Step four. School Rules

Grade: 7I. The theme of the lesson: Step four. School RulesII. The objectives of the lesson:1. To consolidate previous materials, to train the pupils in using model verb. «Must» mustn't in speech2. To develop pls’ abilities in oral speech and reading.3. To teach pupils to respect each other and to be polite, to develop pls’, knowledge.III. Visual aids: Activ Board.IV. Types: lesson – introduction.V. Method: complex work, association, question – answer, gr. work, Round – Robin.Now, pupils today w...
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Theme: Welcome to Disneyland
Form: 6
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: To give some information about new lexical theme, talk about Disneyland, to speak about pupils' dreams. To check up their knowledge of Present Perfect Tense.
Development: To develop understanding, reading, logical thinking, writing habits,
memory, listening skills, oral speech
Upbringing: To bring up love and interest to the subject, respect each other.

I. Organization moment
II. Checking up the homework
A) Ex. 6. "Been" or "Gone"
a) Victor is not here, He has_____ to Los Angeles.
b) Mike is not here. He has _____ to Almaty.
c) Asan has ______to Washington. He is staying here.
d) Asel has______ to Germany. Now she is in New York.
B) Put the words in right order. Make a sentence
A) I yet have read the have letter not.
B) Have already gone France they to.
C) Phone just I on spoken have the.
D) Yet cooked has friend not my meal the.

III. Phonetic drill.
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and and bumped his bed,
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:
"No more little monkeys jumping on that bed."

IV. Opener
A) Have you ever heard about Disneyland?
B) Have you ever been to Disneyland?
C) Do you want to go there?
D) Whom with do you want to go to Disneyland?

V. New lesson.
The 4th of February.
Welcome to Disneyland.
a)"Welcome to Disney". Author: Heater Tanner
Welcome to Disney the happiest place on Earth,
A place we all wish to go since the day of birth,
There is so much to do and so much to see,
And fun all kids from ages one to ninety three.
From main street to the castle, oh, what fun,
Rides and splashing and fun in the sun,
Mickey and Minnie and all their pals,
Pooh and friends and their princess gals.

b) Vocabulary
to create[kri: 'eit]құру
to return[ ri'tз: n]оралу
сhildhood[tsaildhu: d]балалық шақ
мagic ['mәеdзik]сыйқырлы
kingdom[kin, dәm] патшалық
cartoon[ka: tu: n]мультфильм
c) Read the text. Disneyland
Disneyland is a place for children of all ages. It's also a place for their parents to return to the world of childhood. It was opened on July 17, 1955. It was Walt Disney who created such a park. He wanted to make a special place for children and for their parents. So he built Disneyland. His "magical little park" twenty years later became the magic kingdom. Now there are many themed parks all over the world. There are in Gong - Hong, Paris, Cruise, Tokyo, California and Florida. Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. When Walt Disney grew up he began to draw pictures, and one day he had an idea create cartoons. He has a wife, her name is Lillian Lillian died 2 months before her 99th birthday and is buried with Walt. Walt has two daughters: Diane Marie Disney (December 18, 1933), Sharon Mae Disney (December 31, 1936 ). He made 81 short cartoons and longer films. He dead on december15, 1966. He is a legend of XX century.
d) Answer the questions

1) How old is Disneyland?
2) What kind of place is a Disneyland?
3) Who created this park?
4) When was Walt Disney born?
5) Where was Walt Disney born?
6) When was the park opened?
7) What is her wife's name?
8) How many films did he make?
9) When did he die?
10) Who is Walt Disney?

e) Comprehension check.
Do you know any other Disney lands outside the USA?
f) Characters of Disneyland
Mickey and Minnie
Vinnie beer
Timon and Pumba

VI. Grammar. Pre sent perfect tense
Ever, never, just and since
Yet, already and this week
Lately, recently are used
In present perfect tense
We must remember all of them
To write, to spell and to translate
Not to make mistakes
When we are speaking English
a) Interview your partner. Use "ever", "never", "already", "just" and "yet"

1. To see a crocodile
2. To eat mango fruit
3. To ride an elephant
4. To speak to Englishman
5. To drive a car
6. To be to Astana
7. To play tennis
8. To bake a brea

b) Find the mistakes.

• I have ever been to America.
• Has you had breakfast?
• He has already saw the tower of London.
• We have wash the dishes yet.
• They has already cooked a meal.
• She has just take a shower.
• I have never been to America.
• Have you had breakfast?
• He has already seen the tower of London.
• We have washed the dishes yet.
• They have already cooked a meal.
• She has just taken a shower.

c) Cards
VII. Warmup with Mickey and Minie
VIII. Test yourself
1. Susan___ ___ seen the statue of Liberty.
a) has never b) have never c) has yet
2. I have already been __the U. S. A.
in b) to c) at
3. Mark has already done shopping, but he hasn't started cooking___.
a) already b) never c) yet
4. The plain ___ just __.
have, flew b) has, flown c) has, fly
5.___you ever seen the Akh Orda?
a) Do b) Has c) Have
6.___you ___ your Lunch, Tom?
a) Have, had b) Has, had c) have, has3. C
IX. Giving marks
X. Home task

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. A
IX. Giving marks
X. Home task

Grade: 7
I. The theme of the lesson: Step four. School Rules
II. The objectives of the lesson:
1. To consolidate previous materials, to train the pupils in using model verb. «Must» mustn't in speech
2. To develop pls' abilities in oral speech and reading.
3. To teach pupils to respect each other and to be polite, to develop pls', knowledge.
III. Visual aids: Activ Board.
IV. Types: lesson - introduction.
V. Method: complex work, association, question - answer, gr. work, Round - Robin.

