Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»

Основное направление развития иноязычного образования на современном этапе – коммуникативно-когнитивное, что подразумевает практическое использование всех видов речевой деятельности осознанно и продуктивно. Второй характеристикой современного этапа обучения является максимальная направленность на развитие у учащихся навыков самостоятельной деятельности и умения отслеживать уровень своей языковой и речевой компетенции. Объективная оценка реального уровня качества знаний выпускников – это главная цель ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Экзамен осуществляет объективную оценку учебных достижений через стандартизированную процедуру , когда все учащиеся находятся в равных условиях и используют одинаковые по степени сложности тесты. Роль тестовых заданий в процессе обучения очень велика, ибо именно тест позволяет наиболее быстро и предельно точно установить качество и количество знаний и умений учащихся. Из всех видов контроля – это самый эффективный и качественный.
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Система подготовки обучающихся общеобразовательных учреждений к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

«Сдаём без проблем»

(конкурсная работа)

Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»

Выполнила -

Волошина В.В.,

учитель английского


МБОУ «Гимназия № 22»г Белгорода

Белгород 2014



2.Для кого предназначено пособие?....................................................................................3

3.Какова структура пособия?...............................................................................................4

4.Рекомендации обучающего и развивающего

потенциала тестов на конкретных примерах…………………………………………..4

5. Методы и приёмы работы с тестами. …………………………………………..............8

6. Практическая часть

Аудирование……………………………………………………………….……............ 21

Чтение…………………………………………………………………………………… 38

Лексика и Грамматика…………………………………………………………………..50

Письмо…………………………………………………………………………………. 64

Говорение………………………………………………………………………............. 67

7. Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий………………………………………… 72

8. Выводы…………………………………………………………………………………76

9. Список литературы…………………………………………………………..………..78


Основное направление развития иноязычного образования на современном этапе - коммуникативно-когнитивное, что подразумевает практическое использование всех видов речевой деятельности осознанно и продуктивно. Второй характеристикой современного этапа обучения является максимальная направленность на развитие у учащихся навыков самостоятельной деятельности и умения отслеживать уровень своей языковой и речевой компетенции.

Объективная оценка реального уровня качества знаний выпускников - это главная цель ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Экзамен осуществляет объективную оценку учебных достижений через стандартизированную процедуру , когда все учащиеся находятся в равных условиях и используют одинаковые по степени сложности тесты.

Роль тестовых заданий в процессе обучения очень велика, ибо именно тест позволяет наиболее быстро и предельно точно установить качество и количество знаний и умений учащихся. Из всех видов контроля - это самый эффективный и качественный.

Тесты ЕГЭ должны иметь сбалансированные задания, быть равноценными по степени сложности. Кроме того, технология подобного тестирования значительно отличается от технологий, применяемых на обычном экзамене. И, наконец, важен психологический аспект экзамена: время ответов на вопросы теста ограничено, испытуемый находится под строгим контролем и должен быстро и правильно заполнить специальные бланки - а это умеют далеко не все.

Поэтому, чтобы избежать срывов и нацелить учащихся на качественную подготовку к экзамену, сдать его без проблем, следует готовиться к нему уже сейчас, в 9-м, 10-м классах.

Основную задачу пособия я вижу в том , чтобы предоставить учащимся и учителям практический материал для подготовки к тестовой форме экзамена по английскому языку в рамках единого государственного экзамена.

Для кого предназначено пособие?

Пособие предназначено для широкого круга пользователей : для учащихся 9 - 11 классов, абитуриентов. Поступающих в вузы, учителей английского языка всех типов образовательных учреждений, заместителей директоров, курирующих проведение итогового контроля по английскому языку.

Какова структура пособия?

Данное пособие разработано на основе экзаменационных тестовых заданий , которые использовались для проведения ЕГЭ в 2002 - 2008 г. В пособие включены примерные варианты КИМ, материалы районных, областных , российских олимпиад, материалы для поступающих в ВУЗы в формате ЕГЭ.

Кроме того , в пособии предоставлены варианты контрольных измерительных материалов в пяти разделах: аудирование, чтение, грамматика и лексика, письмо, говорение.

По каждому из разделов представлены различные типы заданий , которые проверяют различные умения и представляют разные уровни сложности( базовый, повышенный, высокий) Так, например, раздел «Аудирование»:

1.задание базового уровня - « установление соответствия» проверяет умение понимать основное содержание услышанного

2. задание повышенного уровня - «краткий ответ/дополнение» проверяет умение извлекать необходимую информацию из услышанного.

3. задание высокого уровня - «множественный выбор»

проверяет умение полного понимания услышанного.

Пособие даёт примерную систему подготовки к ЕГЭ, советы учащимся ,методические рекомендации. и критерии оценивания ответов экзаменуемых.

Рекомендация обучающего и развивающего потенциала тестов на конкретных примерах.

За время обучения английском языку в формате ЕГЭ , сложилась определённая система подготовки учащихся к сдаче экзамена.

I этап - диагностика. Цель данного этапа - выявить уровень обученности учащихся, обнаружить пробелы.

II этап - методы и приёмы работы с тестами. В рамках этого этапа следует дать необходимые советы учащимся и методические рекомендации. Выполнение тестов с обязательным анализом, учитывая все рекомендации.

III этап - практический. Учащиеся нацелены на самостоятельное выполнение тестов.

Итак, тесты обучают и развивают. Постараюсь доказать это на нескольких примерах.

На I этапе необходима диагностика уровня знаний учащихся. Для этого я даю тесты на «множественный выбор», где выявляю пробелы лексико - грамматического характера.

Eg 1.We can't make…the truth.

