Конспект урока по теме Олимпийские игры -2014, по УМК Кузовлев В. П. , Английский язык. 8 класс

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Коспект урока по теме «Олимпийские игры-2014», 8 класс, УМК Кузовлев В.П., 2008 г.

Тема. 2014 Winter Olympics


Воспитательная- создание условий для формирования культуры здорового образа жизни; воспитание потребности и способности к сотрудничеству, воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу.

Образовательная: совершенствование навыка просмотрового чтения, развитие навыка аудирования с извлечением специфической информации, формирование умения высказываться логично и связно, умение делать выписки из текста.

Развивающая - привлечение личного опыта, развитие способности к догадке, развитие способности обобщать , анализировать, сравнивать, коммуникативные умения, умение работать в команде, умение организовывать деятельность.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор.

Материалы: презентация.

УМК. В.П.Кузовлев, учебник 8 класса.

Ход урока.

1) Приветствие, целеполагание (1 минута).What melody is it?(Звучит мелодия «До свидания, наш ласковый Миша!»)Yes, for the first time people heard it at Closing Ceremony at Moscow Olympic Games.

Our country will host the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Perhaps some of us will go to watch this very important international sporting event. Do you know something about Sochi Olympics? (ученики отвечают)

I see, you know a lot. So you are able to compete as Olympic athlets do.

2) Организационный момент (2 минуты).

What words do you associate with the Olympics? Tell as many words as you know about Olympics.

3) Warm-up activities (5 минут).

1.What winter sports do you know?

2. What summer sports do you know?

3. What team games do you know?

4. What table games do you know?

4) Guess the sport.

1.It is a game for two or four players who hit a ball with rackets across a net.


2.It is a summer game played on a grass field by two teams with a ball, bats and wickets.(cricket).

3.It is a way of travelling or going on foot.(hiking)

4.It is a team game played with an oval ball.(rugby)

5)Captains battle.

1.How often are the Olympic games held?

2.Where were the Ancient Olympic games held?

3.Who could take part in the Ancient Olympic games?

4.Where is the traditional "home" of Olympics?

6.Read the text, fill in the gaps.

Sochi is the most important health resort city in Russia, unique for its climate and nature features. It is situated in subtropical zone, covering about 146 kilometres along Black Sea Coast. The total square is 350 000 hectares. Big Sochi consists of 4 areas -Central, Hosting , Lasarevskii and Adler Area.

From 7 till 23 of February 2014 Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi. On Russian territory Olympic games will take place for the second time, and for the first time - Winter Olympics.

In 1980 the 22nd Summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow. During these Games our Russian sportsmen won 80 gold medals, 69 silver and 46 bronze medals.

In 2011 Polar Bear, Snowy Leopard, Zaijka were elected as mascots of 2014 Winter Olympics. 500 days before Olympic Games started, the Russian Olympic Committee has announced the slogan of 2014 Winter Olympics- "Hot. Cool. Yours".

15 winter sport contests, joined at 7 Olympic kinds of sport, are included in programme. They are competitions in skating, skiing, sledge and 4 separate kinds of sport. In 2011 the International Olympic Committee added in programme 9 more contests. In total the athlets may win 98 medal complects.

2014 Winter Olympics will take place on 2 main sportgrounds - the Olympic Park, Krasnaya Polyana. About 1,2 million tourists will come to watch Olympics. A lot of sport objects were built or rebuilt for this event. All of them can accommodate a big amount of people. For example only the Olympic stadium may be visited by 40 000 people at the same time.

All Olympic objects -transport, hotels, roads- will be available for disabled. It's important, because Paralympics will be organized here from 7 to 16 March. The paralympic sportsmen will take part in 5 events- mountain skiing, biathlon, ski races, sledge -hockey, curling. The Paralympic Games have their mascots too- Ray Of Light and Snowflake.

2014 Winter Olympics

Конспект урока по теме Олимпийские игры -2014, по УМК Кузовлев В.П., Английский язык. 8 класс. Конспект урока по теме Олимпийские игры -2014, по УМК Кузовлев В.П., Английский язык. 8 класс.





2014 Winter Paralympics

Конспект урока по теме Олимпийские игры -2014, по УМК Кузовлев В.П., Английский язык. 8 класс.





7. Complete your own Russian Olympic Team.

Write about your favorite sportsmen. Don't forget to tell:

1. What sport does he/she go in for?

2. Make a list of his achievements.

3.What city is he from?

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