The Procedure of the lesson:
1. Org moment: Greeting the Students
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
2. Warm - up:
3. Checking - up home - work:
4. Introduction, explanation of the new material:
5. Consolidation of the new material:
6. Giving home work:
7. Evaluation:
8. Conclusion of the lesson:

1. Org moment: Greeting the students
2. Warm - up:
How do you help your mother?


Now, pupils today we'll take Grammar material
Model verb: must, mustn't, have to
1. Remember: Модальда етістіктен кейінгі мағыналық етістік to шылауының қолданылады.
Example: He must do his homework. She must do it.
Модальді етістіктерден кейін 3 - жақтағы жекеше мағыналық етістіктерде - s, (es) жалғауы болмайды.
Example: She must do it. He should take an umbrella.
2. do / does сұраулы сөйлемде қолданылмайды.
Ex: Can I help you? What should I do?
3. «Must» қажеттілік пен міндеттемелер туралы айтқанда айтушының ойы ретінде қолданылады.
Ex: I must cut my hair.
You really must work hard.
4. «Have to» қажеттілікті заңды ережеге негізделген, міндетті түрде істелуге тиісті істі, әрекеттерді сипаттау үшін қоладынылады. Мысалы:
Ex: children have to go to school (заң)
You have to wear a Uniform (ереже)
Болымсыз түрде mustn't, don't have to
Mustn't - белгілі іс әрекетті істеуге болмайтындығы
Don't have to - қажеттіліктің жоқтығын айтқанда қолданылады.
Example: It's a secret. You mustn't tell anybody
Some children iron their socks, but you don't have to
It's a waste of time.
Read some school rules:
1. You must

do your homework.
arrive at school at 1o 'clock
wear a Uniform
Bring a letter from your parents
if you missed your lessons
Stand up when a teach comes
into the class room.
be quiet in the classroom
in the library
Keep your classroom tidy.

2. You mustn't (Ескерту)
be late for the lessons
bring mobile phone
run in the corridors
chew chewing gums
wear jeans or trainers
make a noise during the lesson
leave school at break time

3. Ex 3. Complete the sentences with must, mustn't and translate them into
a) We _____________ bring CD players to school
b) We_____________ have a dictionary at the English lesson.
c) We _____________ stay at school until 2 o' clock.

4. What do you use after must and mustn't? Complete the table with the correct form of the verb.
to wear -------- wearing -------- wear ------ wears
She ------ must _______________________ a uniform.
It ------- mustn't _____________________ earrings.
5. A work in small groups. Think of some rules for your ideal school.
6. Listening: Listen to Tom and guess what his job is.
сыпайы ------------ polite adj
қысқа женді ----- short - sleeved adj
клиент ------------ сustomer n
алып беру ------- serve v
Text: I dont't have to get up early in the morning.
I have to start work at 11 o' clock in the morning or at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I don't have to work on Wednesdays, but I have to work at weekend. That's the busiest time. I have to serve meals and I have to be polite to customers.
I have to wear short - sleeved white shirt, black trousers and a nametag. I love my job.

III. Consolidation, of the new material: Round - Robin
Now, pupils today we discussed about school rules:
Please, say what must we do, and mustn't do at school.
IV. Evaluation: Your mark is……….
V. Homework: Ex 8
VI. Conclusion of the lesson: Today you are so active. Thank you for attention! Good - bye.

Сыныбы: 8
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Ұлы Британия және Қазақстан білім беру жүйесін салыстыру.
Білімділік: Ұлы Британия және Қазақстан білім беру жүйесін салыстыра отырып, сөйлеуге үйрету.
Дамытушылық: сөйлеу, тыңдау, жазу дағдыларын дамыту, сыни тұрғыдан ойлау қабілетін арттыру.
Тәрбиелік: Білімге, ғылымға құштарлығын арттыру.
Сабақтың типі: Пысықтау сабақ
Сабақтың әдісі: сұрақ - жауап, жоба қорғау.
Пәнаралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі.
Көрнекіліктер: интерактивті тақта, постер "Education in GB and Kazakhstan", қалпақтар.

I. Organization moment: a) Good afternoon, children.
b) Duties report.

II. Checking up the home task: Protecting project work.
1st group: "Kazakhstan's students".
2nd group: "Britain's students".
1. Why is it necessary to have education?
2. When does compulsory education start in GB?
3. How long does primary education last?
4. How old were you when you started school?
5. What languages are presented the educational system in Kazakhstan?
6. Which subjects do you study at school?
7. At what age does compulsary education begin in Kaz - n?
8. What do you think is the most important subjects? Why?
9. Do you have to wear a uniform?
10. Are there school rules at your school?
11. What is good in your school? What is bad?
12. What are "core" subjects?

Today our lesson is devoted to education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan. We are going to compare these two systems of education and talk about them.
First I would like you to look at the slide with phonetic drill:
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
William Butler Yeats.

III. T. Very good. Now let' s talk about what is education. Give your opinions about what the education is.
S. 1. Education is our knowledge.
S. 2. Education is the subjects we learn at school colleges and universities.
S. 3. Education is humanity' s best hope.
S. 4. Education is a qualification that we get after graduating schools and colleges.
6 thinking hats. 6 ойлайтын қалпақтар. Боно әдісі.
1. White hat. 2. Red hat. 3. Black hat. 4. Yellow hat. 5. Green hat. 6. Blue hat

T. That's fine. I quite agree with you. So, lets compare the system of education in GB and Kazakhstan. Ex1p117.
Filling Venn's diagram.
ExIII p118 - 119. Read the text
Relaxation: Exercises for eyes. Video.

IV. Work in pairs. Use the given questions for your interview.
And now let` s write the poem "Education". Think wane.
1. word "Education"
2. two adjectives
3. three verbs
4. one sentence
5. one synonym

V. Giving the home task: to write a letter for an English girl Nell Smith as in ex. 3 p 118.
VI. Marking. I give an excellent mark for your project works. And for others….
VII. Lesson outcome. Teacher: Our education is not the worst in the world. To make Kazakh education one of the best of the world is in your hands. Your good behavior and the best marks will be the first steps in this way. It will make your teachers and parents happier.
The lesson is over. You may be free and have a rest.

