Конспект урока (методика обучения в сотрудничестве) по английскому языку Professions. Career + грамматика - условные предложения

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Тип Конспекты
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Тема: «Professions. Career»

Практическая задача: активизация лексического материала по теме урока,

Способствовать развитию грамматических навыков по теме «условные предложения» посредством обучения в группе.

Воспитательная задача: способствовать воспитанию чувства ответственности за свои действия, способствовать развитию умений коллективной деятельности

Развивающая задача: способствовать развитию логического и абстрактного мышления, памяти, внимания

Образовательная задача: расширить знания учащихся о различных профессиях.


Professions and career

- What would you do, if you were a …?

- If I were a …, I would V1…

1 If it is a nice day tomorrow, we (go) for a picnic.

2 I would explain it him, if I (be) you.

3 If the dog (be) angry, it can bite you.

4 If Mary hadn't worked hard, she (promote).

формление доски:

Ход урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников




Орг. момент

II. Основной этап

Речевая разминка

III. Заключит.


Подведение итога урока (фронтально).

Объяснение домашнего


Good morning, students!

Today we continue talking about different jobs and professions, about people's career. This lesson is unusual, you'll work with grammar material in groups today, and at the end of the lesson you'll have a test. Before the test we'll revise our grammar and lexic.

Now as you see you are devided into 2 teams. It will be some kind of competition between you, and the marks will be put according to the work of the whole group, so please do your best to work together and to help each other.

To begin with, remember the names of jobs, please. The team which will give more professions will have a score!

Good of you! The team … gets a score!

(раздаю листочки с «пройденной» лексикой). Now let's remember some words that will be necessary for you to do the tasks in our today's lesson.

Okey, look at the blackboard. What grammar do we use in these sentencies?

Good! How much types of conditional sentencies do you know?

How to form them?

That`s right!

So let us do excersises on the blackboard! The first 2 sen-cies for first team and the 2nd two for the 2nd one.

Everybody worked well, both teams get a score!

- Now I'd like to know what professions do you prefer.

Какое вопросительное слово используем в отношении профессий? Кем - whom или what?


Ok, now ..., What would you like to be?

- And what would you do, if you were a policeman?

In what type of conditional s-ces did we make our some kind of dialogue? (вопрос классу)

-Совершенно верно. Мы мечтаем о какой-то профессии в данный момент, но сейчас мы к этой профессии не относимся. Есть частица «бы» в переводе на русский: «если бы»… Это нереальное условие в настоящем, 2 тип УП.

Now ..., talk about the job with anyone in your class. Choose anyone, address him/her and ask these 2 questions! You can choose a partner from another team. So … start wth you.

- Good of you!

-All this material will be in your test today! Be attentive, now we are repeating and then you will do the tasks youself!

Now work in groups, you will work together and help each other to perform the tasks.

After that you will write the test. Thus, I will check up, how much effective you have worked in group because the marks for your individual test will be summed up in group and you will given a common mark for a whole group! Is it clear? Good!

Therefore each member of the team should work actively in group, cooperate with group, find out any arising questions, by means of companions to find the right answers for the purpose to be successful!

Now you will get the pictures with men occupied with some professions and the lexic you should use. You have 7 pictures in every group and you shouldn`t name the profession, you should just say: If I were this man/or woman, I would v1.. do smt

The other team will consult each other and name what this profession is. For example: If I were this woman I would work in cabinet, in white mask and treat people`s teeth. So what is this profession? Yes! Is it clear?

So prepare your speeches you have 2 minutes.

So let us check up yor task!

For every guessed profession from the first time (с первого раза) you will have one more score.

You know, I have one more picture for every team. But this profession is unusual one and you have not it in our lexic. Would you try or not? It will be an extra score! You can guess 3 times


Now for every group I have tasks with Conditionals. Look at what you should do: в первом задании - match the sentencies, найти продолжение во втором столбике так, чтобы предложение совпадало по типу условия и по смыслу. Во втором - определить тип УП, отметить его и записать нужную форму глагола. I suggest you working in turn within the group. The first student reads the 1st s-nce, and so on. Work together, discuss questions aloud, ask, if something is not clear, help each other. Your marks depend on the work of the whole group! И к тому же в индивидуальном тесте, который каждый будет писать сам на оценку, задания будут аналогичны, лексика будет та же. You have 7 minutes.

-10 minutes left, let's check up! The 1st task - say only the corresponding letters! Sentence #one… two…

Were there any difficulties? What is not clear? (учитель комментирует возникающие вопросы) The score gets …

-Let's check up the 2nd task. I want to listen to only the forms of verbs that you have chosen.

Were there any difficulties? (учитель комментирует возникающие вопросы) So good, the score gets …

And now to be able to give you a mark next lesson, I give you individual tests. I will check up, how much successfully you co-operated in group.

There are 4 variants! Now it is not necessary to co-operate in group, to write off … Everyone works himself. It is important what exactly YOU have remembered, have fixed in memory after cooperation in group. I give you 5 minutes to perform your test, then I'll take the papers.

-Your time is over, give me your papers please. Next lesson I'll tell you the results.

-Did you like to work in group?

-What do you think, was it useful for you? Have you worked more than in usual lessons? Thank you!

Now let us see how much scores you have won. So the … team wins! Your marks are: …

And now write down your home task.

You have to write a competition "I would like to be" about your desirable future profession of course with the use of conditional s-ces. Have you any questions?

Thank you for your work, you may be free.

Приветствуют учителя, садятся.

Слушают учителя.

Называют профессии

Conditional s-ces!




- I'd like to be.. a policeman.

-I would protect people

-во втором?

Задают друг другу вопросы/ отвечают.

Слушают учителя

Получают картинки


Работают в группах

Выполняют задания в группе


Работают самостоятель-но

Отвечают на вопросы учителя

Записывают д/з

1 мин

1 мин

2 мин

2 мин

3 мин

2 мин

2 мин

2 мин

5 мин

2 мин

1 мин


2 мин

1 мин

5 мин

5 мин

2 мин

я записываю на доске формулы

Учитель коммен-тирует возника-

ющие вопросы учащихся

Учитель контроли-рует работу в группах, коммен-тирует возника-

ющие трудности

1b, 2d, 3e, 4c, 5b

1 Wouldn`t have fired 2 involved 3 would find 4 finds 5 will lose 6 wouldn`t have been hurted 7 would catch 8 had tried

Задания провероч-ной работы дифферен-цированы для сильных и слабых учащихся!


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