Конспект Childrens letters from different countries. My letter to an English pen friend. (з класс)

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Класс 3 класс
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Конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе (2-й год обучения)

по теме «Письма детей из разных стран. Моё письмо английскому другу по переписке» в рамках раздела «Разговор о новом друге»

Цель: обучить писать первое письмо зарубежному другу.

Задачи: 1. Метапредметная: развивать умение извлекать необходимую информацию из прочитанного текста, использовать её как образец при составлении собственных текстов.

2. Предметная: учить писать с опорой на образец короткое личное письмо с предоставлением информации о себе.

3. Личностная: развивать лексическую сторону речи учащихся и их социокультурную компетенцию закреплением употребления лексических единиц, служащих для сообщения сведений о себе, простейших устойчи­вых словосочетаний, оценочной лексики и речевых клише как элементов речевого этикета, отражающих культуру англоговорящих стран.

Виды деятельности: практическая и творческая, организованная фронтально, индивидуально и в парах.

Основные термины и понятия: a pen friend, the first letter, personal information/ data.

Оборудование: доска, мел, учебник для 3 класса «Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English» М. З. Биболетовой и аудиоприложение к нему, шаблоны для написания письма.

Ход урока:

1. Выведение на тему и цель урока через упражнение «Картинная галерея» и стихотворение - 7 мин.

Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! Today you will find out our topic by yourselves, and the pictures on pages 84 and 85 will help you.

Look at them! What do you think they are? You are right. They are children's letters to their pen friends. And what do you suppose our today's topic will be? The first letter to a pen friend.

What are we learning to do at this lesson? Of course, we are learning to write the first letter to a pen friend. And what do you believe a sender should write in his first letter?

Maybe the poem on the blackboard will help you to answer my question! Let's train your tongues. Read out one by one and repeat each line all together! (Фонетическая зарядка)

Fair is my hair,

Green are my eyes.

I'm nine years old,

I'm just the right size.

My name is Mary,

And as you can see,

I'm very happy to be me!

What is this poem about? It is about a girl named Mary, her appearance, age, her character. She tells us about herself in the poem called "I'm Very Happy to Be Me". Now what do you think a sender should write in his first letter? Certainly, they should tell an addressee about themselves, that is, give a recipient personal information (personal data). What can you already tell about yourselves? You can name yourselves, your surname, age, native land and city, family's members, birthday's date, hobbies, traits of character, pets, school and form, and so forth.

2. Определение плана работы - 2 мин.

What in your opinion should we do first for learning to write a letter? We should acquaint ourselves with an example of writing an English boy's or girl's letter in the first place, ascertain its plan in the second place, recall necessary words and word combinations in the third place and write our own letters using the plan of the example.

3. Выполнение пунктов намеченного плана - 33 мин.

а. Знакомство с новым сквозным героем учебника Дианой Тэнен, первое письмо которой далее будет взято за образец - 5 мин.

Look at the picture in exercise 1 on page 84! Whom can you see in it? It is Mr. Greenwood with a guest of Green School. We do not know this girl, but can find out some information about her from her letter. Just her letter we are taking as an example to make up our own. We are making the acquaintance of a new character of our student's book as well. Now listen to the girl introducing herself to Mr. Greenwood! (Речевая зарядка) Fill in the gaps in the following text replying to my questions!

1) What is this girl's name? - This girl's name is Diana.

2) What is her surname? - Her surname is Tunen.

3) How old is she? - She is seven years old.

4) What form does Diana study in? - Diana is a student of the second form.

5) How many pets does she have? - She has got nine pets.

6) When does Diana have her birthday? - Diana's birthday is on the sixteenth of April.

Thank you for your replies! I see that you have listened to the tape very attentively.

б. Чтение образца письма, составление его плана и повторение к каждому из пунктов лексических единиц для решения коммуникативных задач, в том числе с помощью игры "An interview", определённых в плане - 10 мин.

Thus, we have just made the acquaintance of Diana Tunen. Let's read her letter to a pen friend, find out more information about this new character and infer its plan! Page 85, exercise 4. We will work in turn. Each pupil is reading a sentence and translate it, one by one.

Let's check up how well you have listened to one another! Answer my questions!

1) Is Diana's family big or small? - Diana's family is big.