A. he tell B. him to tell C. him telling D. him tell

2. I…German for 5 years.

A. am studying B have been studying C. study D. had been studying

3. Has Mary … the ring?

A. fond B. found C. fined D. find

4. Don't … the children play with matches.

A. allow B. permit C. let D. accept

5. I can …understand what she is saying.

A. hardly B. hard C. heavy D. heavily

Ключ: 1в; 2в ; 3в; 4с; 5а.

Так же для диагностики полезны упражнения типа -find the odd word -

Eg 1. trousres - spectacles - scales - news

2. advice - knowledge - contents - progress

3. phonetics - vocation - goods -information

4. criteria - datum - oases - radii

5. mice - men - goats - geese

Далее, на II этапе подготовки, очень важно дать нужные советы и рекомендации учащимся.

Одной из задач каждого учителя является необходимость обучать умению выразить мысль разными способами ( цель : избежать незнакомого слова, грамматической конструкции). Для решения этой задачи использую тесты, называемые key word transformation. Прежде всего, я учу своих подопечных вчитываться в задание теста. Большинство ошибок происходит из - за неполного или неверного понимания задания. Задание к данному виду работы формулируется следующим образом:

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Далее следует демонстрация примера.

Loud music annoys my parents.


My parents_________________loud music.

Я показываю, что действие производит само подлежащее, следовательно, залог - активный. Второе же предложение имеет подлежащим my parents, а действие производится не подлежащим, а над ним, то есть залог - пассивный.

Очевидно, что подобные упражнения развивают грамматическую зоркость, расширяют рамки речемыслительной деятельности, делают речь учащихся гибче, богаче, живее.

Теперь о тестовых упражнениях другого типа. Задание к ним формулируется следующим образом.

Read the text and fill every gap with a word formed from the word in capital letters.

Как правило, подобные работы представляют собой связный текст.

Eg. Canada is situated to the north of

the USA. The____of Canada is POPULATE

_____26 mln. Most of the people APPROXIMATE

Are of British or French origin. The

First______settlers in Canada were EUROPE

The French.

В чём же обучающая и развивающая сила подобных работ? Прежде всего, учащиеся лучше понимают грамматическую структуру текста, роль порядка слов, функции служебных частей речи.

Далее рассмотрим обучающие возможности тестовой работы с мультивыбором. Итак, берём связный текст.

The first European_______(1) in Canada were the French. They landed on the _______(2) of Nova Scotia in 1605. In 1608 they sailed up the St. Lawrence River to______(3) place that is now the city of Quebec.

1.a. tenants b. inhabitants c. settlers d. lodgers

2.a. seaside b. coast c. bank d. shore

3.a. this b. those c. a d. the

Чтобы выбрать слово к пропускам 1 и 2, учащиеся должны знать оттенки слов, близких по значению. Пропуск 3 требует знаний правил употребления артиклей и указательных местоимений.

Следующий рассматриваемый вид теста - коррекция ошибок. Обучать выполнению подобных тестов следует поэтапно.

1 этап - памятки на полях: art. - ошибка в употреблении артикля; с\и - исчисляемое или неисчисляемое.

2 этап - с построчным показом, где искать ошибку.

Х - означает, что в строке есть ошибка, а V - сигнал, что строчку исправлять не надо.

3 этап - указано только количество ошибок в тексте, но нет построчных подсказок.

4 этап - контрольный.

Eg Brian Abbs is a well - known writer of many v

eries of the textbooks for teaching English as a the

foreign language.

Перейдём к тестовым работам, обучающим аудированию.

Следует обучать учащихся стремиться понять не только о чём говорится, но и определять, с какой целью это говорится, как относится говорящий к тому, что рассказывает, что он подразумевает под теми или иными словами. Внимание, предвосхищение - вновь тестовые работы демонстрируют свою развивающую мощь!

Рассмотрим несколько видов тестовых заданий по аудированию.

1. Заполнение во время слушания графиков, таблиц, созданных на материале звучащего текста.

2. Выбор правильного ответа на вопрос по содержанию просмотренного из вариантов a, b, c, d.

3. Сравнение ряда высказываний с прослушанным текстом и определение соответствия данных высказываний с содержанием текста.

4. прослушивание ряда монологов / диалогов, произнесённых разными людьми в разных ситуациях с целью определить главную тему каждого высказывания.

Перед заполнением таблицу следует изучить. При изучении таблицы приходят догадки, предположения, что именно прозвучит при последующем аудировании, вспомнится лексика на тему, что намного облегчит восприятие.

Точно так же необходимо изучить все варианты ответов, ряд высказываний

Очень важно изучить само задание: что необходимо сделать, как, в какой последовательности. Правильно понятая задача - наполовину решенная задача.

Всё сказанное о тестах, проверяющих навыки аудирования, применимо и к тестам, проверяющим навыки чтения, ибо эти два вида речевой деятельности схожи по своей природе - оба являются перцептивными: как слушающий, так и читающий человек принимают определённую информацию, оценивают её и перерабатывают в соответствии с каким - либо заданием.

Методы и приёмы работы с тестами.



Тестовое задание: нахождение правильного ответа на вопросы с мультивыбором ответов.

Действуй так

Не делай

1. Прочти быстро текст от начала до конца

1.Не останавливайся, чтобы подумать о тех словах, которые не понимаешь.

2. Читай вопросы очень внимательно. Реши, являются ли они специфической или общей информацией.

2.Не торопись сразу же угадать ответы, серьёзно обдумай каждый вопрос: как он связан с текстом.

3. прочти текст снова, но более внимательно. Ищи те части текста, которые содержат необходимую тебе информацию.

3. Не спеши, читая текст снова. Сейчас важно, пользуясь языковой и смысловой догадкой, понять максимум слов.

