Treasure for 2 form

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 2 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

The 8th of February

Date: 8.02.2016

Grade: 2 "A''

The theme of the lesson: "Treasure"
The aims of the lesson:

1.Educational : to give information about new theme; to do exercises;

2.Developing : to teach pupils speak and write, translate;

3.Bringing up children: to teach pupils value English language;

The procedure of the lesson :

I. Organization moment
-Good afternoon pupils!
-Good afternoon teacher!

-Thank you sit down please.

-Who is on duty today? ...
-Who is absent? ...
-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

Ok. Open your copy-books and write down today`s date and new theme.

II. Checking homework
--What was your home task? Ex: ___ page:___
---Who is ready? ...

III. Phonetic drill

-Ok, pupils. We have a phonetic drill. At first listen to me. Then repeat after me.

Socks and shoes,

And jeans and shirt,

Trousers, coat,

And black and skirt

IV. The new lesson : Our new theme is "Treasure". At first listen to me I`ll introduce you with new words. Then repeat after me.

New vocabulary

treasure [`treʒə] - қазына

dig [dig] - қазып алу

pot [pɔt] -құмыра

inside [in`said] - ішінде

message [`mesidʒ] - хабар

fantastic [fæn`tæstik] - фантастикалық

tent [tent] - шатыр

beach [bi:tʃ] - жағажай

aquarium [ə`kwɛəriəm] - аквариум

shark [ʃa:k] - акула

top [tɔp] - үстінен

V. Doing exercise : Ex : 1 p 52 ; Ex : 2 p53 (Read with Alina)

VI. Giving hometask : Ex : 1 p 50 ; Ex : 2 p 50

VII. Pupils marking: good, excellent

VIII. Conclusion: The lesson is over. Good bye!

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