Тема «Охрана окружающей среды» затрагивает мно­го вопросов, в частности, что делать, чтобы мир был чи­стым, как не допустить исчезновения многих видов жи­вотных, как правильно вести себя на природе, не нанося ущерба окружающей среде. Вопросы эти очень важны, но если интересные и увлекательные сведения о своих любимых животных дети получают в игровой форме, они активнее и полнее усвоят необходимый лексико-грамматический материал, попутно расширяя свои знания об окружающем мире. Учащиеся с увлечен...
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учитель английского языка

Тхамокова Инна Хачимовна

Тема «Охрана окружающей среды» затрагивает мно­го вопросов, в частности, что делать, чтобы мир был чи­стым, как не допустить исчезновения многих видов жи­вотных, как правильно вести себя на природе, не нанося ущерба окружающей среде. Вопросы эти очень важны, но если интересные и увлекательные сведения о своих любимых животных дети получают в игровой форме, они активнее и полнее усвоят необходимый лексико-грамматический материал, попутно расширяя свои знания об окружающем мире. Учащиеся с увлечением представляют животных из сказок, их привычки, особенности и характер, с удовольствием отгадывают загадки и разучивают стихи и песни о животных и птицах.

Оборудование - костюмы и маски животных. Музыкальное сопровождение - английские песенки о живот­ных и птицах, записи «Голоса живой природы».

The animals

(на сцену выходит ведущий)

Ведущий: Dear boys and girls!

The boy: Today we are going to speak about the animals.

(На сцену выходит мальчик с элементами костюма собаки).

A dog: I'm a dog. I'm clever. I'm the cleverest among the domestic animals. I can't talk as people can, but I can ex­press joy, fear, anger and other emotions. I can hunt. Do you know that in 3700 ВС the Egyptians knew 21 different kinds ol'dogs and use them in the hunt?

(Девочка - кошка в маске).

A cat: I'm a cat. I'm clever too. Do you know that cats love their homes better than people? I often run away when my master takes me to new house, I find my old home and live there.

I have a got sister. She is a Maltese cat. She has got a hair on her tongue!

Maltese cats are the only animals which have hair growing on their tongues!

Cats are nice! Let's sing a song about a cat.

Все поют песню Ding, dong, dell.

Ding, dong, dell,

Pussy's in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Tommy Green.

Who pulled her out?

Little Tommy Stout.

What a naughty boy was that

To drown poor Pussy-cat,

Who never did any harm

But killed all the mice

In his father's barn.

A cat: And I like to travel.

(Диалог «Девочка и кошка»)

Girl: Pussy-cat

Where have you been?

A cat: I've been to London

To look at the Queen.

Girl: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,

What did you do there?

A cat: I frightened a little mouse.

Under the chair.

На сцене спящий лев. Мимо пробегает маленькая мышка.

Lion (waking up): Grr... rrr! Who is running over my feet?

Mouse: It's me, Mr. Lion, a poor little mouse.

Lion: Well, I'll kill you and eat you up! Grr..rrr...

Мousе: Oh, Mr. Lion, let me live. I am so small. Please, П Mil me. Some day Г may help you.

Lion: Ma, ha! Don't make me laugh! You are too small. How run you help a big lion? Run away! Don't come here and more!

Mouse: Oh, thank you, Mr. Lion!

Мышка убегает. Появляется охотник, набрасывает на спящего льва сеть, уходит.

Lion: Grr... mi.., Oh, help me! Help me!

Mouse: Oh, Mr. Lion. What's the matter with you?

Lion: I am in a net. I can't get out of it. Soon people will back and kill me.

Mouse: I'll help you, Mr. Lion. My teeth are very sharp, «ml I'll cut the net with them.

Lion: Be quick. Little Mouse, I am afraid of the people. I hey will come back soon.

Mouse: Wait a little. Mr. Lion! You will soon be free! I am cutting the net.

