Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Конкурс переводчиков англоязычной поэзии: Традиции поэзии Дикого Запада

Цель: развитие лингвосоциокультурной компетенции учащихся. Для достижения данной цели были поставлены следующие задачи: более глубокое изучение речевого этикета английского языка; совершенствование языковых навыков по теме «Литература Дикого Запада»; сравнение фактов из историй и реалий; развитие навыков критического мышления, умений сопоставлять, делать самостоятельные выводы; развитие навыков исследовательской деятельности (научить самостоятельно добывать информацию, открывая новые источники, ...
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Тип Конспекты
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  • We are glad to see you at our annual poetry contest.

  • It's the fourth time you are here to see our performances.

  • Thanks for your works, for your wonderful translations.

  • We'll try to do our best to please you with our presentation.

  • Today we'll invite you to the Wild West.

  • We hope you'll enjoy our trip to the past.

  • You'll listen to some music.

  • You'll see some finny pictures and movies.

  • And you'll get to learn some facts about the life of cowboys of the Wild West.

  • By the way, do you know where the word cowboy came from?

  • As far as know the word cowboy was built from the two words 'a cow' and 'a boy'. I mean 'a guy'.

  • It's as clear as daylight. But I'm interested in the origin of the word.

  • Oh, I'm not much of a connoisseur of cowboy history. I think that we need some help. Let's call the real cowboys from the Wild West!

  • Real cowboys?

  • Real! Without any shadow of doubt! Come here, guys!

  • Hello! Glad to see you!

  • Nice to see you too… Are you real? Can I touch you? Wow! What's your name?

  • My name is Ben the Loud Revolver.

  • My name is Pet e the Big Saddle.

  • And I'm Tom the Long Lasso.

  • And I'm Bill the Fast Horse.

  • Fantastic! And who are you? You are not cowboys, are you? You are girls!

  • But we are. Don't you know that cowgirls also exist! My name is Pat the Merry Song.

  • And I am Jess the Cow Tail.

  • I can't believe my ears! I suppose you know everything about the life of cowboys, don't you?

  • Sure! What are you interested in?

  • I'm interested in the origin of the word 'cowboy'.

  • So, then listen. The name "cowboy" was used in the Wild West of the U.S. commitment to the shepherds of cattle.

  • And other names of cowboys in the American English include such words as a cowhand, a cowherd and cowpuncher. They mostly worked on the territory of the states of New Mexico and Texas.

  • A cowboy was a worker who transported beef cattle to the West train stations in Kansas for further transportation to the cities in the eastern part of America.

Лучше штата нету, чем Канзас

(Только тихо, только тихо, только тихо)

Раз, два, три, четыре, пять и в глаз...

Я еду не один, со мной мой карабин,

И три галлона виски я припас.

Чи-чи а... Чи-чи оппа... [и т.д.]

Что-то я немножечко продрог

(Только тихо, только тихо, только тихо)

Сделаю еще один глоток...

И one, two, three, four, five

Опять поймал я кайф...

И, в общем жизнь прекрасна, мой дружок.

Чи-чи а... Чи-чи оппа... [и т.д.]

Мне не страшен ни один бандит

(Только тихо, только тихо, только тихо)

Джон, мой враг давно уже убит

И в окнах салуна опять горит луна

И мой мустанг из-за угла спешит.

Чи-чи а... Чи-чи оппа... [и т.д.]

  • And when was the time of cowboys? When did they live?

  • The era of cowboys started approximately in 1865 mainly on the territory of Texas and ended about twenty years later.

  • The phenomenon of a cowboy, only lasted 30 years, roughly from 1865 to 1895. After these 30 years, the profession of a cowboy became more local.

  • Were cowboys typical only of the US?

  • No, in South America, in the conditions of the Pampa …

  • It's a territory similar to the prairies.

  • Thank you! … in the 19th century there was a similar cowboy social layer: Gauchos. Gaucho appeared much earlier in the XVI-XVII centuries.

  • So we may consider gauchos the forerunners of cowboys, may we not?

  • That's true. This was especially noticeable in the first half of the XXth century, when Argentina was the country of the first magnitude, and the Argentine cinema competed with Hollywood for cowboy films.

  • I see.

  • And by the way, do you know that about one third of cowboys was black?

  • You don't say so!

  • Exactly so! The black cowboys were those who obtained their freedom after the civil war, and had neither job nor money. Another third of cowboys was Mexicans and only the last third - descendants of immigrants from Europe.

  • Some white cowboys were really famous!

  • What do you mean by saying that?

  • In American history there was even a president who was a cowboy by profession.

  • Is that so? And who was he?

  • He was Theodore Roosevelt. At the dawn of his career, from 1883 to 1886, he worked as a cowboy.

  • What an amazing fact!

  • And what else I'd like to know … where did they work? On the farms?

