Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: Гордость нации. Титаник

Данный конспект урока может послужить для проведения урока английского языка в 10 классе (по учебнику Бибалетовой) на тему: "Гордость нации." В ходе урока учащиеся знакомятся с историей Титаника и выполняют различного рода задания. К уроку также имеется презентация, которую я выложу следующим документом.
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Конспект урока по английскому языку для 10класса

на тему

«The Pride of the Nation.

The Titanic.»

Цели проводимого мероприятия:

1.Обучение аудированию.

Научить воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух в произнесении учителя

и одноклассников.

2.Обучение говорению в монологической форме.

Научить составлять самостоятельные монологические высказывания в

процессе выполнения различного рода заданий.

3.Обучение чтению с полным пониманием.

Научить читать адаптированный текст, ориентироваться по нему, находить

необходимую информацию, выполнять упражнения.

Основные задачи мероприятия:

1.Грамматика: повторение союзов и выражений для описания причинно-

следственных связей (because, thanks to(the fact that), due

to(the fact that), so, that's why).

2.Лексика: семантизация новых лексических единиц

vessel, unsinkable, significant, capture, movies, hypothemia

Воспитательный компонент мероприятия:

Развитие умения выражать свое мнение по поставленным вопросам и выслушивать мнения других людей.

Развивающий компонент мероприятия:

Развитие умения работать с текстом, выполнять упражнения, созданные на компьютерных слайдах.

Научить работать в группе.

Образовательный компонент мероприятия:

Расширение социального опыта учащихся. Развитие мышления, воображения, памяти и других высших психических функций учащихся.


Компьютерные слайды с текстом, вопросами, заданиями и правильными ответами, поздравительные сертификаты самым активным учащимся.

Форма проведения:

Викторина, урок-презентация


Учащиеся 10 «А» класса английской группы (13 человек)

Место проведения:

Кабинет физики №36 МОУ СОШ №1.

Сценарий мероприятия.

Мероприятие состоит из четырех этапов.

I. Учитель (ведущий) приветствует учащихся, объясняет условия викторины. Затем представляют членов жюри.

II. Учитель (ведущий) и учащиеся читают текст со слайдов, при необходимости переводят. В тексте встречаются незнакомые слова, которые выписаны и переведены.(учащимся раздаются распечатки со словами)

III.Выполнение различного рода заданий на понимание смысла текста.

IV. После выполнения всех заданий жюри подводит итоги, называет самых активных учащихся, они награждаются.

Текст мероприятия.

The Titanic is the greatest ocean liner, famous for its tragic death during the first sailing on the 15th of April 1912. She was the biggest vessel at the time.

The Titanic was considered to be unsinkable. On Monday, at 12:30 AM, in the middle of the night, she struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic near Canada and sank. . . In less than 3 hours the dreams and confidence of the whole generation sank with her.

The Titanic is significant not only for the fact that she was the largest ocean liner at the time or that she sank. The story of the Titanic is the stories of bravery, actions of people that capture our imaginations. It is the narrative of every person who was on board. We are who we are because of the examples and lessons we learned from that tragedy.

Thanks to wireless, 745 passengers were saved but 1595 persons died in this tragedy, among them some of the most prominent persons in the world.

But the Titanic is not only a great ocean liner .It is also a disaster film, directed, written and co-produced by James Cameron about the sinking of the Titanic. Cameron used a love story as a means to engage the audience with the real-life tragedy. The film features Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson, and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater, 2 members of different social class who fell in love.

Jack Dawson. An artist who travels around the world. Jack wins the tickets to the Titanic in a card game. He is attracted to the Rose's beauty and convinces her of an attempted suicide. This heroic act let him to mix with the first-class passengers. He in turn shows her a way of life she had dreamed but never had the courage to experience.

Rose DeWitt Bukater. Seventeen-year-old girl who is forced to become engaged to a rich man so she and her mother can maintain their high status after the death of her father. Rose becomes suicidal, but she soon discovers a completely new lease on life when she meets Jack Dawson.

When the Titanic sank Jack and Rose managed to find a carved oak panel which could only support the weight of one person. Jack died of hypothemia while Rose was rescued when Fifth Officer Harold Lowe returned with empty Lifeboat.

Critical reaction to the film:

  • I found myself convinced by both the story and the saga.

  • Movies like this are almost impossible to make well.

  • Titanic is a kind of epic picture event that has become a rarity.

  • You don't just watch Titanic you experience it.


  • What is the Titanic famous for?

  • What is the date of the tragedy?

  • Who is the director of the film Titanic?

  • How many people were saved?

  • What did Cameron use to engage the audience?

  • Name two main characters of the film.

  • How did Jack Dawson get the tickets?

  • Why did Rose want to commit suicide?

  • Were they both rescued?

True or False:

1.The Titanic sailed lots of times.

2.Nowadays she is the greatest ocean liner.

3.The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank.

4.The story of Titanic is the stories of bravery, actions of people who were on


5.Cameron showed only the tragedy of the ocean liner.

6.Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater.

7.Were of the same social classes.

8.Both Jack and Rose were rescued.

Match the parts of the sentences:

The Titanic is the great ocean liner…

She was considered…

to be unsinkable…

We are who we are…

A love story is used to…

Rose was rescued…


…but she struck an iceberg and sank.

…engage the audience with the real-life tragedy.

…due to the fact that Fifth Officer returned with empty Lifeboat.

…that is famous for its tragic death

…because of the examples and lessons we learned from the tragedy.

Make the crossword:















































1.What did Jack die of?

2.What did the Titanic struck?

3.What was Jack Dawson?

4.Who was the director of Titanic?

5.What kind of vessel the Titanic was?

6.What was the Titanic considered to be?

7.What did Rose want to commit?

1.What did Jack die of?

2.What did the Titanic struck?

3.What was Jack Dawson?

4.Who was the director of Titanic?

5.What kind of vessel the Titanic was?

6.What was the Titanic considered to be?

7.What did Rose want to commit?

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