Маленькая мышка перегрызает сеть и освобождает льва.

Lion: Oh, thank you, dear Mouse! I am free now, and I can run away.

Лев убегает.

На сцену выходит девочка-кукушка.

A cuckoo: I'm a cuckoo. I'm first seen in England on the 20th of April every year. I'm lazy. I lay my eggs in the nests of other birds. People don't like this habit. And the English word «cuckoo» also means «foolish». But my voice changes with the weather.

The Boy: The cuckoo comes in April, He sings his songs in May, In the middle of June, He changes his tune, And then he flies away.

Все поют «A Cuckoo-song».

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Little brown bird,

Was that you singing,

Through the wood ringing?

Sweeter music

Never was heard.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Good news you bring;

Blossoms are waking,

Green leaves are breaking,

Come and tell us It is the Spring.

A cuckoo: I've got a sister. She lives in America and she is not like me. The American cuckoos take care of their young ones themselves. They don't lay eggs in other birds' nests.

The Boy: Do you know that once or twice a year most birds get new coats of features? The old feathers drop off as the new ones grow in. There is a river in America called the Feather River. Millions and millions of birds used to drop off their feathers as they flew over this river. For many days the river looked like a stream of feathers. That's how the Feather River got its name.

Нa сцену выходят дети в масках или костюмах животных.

Девочка в костюме черепахи.

A Tortoise: I'm a Tortoise. I live the longer life. Sometimes I can live for 300 or 400 years. I can lay eggs. I can lay as many as 150 eggs.

Мальчик в маске крокодила.

A crocodile: I'm a crocodile. I can live for 300 years. I am old. In old, old days, many, many years ago we lived in Eu­rope. Now we live in Africa and America. I'm strong. Do you know that crocodiles kill more people in Africa than any oth­er wild animals? And when I was a baby crocodile I can climb trees.

Мальчик в маске слона.

An elephant: I'm an elephant. I can live for 100 years. I'm big and strong. I can swim. I'm a very good swimmer. I have got a trunk. We live in Africa and Asia. Many-many years ago my grand-grand-grandparents fought Rome with Hannibal. 37 of his elephants made a march across the Alps covered with ice and snow. And now we don't fight, we work with people and help them. We are clever.

Девочка в костюме или маске мышки.

A mouse: I'm a mouse. I'm small and I'm not strong, but I'm clever too. I can sing! Some of my sisters and brothers make sounds that resemble the sounds which birds make.

The boy: Please sing us a song!

The mouse: (поет песенку «Three blind mice».)

Three blind mice! Three blind mice!

See how they run! See how they run!

They all run after the farmer's wife

Who cut off their tails with carving-knife.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life

As three blind mouse?


A robin: I'm the bright little robin. I'm a friendly bird. I like people and always build my soft nest near houses. I'm among the first to come in spring. In summer I don't sleep very late at night and sing gay goodnight songs. And once a cat wants to catch me! How stupid!

The Boy: I know this story. I'll tell you, boys and girls!

(Читает стихотворение «Catch»)

Little Robin Redbreast cat upon a tree,

Up went pussy-cat, and down went he;

Down came pussy, and away Robin ran;

Says little Robin Redbreast,

Catch me if you can.

Little Robin Redbreast jumped upon a wall,

Pussy-cat jumped after him,

And almost got a fall;

Little Robin chirped and sang,

And what did pussy say?

Pussy-cat said, Mew,

And Robin jumped away.

A Robin: I like singing. Birds usually sing when they express their feeling of love or when they want company and call their friends. So do I. And at other time we sing simply for joy and when happiness. When a bird is ill or unhappy, it never sings. It sings only when it's well. Once I was unhappy mid couldn't sing.

Сценка. Who stole the birdie's nest


Robin Redbreast


First Dog

Second Dog


First Sheep

Second Sheep




Scene: Robin Redbreast is very sad. She is looking at her nest. All the persons of the sketch are looking at her. They are very sad too, but the boy is looking aside.