Ағылшын тілі 7 cынып

Theme: Omar's album (Омардың альбомы) (презентациясымен)
a) educational: to widen the knowledge, to revise the grammar Present Perfect Tence and make their own sentences
b) practical: to develop speaking and reading, listening skills
c) cultural: to know more about animals, and take care of them

Type of the lesson: illustrative
Method of teaching: using different methods
Relation with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Biology, PE etc
Visual aids: interactive board, cut papers with text, slides

Plan of the lesson
I. Org. moment
a) Greetings: - Good morning, students!
- Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher!
We are glad to see you!
- I'm glad to see you too!
Sit down, please! And get ready for the lesson.

b) Duty's report: - Who's on duty?
- What date is it today?
- ……, write down the date on the board?
- Who's absent?
- Thank you! Sit down!
Today we are going to pass new lesson. The theme of our demonstrative lesson is Omar's album. In this lesson you should speak, listen and read the text, sing the song and do some exercises. Let's begin.

I. Brainstorming
- Look at the board. What is this in the picture?
- What place is it?
- Would you like to go to the zoo?
- How can we get there?
- But on the way to the zoo what should we know?
- yes, you are right. What does the red say?
- What does the yellow say?
- What does the green say?
- Then let's go.
- oh, we came to the zoo. But in order to enter the zoo you should answer the questions

II. Checking homework
(to answer the questions according to the hometask)
1. Speak about the life in the desert. (Шөлдегі өмір туралы айтып бер)
2. Can you explain the Present Perfect Tense?. (Present Perfect шағын түсіндіре аласың ба?)
3. What flowers do you know? (Қандай гүлдерді білесің?)
4. Speak about the life in the forest. (Ормандағы өмір туралы айтып бер)
5. Make a sentence in Present Perfect Tense and put a question.( Present Perfect шағында бір сөйлем құрастырып, сұрақ қой)
6. Speak about flowers. (Гүлдер туралы айтып бер)

- You answer to all questions and we can enter and see the animals

III. New Lesson
In order to see animals in the zoo you should do the task before. After every task you can see one animal.
a) Widen your knowledge: Read and translate the text.
b) Writing task: Translate these sentences using Present Perfect Tense
c) Have a fun: Let's sing a song
d) Listening task: Listen to the text and complete the missing letters
e) Let's relax: Doing some exercises according to the movie

IV. Fixing the new lesson
To decide a puzzle and continue the sentence "Today's lesson is ………." and translate. All the questions in the puzzle concerns passed materials.

V. Conclusion
a) Giving marks:
you are so active today. Thank you for you attendance. You mark is ….
b) Giving home work:
To read the text and learn new words
To revise the Present Perfect Tence
c) Good - bye! See you next time.


They're cutting the trees

Жарияланды 24-07-2013, 13:45 Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі

The Theme of the lesson: They're cutting the trees. (презентация түрінде)

The aim of the lesson: Asking and talking about Ecology. To develop the pupils speech habit and prepare a topic. To teach the pupils love and protect the nature.

Visual aids: The scheme, pictures of Ecology, book, support words.

The plan of the lesson.

I. Evocation.

a) Greeting.

b) Conversation with the duty.

I show two pictures about nature.

Teacher: Children, what do you see in this picture?

The children discuss the pictures of nature.

II. Realization of meaning.

Teacher: Children, today we will speak about the Ecology. The environment as it is all living and non - living things that surround us. They are animals and birds, woods and forests, air and water, land and atmosphere. All this may be called natural living conditions and resources. Some years ago this problem was widely discussed in the newspapers, radio and TV programmes in many countries of the world. We know there are many seas, lakes and rivers on the Earth. We also know that water is a source of life on the earth.

People, animals, birds to live without water. Now we also have the same problem before us. And what problem of Ecology do you know?

Children go to the blackboard and write the problem of Ecology.

1. Work with book.

Ex. 1. Children read the poem of chorus.

Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white

Ex. 4. p. 151 Answer the questions: ( oral speech )

a) Do you pollute water?

b) Do you burn trees?

c) Do you kill birds?

d) Do you dump rubbish?

2. "Gallery'' strategy. Work with groups.

Group 1.

1. People must put an end to cut the trees.

2. The trees clean the air.

3. The trees ensure from sun.

Group 2.

1. There is no existence without water.

2. The people must protect the water.

3. Water is a necessary for all living things.

Group 3.

1. The rubbish is pollution the air.

2. Each people answer for their rubbish.

III. Reflection.

"RAFT" strategy.

Role - nature.

Auditorium - President

Form - request.

Theme - Ecology

To President Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev.


I am nature is writing the letter to you, because I entreat you organization to protect the nature. Some people destroying the nature. They are killing plants and animals, cutting the trees. The trees clean the air. And so the people tear out flowers. There are more people have a bad health, because the air is pollution.

That is way I request you to help me, please!

Five line poem.

1. Nature

2. beautiful, clean

3. to change, to surround, to treat

4. The people must protect the nature.

5. Environment.


Home task: To draw a picture "The problem of Ecology".

7 сынып

The theme: Traditional food in Kazakhstan

The aims: 1. To introduce pupils the new words, to get information about traditional food in Kazakhstan and the names of national dishes, to teach pupils how to prepare it. To teach pupils to compare eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan

2. To teach pupils to be attentive to each other

3. To develop pupils interests in studying English

The type of lesson: Standard lesson

Methods of lesson: Brainstorming, explaining, discussing

Equipments: Interactive board, pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

II. Checking - up the hometask

III. Complete the map

Traditional food

roast - beef

roast potatoes

Yorkshire pudding


mineral water




toasts marmalade

honey, tea

5 o'clock







sausages bacon


IV. Introduction with the theme

V. Introduction with the new words:

mutton - қой еті prepare - дайындау, әзірлеу

horse beef - жылқы еті cook - пісіру

cuizine - ас, тағам fry - қуыру

dish - тағам, ыдыс

feast - той, мереке

VI. Fill in the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan

Eating in Kazakhstan






Traditional food



kazy - karta


zhal - zhaya

Traditional food in Kazakhstan

The main national dish of Kazakhs is beshbarmak. Beshbarmak prepares from mutton, a horse - beef. Besbarmak - a dish eaten with five fingers. The sheep's head was for respected guests

Kuyrdak - was prepared from slaughtering meat

Bauyrsak - national dish of Kazakhs, prepares from flour

The tastiest meats of the horse were zhal, zhaya, kazy, and karta.

