• Преподавателю
  • Иностранные языки
  • Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Қазақстанда кездесетін өсімдіктер. Растения, которые встречаются в Казахстане (7 класс)

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Қазақстанда кездесетін өсімдіктер. Растения, которые встречаются в Казахстане (7 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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The plan of the lesson

Subject Ағылшын тілі

Date 23.01.2015 Grade (form) 7

The theme lesson

The aims of the lesson: Қазақстанда кездесетін өсімдіктер

Тo give information about the world of plants

  1. to presentation Present Perfect Tense, to do exercises and check orally or writing them , to introduce the topic "Types of plants meet in Kazakhstan"

  2. to develop cognitive interest, creative abilities, cognitive abilities-speech, memory, attention

  3. to form moral qualities, to interest students in learning English

Type of the lesson combined lesson

The equipment of the lesson______tape - recorder

Intersubject connections __Russian, Kazakh____

Methods used at the lesson_- individual work and group work Visual aids: SB, tape recorder.

Contents of the lesson

№ п/п

Stages of the lesson

Contents of the lesson

Organization moment


-pointing of absentees;

-control of students' appearance;

-control of appearance of the classroom;

-concentration of students' attention


Teacher: - Good morning, students! How are you?

Students: - We are fine, thank you.

Teacher: - Sit down, please! Who is on duty today?

Student 1: - I am on duty today.

Teacher: - Is everybody here?

Student 1: - Everybody is here.

Teacher: - What date and day is it today?

Teacher: - Thank you. Sit down, please.

To explain aim of the lesson

Today we have non-traditional lesson.

There are two teams here, the first team is "Karazhyra" and the second one is « Altai-altyn ». Teacher is the bank. As any firm you have some stocks, but they are not enough for realization of your ideas. To realize your future plans, it is necessary to have enough money which you can receive in our bank. If you do our tasks correctly you receive a credit. Educational bank has special money. The tasks are estimated with tenge.

And if you cannot do the task or the answer is wrong then I take some of your stocks. At the end of the game we will count money and your stocks, the team that has earned the most money and saved its stocks will win.

I give the table for each firm, where the presidents will write or point of member's answers

Checkup of homework

500 tenge

What was your home task? Do have any questions?

Every team must give characteristic about animal:

  1. a wolf

  2. a rabbit timid ['tɪmɪd] қорқақ

Key words

1000 tenge

New words. - Game "Chain"

You must new word and its translation. If I call the name of student he or she must read new word without stopping. If he or she stops reading, I'll take away your stock.

















































cultivated plants

['kʌltɪveɪtɪd plɑːnts]



(growing) wild

['grouɪŋ] [waɪld]
























2000 tenge

Before reading, look at the title, explain new theme using presentation

Predict what kind of text it is and what it is about;

Lexical theme: "Types of plants meet in Kazakhstan"

Types of plants meet in Kazakhstan

Plants are divided into three parts. They are: trees, shrubberies and grass. Trees have one bole. Shrubberies have a lot of caulis-bole. Grass has a soft caulis.

What need the plants for their growing? Feeding, light, warm, air, water necessary for their growing.

We divide the plants into two parts. They are cultivated and (growing) wild plants.

Algae don't have roots. They don't have caulis and leaves. Algae don't have flowers.

Mosses have caulis and leaves. They don't have roots and flowers.

Fern have caulis, roots and leaves.

  1. They must translate this text into Kazakh - 200 tenge

  2. They must translate some sentence into English - 500 tenge

1000 tenge



5000 tenge

The Past Perfect Tense (Аяқталған өткен шақ) (presentation)

Past Perfect іс әрекеттің өткен шақта ,белгілі бір уақытқа дейін орындалғанын, сонымен қатар белгілі бір іс әрекеттің басқа іс әрекетке дейін маңызды болғанын көрсетеді.

had + Past Participle (Өткен шақтағы көсемше)

I didn't go to see the film last night because I had seen it before.-

Мен оны бұрын көрмегендіктен кеше мен киноға барған жоқпын.