4. Выбери ответ, который ты считаешь правильным: a, b, c или d.

4. Не действуй наугад. Ищи подлинное доказательство верности ответа.

5. Постарайся исключить три других ответа, объясняя причины, по которым ты отверг их.

5.Не будь слишком самоуверенным в ответах, которые ты выбрал, пока у тебя не будет доказательства, что другие являются неправильными.

2. Тестовое задание :выбор подходящих заголовков к частям текста.

Действуй так

Не делай

1. Тщательно прочти инструкции. Они содержат в себе некоторую информацию о тексте.

1.Не начинай читать, если не знаешь, что должен делать.

2.Не пытайся понять текст дословно.

2 Бегло прочти текст с целью понять его основной смысл.

3.Не пропускай этого этапа. Важно знать, что ты ищешь, прежде чем начинаешь прорабатывать текст.

3 Изучи список возможных заголовков для каждой части текста.

4.Не оставляй ни одного раздела без заголовка. Если не знаешь ответа, сделай разумное предположение.

4. Проверь, что каждый заголовок подходит, прежде, чем сделаешь окончательный выбор ответа. Возможно, тебе понадобится прочесть некоторые разделы текста более внимательно.

3. Тестовое задание - заполнить пробелы в тексте предложениями, данными в списке, так, чтобы текст приобрел целостный смысл.

Действуй так

Не делай

1 Прочти быстро текст с пробелами от начала до кон­ца. Думай о том, какая информация могла быть про­пущена.


1 Не пытайся заполнить пробелы до тех пор, пока у тебя нет общего понимания тексга.

2.Прочти список недостающих предложений. Помни, одно предложение лишнее, т. е. не понадобится тебе.

2.Не ищи языковых связей, например, грамматичес­ких, пока не подобрал соответствующие темы.

3.Прочти весь текст вместе с теми предложениями, которые выбрал, чтобы проверить, что он имеет смысл.

3.Не полагайся только на тематические (предметные) связи. Может быть более одною ИЗ недостающих предложений на ту же самую тему.

4.Проверь свои догадки, разыскивая языковые связи, например, подходящие времена глаголов; местоиме­ния, которые относятся к уже упомянутым суще­ствительным.

4.Не забудь проверить, что дополнительное (лишнее) предложение не подходит ни к одному из пробелов.

5.Попытайся подобрать предложения для пробелов. Установи соответствие темы недостающего предло жения с темами предложений до и после каждого пробела

4. Тестовое задание: подобрать пропущенные абзацы так, чтобы восстановилась связность текста.

Действуй так

Не делай.

1.Прочитай текст быстро от начала до конца. Поду­май, какая информация могла быть пропущена.

1.Не пытайся заполнить какие-нибудь пробелы не понял, о чем этот текст, как он построен, подтема каждого абзаца.

2.Прочти абзацы, являющиеся недостающими. По­мни, один из них лишний.

2.Не волнуйся, если приходится несколько раз менять свое решение на этой стадии

3.Постарайся подобрать абзацы к пробелам, думая о порядке событий или логической связи предлагае­мых идей.

3.Не беспокойся, если не всегда можешь найти языковую связь (согласованность). Логическое развитие текста важнее всего.

4.Проверь свои догадки, отыскивая языковые между абзацами.

5.Прочти текст вместе с абзацами, выбранными тобой, чтобы проверить, что они согласуются по смыслу с предыдущим и последующим абзацами.

4. Не забудь проконтролировать, что абзац, признанный тобой лишним, не подходит ни к одному из пробелов.

5. Тестовое задание: на определение уровня языковой компетен­ции: чтение с заполнением пропусков словами, об­разованными из данных.

Действуй так:

Не делай:

1.Прочти быстро текст, чтобы узнать, о чем он.

1.Не тревожься, если не понимаешь все слова.

2.Ищи ключи к разгадке, которые укажут на природу (часть. речи) пропущенного слова (прилагательное, существительное, глагол).

2.Не приходи в замешательство, не зная некоторых ответов.

3.Сначала запиши слова, способ образования которых ты знаешь

3.Не оставляй пустоты без ответа. Твоя догадка могла быть правильной.

4.Разумно угадай, если не знаешь способа словообра­зования необходимой тебе части речи от данного слова. Например, если пропущенное слово суще­ствительное, думай о типичных суффиксах суще­ствительных и выбери то, которое наиболее согла­суется с корнем слова.

4.Только не пиши первое, что придет на ум.

5.Прочти от начала до конца текст с заполненными пустотами, чтобы проверить, имеет ли он смысл. Помни, что смысл текста может потребовать упот­ребления приставок и суффиксов с отрицательным значением

6. Чтение с параллельной проверкой языковой компе­тенции. Тесты со свободным выбором слова, необ­ходимого для заполнения пропуска.

Действуй так

Не делай

1.Прочти сначала весь текст быстро от начала до кон­ца, чтобы понять общую тему содержания

1.Не читай текст слишком медленно

2.Прочти весь текст снова. Вникни в детали содержа­ния

2.Не беспокойся, если не понял всего

3.Подумай о том, к какой части речи принадлежат пропущенные слова, каковы их функции в предло­жении, например, глаголы, артикли, предлоги и т. д.

3.Не беспокойся, если не понял функции всех пропу­щенных слов.

4.Читай текст по одному предложению, заполняя в первую очередь те пробелы, в выборе слова для ко­торых ты уверен. Помни, что нужно вставить толь­ко одно слово в каждый пробел и не повторять одно слово дважды

4.Не впадай в панику, если не можешь заполнить все пробелы сразу.

5.Читай текст снова и заполни остающиеся пробелы. Если не уверен, делай разумные догадки.