Kazy - is a very dear and delicious meal

karta - a large horse intestine which was very tasty when cooked.

Zhal - the layer of fat under a horse's mane. Zhal was another special portion of fat sliced especially for invited guests, to be served with kazy, a rump and

Zhaya - rump of a horse, this is very delicious;

Kurt - This is a product prepared by the process of pressing thick sour cream.

National drinks koumiss, shubat, airan.

Airan - sour milk - Kazakh used this winter and summer, cow's milk was given to kids

Shubat - fermented camel's milk - Shubat often served as a medicine.

Kymyz - were made of horse's milk. Kymyz - This is a very useful for health.

Kaimak - sour cream. This is also made of milk

Milk was most used diary product.

Irimzhik - were made from boiled unskimmed milk and added sour cream. would be yellow.

Sary mai (butter) - Is made old milk

Suzbe and katyk - This is strained and thick sour milk it was another of the tasty diary products.

VIII. Work with the text: «Traditional foods»

IX. Complete the sentences:

a) Our traditional home cooked food is_________________

b) Our favourite meat dishes are: ______________________

c) The most popular drinks are: ________________________

d) For guests and friends we like to prepare _______________

X. Do you know that?

Shyrtyldak - Crackler. Kazakhs used to melt fat in a large bowl, then add some sugar.

It was used instead of butter. Kazakhs enjoyed it.

Kyimai - Sausage of Kazakhs usually made sausage during Winter. This sausage is very delicious;

Zhauburek (kabob) - Kazakhs prepared many different meat dishes. Zhauburek was prepared very quickly, which made it popular among hunters and travellers.

Ulpershek - Is a dish made from the heart

Akshelek - Is a large camel bone cooking meat from a camel..

Kuiryk - bauyr - This was the meal served to kinsmen at the wedding party which we discussed earlier.

Uyz - Beestings Kazakhs ate these during lambing and calving seasons.

Koryktyk - Is a herdsman's food, prepared from the sheep's milk.

XI. Complete the chart. What peoples like to eat?

1. Anar and Asan like kazy.

2. Omar and Asel like kuyrdak.

3. Nobody don't like zhaya.

4. Only Asel doesn't like milk.

5. Everybody like bauyrsak.

6. Only Anar doesn't like beshbarmak.

7. Only Asan likes irimshik.

8. Asan and Omar don't like shubat.

XII. How we prepare bauyrsak?

XIII. Complete the diagram

Eating in Britain

Yorkshire pudding,

roast - beef,

roast potatoes,


sausages, bacon,


Eating in Kazakhstan

Both --------------- Bauyrsak,

countries --------- beshbarmak,

like: ---------------- kuyrdak, kazy,

tea ---------------- karta, zhal, zhaya,

milk, -------------- kurt, irimshik,

meat ------------- kymyz,

--------------------- shubat



tea with



XIV. 5 lines of poem

1. Food

2. Delicious, tasty

3. Cooked, prepared, made

4. Food is useful for health

5. Food - Meal

XV. Giving of the hometask: «How do you prepare the national food?»

XVI. Marking

Кері қайту

Материал рейтингісі:

0барлық дауыс бергендер: 0

Ағылшын тілін оқытудың тиімді жолдары

Жарияланды 14-01-2013, 23:31 Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы

Қазалы ауылы, №100 мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Сисенбаева Гүлмира Әбдіғаниқызы

Ағылшын тілін оқытудың тиімді жолдары

Балалар ағылшын тілін оқуды асыға күтеді. Жаңа пән оларға құпиялы қызыққа толы болғандықтан, олар алда не күтіп тұрғанын білмей, тек пәннің басталуын тағатсыздана тосады. Мұғалім осыны ескере отырып, оқушылардың қызығушылығын сөндіріп алмас үшін түрлі жұмыстар жүргізіп, шет тілін меңгертуде түрлі әдістерді әр ағылшын сабағында қолдануы тиіс деп ойлаймын.

5 - сыныпта әріптер мен дыбыстарды үйретуде фонетикалық жаттығу - өлең шумақтарын құрастыруға болады. Бұл орайда сабақтың жаңа сөздері мен грамматикалық құрылымды пайдалануға болады.

E. g. I have got a dog,

I have got a cat,

I have got a shell,

I have got a small red ball

I'm glad

I have got them all.

I 've got a dog,

You've got a cat.

We 've got a frog,

They've got a bat.

Сонымен қатар to be және to have етістіктерінің қолданылуын «Lets boast!» - «Мақтанайық!» ойыны арқылы пысықтауға болады.

E. g. І вариант: P1: I have a dog. P2: You have a dog and I have a dog and a cat. P3: He has a dog and a cat, but I have a dog, a cat and a hen.

ІІ вариант: P1: My mother is a very good doctor. She is 40. Her name is Damegul. I love her.

P2: Your mother is a good doctor. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher of English. She is a very good and a kind teacher. She has many pupils. Her name is Alma. She is 35.

Ағылшын тілін үйренудің алғашқы кезеңдерінде тақпақтар, өлеңдер мен әндерді мәнерлеп оқыту, жаттату - балалардың сөздік қорын кеңейтіп, сөздердің оқылуын есте сақтауға көп септігін тигізеді. Present Simple tense шағының ІІІ жақ жекеше түрінің жасалуы мен апта күндерін қайталауда «Mrs. Grundy» өлеңін оқытып, жаттатуға болады.

Mrs. Grundy washes on Monday,

Irons on Tuesday,

Shops on Wednesday,

Bakes on Thirsday,

Sews on Friday,

Cleans on Saturday,

Cooks on Sunday,

This is the tale of mrs. Grundy.

