КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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ТЕМА: «Help me! » or Teens' Problems

(9 класс)

Выполнил: Горбачева Алия Дамировна

учитель английского языка

МКОУ «СОШ № 4» г. Миньяра





Ф.И.О. учителя

Горбачёва Алия Дамировна


Должность, преподаваемый предмет

учитель английского языка


Стаж педагогической работы

11 лет


Тема урока

«Help me!» or Teens' Problems



английский язык


Категория обучающихся

9 класс


Цели урока

Образовательная: Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Проблемы подростков».

Развивающая: Развивать умения и навыки учащихся аргументировано выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая собственные пути ее решения. Развивать познавательную активность и формировать умения совместно анализировать поступки, коллективно находить пути решения проблемы.

Воспитательная: формирование уважения и толерантности к сверстникам.


Образовательные технологии

технология сотрудничества


Компетенции, формируемые на учебном занятии

Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в процессе продуктивной творческой деятельности


Форма учебного занятия



Оборудование и программное обеспечение

мультимедийное оборудование

№ п/п

Этапы учебного занятия

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Технологическое сопровождение (слайды презентации)


Организационный момент

Good morning! Sit down, please. How do you feel today? That's so nice!

Possible answers: "I'm OK. So-so. I'm well, thanks."


Знакомство с темой урока

Well, we talked much on topic "You are only a Teenager once." All of you know that the world of teens, in most cases, full of doubts and sometimes full of problems. Today we are going to discuss the main difficulties that teen face nowadays. We'll try to find possible ways of solving these problems. I divided you into 3 groups to make our discussion more interesting and creative. Don't forget that success of the whole group depends on each member of it.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Речевая разминка

Will you answer my questions for warming up!

1)What do you like about being a teen?

2) What do you hate about being a teen?

3)Can you imagine yourself in ten years time?

Students answer the teacher's questions. Possible answers:

1)I've got a lot of dreams and plans for future

2)My parents don't understand me

3)I think I'll be a skillful doctor, etc.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Работа со схемой "Teens' problems"

Thanks for your answers. Last lesson we talked about problems of US students. You've got a list of problems that may worry Russian teenagers. What are the main ones? Fill in the scheme that you've got on your desks. You may add your own ideas. In three minutes be ready to comment your choice.

Students study the list, fill the scheme and then comment their choice.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Обсуждение: « Teenagers and social networks»

Do you agree with me that teens spend much time surfing the Net? Especially it refers to social networks. I want you to discuss this topic in the following way: the first group will try to find arguments "for" social networks, the second group "against" and the third group decides which group has more conclusive arguments.

Each group tries to present more arguments to prove their opinion. The third group decides which group had more conclusive arguments.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Аудирование: текст "Too many Tests and Too Much Stress»

One of the problems of teens is being overworked at school. Will you open your books on page 118, ex. № 4.Here are the statements. You are going to listen to the text "Too many Tests and Too Much Stress» and choose if these statements are "true", "false" or "not mentioned" in the text". You'll listen to the text twice. Put your answers in the sheets of paper. After completing the task exchange your sheets and check the answers. The right answers are given on the screen.

Students listen to the text twice, and then put the answers in their sheets of paper. After completing the task groups exchange their sheets and check the answers. The right answers are given on the screen.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Работа с личным письмом.

Will you look at the screen? You see a personal letter from the girl, who shares her problem. The task for each group is to find a solution on the problem using your imagination and personal experience. You are given 5 minutes to complete this task.

Students read the letter and try to find solutions on the problem using their imagination and personal experience.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия

Thank you for being active and responsible during our discussion. You did your best! All of you will get marks. What conclusions can you make after today's discussion?

Students express their thoughts and ideas about the discussion.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)


Инструктаж домашнего задания

I ask each group to prepare for street demonstration against….Your demonstration should be based on topic "Teens' problems" Each group must prepare a banner with slogan, produce leaflets to be distributed to the crowed and speech.

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА: «Help me! » or Teens’ Problems (9 класс)

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