Урок английского языка на тему I like travelling (6 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Lesson plan

Class name: 6

Theme: I like travelling

Тип урока: урок-практикум

Цель урока: формировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Travelling»

Задачи урока:


- углубить и расширить знания учащихся по теме «Travelling»;

- закрепить образование степеней сравнения прилагательных;

- закрепить построение вопросительных предложений и ответов на них в Past Simple Tense.


- развивать умения и навыки коммуникативного общения;

- развивать умение отвечать на вопросы;

- развивать кругозор учащихся;

- развивать умения, составляющие лингвистическую компетенцию: сопоставление языковых явлений в изучаемом и родном языках.


- прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;

- воспитывать умение работать в парах, самостоятельно;

- воспитывать внимание на уроке.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийная доска, дидактический материал по теме, видеозаписи по теме.

Ход урока.

1. Generation

1.1. Greeting

1.2. Phonetic drill

1.3. Warming up

1.4. Making up a dialogue

1.5. Working with the adjectives

- Good morning, students!

- I'm glad to see you!

- Sit down, please!

Let's start our lesson. Let's watch video in order to guess the theme of our lesson.

Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is travelling.

Let's read the following poem with me:

A sailor went to sea,

To see what he could see,

And all he could see,

Was sea, sea, sea.

Now I'll hide the end of the sentences. Try to end the poem:

A sailor went to …

To see what he could …

And all he could …

Was sea, sea, …

A sailor …

To see …

And all …

Was …

Now look at the blackboard. Answer the following questions. The pictures will help you:

1) Where can people travel?

- People can travel to Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Britain, Turkey, France, Brazil.

2) How can people travel?

- People can travel by ship, bus, plane, car, train, on foot.

3) Who can people travel with?

- People can travel with parents, grandparents, friends, alone.

4) Where can people stay?

- People can stay with relatives, in a hotel.

5) What can people do when they travel?

- People can take photos, go shopping, lie on the beach, see the sights, meet new people, visit museums, swim in the sea.

6) How can a trip be?

- fantastic, interesting, joyful.

7) What can people take with them?

- People can take a camera, a swimming costume, sunglasses, jeans, T-shirts, a passport, trainers, money, a phrase book.

8) What can the weather be like?

- The weather can be hot, wet, windy, cloudy, sunny.

Now please make up your own dialogues on the theme "Travelling". The questions will help you.

Dialogue 1

Pupil 1: Do you like to travel?

Pupil 2: Yes I do

Pupil 1: Where do you like to travel?

Pupil 2: To Turkey

Pupil 1: How do you get there?

Pupil 2: By plane

Pupil 1: How long does it take you to get there?

Pupil 2: 3 hours

Pupil 1: Where do you stay?

Pupil 2: At a hotel

Dialogue 2

Pupil 3: Where did you travel last year?

Pupil 4: I went to Great Britain

Pupil 3: How was the trip?

Pupil 4: Wonderful

Pupil 3: Where did you stay?

Pupil 4: In the expensive hotel.

Pupil 3: What did you do there?

Pupil 4: I learned English, went shopping, and took lots of pictures.

Pupil 3: Did you like it there?

Pupil 4: Very much

We can describe our trip using a lot of different adjectives. Now look at the words. Try to guess the meaning of the adjectives according to the pictures.

Wonderful - чудесный

Dangerous - опасный

Great - великолепный

Expensive - дорогой

Useful - полезный

Now try to read the adjectives once more. Ask each other please.

Now please write down the adjectives in your vocabularies.

Now let's play a game "Boaster". Let's find out who is the biggest boaster!

For example: My trip was wonderful.

No, my trip was more wonderful than your trip!

No, my trip was the most wonderful!

3 min

3 min

6 min

12 min

6 min

2. Consolidation

2.1. Listening and speaking

2.2. Travel quiz

Now let's listen to the dialogue between Trench and his friend about Trench's last trip.

At first, you will listen once and then answer my questions:

What is the dialogue about?

Who was in a trip?

Where did Trench go?

Does he like his trip?

Now let's listen to the dialogue once more in order to find more information. Answer my questions, please:

What does Trench think about the food?

How often did he go swimming?

How was the weather there?

Did he recommend his friend to visit this country?

Now let's do the travel quiz. I will give you one ticket for each right answer. After the game we will see where you will go in the future.

What country will you go to take photos of the Great Wall?

a) Japan

b) China

c) Germany

In what country can people enjoy corrida?

a) Mexico

b) Portugal

c) Spain

What country is famous for its windsurfing?

a) Australia

b) Canada

c) Great Britain

Where do people go to see the Stonehenge?

a) Japan

b) France

c) England

Where do people go to see the Eiffel Tower?

a) Turkey

b) Paris

c) Holland

What place will you travel to enjoy the sight of the Pyramids?

a) the USA

b) Egypt

c) Spain

What country is famous for the tallest skyscrapers in the world?

a) Mexico

b) the USA

c) Australia

What country will you go to see Khan Shatyr?

a) Italy

b) Kazakhstan

c) Saudi Arabia

What country is famous for its great Taj Mahal?

a) Norway

b) India

c) the USA

Where do people go to buy matryoshka?

a) Russia

b) Finland

c) China

What country will you go to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer?

a) France

b) Italy

c) Brazil

What country will you visit to see Panathenaic Stadium?

a) Turkey

b) Egypt

c) Greece

What continent will you visit to enjoy the sights of the Mount Kilimanjaro?

a) Africa

b) Australia

c) Europe

What country will you go to see Neuschwanstein Castle?

a) Germany

b) Italy

c) England

What country will you visit to eat sushi?

a) Japan

b) India

c) Australia

6 min

5 min

3. Generalisation

3.1. Close-up activity

- Now please complete the sentences:

Now we can…

Now we know…

talk about travelling

make up dialogues

what we can see in the world

who is a boaster

use adjectives

What did you like best?

3 min

3.2. Giving homework

- Your homework will be: to write an essay "My last trip"

3.3. Putting marks

- Your marks are:

- The lesson is over.

- Good-bye!

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