Өлеңнің ішінен ІІІ жақ жекеше түрдегі етістікті тауып, жалғауын белгілеп, аудармасын беруді тапсыруға болады: irons - үтіктейді, shops - дүкен аралайды.

7 - сыныпта ойлау қабілетін дамыту мақсатында оқушылар жаңа сабақтың лексикасы - жануарлар атаулары мен грамматикасы - Present Perfect шағын қатыстыра отырып, өлең шумақтарын құраса, осы сабақты жақсы түсінгенін көрсетеді.

Omar has seen a wolf,

Serik has seen a fox.

Ainur has seen a rabbit,

They all have been in a box.

Реттік сан есімдердің жасалуын және оқылуын есте сақтау үшін өлеңді жаттатуға болады.

E. g. Five little birds,

Seat in a tree,

The first one said,

What do you see?

The second one said,

A man with a gun,

The third one said,

We'd better run.

The fourth one said,

Lets hide in the shade,

The fifth one said,

I'm not afraid.

Берілген сөйлемді немесе мәтінді логикалық түрде лезде жалғастыру дағдысын қалыптастыру үшін түрлі әдістер қолдануға болады.

Мысалы, Present Indefinite tense (жай осы шақтың) жасалуын пысықтау үшін Present Continuous tense (созылмалы осы шақ) құрылымымен байланыстыруға болады.

T: Each of you will tell us what he or she is doing now, then you will explain when you usually do it.

E. g. The pupils are not cleaning the classroom now. They usually do it after lesson.

Бұл жұмыс әдетте «Оқушы күні» тақырыбы аясында өрбиді.

«The day of a pupil»

P1: I' not making my bed now. I make my bed in the morning.

P2: I'm not having breakfast now. I have breakfast in the morning.

P3: I'm not having dinner now. I have dinner after school at 2 o'clock.

«Оқушының бір күні» тақырыбы аясында сөйлемді жалғастыру жұмысы жақсы аяқталғаннан кейін сөйлеу қабілеті мен ой өрісін одан әрі дамыту мақсатында мәтінді жалғастыру жұмысын беруге болады. (әр түрлі шақтарда беруге болады).

Тақтаға баланың суреті ілінеді.

- Listen to the beginning of the story and speak about Ospan's day. (Only his morning time).

T: It is morning. Ospan opens his eyes. He doesn't want to get up, but his little cat comes up to him and touches his hand. The mother comes into the room. She says: «Ospan, its time to get up, its 7 o'clock.»

Оқушылар мәтінді түрлі нұсқада аяқтай алады.

Диалогпен жұмыс жасағанда баланың ой өрісі, шапшаң жауап қайтару дағдысы, берілген ситуацияға эмоциясын білдіруін көруге болады.

T: The weather is fine today

P1: Yes, its warm today!

P2: Oh, the sun shines brightly!

Немесе берілген сөйлемге қарсы мағыналы сөйлеммен жауап беруге болады. (эмоциясын білдіре алады)

T: Lets have a class - meeting on Wednesday, children

P1: Oh, its not good day for the class - meeting. We have many lessons on Thursday.

P2: I can't come. My mother is ill.

5 - 6 сыныптарда ауызекі сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыруда өмірден алынған жағдаят - мәтін беріледі. Бұл мәтін қате нұсқада. Оқушылар қатесін дұрыстайды, содан соң жазып алады.

Мәтін сыныптағы бір оқушы туралы болуы мүмкін…

I have a friend. His name is Bakhtiar. He is 7. He is in the 6th form. He gets up at 5 o'clock every morning. He washes his face, hands and legs in the sitting - room. Bakhtiar goes to the park. He has 5 or 6 lessons there.

Адамдарды және жануарларды сипаттайтын сын есімдерді балалар тілде еркін қолдануы үшін мультфильмдер кейіпкерлері сипатталған қысқа мәтіндерді оқытып, суреттен көрсете отырып, қазақ тіліне аударып, түсінік айту тапсырмасын беруге болады.

1) Gena is not a boy. It is a crocodile. He is big, long, dark green and funny. Gena is a very clever crocodile. It can sing. Gena has a friend, Cheburashka by name. Cheburashka is funny too. Cheburashka is very kind. Gena and Cheburashka are good friends.

2) Micky is a funny little grey mouse. It has small black eyes, big ears and very long tail. Micky is a very clever mouse. It is not afraid of cats and dogs.

11 - сыныпта қалау рай (wish) құрылымын меңгерту үшін хат жазу жұмысын жүргіземіз. Яғни бұл хатта біреуінің киіп жүрген киімін екінші біреу қалайтыны жайлы айтылады.

E. g. Dear Phariza!

I like a blouse on you.

It sits on you perfectly.

I wish I had the same one.


Dear Bolat!

Your cloth style is modern!

Especially, your jeans.

I wish I bought the same jeans!


Ағылшын тілін оқытуда түрлі әдістерді қолдану - оқушылардың шығармашылық қабілетін дамытып, ағылшын тілін жете меңгеруге, шет тілінде еркін сөйлеуге көп септігін тигізеді деп ойлаймын.

Form: 8 "А"
The theme of the lesson: Great Britain, it's geography.
The type of the lesson: Combination lesson… /Аралас сабақ/
non-traditional /дәстүрлі емес,/
The aims of the lesson.

Educational / Білімділік мақсаты/:
To enrich pupils' knowledge about Great Britain and its parts such as Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, England.. Ұлыбритания және Солтүстік Ирландия жайлы мәлімет беріп, сөздік қорын молайту. Мәтінді тыңдай отырып керек мәлметті анықтауға үйрету. Мәтінді оқып, аударуға үйрете түсу.

Developing/ Дамытушылық мақсаты/: To develop pupils' speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. To develop pupils' abilities in reading for understanding. Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта отырып, сөйлеу, жазу, оқу, тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту. Еске сақтау қабілетін дамыту. Пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру.

