Лабораторная работа Mass Media

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Laboratory work

Mass Media, Mass Culture

Task 1. In your stock of topic-related materials, find a phrase or a sentence that illustrates a typical usage of some of the following vocabulary items (your chosen minimum - 25 items):


mass comunication

media technology

electronic media

outdoor media

broadcast station

editorial office

breaking news

news anchor


talk-show host

pilot episode







cover story


coverage (of)

target audience

prime time



public announcement

public relations

public speaking

press conference

press release


event organization


advertisment / ad


(to) broadcast

(to) air

(to) cover (a subject)

(to) censor

(to) entertain


surprising → surprised

amusing → amused

exciting → excited

captivating → captivated

terrifying → terrified

confusing → confused

puzzling → puzzled

worrying → worried

Task 2. Translate the following entries into Russian:


A radio antenna, especially one suspended in or extending into the air.
Радио антенна, особенно одна _____ по воздуху


Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinforcement of "brand image" and "brand loyalty".

Реклама - это форма общения, которая, как правило, пытается убедить потенциальных клиентов купить или приобрести больше определенного бренда продукта или обслуживания. Много рекламных объявлений разработаны, чтобы увеличить потребление тех продуктов и услуг посредством создания и укрепления "имиджа бренда" и "приверженности марке»


A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries.

Блог -это веб-сайт, с регулярными записями комментариями, описаниями событий или другим материалом, такими как графика или видео, обычно ведется одним человеком.. Записи обычно показываются в обратном хронологическом порядке. "Блог" может также использоваться в качестве глагола, означая поддерживать или добавлять содержание к блогу.

Многие блоги предоставляют собой комментарии или новости по конкретной теме; другие функционируют как более личные онлайн-дневники


Blogosphere is a collective term encompassing all blogs and their interconnections. It is the perception that blogs exist together as a connected community (or as a collection of connected communities) or as a social network.

Блогосфера - собирательный термин, охватывающий все блоги.

Блоги существуют вместе как связанное сообщество (или как сеть связанных сообществ) или как социальная сеть.


Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and/or video signals which transmit programs to an audience. The audience may be the general public or a relatively large sub-audience, such as children or young adults.

Television and radio programs are distributed through radio broadcasting or cable , often both simultaneously

Телерадиовещание - распределение аудио и/или видео сигналов, которые передают программы аудитории. Аудитория может быть широкой публикой или относительно многочисленной подаудиторией, такой как дети или молодые совершеннолетние.

Телевидение и радиопередачи распределены посредством радио-телерадиовещания или кабеля, часто оба одновременно.


A column is a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. Columns are written by columnists.

What differentiates a column from other forms of journalism is that it meets each of the following criteria:

  • It is a regular feature in a publication

  • It is personality-driven by the author

  • It explicitly contains an opinion or point of vie

Колонка - повторяющаяся часть или статья в газете, журнале или другой публикации. Колонки написаны обозревателями.

Что отличает, колонку от других форм журналистики - так то, что она соответствует каждому из следующих критериев:

• Это - характерная особенность в публикации

• Ведется одним определенны автором.

• Содержит мнение или какую-то точку зрения.


An editorial, leader (US), or leading article (UK) is an article in a newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of the editor, editorial board, or publisher.

The editorial board is a group of editors, usually at a print publication, who dictate the tone and direction that the publication's editorials will take. In much of the English-speaking world, editorials are typically not written by the regular reporters of the news organization, but are instead collectively authored by a group of individuals

Передовая статья (США) или ______(Великобритания) -это статья в газете или журнале, которая выражает мнение редактора, редакционной коллегии или издателя.

Редакционная коллегия - группа редакторов,которая задает тон и направление, которое возьмут передовые статьи публикации. В большой части англоговорящего мира передовые статьи, как правило, не пишутся регулярными репортерами службы новостей, но вместо этого коллективно созданы группой людей

High-tech politics

The current American political system in which the behavior of citizens and policy makers, as well as the political agenda itself, is increasingly shaped by technology.

Текущая американская политическая система, в которой поведение граждан и влиятельных политиков, а также самой политической повестки дня, все более и более формируется технологией.