2) How many family's members does she have? Enumerate them! - She has got five family's members: a dad, a mum, a brother and two sisters.

3) What are Diana's cats' names? - Diana's cats' names are Spot, Kitty, and Teddy.

4) What is Diana's dog's name? - Diana's dog' s name is Shadow.

Thank you for your answers! I can see that you have understood the letter well.

Let's make up a plan of Diana's letter!

1) What has she written in her letter firstly? - Her name. And what is your name? Which words do you have to use to reply to this question in English? - My name is…/ I am … .

2) What is written secondly? - Diana's surname. And what about you? What is your surname? - My surname is … .

3) What has she indicated thirdly? - Her age. And how old are you? - I am … (years old).

4) What's next? - Diana's motherland. And where are you from? - I am from … ./ My motherland is ... .

5) What is pointed out fourthly? - The city where the girl lives in. And where do you live? - I live in Izhevsk./ My native city is Izhevsk.

6) What has Diana named in her letter fifthly? - Her pets and their names. And what pets do you have? - I have got…/ My pets are… . What are your pets' names? - My cat's/ dog's name is… .

7) Who has the girl written sixthly about? - About her family. And whom do you have in your family? - I have got …/ My family are …/ My family's members are … .

8) What's next? - Diana's school and form. And what school do you study at? - I study at school number 65./ I go to school number 65. What form are you a student of? - I am a student of the 3rd form./ I study in the 3rdform.

9) What is written seventhly? - Diana's birthday's date. And when is your birthday? - My birthday is on …/ I have got my birthday on… .

10) What has Diana marked eighthly? - The question "What is your name?"

11) What's next? - The request to write back.

12) What is at the end? - The signature.

What else can you write about yourselves in your first letter? - You can reply to the question what you like to do.

Thus, you can see that the first letter to a pen friend consists of 12 or 13 points. You first letter can look like the following one:

… February

Dear …. ,

My name is … . My surname is … . I am … years old. I am from … . (страна) I live in … . (город) I live with … . (члены семьи) I have got a … . (домашнее животное)

I go to school number … . (номер школы) I am a student of the … form. My birthday is on the … (число) of … (месяц). I like to … .

Please write back.

Your friend,

… … (твои имя, фамилия)

Before you write your own letters, we will have a rest! Stand up and repeat after me! (Физкультминутка - 1 мин.)

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips! Sit down!

Hands up! To the sides!

Bend left, bend right!

One, two, three… Hop!

One, two, three… Stop!

Stand still!

в. Составление собственных писем с помощью заполнения шаблона - 10 мин.

Now write your own letter filling in the gaps in the following sentences! You have 10 minutes. Check up the correctness of writing your letters by means of Diana's!

г. Презентация письма - 6 мин.

The time is up. Let's present your letters. Tell the class about yourselves! Listen to one another attentively because after the presentation I will ask you some questions! Start your presentation with the sentence "It is my first letter to a pen friend".

д. Собственная оценка представления себя в письме - 1 мин.

Assess the introduction of yourselves in your letters using the following criteria:

In my first letter I have given the following personal information "border-; border-; border-; border-;">




1) my name, my surname, my age




2) my native land and city




3) my family and pets




4) my school and form



5) my birthday and favourite occupations


Write down your mark after your letter! I am checking your letters after the lesson. If your mark corresponds to my, it means that you can estimate yourselves correctly. In case it doesn't, it means that you overestimate or underestimate yourselves.

4. Вывод по работе - 1 мин.

Draw a conclusion! What have you learnt to do at the today's lesson? - You have learnt to write your first letter to a pen friend; that is present the personal information about yourselves so that your pen friend can get an idea about you. After my checking, you can put your letters into an international envelope, write an address on it, stick stamps on it and post it. And that is great!

5. Запись домашнего задания - 1 мин.

At home you must one another letter to a pen friend: WB, p. 53, ex. 3!

6. Благодарность за работу на уроке - 1 мин.

Thank you for your working! The lesson is over.

Список литературы:

  1. Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 3 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - Обнинск: Титул, 2011.

  2. Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 3 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - Обнинск: Титул, 2011.

  3. Макиенко Е. И. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку: 3 класс. - Волгоград: Учитель, 2011. - 189 с.

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