Разработка урока «Do you have any problems with your friends» (7 класс)

Разработка урока по теме «Do you have any problems with your friends?» основана на УМК  Кузовлева В.П. для 7 класса. На уроке используется учебник, карточки со словами. Урок является продолжением работы над темой "Дружба". Учащиеся сначала повторяют изученные слова по теме, разделяя цепочку на отдельные слова и произнося их вслух. Далее учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту, который прочитали дома. Затем проводится игра с использованием карточек на проверку знания союзных слов, где учитель чита...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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План конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе будет проводиться 24 января 2008 года. Учитель Шостацкая А.С.


Teacher: Shostatskaya A.S.


Class: 7

Unit 4 "Do you have any problems with your friends?"

Topic: "Do you have any problems with your friends"

Aims: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able

  • to choose information from the text to answer the questions.

  • to use pattern for expressing their opinions about friends.

  • to evaluate facts about friends and friendship.

Equipment: the words on the blackboard, the cards with the words "who", "which", "that", the textbook.


Teacher instructions

Activity aim

Patterns of interaction










Greeting of pupils

Phonetic exercise

- At first let's repeat the words which we

need at our lesson. Look at the blackboard.

You can see the chain of words. Divide it

and find out the words.

- We'll continue to learn unit

"Do you have any problems with your

friends" and today we'll talk about it is

good or bad to have a friend and how many

friends a person should have.

Warming-up activity

- Answer my questions. How do you think

it is good to have a friend?

- How many friends do you have?

- What is special about your friend?


- And what about other people? What do

they think about friends?

- At home you must read Ted's, Ellen's

and Joy's opinions. Open your books and

look at the ex.1 1) p.108. Answer the

question. What does Ted say about how

many friends a person should have?

- And now answer the questions after the


- What does Ellen think of her being

friendless? Answer the questions after the


- Is Joy happy with her only friend?

Answer the questions after the text.

Physical minute

- Let's have a rest and do exercises.

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Run! Go! Swim! Stand up!

The game

-And all of you also have your opinions

about friends. But before let's play the

game to repeat the words which you have

known and can use in your opinions. These

words are "who", "which" and "that". You

have the cards on your desks. I will read

the sentences and you must show me the

card with the word which you must fill in.


- Let's continue and speak about your

opinions about friends. Now let's try to

answer the question. Which is better - to

have many friends, one friend or to be

friendless? Look at the tables in the ex. 2

p. 109. They help you to make your


Summing-up activity

- What do you think how many friends a

person should have?

- You worked well. Your marks are …

- Thank you for your work. The lesson is

over. Good bye.

to welcome Ps in class.

to revision of the lexis Ps know.

to tune Ps in the topic of the lesson

to choose information from the text to answer the questions.

to use the words in the game in order to repeat their function

to express their opinions about friends







1 min

5 min

3 min

12 min

4 min

5 min

7 min

3 min

Home task: ex. 1 p. 110-111

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