do you prefer to sent your vacation '' visiting big cities''

VII. Writing

The city of your dream , describe it.

Lesson 34

Theme : Review all the material


Students should first read each passage individually; skimming for the general feel for the content, detailed reading can be help them to develop reading skills, to work through the vocabulary exercise, to retell the passage giving their own ideas and discuss some points.

Grammar focuses on aspects of the language suggested by the reading passage itself.

Discussion gives pupils the opportunity to bring their own knowledge and imagination to the topics . Educate pupils that they should learn about Kazakhstan .

Plan of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. New material

-Work with the text

-Detailed reading

III. Vocabulary

Complete the definition

1.The general opinion that people have about somebody or something is usually

called ____ . a. reputation

b. idea

c. behavior

2. . authority - a. the power to control or demand obedience from other

b. the desire to be the best

c. the ability to understand everything

IV. Comprehension

Looking for details

answer to these questions.

1.Why is kumis so popular among people?

2. Why has Burabai become a place of people's admiration?


V. Grammar

The sentences below have 4 underline words or phrases

Identify one underline word that must be changed for the sentence to be correct :

1.Since ancient times kumis has a strong reputation of a all purpose medicine, it is really true.

A b c d

2.There are about 40 types of this beverage made from mare's milk.

A b c d

3.The horse was of great importance than other domestic animals.

A b c d

VI. Writing

Write essay about Kazakhstan .

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