  • Cowboys mostly worked on ranches.

  • And what else did they do? As far as I know, they constantly took part in rodeos, did they?

  • Far from it! They were engaged in detouring premises, repairing fences, labeling young animals, searching the cows which had wandered away from the herd and did other things like that.

  • I am absolutely astonished to hear that! I thought they were like heroes of the Wild West!

  • To add to all cowboys drove cattle from pastoral areas to the nearest railway station. Their cattle were driven through the deserted plains, where you could always came across the Indians or white bandits.

  • Their life was not safe at all!

  • Far from being safe!

  • Moreover, it was extremely dangerous!

Шел по пыльной прерии дилижанс,

И четверо парней угрюмых охраняли ценный груз.

И судьба давала четырем ковбоям шанс

Вырвать у судьбы козырный туз

Том - парень с западных гор,

Бэн - он из штата Техас,

Билл - ел бокалы на спор,

А Пит стреляет только один раз.

Утром им как надо удалась западня,

Пит и Билл как дьяволы носились тут и там.

В суматохе Бэн убил второго коня,

А Том потяжелел на девять грамм.

Том - призрак западных гор,

Бэн - он из штата Техас,

Билл - ел бокалы на спор,

А Пит стреляет только один раз.

Бэн грозился Билла в дилижанс запрячь -

Их с одним конем догонит запросто шериф,

Ах, напрасно Бэн угробил этих кляч -

Дилижанс не выдержит троих.

Том - призрак западных гор,

Бэн - не вернется в Техас,

Билл - ел бокалы на спор,

А Пит стреляет только один раз.

Солнце выжигало им заветную черту,

Было фляги две, но их не хватит на двоих

Ах напрасно Билл устроил этот спор

Дилижанс не выдержит двоих.

Том - призрак западных гор,

Бэн - не вернется в Техас,

Билл - проиграл этот спор,

Поскольку Пит, стреляет только один раз.

Шел по пыльной прерии дилижанс,

Оставляя за собой стервятникам еду.

И у Пита, отобрал последний шанс

Краснокожий парень Виниту.

Том - призрак западных гор,

Бэн - не вернется в Техас,

Билл - проиграл главный спор,

А Пит стрелял последний в жизни раз.

  • Not only was their life hard! So was their work!

  • The most experienced cowboy usually rode ahead of the herd, guiding the head of it. The rest of the cowboys went back and sides, constantly changing places. During the driving every cowboy changed the horse several times a day.

  • So, as it turned out a cowboy never had his own horse!

  • You took the words right out of my mouth! A cowboy took his horse to rent or used a horse of his master.

  • Indeed? I have always thought that a cowboy had his favourite and the only horse to ride which was his true friend!

  • As you see, you were mistaken. The life of cowboys was too much romanticized, especially later in cowboy films.

  • The earnings of cowboys were small, and in winter many cowboys were forced to work on a ranch just for food and a roof over his head. Relatively big money was paid only for the driving of cattle.

  • And the significant portion of their money cowboys spent on alcohol.

  • You mean whisky?

  • Oh, no! The most popular drink among cowboys was beer, but not whiskey, as it is usually shown in westerns. But they did drink lots of beer! The authorities of the towns on their route even hired criminals to protect the population from drunken and "too merry" cowboys.

  • As I see the image of a cowboy was not so attractive! They used to work hard and drink a lot!

  • You are only partially right! In spite of their not very righteous way of life cowboys were quite religious. Historically, cowboys were and remain a part of the American religion. The first cowboy Church was organized in the town of Ваксахачи in Texas. Now cowboy Christian movement merged into the American Association of Cowboy Churches.

  • And they had big families and were caring fathers.

Эй, ковбой, что с тобой,

Разве ты не замечаешь,

Что малютка Дженни подросла?

Эй, давай, не зевай,

А иначе проморгаешь

И другой опередит тебя...

- Некогда, некогда этим заниматься

У меня корова в лес ушла

И пока я не найду рыжую корову,

Подождут любовные дела

- Эй, пастух, ты лопух,

Проморгать ты можешь вора,

Ведь соседний фермер ходит к ней

Он седой и хромой,

Но богат и очень скоро

Дженни назовет женой своей

- Самое главное - мне найти корову

А женитьба может подождать

Парень я молодой, сильный и здоровый,

Ну а фермер старый и хромой...

- Эй, ковбой, черт с тобой,

Посмотри, ведь старый фермер

Дженни под венец уже ведет

Маху дал, проморгал

И теперь в твою хибару

Дженни уж хозяйкой не войдет

- Нет, промаха мой наган не знает,

Старику удачи не видать,

Дженни крепко обниму и она растает,

И пойдем корову с ней искать.

  • In addition to those noisy "festivities", in their free time special contests were organized.

