Нестандартый урок «Технический перевод»

Данное занятие считаю нестандартным, так как использую интерактивные методы обучения техническому переводу на английском языке. Публикую на этом сайте, так как это мне поможет для аттестации на 1 категорию.Данное занятие считаю нестандартным, так как использую интерактивные методы обучения техническому переводу на английском языке. Публикую на этом сайте, так как это мне поможет для аттестации на 1 категорию. Данное занятие считаю нестандартным, так как использую интерактивные методы обучения те...
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Тамбовское областное государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Аграрно-промышленный колледж»

Г. Кирсанов, Тамбовская область.

Урок английского языка по техническому переводу на III курсе отделения 110809 «Механизация сельского хозяйства» Аграрно-промышленного колледжа.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to read and understand a text about the car fuel system, make written translation of it, and raise their awareness about the work of fuel system.

Lesson Procedure

  1. Teacher's Introductory Word.

Teacher: Good morning, dear young boys! I'm glad to see you. I invite you to take part in the lesson devoted to the internal structure of the automobile, namely, fuel system. You will get acquainted with the device of fuel system. Also, you'll have plenty of practice in translation. I hope that by the end of the lesson you'll improve your translation skills.

  1. Reading Exercises.

Exercise 1. Endless Word

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. Can you find four words in this long word?


( Key: Displacement, distinction, exhaust, friction)

How did you find the right answers? How did you find out where one word ends and the other begins? Did you check your answers in a dictionary? Do you know the meaning of these words? What do they mean?

Teacher: I'm glad that you've coped with this difficult task. Now, let's continue!

Exercise 2. Can you read and translate the following words and word combinations?

Break point, to cause, combustion chamber, compression, current, enclosed, exhaust valve, to exit, to expand, fuel, to generate, performance, to pull, to reduce, to release, to rub, smooth.

Exercise 3.

Teacher: Now, let's practice translation. I suggest you translate the text into Russian language and answer the following questions:

  1. What is fuel system?

  2. What is the unit of the fuel system?

  3. Is the same whether the system of petrol and diesel engine?

  4. Where is the fuel tank of a car?

  5. How does the fuel pump work?

  6. What is the design of the fuel level sensor?

  7. Where fuel is cleared?

  8. What is needed injection system?

( Pupils are given out the worksheets with the text: see Appendix)

Exercise 4.

Translate into Russian the following word combination:

Power the motor vehicle fuel, fuel tank, the fuel pump, fuel level sensor, fuel filter, injection system, petrol engine, diesel engine, on the rear underside of the vehicle, to maintain the working pressure, an electric drive.

Exercise 5.

Find in the text (see Appendix) the English equivalents for the following words:

(Pupils are given out the worksheets)

Конструкция датчика, перемещение поплавка, изменение уровня топлива, повышение сопротивления цепи, уменьшение напряжения, запас топлива, современный автомобиль, рабочее давление, излишки топлива, сливной топливопровод, замена топливного фильтра, топливно-воздушная смесь.

Exercise 6.

Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given exercise 5. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.

Exercise 7.

Work in pairs and decide whether these statements according to the text (see Appendix) are true or false:

(Pupils are given out the worksheets)

1.Fuel system is designed to power the motor vehicle. 2. The fuel system of petrol and diesel engines is mainly similar device. 3. The fuel tank in a car is usually located in front of the car. 4. The fuel pump maintains the working pressure in the fuel system. 5. Purification by incoming fuel is performed into the fuel pump.

6. Fuel in the system circulates through the fuel lines.

III. Teacher: Let's summarize our work. So, today we are found:

fuel system is designed …

Pupil 1: to power the motor vehicle fuel, it is storage and cleaning.

Teacher: Which parts of the fuel system is?

Pupil 2: The fuel system of car has fuel tank, the fuel pump, fuel level sensor, fuel filter, fuel lines, injection system.

Teacher: The fuel tank is designed …

Pupil 3: to store a stock of fuel.

Teacher: Where the fuel pump is installed?

Pupil 4: The fuel pump is installed into the fuel tank.

Teacher: What is its function?

Pupil 5: The fuel pump supplies fuel to the injection system and maintains the working pressure in the fuel system.

Teacher: Where the fuel level sensor is installed?

Pupil 6: The fuel level sensor installed in the fuel tank.

Teacher: What happens when changing the fuel level in the tank?

Pupil 7: Changes in the level of fuel increases the resistance in the circuit and reduce the stress on the fuel gauge.

Teacher: Purification by in coming fuel is performed into …

Pupil 8: the fuel filter.

Teacher: What is the function of the fuel lines?

Pupil 9: Fuel in the system circulates though the fuel lines.

Teacher: The injection system is adapted …

Pupil 10: to form an air-fuel mixture by injection of fuel.

Teacher: Now, translate the following sentences into English using a dictionary. Next lesson we'll discuss your translation and choose the best version.

  1. По виду применяемого топлива двигатели могут быть бензиновыми, дизельными, газовыми и многотопливными.

  2. У бензиновых и газовых двигателей горючая смесь приготовляется в карбюраторах вне цилиндров, а у дизельных - образуется внутри цилиндров.

  3. При ходе поршня к верхней мертвой точке в цилиндр через форсунку впрыскивается дизельное топливо, подаваемое топливным насосом.


Fuel system

Fuel system (another name for the fuel supply system) is designed to power the motor vehicle fuel, as well as its storage and cleaning.

The fuel system of the car has the following device: fuel tank, the fuel pump, fuel level sensor, fuel filter, fuel lines, injection system.

The fuel system of petrol and diesel engines is mainly similar devise. The principal difference has the injection system.

The fuel tank is designed to store a stock of fuel required to operate the engine. The fuel tank in a car is usually located on the rear underside of the vehicle. The fuel tank provides an average of 500 kilometers a specific vehicle.

The fuel pump supplies fuel to the injection system and maintains the working pressure in the fuel system. The fuel pump is installed in the fuel tank and has an electric drive.

In the fuel tank with the pump mounted fuel level sensor. Sensor design includes float and potentiometer. Movement of the float when the fuel level in the tank results in a change in position of the potentiometer. This in turn leads to an increase in resistance in the circuit and reduce the voltage across the fuel gauge.

Purification by incoming is performed into the fuel filter. On modern automotive fuel filter is integrated in the pressure relief valve that regulates the operating pressure of the system. Surplus fuel discharged from the valve on the fuel return pipe. On engines with direct fuel injection pressure reducing valve in the fuel filter is not installed.

Fuel filter fuel system of diesel engines has a slightly different design, but the essence of his work remains the same. On a periodic basis replacing the fuel filter assembly, or just the filter element.

Fuel in the system circulates through the fuel lines. Distinguish between the supply and return pipe. In the fuel supply supported operating pressure. According to drain the excess oil is removed the fuel line to the fuel tank.

The injection system is adapted to form an air - fuel mixture by injection of fuel.

Литература и Интернет ресурсы:

  1. Шевцова Г. В., Лебедева О. Г., Сумина В. Е., Рождественская С. В. Английский язык для профиля «Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство»: учебник для студ. учреждений высш. проф. образования. - М.: Академия, 2012.

  2. systemsauto.ru/fuel/fuel.htm/

  3. procivic.ru/logbook/service/honda-civic-fuel-air-system/

  4. autoustroistvo.ru/dvigatel-dvs/sistema-pitaniya-dvigatelja/

  5. nashol.com/2011041354404/chtenie-i-perevod-angliiskoi-nauchnoi-i-tehnicheskoi-literaturi-leksiko-grammaticheskii-spravochnik-rubcova-m-g.html

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