Проверь на точность грамматическую связь встав­ленных слов с общим смыслом как предложения, так и всего текста, и написание выбранного слова по буквам.

5.Не оставляй какие-либо пробелы незаполненными

7. Тестовое задание: заполни пропуски в тексте, выб­рав необходимую лексическую единицу из 4-х.

Действуй так:

Не делай так:

1/Прочти весь текст полностью, чтобы получить об­щее представление о нем.

1.Не смотри на 4 варианта для выбора и не пытайся заполнить пробелы, пока не понимаешь общего зна­чения всего текста.

2.Читай текст снова, пытаясь заполнить каждый про­бел по мере их появления. Изучай 4 выбора a-d и слова по обе стороны пробела. Ты должен устано­вить связи слов прежде всего!

2.Не выбирай просто первое слово, которое кажется тебе подходящим. Некоторые варианты задуманы со­ставителем так, чтобы ввести в заблуждение, тем са­мым выявляя недостаточные знания тестируемого.

3.Если не уверен в ответе, читай предложение, запол­няя пробел каждым из 4-х слов по очереди. Одно может показаться более естественным, чем другие.

3.Не оставляй пустых пробелов.

4.Старайся объяснить себе причину исключения 3 из 4-х альтернатив.

В случае полного непонимания всех 4 слов - выби­рай, полагаясь на интуицию.

8. Тестовое задание: преобразование грамматических конструкций предложений и замена лексических единиц согласно ключевым словам.

Действуй так:

Не делай

1.Прочти все первые предложения и вторые с пробе­лами, которые нужно закончить.

1.Не начинай писать тотчас же, подумай о граммати­ческих конструкциях, в которых употребляется клю­чевое слово.

2.Сосредоточься на данном ключевом слове и поду­май, как оно может использоваться грамматически в предложении с пробелом.

2.Не забудь, что нельзя изменить ключевое слово ни­коим образом.

. 3.Начни с тех предложений, в которых ты уверен, за­кончи каждое предложение, используя от 2 до 5 слов. Помни, что 2-е предложение должно быть рав­но по значению первоначальному предложению.

3.Не трать время на беспокойство о том, что не мо­жешь закончить некоторые предложения. Вернись к ним позже.

4.Наконец, прочти предложения, чтобы убедиться, что они имеют смысл и грамматически верны.

4.Не оставляй пустот, положись на интуицию и здра­вый смысл

9. Тест на выявление уровня языковой компетенции. Коррекция ошибок.

Действуй так:

Не делай:

1.Прочти быстро текст целиком, чтобы понять, о чем он

1.Не веди сознательный поиск ошибок в этот момент

2.Читай текст снова предложение за предложением. Концентрируйся на грамматике и лексическом зна­чении. Разыскивай слова, которые не подходят к данной грамматической конструкции, являются тав­тологией и т. д

2.Не читай на данном этапе несколько строчек. Тебе необходимо знать, правильна ли строка, содержащая одно/два предложения.

3.Не переноси свои ответы на контрольный лист к это­му заданию, пока не выполнишь все этапы. Позже, возможно, тебе захочется поменять свое решение.

4.Не давай более одного ответа в строке. Иначе не поймешь, какое из обведенных кружком слов ты по­считал лишним


1.Тестовое задание: прослушивание с параллельным конспектированием, заполнением пустых граф в схеме, графике, таблице.

Действуй так:

  • Изучи таблицу, которую тебе нужно закончить.

  • Реши, какую информацию тебе необходимо уловить в прослушиваемом тексте.

  • Слушай запись и заполни те графы, которые мо­жешь.

  • Послушай снова. Заполни оставшиеся графы и про­верь те, которые уже заполнены твоими ответами.

  • Проверь все свои ответы с точки зрения грамматики.

Не делай:

  • Не трать времени впустую до того, как услышишь за­пись, предвосхити тему разговора по данным таблицы.

  • Не пытайся предсказать фактический материал: цифровые данные, даты, проценты.

  • Не теряй самообладания, если не сможешь законс­пектировать много на этом этапе.

  • Не оставляй предложений незаконченными. При необходимости используй здравый смысл и догадку.

2 Тестовое задание: выбор из 2-х или 3-х возмож­ных ответов, прослушивая монолог или текст, в ко­тором говорят 2 и более людей.

Действуй так:

• Просмотри все задание прежде, чем услышишь запись впервые. Ты должен будешь выбирать между 2-мя или

3-мя возможными ответами. Вопросы могут быть по типу: истина/ложь; да/нет; мультивыбор; опреде­лить, кто из говорящих сказал то-то.

  • Попытайся представить тему наглядно (в виде кар­тинки), изучая инструкции и вопросы. Затем пред­скажи то, что ты мог бы услышать.

  • По мере того, как ты слушаешь впервые, старайся понять основное значение (главный смысл). Запи­ши какие-нибудь ответы, в которых ты уверен.

  • В паузе, до того как запись повторится, посмотри на вопросы, на которые не ответил, для того чтобы ты мог обратить особое внимание на них, когда услы­шишь запись снова.

  • Слушая вторично запись, пиши оставшиеся ответы и проверяй те, которые уже дал.

  • После второго прослушивания у тебя будет еще 30 с (или 1 мин) для окончательной подчистки работы.

Не делай:

  • Не пренебрегай этим этапом. Важно быть уверен­ным, что ты точно знаешь то, что должен делать.

  • Не трать зря время. Предвидение темы и содержа­ния отрывка записи поможет тебе понять прослуши­ваемое.

  • Не переставай слушать, в то время как записываешь некоторые ответы.

  • Не употребляй свое время неправильно. Свои ответы ты можешь всегда проверить после звучания записи. Сейчас важно думать о том, что еще не сделано!


