План урока по теме Здоровый образ жизни

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Открытый урок по теме

«Здоровый образ жизни»

Класс: 8-а (четвертый год учитель дает открытые уроки в этом классе с целью проследить динамику роста и развития у учащихся умений и навыков в поэтапном освоении лексико-грамматического материала и устной речи. )

Модель урока: комбинированный с элементами ролевой игры.

Цели урока:

Социокультурная: знакомство с тем, что считается здоровым образом жизни в Великобритании, США и России; отношением сверстников к здоровому образу жизни, к хорошим и плохим привычкам; знакомство с реалиями.

Учебная: обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений учащихся по теме «Здоровый образ жизни», используя 4 основных вида деятельности (аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо) ; активизация лексики по данной теме; развитие умений вести беседу в диалоге, формирование сознательного отношения к учебе.

Развивающая: развитие памяти, внимания, воображения, фантазии, творческого мышления; развитие речевых способностей, способности логически излагать, развитие умения сравнивать, анализировать.

Воспитательная: воспитание потребности в здоровом образе жизни и полезном времяпрепровождении, любознательности, толерантности и уважения к стране и народу изучаемого языка и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: презентация с использованием информационных технологий, проектор, УМК для 8 класса (Кузовлев В.П. и др.), карточки.

Урок разработан учителем английского языка МОБУ лицея № 33 Ромахиной Т.В.

The Topic of the lesson "The Healthy Living Guide".

План урока.

I.Представление темы урока через решение кроссворда по устной теме урока.

II.Практика в устной речи по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» (Говорение).

III. Текст «Lunch Time» (домашняя заготовка, чтение с пониманием).

IV. Драматизация диалога по устной теме.

V. Закрепление лексики по устной теме (выполнение упражнений) (Аудирование, письмо).

Ход урока.

I.Представление темы урока через решение кроссворда по устной теме урока.

Слайд № 2. Вступление. План.

Teacher: Stand up! Good morning, students. (Pupils: Good morning .)

T.: Sit down, please. (Pupils: Thank you.)

T.: Who is on duty today? (Pupils: We are.)

T.: What date is it today? (Ps: Today is the 22-nd of March.)

T.: What day of the week is it today? (Ps: Today is Tuesday.)

T.: Who is absent?

T.: So, we will continue our work with the oral topic connected with our health. (Показывая на пункты плана) We are going to repeat the words of our oral topic ; speak about good and bad habits; the causes of children's obesity. Also we will read the text; watch the drama "The Doctor's Advice"; listen to the information about food and health; and do different exercises;

Слайд №3. Тема урока.

T.: So, what is the topic of our lesson today? Look at this slide. What is the most important wealth (богатство) of a man? Do the crossword and guess the key-word for the topic of our lesson.

Слайд № 4. Кроссворд.

T.: Look at the pictures and guess the words. There is a first letter of every word. Please, your variants. Number one … и т.д. (Key: 1) hiking, 2) tennis, 3) skating, 4) volleyball, 5) football, 6) hockey).

Слайд № 5. Ключ к кроссворду.

T.: So, well. Look at the key and name the word which is the most important wealth of a man. Yes, you are right. And now who can guess the topic of our lesson which is connected with this word "health"? (Если не могут отгадать: Open your books at page 121and find the title.)

Слайд № 6. Тема урока.

T.: Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is "A Healthy Living Guide".

II.Практика в устной речи по теме «Здоровый образ жизни». (Монологические высказывания, диалоги).

Слайд № 7. Разговор о вредных и здоровых привычках.

T.: Now let's speak about good and bad health habits. Open your books at page 122 ex. 1 (1). Find and read the bad habits. Thank you. And find and read the good habits. Yes, you are right. It's high time to do the task on this slide. Choose the items for the column YES and for the column NO! Let's begin. Please, the column YES… . The column NO!...

Слайд № 8. Разговор о вредных и здоровых привычках. Ключ к заданию.

T.: So, look at this slide and check if you are right. Let's repeat the items of the column YES.

Слайд № 8. Ролевая игра «На международной конференции по проблеме «Рост ожирения среди подростков».

T.: Now imagine. We are at the International Conference on the Causes of Children's Obesity. There 2 friends have met. You are these 2 friends. According to this example-dialogue make up your own dialogue. Open your books at page 127 ex. 2 (1). Use these sentences . Work in pairs. The 1-st variant is the 1-st student and the 2-nd variant is the 2-nd student. Get ready in one minute. Now let's begin. (Учащиеся проговаривают свои диалоги.)

Проектор выключен.

III. Текст «Lunch Time» (домашняя заготовка, чтение с пониманием).

T.: It's time to check up the hometask. Prepare the text "Lunch Time" and the questions to this text. Let's begin reading. Don't translate. Well, answer my questions this text.

