Урок What Can We Buy in the Shop?

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

I организационный этап

  • Good morning, dear friends. Nice to meet you! Sit down, please. Let's greet each other, ask in a chain: How are you?

  • What do we need to speak English correctly? (to know letters, sounds and rules of reading, train the pronunciation).

  • That's right. Let's revise some sounds and words. (slide 1)

Phonetic drill

  • Look at the slide and say after me:

[æ] apples, bags, cabbage, carrots, ham, jam, parrots, sad, sandwiches

[ʌ] butter, funny, hungry, honey, nuts

[e] bread, eggs, lemons, pens, pencils, pets

[i] drink, fish, milk

[i:] cheese, eat, ice cream, green, meat, sweets, tea

[u] book, good, workbook

[u:] food, fruit, school


  • It's time to play with a ball: Do you like sweets (milk, cheese, bananas, fish)

  • Yes, I do/No, I don't.

  • II. Мотивационно-проблематизирующий

  • Do you remember the previous lesson? What did we do?

  • What are we going to do today? What's the topic of the lesson?

  • To answer the question we'll listen to the dialogue between Miss Chatter and Dino. What would they like?

  • They would like blue pens, green pencils, carrots and apples.

  • So, what's the topic of the lesson? (What can we buy in the shop?).

III. Деятельностный этап. (slide 3)

Well, open you exercise-books, write down the date. Today is the 29th of October. What day of a week is it? (It's Thursday); and the topic of the lesson. Buy [bai] - купить.

Open your books at page 27.

  • Look at the pictures one more time. What names of the shops? What else can you see. What are they? (food, fruit, vegetables). What other words do you know? So, what are we going to do today?

(to say what can we buy in different shops).

The aim of the lesson - to learn how to say what I can buy in which shop.

  • What reason do we need it for? (если поедем отдыхать в англоязычную страну, будем уметь говорить, что где купить).

  • Work in a group.

So, I have 3 envelopes with cards and sheets of paper with the names of the shops. Your task is to match cards with the suitable shop, stick them and say: I can buy …

Boys and girls, if you like you may stick the cards in the alphabetical order.

How much time do you need for the work? (5 minutes)

-Time's up, let's check up your work. The first group, please, come out.

- Is it right? Well done. Perfect. Good job.

Have you got extra cards? Yes, we have. Read the word on them. (ham, hens, meat). Where can we buy the food? In the meat shop. Say what can you buy in the meat shop.


- Do you want to play? Who wants to be instead of me? Revise the letters and the actions but! Attention, please: say the word we can buy in the shops.

Give me your five. Thank you, take your seat. (приготовить игрушки).

  • Look at me. What can you see? (a rabbit, a ball, a dinosaur) Toys. Do you like toys? What's your favourite?

Can you buy toys in the green shop? (in the white shop, or I know in the school shop.) Where can we buy it? (in the funny toys shop - stick the sheet)

  • Work in a pairs. (slide 4) Ask the question: What can you buy In the funny toys shop? But first look at ex. 4 at p. 27. What should you do? A word combinations. (a bright ball, a beautiful doll, a white rabbit).

  • Distribute flashcards. Look at your flashcard and say where you can buy a thing or some food.

  • Come out to the board and say where you can buy the thing. (individual).

IV. Оценочно-рефлексивный.

  • Прием Синквейн

  • Слово, отражающее суть урока Shop

  • название магазина

  • действие, относящееся к первому слову

  • What? (предмет или продукт питания)

  • Where?


Funny toys

I can buy

a ball

in the funny toys shop.

  • Домашнее задание

  • AB ex. 3 p. 17

  • SB ex. 5 p. 28 answer the questions

  • A project "My favourite shop" (draw a picture and say what you can buy in the shop).


  • Какое новое слово мы выучили?

  • Какая цель урока у нас была?

  • Мы достигли этой цели?

  • Для чего нам пригодится это знание?

  • Do you like the lesson?

  • Is your work good or bad?

I agree that your work is very good today, so I want to treat you.

Would you like some sweets? Help me to treat our guests, please. Who wants?

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