Личное письмо

• Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу. Под адресом располагается дата, например: Saturday, March 1st, 1999, или менее официально: 9 September 1999; 09/09/1999.

  • Письмо начинается с обращения, например: Dear Sally Dear Aunt Jane, Dear Mr. Brown, My darling. После обращения ставится запятая.

  • В начале письма автор обычно:

а) благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию,
например: Thanks for Many thanks for How nice of you
to .... I was awfully glad to get your letter ...

б) извиняется, что не писал раньше, например: I must apolo-
gize for not writing .... I really should have written sooner ...

• В основной части письма должны быть раскрыты все аспек­ты, указанные в задании.

• В конце письма автор обычно упоминаем о контактах, например:

I'll write again soon

Looking forward to seeing you.

Hope to hear from you soon.

• Завершающая фраза письма зависит от степени близости отправителя и адресата, после нее всегда ставится запятая. Ниже приводятся пять возможных вариантов от наименее формального (I) к более формальному (5):

  1. I love you so much.

  2. Lots of love. Much love.

  3. Love.

  4. Best wishes. All the best.

  5. Yours.


При подготовке учащихся к написанию сочинения следует об­ращать их внимание на логичность построения письменного вы­сказывания, необходимость деления текста на абзацы для облег­чения понимания текста читающим и на использование средств логической связи (местоимений, союзов, вводных слов и др.) между предложениями и абзацами. Следует также обращать вни­мание на соответствующий той или иной теме тин речи и его особенности.

Рекомендации по написанию сочинения, требующего использования различных типов речи

Тип речи

Возможные темы

Примерный план


(описание человека)

1. Describe your best friend.

2. Describe

a person you

3. Describe a book character.

1. Appearance.

2. Character.

3. Interests and hobbies.

4. Your personal attitude
to the person.


1. Describe a trip you liked


2. Describe your first day at

3. Describe the happiest /
unhappiest day of your
summer holidays.

1. Identity the time and

2. Convey actions with
vivid verbs.

3. Express your attitudes,
feelings and emotions.


a) For-and-against

1. What can you say for and
against the role of TV in
the life of children?

2. What can you say for and
against censorship?

3. What can you say for and
against exploring space?

1. Introduction. State the

2. Arguments "for".

3. Arguments "against".

4. Conclusion based on
the given arguments.

b) Opinion

1. Is it fair to keep animals
in zoos?

2. Would you like to be Go-
vernor of St Petersburg?

3. Should bikes be banned
in the centre of St Petersburg?

1.Introduction. State the

2. Express your personal
opinion and reasons
for it.

3. Give other people's arguments and explain why you don't agree.

4. Make a conclusion.


  • Тщательно изучите задание перед тем, как приступить к его выполнению.

  • Коммуникативная задача должна быть выполнена.

  • Следите за произношением.

  • Не стоит делать вид, будто вы поняли вопрос. Лучше переспросить вежливо: I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.

Практическая часть


Текст 1

(Базовый уровень)

While listening, fill in the graphs in this chart. You will hear the information twice.

The name of institutions

Charities provided

The Queen's Nursing Institute

supports retired and needy nurses

The Nurses Welfare Service

Marie Curie Cancer Care

Help the Hospices

The Gardens Fund of the National


The Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Society

Tape script:

The Country of Sussex is situated in the south of England, neighboring Hampshire, Surrey and Kent. Sussex is blessed with natural beauty and its environment is one of the healthi­est in the UK, free of any kind of pollution. That is why gardening is booming in Sussex. Most gardens in Sussex are united by the National Garden Scheme. It is an independent charita­ble trust founded in 1927 which raises funds by the opening of gardens to the public and the sales of teas and plants.

This chart gives the list of beneficiary charities in the frame of the National Gardens Scheme. So write National Gardens Scheme as the heading to the graph.

As you see, the main duty of the Queen's Nursing Institute is to support retired and needy nurses. As to the Nurses Wel­fare Service, it cares not only for elderly nurses, but for any nurse who gets in personal difficulty. This Service is always ready to assist nurses in personal difficulty, problems with employ­ment and so on.

Due to radiation, the number of people who suffer from can­cer is constantly growing. That is why the society which is con­cerned about those who suffer from cancer is called Marie Curie Cancer Care. The society provides care for people with cancer.

Some people are slowly dying from their diseases. Their rel­atives can't be of any help to them. The only way to lessen their sufferings is to give them special medical care in hospices. There is a worldwide hospice movement and the National Gardens Scheme participates in this movement. Its society called Help the Hospices gives support to the hospice movement through­out the country.

Undoubtly, the National Gardens' Scheme thinks much about gardeners. There is a strong demand for experienced and educated gardeners nowadays and the Gardens Fund of the National Trust is founded for the education and training of gar­deners through various courses.

Elderly gardeners are also well-cared by the National Gar­dens Scheme; The Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Society pro­vides assistance to retired gardeners.

If you travel to Sussex, don't miss opportunity to visit one or two of its enjoyable gardens. Paying your entry charge you will raise money for one of the charity projects mentioned above.

Текст 2

You will hear four people discussing books they have read recently. Find out who of the speakers:

a. is disappointed with the book he has read;

b. whose purpose was to obtain extra material for his report;

c. is delighted with the book he has read;

d. thinks the book is worth reading

speaker 1

speaker 3

speaker 2

speaker 4

Tape script

Speaker 1: It is the most fascinating book I've ever read! The pot has an unexpected twist which makes the further content unpredictable. That inspires you to read on and on. Every epi­sode in this book is exciting. And all the characters are convinc­ing and well-developed.

Speaker 2: Well, I didn't enjoy reading this book very much. Still I admit that the book can be very involving for those who are looking for adventure under the covers of books.