  • Oh! What kind of contests were they?

  • At first pastures in the West were unfenced and very often the cattle of different owners were mixed grazing together. So every year cowboys had to drop out of the pen and the category of livestock. The participation in this roundup required considerable skills.

  • And those annual pens gave way to the favorite entertainment of cowboys - a rodeo!

  • True! Cowboys competed in the following things: who could better and longer stay on a wild horse or a bull, who could better throw a lasso and also whose horse is better mannered!

  • A well -mannered horse! It sounds crazy!

  • As far as I can guess, over the time, these competitions had their own rules and closer to the middle of the twentieth century they formed a Western-sport. Just look at these exciting completions!

  • And I am in the know that this style of music as country is somehow connected with cowboys.

  • That's just it! A night during their stops patrolling the perimeter cowboys called one another, and very often through verses. Thus, the cowboy songs were born.

  • So were cowboy poetry, ballads, and all sorts of legends and stories.

  • After the 1930s cowboy style became popular in America. It was reflected in the country music, comics, advertisements, clothing, movies. The image of a cowboy was closely connected with jeans, a cowboy hat, boots, a vest, a plaid shirt, a lasso and a revolver? And a cowboy dance.

  • I am especially interested in country music.

  • As for country music which means community music, it is a generic name of some forms of music occurred among the white population of the rural areas of the South and West of the USA.

  • The country is based on the song and dance tunes that were brought to America by early settlers from Europe, and is based on the Anglo-Celtic folk music traditions.

  • Anglo-Celtic? Is it a fact?

  • For a long time this music remained almost untouched among the inhabitants in the mountainous areas of the States of Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina .

  • What is this music about?

  • According to its contents, songs and ballads of country performers are close to average rural folklore themes.

  • I fully agree here. The form of vocal numbers is also very similar to folk music: usually a solo couplet and a solo and choral refrain.

  • And what about country musical instruments?

  • The spirit of art country is also determined by the selection of stringed instruments like a guitar and a mandolin. Also, from the very beginning, the characteristic flavor of the sound of this music was given by a violin.

  • A fiddle?

  • Right you are! It was the main instrument of American farmers for several centuries.

  • As far as I can judge, the country is a typical music of the white population!

  • You are wrong! The country style was also influenced by the Negro music culture. This is clearly manifested, firstly, in the rhythm and easy-improvised manner of execution, and secondly, in the use of such instruments as a banjo and a harmonica.

  • I wish I could see cowboys with my own eyes! Do they still exist in the USA?

  • Exactly so! There are modern Texas cowboys.

  • And what are they engaged in?

  • In our days real cowboys are engaged in breeding cattle and horses, can be found in the USA at ranches.

  • Moreover they can be found even in our town of Trubchevsk! They also breed cattle here.

  • And in the US some of the working-cowboys do not only work but still take part in rodeos.

  • And to add to all, working cowboy horses take part in the competition for the best work horse Versatility Ranch Horse.

  • You can watch their shows on the Internet. There are the whole sites devoted to their history and culture.

  • And you can listen to a lot of country music and read some bit of modern country poems in the Net too. Just listen!

Стихи в стиле кантри

Горный воздух - средство от печали,

Небосклон распахивает зонт.

Мы с Тобой давно не замечали,

Как прекрасен спящий горизонт.

Лес в овраге прячет тайны мая,

От реки исходит белый пар.

Ты ещё такая молодая,

Да и я пока ещё не стар.

Стынет чай с лимонной долькой в паре.

У крыльца - уснувшие цветы.

Я играю тихо на гитаре

Для Тебя мелодию мечты.

Сколько вёсен прожито с Тобою

Под одной счастливою звездой.

Я доволен доброю Судьбою,

Если Ты довольна будешь мной.


  • As we began to speak about poetry it's high time to announce the winners of our poetic contest.

  • It's true to say that all your works were beyond any praise. But we had to choose the three best.

  • Now we'd like to name the winners of the secondary school group. They had to translate the words of the country song ''. Let's listen to it!

  • So the first place goes to … from … school. The teacher is … Congratulations!

  • The second place goes to … from … school. The teacher is … Congratulations!

  • The third place goes to … from … school. The teacher is … Congratulations!

  • Now we'd like to name the winners of the high school group. Their task was to translate the part of the country song "".

  • So the first place goes to … from … school. The teacher is … Congratulations!

  • The second place goes to … from … school. The teacher is … Congratulations!

  • The third place goes to … from … school. The teacher is … Congratulations!

  • Thank you all once again for your coming here and staying with us for the last poetic hour!

  • Good luck to you all.

Слова ковбой - Весёлая Ковбойская Песня

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

He came to town like a midwinter storm

He rode through the fields so handsome and strong

His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun

But all he had come for was havin' some fun

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married a long time ago

Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe?

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