Урок по английскому языку на тему Cinema

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Сабақтың тақырыбы



Тау демалысының түрлерін ажырата отырып, сол туралы әңгімелеу дағдысын қалыптастыру

Күтілетін нәтиже

А)кино түрлерін танысып, жаңа лексикалық сөздерді меңгереді

В) Мәтін бойынша негізгі ойды айта алады алады

С) Кино бойынша өз пікірін білдіре алады.

Керекті жабдықтар

Проектор, видеоролик, үлестірмелі ақпарат, флипчарт, рефлексия парағы

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері

Мұғалім әрекеті

Оқушы әрекеті


- Good morning, children!

I'm glad to see you. Let's start our lesson. Our lesson is devoted to the

  • Look at the video. What do you see?

  • Pay attention to the plot? Guess. What's the theme of our lesson?

That's right the theme of our lesson is "Cinema"

What do you know about it? Give association to the theme of the lesson using method "Claster"

Who will represent your work?
Every group tell about their claster.

Cinema and TV films have become an important part of our lives. At our lesson we'll remember the history of cinematography, speak about different genres of films and how cinema influences people's life.

Good morning, teacher

Оқушылар тәжірибесінде өткен ақпаратқа сүйене отырып, жауап береді.

Әр топ кластерді флипчартка толтырады


  • What is cinema for you? Do you like to go to the cinema?

  • What genre do you like to see?

  • Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch TV at home?

  • What are the advantages of going to the cinema?

Оқушылар сұраққа жауап беру арқылы өз білгендерін есіне түсіреді, жаңа тақырыпты меңгеруге дайын болады

Негізгі бөлім

Let's learn new words. There are given words, your task will be to find the definition of these words.

Audience, cast ,stars ,director, plot, soundtrack, special effects

  1. the_______ the person who makes the film

  2. the_______ the most famous actors in a film

  3. the_______ all the actors and actresses in a film

  4. the_______ the people who watch a film

  5. the_______ the music of a film

  6. the_______ the story, what happens

  7. the_______ images created often by computer

Сергіту сәті «Pantomime» Show with gestures the name of profession or worts relating to the cinema

Reading the text.

Let's read the text for gist. Find the main information in the text and complete the flipchart

The cinema is a great means of promoting culture among people. It educates, relaxes , entertains and helps people to understand each other better. The brothers Lumieres made their first 3 minutes film , which were demonstrated to the public on the 28 -th of December, 1895.Since then a new era has began -the era of cinematography. It rapidly spread all over the world and very soon turned into one of the most arts and entertainments. The 20-th century may be called the century of cinematography. Cinema is a combination of different types of art: music, theater, literature, painting and else. Every decade has brought something new for the cinema. For example, in the 30-s the main genres were musicals, gangster stories, mute comedies and horror films. The 70-s were the times of political movies and French comedies. The 90-s brought lots of westerns and spy films. Whereas, nowadays, we have so many new genres, among them thrillers, adventure films, underground, science fiction and many others. The first movies were mute and black-and-white. The sound was invented in 1926. Approximately in the 30-s the first colour movie appeared in the USA, and in the 60-s in our country. The most powerful cinematography is in Hollywood, USA. The majority of world famous films were shot there. The cinema's possibilities are unlimited. There are different kinds of films: documentary, popular-science and feature films. A lot of children and grown-ups are fond of cartoons, because they are funny and amusing. Films can be black and white or in colour. Some people like to go to the cinemas. Others watch movies on TV, DVD or computer. Sometimes we prefer historical film or crime story, a comedy or a science fiction film, a horror film or thriller. We choose a film to watch according our mood, tastes or character. The films often touch upon the problems such as love and money, love and friendship, love and respect, love and faithfulness. The public take such films to heart because the problems they touch upon are interesting to everybody. They are popular with the public

Read-discuss with group- write on the poster

Share your opinions with the second group

Who will represent your work?
Every group tell about their claster.

Post -reading task

1)The reading is a great means of promoting culture among people.
2)The Lumieres brothers demonstrated their first three minutes film to the public on the 28-th of December,1895.
3)The 20-th century may be called the century of theatre.
4)The cinema's possibilities are limited.
5)A lot of children and grow-ups are fond of cartoons.
6)Films can be black and white or in colour.
7)People nowadays prefer to watch movies at home only.
8)Many women and girls like to watch soap operas or serials.
9)The films touch upon such problems like drugs and alcohol only.
10) We choose a film to watch according to our mood, tastes and character.


  1. Do you think that watching film is a waste of time and too much violence is shown on films.

  2. Do you think that film is a good thing? Why? Prove your ideas.

Оқушылар сөздерді оқиды, танысады, сөздерді түсініктемесін сәйкестендіреді, сөздердің аудармасын ауызша айтады.

Мәтінді оқиды,постерге негізгі ойды жазады, оны түсіндіріп қорғайды.

Оқушылар сұрақты таңдай отырып, 2 топқа бөлінеді. Өз ойларын қағаз бетіне түсіріп, конвертке салады.

Екі топ өз конверттерімен алмасады, бірақ алдыңғы топтың жауабын оқымайды, соңынан өз конверттері келгеннен кейін топта талқылап өз пікірімен бөліседі.


«Блоб ағашы»

Оқушылар бүгінгі сабақты қаншалықты меңгеріп, сабаққа қатыса алғанын стикерге атын жазып,терекке өз орнын белгілейді.

Сабақтың өзіндік талдауы

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