Speaker 3: I wonder what made me choose this very book for my reading? I've never been keen on detective stories. Be­sides, the characters in this book are week and unoriginal. Moreover, the plot is so confusing that pondering over it caused the worst headache I've ever had!

Speaker 4:1 am carrying out a survey on Shakespeare's cre­ation. I thought I could find some facts and figures for my sur­vey in this book.

I am not fully satisfied with the information I've found but still I think the book was worth

Текст 3

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказы-
ваниями каждого говорящего 1 - 5 с утверждениями, данными в списке Л -
F. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение. только один раз. В зада-
нии есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои
ответы в таблицу.

Which speaker says that ___________

A. at the age of 7 school should still be fun

B. testing prepares children for the modern world

C. teachers make children more nervous than tests do

D. children worry a lot about their test results

E. parents make children more nervous than tests do

F. more attention should be given to learning and less to test preparation








Speaker 1

I can say from my experience that it's not tests that ever really worried me. It was the nervous atmosphere that teachers created around them that affected me more than tests themselves. The competition between schools and teachers is the problem not the tests.

Speaker 2

Children are just not allowed to be children anymore. What does a standard test mean to a seven-year-old kid? They should be at play instead of preparing for tests or worrying about the results.

Speaker 3

I was fortunate enough to go to school before tests for 7- and 11-year-old children appeared, but I spent a year being prepared for the test at the age of 14. Instead of being taught English, Maths or History, I was taught exactly what I needed to pass some tests. As a result I wasn H given basic knowledge in these subjects that I needed for my school leav­ing exam.

Speaker 4

People who say that there shouldn't be any competition in education should ask themselves if their children are going to meet competition when they reach the real world. Of course they are. Schools should hold competitions in whatever form they can, including testing, or children will be unprepared for real life.

Speaker 5

It is not a bad thing to have tests. My daughter is studying in the Chinese system and has tests four times a year and exams two times a year. The idea is to find out what progress the child is making. Unfortunately, I think that a lot of parents look on test results as a compe­tition among kids, that's where pressure comes from.


Текст 4

(Повышенный уровень)

Вы услышите два объявления о полётах. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах 1 - 6 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания в отведенное для этого ме-
сто. Вы услышите каждое объявление дважды.

Announcement 1

1.The city the plane arrives in_________________

2.The time the flight lasts_____________________

3. The weather in the city of arrival at the moment__________

Announcement 2

4. The city where the plane makes a stop

5. The departure gate

6. The weather outside at the moment

Announcement 1

Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking, and I would like to welcome you to Flight 18 going to Boston.

Our flight time today is 2 hours, and we will be flying at an average alti­tude of 29,000 feet. The local time in Boston is a quarter to twelve, and at the moment the weather is sunny there, but there is a chance of rain later in the day.

We will be arriving at Gate 3C, and we will be announcing connecting flights on our approach to the airport.

Announcement 2

Attention, please, passengers of Flight 623 going to Caracas, with a stop in New York, the departure gate has been changed to 5B. Also, there will be a departure delay of 50 minutes due to stormy weather. We should be boarding at about 12:15. Thank you for your patience

Key- 1-.Boston, 2-2 hours, 3- sunny, 4- New York, 5-5B, 6- stormy

Текст 5

Вы услышите интервью с мужчиной, в котором он говорит о своем опыте достиже­ния поставленной цели. В заданиях 1 -7 обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Mr. Merry says that he lived

  1. A boring life.

  2. A hard life.

  3. An aimless life.


Mr. Merry told his friends about his goal to lose weight


  1. He looked for their support.

  2. It helped him to keep his word.

  3. He needed their advice badly.


According to Mr. Merry, planning actions refers to

  1. Performance goals.

  2. Dream goals.

  3. Daily goals

4 According to Mr. Merry, a daily goal is something you

1) think about every day

2) work on every day

3) talk about every day

5. According to Mr. Merry, a 'smart' goal is the one that is

  1. specific

  2. realistic

  3. Measurable

6.. Mr. Merry thinks that most people fail to reach their goals because they

  1. change them too often.

  2. set too many goals.

  3. forget about them

7. According to Mr. Merry a loose goal is one that is

  1. unclear.

  2. 2)unachievable.

  3. 3)unrealistic.

Interviewer: Tell me about your work in goal setting.

Mr. Merry: Ok. Getting what you want out of life doesn't just happen, you have to make it happen.

. As for me I was bumbling through life, not really knowing what I wanted to achieve, and one day I realized that I then finally I realized that I wasn't really going any­where. And then finally I decided that I needed to do something, and the big thing for me was ...I was too heavy.

So what I did was ...I got a group of friends around me and told them that I wanted to lose weight. It was very important for me to let them know about it because if you tell other people about your goals, they're no longer YOUR secret Frequently what I used to do was set a goal and say, "Right. I'm going to do this, but I didn't tell anyone about my solution, so when I never did it, it didn't really matter because nobody knew about my goal. So by telling other people, "I really want to do this" I was looking for some kind tee that I won't give in. It helped me to be as good as my word. I suppose. There are three types of goals. There's the dream goal, the performance goal and the daily goal. For me. for example, I want to lose twenty kilos, so wake up and think.

I'm going to lose twenty k The performance goal is. OK. What do 1 have to do to lose twenty kilos? And that might be, I've got to exercise every, day and I'm only going to eat three meals a day and no chocolate bars or whatever. So. actually. I start planning things.

And then there's the daily goal which is actually taking actions. Many of us have had New Year's resolutions where we say, "Right, this year I'm going to lose weight or get fit or give up smoking or whatever". We think about ac­tions that should be taken, we talk them over with our friends, but February comes and we've forgotten all about it.