Investigative journalism

The use of detective-like reporting methods to unearth scandals.

Следственная журналистика

Использование подобных детективу методов сообщения, чтобы раскопать скандалы.


Journalism is the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a widening spectrum of media. These include newspapers, magazines, radio and television, the Internet and, more recently, the cellphone. Journalists-be they writers, editors or photographers; broadcast presenters or producers-serve as the chief purveyors of information and opinion in contemporary mass society. "News is what the consensus of journalists determines it to be."

Журналистика - это способность передачи новостей, описательного материала и комментариев через обширный спектр СМИ,который включает в себя : газеты, журналы, радио и телевидение, Интернет и, позже, сотовый телефон. Журналисты - будь они писатели, редакторы или фотографы; служат главными поставщиками информации и мнения в современном массовом обществе.


A journalist (also called a newspaperman) is a person who practices journalism, the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues, and people while striving for non-bias viewpoint.

Журналист - это человек , который занимается сбором и распространением информации о текущих событиях, тенденциях, проблемах и людях, отстаивая свою точку зрения.

Reporters are one type of journalist. They create reports as a profession for broadcast or publication in mass media such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, documentary film, and the Internet. Reporters find sources for their work, their reports can be either spoken or written, and they are often expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the public good. A columnist is a journalist who writes pieces that appear regularly in newspapers or magazines.

Репортеры - вид журналиста. Они пишут отчеты для передачи или публикации в средствах массовой информации, таких как газеты, телевидение, радио, журналы, документальный фильм и Интернет. Репортеры находят источники для своей работы. Именно они самым объективным и беспристрастным способом служат общественному благу. Обозреватель - журналист, который пишет колонки, которые регулярно появляются в газетах или журналах.


Magazines, periodicals, glossies or serials are publications, generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles, generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions, or all three.They are published published weekly, biweekly, monthly ...

Журналы, периодические модные иллюстрированные журналы - это публикации, обычно издаваемые по регулярному графику, содержа множество статей, обычно финансируемых, давая объявление, покупной ценой, заранее оплаченными подписками журнала или всеми тремя. Они изданы изданные еженедельно, каждые две недели, ежемесячно...

Mass media

Mass Media includes all the "tools" we have for communicating with large numbers of people… television, radio, film, on-line services, magazines and newspapers. All carry messages that reach masses of people in contrast to letters, telephone calls and one-to-one conversations known as interpersonal media.

Media bias

Media bias is a term used to describe a real or perceived bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media, in the selection of which events will be reported and how they are covered. The term "media bias" usually refers to a pervasive or widespread bias contravening the standards of journalism, rather than the perspective of an individual journalist or article.The direction and degree of media bias in various countries is widely disputed, although its causes are both practical and theoretical.

Media events

An event that is staged primarily for the purpose of simply being covered.


News is any new information or information on current events which is presented by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third party or mass audience. News, the reporting of current information on television and radio, and in newspapers and magazines.


A newspaper is a written publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. General-interest newspapers often feature articles on political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns which express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections may contain advertising, comics, coupons, and other printed media. Newspapers are most often published on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live. Despite recent setbacks in circulation and profits, newspapers are still the most iconic outlet for news and other types of written journalism.

Press conferences

Meetings with reporters.

Press - "the press" The media that includes television, radio, newspapers, magazines, wire services, and on-line services, among others.

Print media That portion of the mass media which include newspapers and magazines.


Propaganda is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the cognitive narrative of the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.

Trial balloons Information leaked for the purpose of determining what the political reaction will be.

Talking heads A shot of a person's face talking directly to the camera.

linkage institutions The channels or access points through which issues and people's policy preferences get on the government's policy agenda.


Television (TV) is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, either monochromatic ("black and white") or color, usually accompanied by sound. "Television" may also refer specifically to a television set, television programming or television transmission. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far sight": Greek tele (τῆλε), far, and Latin visio, sight (from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person).


A tabloid is a newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material

Yellow journalism

The term used to describe sensational news reporting.

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