Lunch Time

It's twelve o'clock on Monday. Chris is in the street. He is hungry, he wants to eat. What can he do? He can go home and have lunch. But he hasn't got any food at home. He can go to the supermarket. But that takes a lot of time. Chris is in a hurry.

He sees a restaurant. But, maybe it's too expensive. He hasn't got much money. But he has got a credit card!

He stops in front of the restaurant. He looks at the menu. It looks very good. There is steak on the menu. He loves steak. And he wants to order a large glass of orange juice.

This restaurant is perfect. He tries to go inside. But he can't open the door.

What's that sign on the door? He puts on his glasses to read it. "Closed on Mondays."

Answer to the questions of the text:

  1. What time is it? ( It's twelve o'clock.)

  2. Which day of the week is it? (It's Monday.)

  3. What does Chris want to do? (He is hungry, he wants to eat.)

  4. What hasn't he got at home? (He hasn't got any food at home.)

  5. Where can he buy food? (He can go to the supermarket.)

  6. What does he want to eat at the restaurant? (He wants to eat a steak.)

  7. What kind of drink does he want? (He wants a large glass of orange juice.)

  8. But why can't he go inside? (Because the restaurant is closed on Mondays.)

IV. Драматизация диалога по устной теме.

T.: Now let's have a pause and watch the funny story "The Doctor's Advice". After watching it answer the question: "What was the doctor's mistake?"

The Drama.

Author: Once an old man went to see a doctor. He said:

Old man: I am not very well. I feel tired, doctor.

Author: The doctor examined him and said:

Doctor: You must have a rest. Go to the country for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, go for long walks and smoke only one cigar a day.

Old man: Thank you very much. I'll do everything as you say.

Author: A month later the man came to the doctor again.

Doctor: How are you? I am very glad to see you. You look much better.

Old man: Oh, doctor. I am quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank milk. I went for long walks. Your advice helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day and that one cigar a day almost killed me at first. It's not a joke to begin smoking at my age.

The answer: The old man did not smoke at all before his visit to the doctor.

V. Закрепление лексики по устной теме (выполнение упражнений).

1) Prepare the task on Auding. Look through these statements. Listen to the dictor and match the facts with the letter "F" and the myths - with the letter "M". Put the earphones on your heads, take your pens and listen to. …..

The task on Auding.

  1. Garlic (чеснок) helps to make your heart strong. __Fact__

  2. Green tea protects your teeth. __ Fact ____

  3. Onion (лук) is good for your nerves. Fact _____

  4. Milk makes your bones (кости) strong. __ Fact __

  5. Banana is good for your muscles (мускулы). _ Fact _______

  6. Carrot (морковь) is good for your eyes. __ Fact __

  7. Eating only one type of food, such as grapefruit, helps to lose weight. _Myth__

  8. Some herbs (травы) can help to lose weight without diet or exercise. __ Myth

2) Now let's do the task on words. Correct the words. Ксюша and Юля, come to the blackboard and do this task on the blackboard. Write your surnames near the variant. Work for 1 minute. (Раздаю карточки.)

I variant

inaktivity, calori, faibre, obesety, sneck

Ключ: inactivity, calorie, fibre, obesity, snack

II variant

harespray, vetamine, eyesigt, diseas, lifestile

Ключ: hairspray, vitamine, eyesight, disease, lifestyle

(Включается проектор.)

3) Take this card. Look through the sentences and choose the right word. Underline it. Your time is 3 minutes.

Это упражнение мы делаем, если у нас есть время на уроке. Если нет времени, то это задание переносится на Д/З.

Some children don't like Physical Education (PE) lessons at school. But I think it is important to take (place, part, game, course) in PE. PE is a great way to (lead, promote, keep, bring) you fit and healthy even if you don't like it. (That's why, As a result, Since, Even) you may not do any exercise at home, I think it is important that you (make, train, keep, have) PE lessons. Taking (dangerous, regular, balance, accurate) exercise is necessary. I believe it actually leads to a better lifestyle.

The government plans to make children (more active, activity, inactive, inactivity) because a lot of children are dangerously (fit, obesity, overweight, slim). Besides more sports have been introduced at school to help people to learn how to win. I think girls will enjoy PE more if they have a lot of (skills, forms, activities, hours) to choose from.

Слайд № 10. Подведение итогов.

T.: Well, our lesson is coming to the end. And it's time to come back to our plan and make a conclusion. What have we done today?

(Дети анализируют.) Your hometask is this card. (You have worked well that's why you have no hometask.)

Слайд № 11.

I wish all of you: Be healthy!

Слайд № 12.

What emotions do you feel: positive or negative? Choose and give me back. Thank you. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

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