Robin Redbreast: To-whit! To-whit! To-wee!

Will you listen to me?

Who stole four eggs I laid

And the nice nest I made?

Cow: Not I, moo-oo!

Such a thing I never do.

First Dog: Not I, bow-wow!

I am not so mean, I vow.

Second Dog: Oh, I can't do such a thing too.

Cuckoo: Coo-coo! Coo-coo! Coo-coo!

Let me say a word or two

Who stole that pretty nest

From little Robin Redbreast?

First Sheep: Not I, oh, no,

I did not treat a poor bird so.

Second Sheep: Baa! Baa! Oh, no!

I did not treat a poor bird so.

Hen: Chuck! Chuck!

Don't ask me again

Why I have a chick

I wouldn't do such a trick.

All together: Let us find out his name, And all cry - For shame!

Girl (pointing to the boy): He stole that pretty nest

From little Robin Redbreast.

(The boy covers his face with his hands.)

And he feels so full of shame -

He does not like to tell his name.

Boy: Forgive me, little Robin Redbreast.

I shall never touch birds' nests.

Все уходят.

На сцену выходят ведущие.

The Boy: Let's play proverbs.

Дети должны по очереди соединять английскую по­словицу с ее русским эквивалентом.

If you run after two hairs, you will catch neigher. - 3a двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.

First catch your hair, then cook him. - He убив медве­дя, шкуры не продавай.

The early bird catches the worm. - Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.

Every bird likes its own nest. - Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит.

When the cat is away, mice will play. - Без кота мышам раздолье.

То take the bull by the horns. - Взять быка за рога.

When pigs fly. - Когда рак свистнет; после дождичка в четверг.

Give a lark to catch a kite. - Променять кукушку на яс­треба.

То put the cart before the horse. - Ставить телегу впе­реди лошади.

То kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. - Рубить сук, на котором сидишь.

A cat in gloves catches no mice. - Без труда не выта­щишь и рыбки из пруда.

Every dog has his day. - Будет и на нашей улице праз­дник.

Let sleeping dog lie. - He буди лихо, пока оно тихо.

The leopard cannot change his spots. - Горбатого мо­гила исправит.

To kill two birds with one stone. - Убить двух зайцев од­ним выстрелом.

Birds of feather flock together. - Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

The Boy: And now it is interesting to know...

Выходят дети в костюмах зверей и птиц. Каждый рас­сказывает о себе.

The crow: It eats corn, fruit and the eggs and the young of their birds.

The swift: It is the fasted bird. It can fly faster than 200 miles an hour. When it migrates, it makes a flight of 1500 miles in about 7 hours. The European swift never touches the ground. It even eats and drinks when it flies.

The penguin: It is the only bird which can walk upright, like a man. When it wants to move quickly on land, it lies down and slides along the ice.

The albatross: It is a seabird which has the longest wings. The distance between the end of the wings of it is sometimes 17 feet. It lays only one egg and both parents take care of the young bird.

The ostrich: It is the largest of bird. But it has the small­est number of toes - 2. It roars like a lion, hisses like a snake and kicks like a horse.

The stark: It has no voice...

The owl: It is not wise. It's rather stupid.

The flamingo: It eats with its head upside down.

Kiwi: And I'm a living national emblem. I'm kiwi. I'm a very unusual bird. You can find me only in some parts of New Zealand. I have no tail, almost no wings and my nostrils are situated near the end of my bill which is used to find food. I live in thick forests and prefer to spend time in the dark.

Ha сцену выходит девочка.

Girl: And I like mice! I think mice Are very nice. Their tails are long, Their faces small, They haven't any Chins at all. Their ears are pink, Their teeth are white, They run about The house at night. They eat things They must not touch And no one seems To like them much. But I think mice Are nice.

The Boy (ведущий): Dear guest! Thank you that you come today! That's all. Bye- bye!

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