Also when it comes to goal setting, we frequently hear people say that goals need to be SMART that is they need to be specific and measurable. So if you have a goal, let's say, "Oh, I'm going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro", and then five years later it's like. "Oh, that's right, I want to climb Mount Kiliman­jaro", it's not really a goal, that's more of a dream. By having it as a goal it should be realistic and achievable

Interviewer Why is it that most people do so badly at reaching goals?

Mr. Merry: They lose focus. There is so much happening in everybody's life that what happens is they might have a goal, and then something will get in the way. Maybe their goal is to go on a holiday, and they put in their leave form with their boss, and their boss is like, "Oh, now's not a good time, we've got this project on. Can you wait ... a month?" And then next month it's, "Can you wait another month?" And so different things get in the way, life goes on and they fail to remember what their goal was all about.

Also a lot of people don't set goals. They think they do, but it's either a dream, or it's a very loose goal. So when it comes to making a decision about an action which they need to take in their life, the goal is so FAR BACK IN THEIR MIND, so indefinite and vague, that they don't act in their best interests.

Keys- 1-3, 2-2, 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-3, 7-1.

Текст 6

You will hear a telephone conversation between а t;аxi driver and an operator from 911 service. For Questions 1-6, complete the miss­ing information. You will need to write a number, a wok) or a short phrase. You will hear the recording twice. There is an example at the beginning (0). You now have 10 seconds in which to look at Part 1.

Вы услышите разговор no телефону между водителем такcи и оператором службы 911. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах 1-6 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания в отведенном для этого месте. Вы услышите запись дважды. В начале задания дан пример (0). У вас есть 10 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием I


Operator's number 911

  1. Location _________________

  2. Caller's name_____________

  3. Passenger's name__________

  4. Passenger's agе____________

  5. Symptoms________________

  6. Recommendations given by operator______and_________

Operator: Hello. This is emergency 911 operator. Taxi Driver: Help! Please help me!

Operator: Yes, sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is hap­pening.

Taxi Driver: Calm down!? My car has got stuck in traffic on the M52, and I have a passenger who's got an asthma attack. Can you help me?

Operator: Now relax, sir. Explain exactly where you are.

Taxi Driver: I'm... I'm about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel.

Operator: 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel. Good. What's your

name, sir, and your passenger's? Taxi Driver: It's... it's Bob May, and I have no idea about the man's name. Wait, he's got his name on a medical alert bracelet. He's

Adam... Adam Parish.

Operator: Will you please spell his last name?

Taxi Driver: P-A-R-I-S-H. Operator: How old is he?

Taxi Driver: He's over 60. Looks as ill he's very sick. He can hardly breathe.

Operator: Well, is there anyone to help?

Taxi Driver: Oh God, no! He's getting worse. Mow soon can someone get here?

Operator: I've just sent an ambulance to your location Thеу should

be there any second.

Taxi Driver: Hey, is there anything I can do while we are waiting for

the ambulance?

Operator: Open the windows and lay him down

Taxi Driver: OK. Please hurry. At last they are here. I hank you for

your help.


  1. 1- about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel

  2. 2- Bob May

  3. 3- Adam Parish

  4. 4- over 60

  5. 5- can hardly breathe

  6. 6- open the window

  7. 7 - lay him down.

Текст 7

(высокий уровень)

You will hoar an interview with a writer Dave Hall. For Questions 1-8, decide whether each statement is True or False. In the box, write T, if the statement is true and F, if it is false. You will hear the recording twice. There is an example at the beginning (0). You now have 30 seconds in which to look at Part 2.


Dave enjoys his work. - T

  1. Dave decided on his career at an early age.

  2. His first publication was a short-story collection

  3. D

    ave started writing crime stories to entertain his friends

  4. Dave writes in different genres.

  5. Dave thinks that life stories are well paid

  6. Dave thinks that every page of a good crime now should be full of events.

  1. He dislikes the idea of making a film based on novels.

  2. He loves watching detective films on TV

Interviewer: Some people climb mountains, some run marathons, some

people write books. Why a book?

Dave: Well, I think it's because I've had an ambition to write since I was very young. I've always read a lot. My parents ran a bookshop in the town we used to live m. I've always wanted to write. It's quite pleasant and enjoyable, if things work. I had been doing short stories for a while, but didn'1 publish anything. When I got older I took this writing business more seriously. I thought I might write some sort of crime novel. And so I did.

Interviewer: But why crime?

Dave: It's a lot easier to publish a genre novel like crime or science fiction... They are always a commercial success.

Interviewer: What do you like about it'.'

Dave: \ bit of action..., reality and unexpected turns in the plot.

Interviewer: Have you ever tried anything else?

Dave: Well, I've published four crime novels and one young people's novel... which is maybe for age 12 and above. I've written anoth­er book, which is a life story... It's about my father but I haven't published it yet. I don't know if I will... as it won't make any big money, I guess.

Interviewer: What do you think is the key to a good crime novel?

Dave: Mostly you have to keep your readers' interest with a lot of action. But that doesn't mean that you should have it on every page. You need an original idea, a vivid setting and real charac­ters to move the plot forward. It always works...

Interviewer: Would you like to screen your novels?

Dave: Well, I haven't thought about it. Probably not. I'm not a great fan of TV crime serials...

Текст 8

(0). You now have 30 seconds in which to look at Pari 3 You will hear people talking in seven different situation i Situations 1-7, choose and circle the best answer А, В 01 C. >

will hear each speaker twice. There is an example

You overhear an estate agent speaking on the phone. Who is he phoning?

A a buyer

В a seller

С a builder

Situation 1

You will hear a man talking about the opening ceremony for (16) the Olympics in Sydney. How does he feel about it?

