A Hobby. 10 класс

The theme :  Step 1.  "A Hobby". Educational aim: to speak  about  hobby, to answer the questions, to read the dialogue, to explain the new words and to introduce with  different hobbies. Developing aim: to develop the pupils abilities in reading, writing and speaking, to enrich the vocabulary and self working skills.  Bringing up aim: to bring up pupils to respect each other and to teach them to spend their free time correctly.  The type of the lesson: a new lesson.  Methods: brainstorming, exp...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Маңғыстау облысы

Жаңаөзен қаласы

№ 15 орта мектеп

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Исатаева Марзия Макишовна

10th form.

The theme : Step 1. "A Hobby".

Educational aim: to speak about hobby, to answer the questions, to read the dialogue, to explain the new words and to introduce with different hobbies.

Developing aim: to develop the pupils abilities in reading, writing and speaking, to enrich the vocabulary and self working skills.

Bringing up aim: to bring up pupils to respect each other and to teach them to spend their free time correctly.

The type of the lesson: a new lesson.

Methods: brainstorming, explanation, pair work, game.

Visual aids: the interactive board, pictures.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

Greetings in English.

II. Checking up the homework.

a)Reading the text.

b)Doing exercise.

c)Answer the questions.

III. New theme: "A Hobby"

1. The theme of our lesson is "A Hobby".

Now pupils look at the interactive board and answer the questions.


a. Have you ever collected anything?

b. Do you still collect them now?

c. What do you collect?

d. How long have you been collecting these things?

e. How many have you got?

2. New words:

dummy lace

performer needlework

pursuits crocheting

weaving knitting

IV. The next task is reading and explaining the text.

V. Answer the question.

a) What is hobby?

b) Where did the word "hobby" come from?

c) How many hobbies are there to spend one's time?

d) Why do people have hobbies?

e) How many groups can hobbies be divided into?

f) Which group of hobbies is the most popular?

g) What is your hobby?

VI. Match indoor activities with corresponding group of hobbies.

Groups of hobbies Indoor activities

1.Collecting things.

a. Reading, listening to music,

watching TV,

painting, mending things,

playing games (e.g. chess or cards)

entertaining friends ( e.g. having a drink together).

2.Making things .

b. Collecting stamps, maps, postcards,

books ,coins ,autographs ,shells,

bottles, butterflies ,crystals or

other things.

3.Doing things

C. learning foreign languages,

learning to play a musical

instrument, studying art, literature

and other subjects.

4.Learning things

D. sewing, weaving, making carpets,

making lace, making music, i.e.

singing or playing a musical

instrument, cooking and baking,

home decorating ,modeling, needlework

(e.g. crocheting ,knitting), repairing.

VII. Talking about hobbies.

Read the dialogue.

Ben: Are you still keen on collecting stamps, Colin?

Colin: Yes, of course. I've specialized in space flight stamps.

Omar: That's an interesting subject. Having collected stamps myself, I can understand your enthusiasm. But now I'm more interested in talking photographs.

Colin: I'm sure you took a lot of interesting photographs when you were in Oxford with Asel.

Omar: Yes, I did, I try to make as many photographs of England as possible while being there.

Ben: Although stamp collecting and taking photographs may be most enjoyable hobbies, I don't like collecting anything. I haven't got much room for keeping things.

Omar: What's your hobby then, Ben?

Ben: Well, I prefer playing chess or doing crosswords ,puzzles in my leisure time.

Colin: There's a big difference between your hobbies and ours: Omar's hobby and mine help us to relax. You spend your spare time solving problems instead of relaxing.

Ben: But I enjoy solving problems if I can think them over without being pressed for time.

Colin: That's fine .I think everybody hates doing things in a hurry or under pressure.

VIII. Comprehension check.

Game "Who is the quickest?"

IX. Conclusion.

So we must say that a hobby is a special interest or activity which you do in your time off. Some people use hobbies, which help them to choose their future professions .If you have a hobby, your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies increase your knowledge.

Make a chart like this and interview your classmates about their hobbies.

Classmates Hobbies





X. Home task.

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