Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса


Мною предлагается методическая разработка итоговой контрольной работы по английскому языку для обучающихся в 8 классе по УМК « Счастливый Английский» "Enjoy English" авторов М.З. Биболетовой и Н.Н.Трубаневой . Целью итоговой контрольной работы является проверка знаний, навыков и умений, которыми овладели обучающиеся в течение учебного года. Представленная итоговая работа состоит из упражнений различного типа. Она включает в себя задания на проверку уровня владения лексикой ,употребления артиклей, видовременных форм глагола , задание по словообразованию в формате ОГЭ и упражнение на употребление Active or Passive Voice. Также мною прилагаются ключи для проверки данной работы.

  1. Fill in the articles a\ an, the, - if it is necessary.

1…. windows are dirty. Why haven't you cleaned them?

2. Did the film have … happy end?

3. What was… weather like yesterday?

4. Travelling by … car is a pleasure, isn't it ?

5. The lesson of Maths is in … room eight.

6. What can you tell us about … climate in your area?

7. We usually book tickets in … advance.

8. Teens choose how to spend … money they have earned by themselves.

9. He has got … Saturday job at the local post- office.

10. Alice was sure Olga would enjoy … party.

II. Complete the sentences putting the verbs into the correct form. ( Conditionals II ,III)

  1. If the weather …( be)… nice, we …(go)… skiing last Sunday.

  2. Where … you …(go)… if you …(be)… on holiday?

  3. If you …(listen)… to me, you… (not\do)… so many mistakes.

  4. If you …(know)… English better, you…(win)…the competition last time.

  5. If we …(take)… care of our planet, we …(not\have) so many environmental problems.

III.Choose the correct verb form in Active or Passive Voice.

1. I am sure the task …(finish)…tomorrow.

2. Last lesson he …(ask) … to make a report.

3. Our classroom…(clean)… before we came to school.

4. We couldn't get into the house because the key…(loose) .

5. The show…(start)… before we got to the theatre.

IV. Find the word (a,b,c,d) which doesn't go with the first one.

  1. Comfortable: a) apartment b) meeting c) furniture d) environment

  2. Person: a) ambitious b) dependent c) own d) tolerant

  3. Borrow: a) script b) money c) wisdom d) guidebook

  1. Form the word that fits suitably in the blank space.

  1. The idea came to his mind while he … the news. WATCH

  2. I came late. My mother opened the door and … anything. NOT\SAY

  3. Our TV set was absolutely new. We … it a week ago. BUY

  4. Tom … his homework when I came into the room. DO

  5. He showed me the photo of a girl. I understood that I … her many times. She was a film star. SEE


  1. 1. The 2. A 3. The 4. - 5. - 6. The 7. - 8. The 9. A 10. The

  2. 1. Had been \ would have gone 2. Would … go \were 3. Had listened \ wouldn't have done 4.had known \ would have won 5. Took \ wouldn't have

  3. 1. Will be finished 2.was asked 3. Had been cleaned 4.was lost 5.had started

  4. 1. B 2. C 3. C

  5. 1. Was watching 2. Didn't say 3. Bought 4. Was doing 5. Had seen

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