Bringing- up /Тәрбиелік мақсаты/:
to enlarge pupils interest in learning foreign language. Топпен жұмыс істеуге үйрету. Сөйлеу мәдениетіне тәрбиелеу. Білімге, тілге деген сүйіспеншілікке тәрбиелеу.
Method of lesson: role-play, question-answer, individual work, games
Әдіс- тәсілдер: сұрақ-жауап, оқулықпен жұмыс, топтық
Шығармашылық жұмыс: әр топқа Британия елдері туралы материалдар жинақтау.
The visual aids:
Active board, slides, cards, test.
Көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта, слайдтар, тесттік тапсырмалар, карточка.
The plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
II. Checking the home task
III. Presentation the new lesson.
IV. Exercises a/ speaking b/ writing c/ reading
V. Conclusion
VI. Homework
VII. Evaluation.

Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
Hello to everybody! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? And now look at the active board and you can the poem. First of all I will read it for you then we will read it in chorus and one by one according to the chin.
Phonetic drill. Slide 4
A sailor went to sea,
To see what he could see.
And all he could see,
Was sea, sea, sea

II. Checking the homework.
Let's check your homework? What was your home task for today? /to learn by heart names of countries, nationalities and their capitals/.
Checking the home task we must complete this table. You must write missing words.
Country Capital Nationality
China Chinese
Delhi Indian
Berlin German

III. Presentation of new theme.
Children, today we will do a lot of work. Today we will learn new theme "Great Britain, it's geography?" Today we will learn about Great Britain and its main parts. Today we divide our class into 4 groups because Great Britain has main 4 parts.
1- "England" Eldos
2- "Scotland"
3- "Wales"
4- "Northern Ireland"
Our pupil's home was to prepare some information about Great Britain.
Great Britain
"England" "Scotland" "Wales" "Northern Ireland"

1st group "England" you are welcome.
Main article: Climate of England
England has a temperate maritime climate: it is mild with temperatures not much lower than 0 °C (32 °F) in winter and not much higher than 32 °C (90 °F) in summer.[123] The weather is damp relatively frequently and is changeable. The coldest months are January and February, the latter particularly on the English coast, while July is normally the warmest month. Months with mild to warm weather are May, June, September and October.[123] Rainfall is spread fairly evenly throughout the year.
Important influences on the climate of England are its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, its northern latitude and the warming of the sea by the Gulf Stream.[123] Rainfall is higher in the west, and parts of the Lake District receive more rain than anywhere else in the country.[123] Since weather records began, the highest temperature recorded was 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) on 10 August 2003 atBrogdale in Kent,[124] while the lowest was −26.1 °C (−15.0 °F) on 10 January 1982 in Edgmond, Shropshire.[125]

The capital of England is London. Every year, more than 9 million people come from countries all over the world to visit London. They go to the theatres and museums; they look at interesting old buildings, many of them hundreds of years old. They sit or walk in the beautiful parks or have a drink in a pub.
They go to Oxford Street to look at the shops, or to Harrods. Two million visitors go to the Tower of London. A million more go to see St. Paul's Cathedral.
Yes, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and do. The Roman city wall, St. Paul's Cathedral, a London bus, Hampton Court Place, Downing Street.

Sight of interest.
Westminster is the government part of London. Most of the government buildings are here. The most imposing building is the Westminster Palace, in which the British Parliament sits.
The official London residence of the Royal family is not far from the House of Parliament. The Palace is a working building and the centrepiece of Britain's constitutional monarchy.
St.Paul's Cathedral
It is 110 meters high and it has one of the largest bells in the world, called Great Paul, weighing about 17.5 tone. Nelson and other great men of england are buried in the Cathedral. Sir Christopher Wren was buried there too. There are such words on his tomb:
The tower of London
It has been a citadel, a prison, a mint, a royal palace, even a royal Zoo once and now - a museum. The Tower of London consists of 13 towers. The most beautiful is the White tower. It's 90 feet high with 15 feet thickness. It was the usual place for the medieval royal families to live. From Norman days the Tower has beena state

2nd group "Scotland" you are welcome.
Scotland, one of the four nations of the United Kingdom, is renowned for its history of human achievement and its majestic scenery. Modern Scotland is a diverse stimulating society with a Parliament reflecting a mature and stable democracy. It has a successful economy based on worldwide trade. Education is one of Scotland's greatest talents and the arts are flourishing. Scots have been prominent an almost every field of activity, from philosophy and literature to engineering and medicine, and many other countries have benefited from Scottish expertise.
Capital: Edinburgh
Official language: English
Area: 30,420 sq mi
Elevation: Highest - BEN NEVIS, 4,406 ft above sea level
Population: 5, 042, 00
National symbols: Scotland's flag is called ST. Andrews Cross
Scotland's version of the Royal British Arms includes the arms of Scotland, England and Ireland. Еркежан
Loch Ness
Whatever you believe in the Loch Ness or not, the sight of the beautiful glaciers-gouged Loch Ness and the crumbling ruins of Urquhart Castle is not to be missed. Allegedly first spotted in A.D. 565 by St. Columbia, Nessitera rhombopteryx, known as Nessie, has captured the world's imagination and remains the main draw to the Highlands Scotland. With the loch measuring 24 miles in length and 755 feet deep, Nessie makes only rare appearances; local folk aren't particularly keen on tracking her down.
Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, the second largest city in Scotland, and the eighth most populous in the United Kingdom. Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. The city is one of the historical major centres of the Enlightenment, led by the University of Edinburgh, helping to earn it the nickname Athens of the North.

