Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме: Would you like to attend any private school?

Данный конспект урока буден полезен при изучении темы "Look at teenage problems: school education". Материал направлен на работу по описанию разных видов школ англоговорящих стран, нахождении общего и разного в государственных и частных школах. Целью данной разработки является помочь учащимся выбрать школу, наиболее отвечающую их интересам и потребностям.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Разработка урока в 7 классе

Тема: Would you like to attend any private school?

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели: 1. (обучающая) Расширить и углубить знания об англоязычных школах, выделить их сходства и различия.

2. (развивающая) Способствовать развитию (совершенствованию) исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией: поиск и выделение нужной информации, установление причинно-следственных связей работая с текстом учебника.

3. (воспитательная) Воспитывать уважение к образованию и культуре народа англоязычных стран; воспитывать культуру общения.

Материалы и оборудование: компьютер, экран, проектор, презентации учащихся по теме «School uniform»

План урока:

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

1. Орг. момент.

2. Определение темы и целей урока для учащихся

3. Работа в группах

4. Фронтальный опрос

5. Работа со словосочета-ниями

6.Защита пректов

7. Подведение итогов урока

8.Выставление оценок

- Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you.

- Sit down, please.

As far as you know we spoke about schools, about teachers, about an ideal school at our previous lessons. And now I want to ask you 2 questions:

-Have you ever studied at foreign school?

-Would you like to visit a foreign school?

-Today we are going to make a trip around some of English-speaking countries and study different types of schools of Australia, Great Britain and the USA. And you will try to design an ideal uniform for students.

Our aim today is to compare schools of 3 countries and find common features of all the countries.

Today we continue to work in groups. Each group will study schools of one country. Let's choose the countries. What country would you like to study? (question for each group) Take the instruction which help you.

You have chosen the country and now you begin to work with the texts of your textbooks.

Now please open your textbooks on page 76 and find your text. Find out the main features of schools of your chosen country and underline them. Follow the instruction. You have 5 minutes for your work.

-Now children your time is over. I'd like to invite one representative from each group to fill in the table. Here are some sentences to help you.

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме: Would you like to attend any private school?

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме: Would you like to attend any private school?

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме: Would you like to attend any private school?

State schools with free education

State schools with free education

State or public

schools with free


private schools

Public (private) schools with expensive education

private schools

(expensive) with

religious education

"Schools of the air"

Uniform in some schools

There is no uniform

in public schools

"Schools Through the Mailbox"

Compulsory education from 6 till 15

  1. State schools with free education

  2. State schools with free education

  3. State or public schools with free education

  4. Public (private) schools with expensive education

  5. private schools(expensive) with religious education

  6. private schools

  7. "Schools of the air"

  8. "Schools Through the Mailbox"

  9. Compulsory education from 6 till 15

  10. Uniform in some schools

  11. There is no uniform in public schools

While the students are filling the table you are answering some of my questions:

  1. What types of schools are there in Australia?

  2. What does the phrase "public school" mean in Great Britain?

  3. Why do the most American students attend state schools?

Now I offer you to learn the main features of schools. Vlad, what can you say about you chosen country?


And now please try to find common features. Who can answer?

You are right. But do you know the difference in the meaning of the word "public" - in GB we translate as «private», but in the USA as «state».

  • You worked well at our first part of the lesson and I offer you to work with word combinations.

Your next task is for each student personally. Look at exercise 69 on page 77. There are 15 words there. Your task is to make as more word combinations as possible. But you have only 2 minutes. Good luck!

  • Your time is over. Who has found 3 word combinations?

  • Who can add?

Let's continue our work. We have found some common features in schools of 3 countries. We have learned different types of schools. Can you imagine any good school without school uniform? For today's lesson you had the home task to design an ideal uniform for students.

  • Children, while one group is presenting the design of the uniform other groups are listening to them and choosing an ideal uniform. Please give your reasons and complete one of the writings. Open your workbooks on page 58, ex.5. But before want you to look at the instruction and read it attentively.

  • The first group begin.

  • Thank you very much! Have you any questions?

-Now we listen the second group.

-Thank you very much! It was very interesting. Now let's listen our third group welcome!

-You have seen three types of school uniform. Now we have to decide what uniform is the best. Give your reasons. You may use your workbooks for the answer.

And now let's sum up our lesson. Today we had the aim - to study different types of schools of Australia, Great Britain and the USA, and try to design an ideal uniform for students. Have we achieved the aim?

Thank you for your good work. Danila, you get .... And now write down your home task. Exercise 67page76(answer the questions in your copybooks). Answers for the first and second questions you will find in the first text about Australia, answers on the third and forth questions you will find in all the texts.

Now our lesson is over, thank you for your good work.

Good bye!

Ожидаемые ответы и реплики:

  • So, are we.

No, we haven't

Yes, we would.

1.1. There are state schools where education is free and there are private schools where education is expensive in all the countries.

2. There is a uniform in some schools.

1.We have learned types of schools of 3 countries

2.We have found common features of schools of English-speaking countries

3.We have made the design of an ideal school uniform

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