Сұраулы сөйлемде көмекші етістік бастауыштың алдына қойылады:

□ Had he finished his work before they arrived?

Болымсыз сөйлемдерде болымсыздық белгісі not had көмекші етістіктерінен кейін қойылады:

□ Не had not (hadn't) finished his work before they arrived.

by two o'clock - к двум часам, 2-ге таман

by noon -к полудню, түске таман

by Saturday - к субботе, сенбіге таман

by the 15th of September -к 15 сентября, 15-ші қыркүйекке таман

by then - к этому/тому времени, осы уақытқа таман

by that time - к тому времени, сол уақытқа таман

by the end of the week- к концу недели, аптаның соңына таман

by the end of the year -к концу года , жылдың соңына таман

Бекітуге арналған жаттығуларды орындау (Тақтада команда капитандары орындайды)

1 Put this sentence into negative and Interrogative sentences in the Past Perfect Tense.- Sam had gathered flowers by 7 o'clock yesterday.

  1. Student had learnt about plants by 9 p.m


5000 tenge

-conclusions on main questions of the theme, generalization and systematization of learnt material;

Presentation a song "WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD"

What kind of plants do you see and listen in this song?

What parts of speech do they connect?

What can you say about they?

Home work

-work on text, lecture notes;

-fulfilment of exercises and problem solving;

-fulfilment of writing and graphic works;

-alternative task


Retell the text

New words

Resume of the lesson

-brief conclusion of the work done;

evaluation and commentation of students' work(Оқушылар өздері бағалайды)

Brief outlook for the next lesson;

Teacher G Smagulova signature

  1. 1. Ұйымдастыру - 2 мин

  2. Today we have non-traditional lesson.

There are two teams here, the first team is "Karazhyra" and the second one is «Altai-altyn ». Teacher is the bank. As any firm you have some stocks, but they are not enough for realization of your ideas. To realize your future plans, it is necessary to have enough money which you can receive in our bank. If you do our tasks correctly you receive a credit. Educational bank has special money. The tasks are estimated with tenge.

And if you cannot do the task or the answer is wrong then I take away some of your stocks. At the end of the game we will count money and your stocks, the team that has earned the most money and saved its stocks will win.

I give the table for each firm, where the presidents will write or point of member's answers

  1. Every team must give characteristic about animal:

a wolf fearless ['fɪələs] 1000 тенге

a rabbit timid ['tɪmɪd] қорқақ

  1. Vocabulary Мен оқимын олар қайталайды

Game "Chain" You must new word and its translation. If I call the name of student he or she must read new word without stopping. If he or she stops reading, I'll take away your stock- 2000 тенге

  1. Мен тақырыпты презентациямен түсіндіремін

  2. Оқушылар мәтінді аударады 5000 тенге

  3. Мәтіндегі 2 сөйлемді әр топ аударады 200 тенге және 500 тенге

  4. Физминутка 500 тенге

  5. Презентация грамматика Қайталау сұрақтары 200 и 500 тенге

  6. Капитандар сөйлемді тақтада жазады 5000 тенге и 5000 тенге

  7. Қорытынды Ән қосу 2000 тенге

What kind of plants do you see and listen in this song?

What parts of speech do they connect?

What can you say about them?

12 Ақшаларын санаймын Жеңімпазды хабарлау

Президеттерге сөз берем 500 тенге

13 Үй тапсырмасы


  1. Үш тілділікке байланысты жаттығу

Мына сөйлемдердегі көп нүктенің орнына тиісті сөзді қойып, аудару.

    1. Algae don't have… …. and …... Fern have caulis, roots and leaves - 5000 tenge

    2. Mosses have … and …. They don't have … and …..- 5000 tenge

  1. Берілген сөздерден мақал-мәтелдер құрастырып, орысша, қазақша баламасын табу.- 2000 tenge


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