National symbols
The national flag of Scotland, known as the Saltire or St. Andrew's cross, dates from the 9th century, and is thus the oldest national flag still in use.
Although there is no official National anthem of Scotland. Flower of Scotland is played on special occasions and sporting events such as football and rugby matches involving the Scotland national teams
The Flag of Scotland, also known as Saint Andrew's Cross or theSaltire, is the national flag of Scotland. As the national flag it is the Saltire, rather than the Royal Standard of Scotland, which is the correct flag for all individuals and corporate bodies to fly in order to demonstrate both their loyalty and Scottish nationality.
Main article: Climate of Scotland
Tiree, one of the sunniest locations in Scotland
The climate of Scotland is temperate and oceanic, and tends to be very changeable. It is warmed by the Gulf Stream from the Atlantic, and as such has much milder winters than areas on similar latitudes, for example Labrador, Canada, Moscow, or the Kamchatka Peninsulaon the opposite side of Eurasia.
In general, the west of Scotland is usually warmer than the east, owing to the influence of Atlantic ocean currents and the colder surface temperatures of the North Sea. Tiree, in the Inner Hebrides, is one of the sunniest places in the country

3d group "Wales" you are welcome.
Wales is a country which is part of the United Kingdom, bordering England to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. It is also an elective region of the European Union. Wales has a population estimated at three million and is a bilingual country, with both English and Welsh having equal status.

Capital: Cardiff
Official languages: Welsh and English
Area: 8,018 sq.mi
Elevation: Highest - Snowdon, 3,561 ft above sea
Population: 3, 012, 00
Flag: The flag of Wales features a red dragon on white and green blackground. The dragon has been a Welsh symbol for nearly 2,000 years.
Ranges hills and mountains dominate much of the landscape, particularly in mid and north Wales. The Valleys radiate across the south, linking the mountains of mid Wales to the coast. This southern littoral is home to the largest centers of population, the capital Cardiff, Newport and Swansea.
The chief urban centres are Cardiff, Swansea
and Newport.

Wales is located on a peninsula in central-west Great Britain. Its area, the size of Wales, is about 20,779 km² (8,023 square miles - about the same size as Massachusetts, Slovenia or El Salvador and about a quarter of the size of Scotland). It is about 274 km (170 miles) north-south and 97 km (60 miles) east-west. Wales is bordered by England to the east and by sea in the other three directions: the Môr Hafren (Bristol Channel) to the south, St. George's Channel to the west, and the Irish Sea to the north. Altogether, Wales has over 1,200 km (750 miles) of coastline.

National symbols
The Flag of Wales incorporates the red dragon (Y Ddraig Goch) of Prince Cadwalader along with the Tudor colours of green and white.[314] It was used byHenry VII at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 after which it was carried in state to St. Paul's Cathedral.[314] The red dragon was then included in the Tudor royal arms to signify their Welsh descent. It was officially recognised as the Welsh national flag in 1959.[315] The British Union Flag incorporates the flags of Scotland, Ireland and England, but has no Welsh representation. Technically it is represented by the flag of England, as the Laws in Wales act of 1535 annexed Wales to England, following the 13th-century conquest.
The daffodil and the leek are also symbols of Wales.

Cardiff is the capital and largest city in Wales and the 10th largest city in the United Kingdom. The city is Wales' chief commercial centre, the base for most national cultural and sporting institutions, the Welsh national media, he city of Cardiff is the county town of the historic county of Glamorgan is part of the Eurocitiesnetwork of the largest European cities.[5] The Cardiff Urban Area covers a slightly larger area outside of the county boundary, and includes the towns of Dinas Powys and Penarth. A small town until the early 19th century, its prominence as a major port for the transport of coal following the arrival of industry in the region contributed to its rise as a major city.
Cardiff was made a city in 1905, and proclaimed capital of Wales in 1955. Since the 1990s Cardiff has seen significant development with a new waterfront area at Cardiff Bay which contains the Senedd building, home to the Welsh Assembly and the Wales Millennium Centrearts complex.
4th group "Northern Ireland" you are welcome.

Northern Ireland is the smallest of the 4 major political divisions that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England, Scotland, and Wales are the other divisions United Kingdom, which is often simply called Great Britain. Belfast is Northern Ireland's capital. Northern Ireland occupies the northeast corner of the island of Ireland. It takes up about sixth of the island. The independent Republic of Ireland occupies the rest of the island.
Northern Ireland is often called Ulster.

Capital: Belfast.
Official language: English
Area: 5,461 sq. mi. (140144
Elevation: highest - Slieve Donard, 20796 ft. (852 m) above sea level. Lowest - The Marsh, near Down Patrick, 1.3 ft. (0.4 m ) below sea level.
Population: Estimated 1994 population - 1.605.000. estimated 1999 population - 1.626.000. Northern Ireland is divided into 26 district for purposes of local government . an elected council governs in Belfast and

Cities: Blarney, Cork, Mallow, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kenmare, Kerry.
Northern Ireland's flag and coat of arms have a six- pointed star and the ancient Ulster symbol of a red hand. The star and hand appear over the St. Georges cross of the English flag.
Northern Ireland's flag and coat of arms ceased to be official symbols after Britain took direct control of the country s government in 1972. The flag is often flown by private citizens, but the official flag has always been the British Union flag.
Belfast is a capital , largest city and chief industrial center and port of Northern Ireland. Donegal Square lies in the center ob Belfast. In the square stands city hall. For many years ship building and textile manufacturing provided most of the jobs in Belfast. Belfast shipyard have built many warships and ocean liners including the famous British liner Titanic too

Northern Ireland has many smooth, clear lakes called loughs. Lough Neagh, near the center of the land, covers 159 sq. miles (396 sq. km.). it is the largest lake in United Kingdom and the largest on the island of Ireland. The longest river in Northern Ireland is the river Bann. The Bann is actually 2 rivers. The Upper Bann begins in the Mourne Mountains and flows northwestward into the southern end of Lough Neagh. The Lower Bann begins at the northern end of the lake and flows north 38 miles into the Atlantic Ocean.

