Вводная контрольная работа на времена английского глагола (5 класс, УМК Enjoy English)

Данная вводная контрольная работа на времена английского глагола направлена на выявления уровня усвоения грамматических правил учащимися. Основанная на материале учебника "Enjoy English" Биболетовой М.З. 4-5 классов работа состоит из трёх заданий.Первое задание (перевод с русского на английский) нацелено на определение уровня знаний лексических единиц и оборотов, а также пройденных времён английского глагола.Второе задание (постановка специальных вопросов к выделенным словам) показывает уровень ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:
  1. Translate the sentences into English. I variant

  1. Они сейчас готовят торт.

  2. Моя мама пойдет в магазин завтра.

  3. Вова купил подарок для своей сестры вчера.

  4. Они посетят бабушку на следующих выходных.

  5. Мои друзья играют в футбол сейчас.

  1. Make questions using the words in brackets.

Example: He goes to school every day. (Where) - Where does he go every day?

  1. John can play football very well. (What?)

  2. I can see 8 birds on the picture. (How many?)

  3. He went to the USA last year. (When?)

  4. He will not go to school because he is ill. (Why?)

  5. My mother often goes to the shop on Saturday. (Who?)

  1. Write the sentences in the Past Simple & Future Simple.

Example: He goes to school every week. - He went to school last week. - He will go to school next week.

Example: We travel a lot in summer. - We travelled a lot in summer. - We will travel a lot in summer.

Example: We can make a cake. - We could make a cake. - We will be able to make a cake.

  1. Mike works a lot on the computer.

  2. Helen speaks English well.

  3. My parents give a map.

  4. We write dictations every month.

    1. He plays football every weekend.

    2. We often go shopping.

    3. Tim can ride a bike.

    4. John always helps his parents.

  1. Translate the sentences into English. II variant

  1. Я сейчас играю в компьютерные игры.

  2. Он часто читает книги.

  3. Они поедут к друзьям в следующем месяце.

  4. Она может кататься на велосипеде хорошо.

  5. Вчера мои родители купили мне мяч.

  1. Make questions using the words in brackets.

Example: He goes to school every day. (Where) - Where does he go every day?

    1. They didn't visit their granny yesterday because they were busy. (Why?)

    2. Peter can play golf very well. (What?)

    3. We will travel to Moscow next summer. (Where?)

    4. My brother will read this book next month. (When?)

    5. There are 5 pens on the desk. (How many?)

  1. Write the sentences in the Past Simple & Future Simple.

Example: He goes to school every week. - He went to school last week. - He will go to school next week.

Example: We travel a lot in summer. - We travelled a lot in summer. - We will travel a lot in summer.

Example: We can make a cake. - We could make a cake. - We will be able to make a cake.

    1. Ann often gives Tom a book.

    2. Helen speaks English well.

    3. Nicolas goes to Moscow from Madrid.

    4. He writes a test this week.

  1. He meets his friends every day.

  2. We swim in the river a lot.

  3. John can ride a horse.

    1. Ann often gives Tom a book.

    2. Helen speaks English well.

    3. Nicolas goes to Moscow from Madrid.

    4. He writes a test this week.

    She always helps her parents.
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