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Конспект урока по английскому языкуПравила поведения за столомУрок английского языка по теме "Table Manners"

Цель урока:

- обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Как вести себя за столом;
- совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения.


Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

- совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения;
- расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

2. Развивающие:

- развитие способности к распределению внимания, к сравнению и обобщению;
- формирование способности к формулированию выводов из прочитанного, к планированию своего высказывания;
- развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.

3. Воспитательные:

- развитие эстетических вкусов;
- формирование потребности, способности к осознанию образа жизни, поведения людей другой культуры и своей родной культуры.

Оснащение урока: Тематические картинки, магнитофон

Ход урока

I. Greetings. Introduction to the plot.

T: Good afternoon, dear girls and boys.
Good afternoon our guests. I am very glad to see you.
How are you, children?
CI: Fine, thank you

T: Ok. Then we'll begin our lesson. Table Manners are very important if you eat in a restaurant or at home. Imagine that your friend invited your to his party. It is very important to follow table manners. Today we are going to speak about them.

II. Warming up. 1. T: I want you to see a fragment from the film and say if the boys really have a problem.

(Учащиеся смотрят фрагмент фильма)

T: You have just seen a fragment . Do these boys really have a problem?

P: Yes, they do.

T: What problem do they have?

P: They don't know table manners.

T: You are right. I'm sure all people should know table manners. Today we are going to speak about them.

Let's remind some words:

Ложка,вилка,нож,тарелка, салфетка,рот,локти,колени,кусать,жеватьпередавать,грубый,вежливый,.положи салфетку на колени,локти прижаты к бокам.

T: Tell me ,what table manners you know .

P1: You should sit straight at the table.

P2: Elbows close to your sides.

P3: The fork goes on the left. ... ...

T :what is rude?

P: It is rude to eat without your fork and spoon…….P,P,P

Ex. On the blackboard:

To eat with your fingers

To talk at table polite

To play with your food

To sit straight

To speak when your mouth is full of food rude

To use a fork and a knife

To watch yourself

To bite more than you can chew

To thank after meal

III. Reading

T.: There is a sheet of paper with the text on it on each desk Please read the text 'At the table"

First: read new words, and then look through the text, read aloud

At the table

  1. Be punctual.

  2. Wash your hands before coming to table.

  3. In America, they invite others at the table to "Enjoy". In France, they say "Bon Appetite». Germans say,"Gutten appetite", and Italians,"Buon Appetito".The British say nothing.

  4. Take your napkin and put it on your lap.

  5. Sit up straight and keep your elbows off the table.

  6. Ask the people around you kindly to pass things that are far from you, then, thank them.

  7. Whenever you are asked , pass things as quickly and as kindly as possible.

  8. If you sneeze or cough while you are at the table, turn your head from the food and cover your mouth.

  9. Try not to stuff your mouth full of food .Also try not to talk when your mouth is full of food.

  10. It is not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on the saucer.

  11. Don't eat from your knife.

  12. Never read while eating.

  13. While you are eating, put the knife and fork on the edge of your plate. Try not to put them down on the table.

  14. Hands should be kept in your lap when you are not eating.

  15. Before you leave the table, remember to thank the person who was kind enough to prepare your food.

To be punctual -приходить вовремя







while eating-во время еды

edge- край


Ex; Translate from Russian into English:

Say true or false:

  1. In Britain, they invite others at the table to "Enjoy".

  2. You should eat with your fork and spoon.

  3. The knife goes on the right of your plate.

  4. Take your napkin and put it on the table.

  5. To talk at table is polite.

  6. Sit as straight as you could.

  7. Talk when your mouth is full of food.

  8. When you are not eating hands should be kept in your lap

  9. If something on the table is too far away, you can stand up and take it.

  10. When you are leaving, you should thank the host and hostess.

Ex We should be polite at the table. Let's learn how you should ask the people around you

kindly to pass things that are far from you,

-Could you pass me the salt, please?(the salad, the sugar, the pepper, some bread)

-Here you are

-Thank you

Ex Now Give a good piece of advice to the boy-What he should and shouldn't do.(Presentation)

I think it's time to sing our song; Table manners

Ex; Match the picture and the meaning;

1I am going to eat more 2 I'm finished 3 The table is set.

EX ;Fill in the gaps with the necessary wordwrite in the copybooks)

The …….. goes on the right of your plate.

The ……… goes on the left of your plate.

Use ………while eating soup.

Use ………. while eating cakes and stew.

Also try not to talk when your …….. is full of food.

Never play with your ………..

……. close to your sides

Home task exA p131

VIII. Marks.

T: I thank you for your excellent work and give only good marks. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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