While these groups will be telling you about their country other groups will be do tests which consist of 4 questions.
1st group "England"
1. What is the national symbol of England?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
2. What is the capital of England?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
3. The famous stone in England?
a Stonehenge b faststone c hendgestone d henge
4. What is the capital of England is Cardiff?
a True b false
5. Buckingham Palace is in London.
a True b false

2nd group "Scotland"
1. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
2. What is the capital of Scotland?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
3. The name of the "MONSTER"
a Nessie b Liza b loch
4. What is the capital of Scotland is Cardiff?
a True b false

3d group "Wales"
1. What is the national symbol of Wales?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
2. What is the capital of Wales?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
3. "Wales"-тің ең биік шыңы?
a Snowdon b Ben Nevis
4. What is the capital of Wales is Cardiff?
a True b false

4th group "Northern Ireland"
1. What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
2. What is the capital of "Northern Ireland?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
3. 'Titanic' кемесі қай қалада жасалды?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
4. What is the capital of Northern Ireland is Cardiff?
a True b false

Кітаппен жұмыс. Work with book.
Ex 1 p 115 read and translate the text with your groups.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the north-west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north and north-west and the north-west and the North Sea on the East.
The United Kingdom consist of 4 parts. They are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK lies on the British Isles. There are some 5500 islands. The 2 of them are the main islands. They are: Great Britain and Ireland. They are separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The West coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The UK is one of the smallest countries in the world. It is twice smaller than France and Spain. The area of the UK is some 244100 square kilometers. The population of Great Britain is over 57 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and suburbs.
Great Britain is not rich in natural recourses. Coal and oil are the most of them. The UK is one of the most industrialized countries. Agriculture takes also an important sector in the economy of the country. British people grow wheat, fruit, vegetables, oats.

Great Britain is well known in the world as a nature- loving country. Its people care about the flora and fauns of the British Isles. But as a highly industrialized country Great Britain encountered the problem of environmental pollution. And the people of Great Britain had a pay great attention to the problem of environmental protection. Now the state policy of Great Britain in environmental protection is to control air and water pollution and the study of man's influence on the environment.
There are many rivers and lakes in Great Britain . The Severn is the largest river, the Thames is the most important one.
The geographical position of Great Britain gives it mild climate. The Gulf Stream influences the English climate greatly. The climate is not the same in all parts of the British Isles. The western part of the country is warmer than the eastern one.
Its is not too hot in summer or too cold in winter. It often rains in England. Rain falls in summer and in winter, in autumn and spring. Snow falls only in the North and West of the country.

Дәптермен жұмыс. Work with the copy-book.
Ex 5 p 117 Put the correct numbers into the gaps in the sentences.
1. There are some…island on which the UK is situated. 5500
2. The ares of the UK is some….square kilometers. 244100
3. The population of Great Britain is over…57
Concluding stage:

V. Conclusion.
1. What is the national symbol of England?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
2. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
3. What is the national symbol of Wales?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
4. What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland?
a red rose b daffodil c shamrock d thistle
5. What is the capital of England?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
6. What is the capital of Scotland?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
7. What is the capital of Wales?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
8. What is the capital of "Northern Ireland?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London
9. The famous stone in England?
a Stonehenge b faststone c hendgestone c henge
10. 'Titanic' кемесі қай қалада жасалды?
a Edinburgh b Cardiff c Belfast d London

What is the official name of GB? The United Kingdom of GB and Northern Ireland.
-How many parts does UK consist of? there is 4 parts
-Name them Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, England резерв

VI. Giving home work.
Our lesson is over. I think you liked this lesson. Thank you for your wonderful work.
Open your diaries and write down you home task. Your home task will be Ex 4, 6 p 117. Answer for the questions and correct the false sentences.

VIII. Evaluation.
Your mark is… The lesson is over.

The 9 form
The theme: Save the nature
The aims: 1) talking about protecting the environment and saving the nature
2) develop pupils' speaking, reading, writing and listening skills; enrich pupils' vocabulary
3) bring up the pupils to become environmentaly educated person and to take care of living and non - living things
The visual aids: an interactive board
Type of the lesson: getting new information

I. Organization moment
А) greeting
B) talking with the duty
II. Checking the home task
- Now let's check your home task. What was your home task for today?
- What have we talked about at the last lesson? (about schools in England, school subjects and uniform, etc)
- Answer the questions:
1. What kinds of English school do you know?
2. What subjects do you study at school?
3. What are your favourite subjects?
4. Do your school subjects educate you for life?
- Very nice!

III. Answer the questions
- The theme of the lesson is "Save the nature". Open your notebooks and write down today's date and the theme. Today we'll talk about nature, environment and ecological problems.
- Answer the questions:
- Do you care about the environment?
- Do you protect the environment?
- How do you help the environment?
- Do you plant trees and flowers?
- Do you keep your schoolyard clean?
- Do you know the problems of the environment?

IV . Presentation
A) Vocabulary
Petrol stations, n - жанармай бекеті
Factory, n - фабрика, зауыт
Pollute, v - ластау
Pollution, n - ластану
Fur, n - аң терісі
Destroy, v - қирату, бүлдіру
Soil, n - топырақ
B) Reading
- Read and translate the text "The Earth is in danger"
We know the words "the world around us" have many meanings. We think first of all about the Earth with its people and nature. The Earth - Mother - Nature. The problem of the nature is pollution.
We know there are many seas, lakes and rivers on the Earth. We also know that water is a source of life on the earth. National resources, such as minerals, oil are widely used for purposes of home industry and agriculture. As a result air, soil and water are polluted. People kill animals for fur, oil and meat. Some animals are included into the International Red book of rare or endangered animals.

VII. Practice
A) True or False
- Open your copybooks and let's find and write. Are these sentences true or false?
a) If we pollute the soil, food will not be healthy. F
b) If we pollute air, people will not be healthy. T
c) If we pollute the water, fish will die. T
d) If we don't fight pollution of the environment, it'll be too late. T
e) If the government doesn't control air pollution, water pollution, we'll regret it. T
B) Work with the diagram
Die from
VIII. Conclusion
- Grammar revision of "Should"
Let's think:
1. What should we do to save the nature?
2. What shouldn't we do to save the nature?
Ex: We should grow flowers and water them.
We should keep the environment clean and protect the nature.

We shouldn't pollute the water, air and soil.
We shouldn't kill animals

IX. Home task
- Write a short composition "Save the nature"
X. Evaluation

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