A fascinated

В bored

С indifferent

I normally think opening ceremonies for Olympics are a waste of time, a bit boring, but this one was truly spectacular and breathtak­ing. Usually I'd switch it off, but this time I kept watching.

Situation 2

You will hear a man talking about the Danes' decision (17) not to adopt the European Union currency. How does he feel about it?

A He is critical of it.

В He approves of it.

С He is worried about it

With the rejection of the EURO, Denmark has shown the true value of democracy. Its citizens decided via a referendum that they preferred to maintain their own currency rather than adopt that of the European Union. Their vote will show all participating nations the value of a true referendum by the people, as opposed to the decisions made by politicians.

Situation 3

You will hear a man talking about golf. How does the man (18) feel about the golf


A He finds it dull.

В He finds it fascinating.

С He finds it tiring.

You will hear a man talking about golf. How does the man feel about the golf game? A He finds it dull. В He finds it fascinating. С He finds it tiring.

Until I saw Tiger Woods in action, I found golf extremely boring and too slow. Thanks to him I have been drawn to the game and developed an appreciation of it. Maybe when I'm 40 I'll take it up.

Situation 4

You will hear a psychologist giving advice to a person who (19) suffers from some problem. What is the person's problem?

A He is shy.

В He is moody.

С He is irritable.

First, to help yourself succeed at whatever you do, talk positive­ly to yourself. Second, practice smiling and making eye contact. Try it with a close friend, then acquaintances and finally strangers. Third, observe what makes assertive people, who get what they want, effective and personable people. And remember you're not alone.

Situation 5

You will hear a boy's opinion on whether 16-year-olds should (20) be allowed to drive a car. What does he think about it?

A He disapproves of the idea.

В He supports the idea.

С He is uncertain about it.

I'm sure that when someone starts driving at 16 they don't know the highway rules well enough, and they don't have enough driving experience. But if, instead of giving a license to people at 16, schools devoted more time to teaching 16-year-olds how to drive, then at the age of 18 teenagers would be a lot better prepared and would be much safer at the wheel.

Situation 6

You will hear a teacher talking to his students about the way (21) he works with them. Who is the course for?

A students who study marketing

В students who study management

С students who study journalism

This is the way I work with my students, and my fellow instructors work more or less the same way. When you're ready you mail your assignment to me. I read il and reread it to get everything out of it that you've

put into it. Then I edit your assignment just the way a publishing house editor would. I mail it back with a detailed letter explaining my comments. I tell you what your strong points and weaknesses are, and just what you can do to improve. If you can take constructive criticism, learn from it, you will learn how to write and how to market your writing

Situation 7

You will hear a girl talking about her shopping experience. (22) Why did she take her sweater back to the shop?

A to gel her money back

В to get a sweater in her size

С to get a sweater in another colour

I bought a sweater for a big party my friend was giving. Everyone liked it but my girlfriend found it too large. After an hour at the party, I noticed that the sweater was piling. By the end of the night, there was yellow fuzz all over the apartment. I took the sweater back, but the cashier said I couldn't get a refund for something that I'd already worn. The only thing she could do was to replace it with a new one. But when I showed her the black skirt I'd worn that night coated with yellow fuzz, she refunded my money on the spot.

Текст 9

You will hear six teenagers talking about fashion. Match each speaker 1-6 with one of the statements from the list A-G which best conveys each speaker's attitude to fashion. Use each letter only once. There is one extra statement which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice. There is an example at the beginning (0). You now have 25 seconds in which to look at Part 4.


Н. I try to copy my friends' look. Speaker 0 | ^ j

A. I dress to look like famous people Speaker 1______

В. I dress the same as my friends. Speaker 2____________

C. I wear clothes which I'm used to. Speaker 3 ____________

D. I wear clothes which I can pay for. Speaker 4____________

E. I like to wear stylish clothes. Speaker 5____________

F. Fashion is all about making money. Speaker 6____________

G. I dress to get a reaction from people.

Interviewer (female voice): Are you a dedicated follower of fashion or do you put on the first thing you find in the morning? We spoke to some boys and girls to find out their opinion,

Speaker 1 (male): My favorite clothes are the ones I have had for years. I've been wearing my jeans for 4 years and 1 gel nervous each time I put them in the washing machine hut I wouldn't change them for fashionable clothes any day. For me they are always in fashion and I feel good when I wear them.

Speaker 2 (female): I like to wear fashionable clothes. 1 love television and advertising. I try to keep up-to-the-minute with what I wear. Being in fashion makes me feel good, in tune with the world 1 live in.

Speaker 3 (male): My parents say that my clothes are a bit strange, dif­ferent from what they wear, it's true. But 1 like to stand out from my parents, to impress or even to shock people.

Speaker 4 (female): I have the same tastes as my friends and we all dress more or less in the same way. I like the way we wear the same things, it makes us even closer.

Speaker 5 (male): I can't tell you if I follow fashion or not. When I need to buy something new I choose what I like best and nat­urally, what I can afford to buy. I don't worry if it's fashionable or not.

Speaker 6 (female): Fashion is all about making a profit, getting peo­ple to buy new clothes and throw away their Old ones.


You'll hear 6 people talking about men and fashion. Match what you hear from each speaker 1-6 with the statements marked A-G. Use letters once only. There is an extra state­ment you don't need to use. You'll hear the recording twice. Fill the boxes in the table with your answers.

A. Men are nervous about buying clothes.

B. Women want approval of what they wear but men don't.

C. Men don't want to go to lots of places looking for clothes.

D. Men don't like to change the sort of clothes they wear.

E. I dislike a lot of new fashions for men.

F. My attitude to fashion has changed.

G. Fashions for men remain almost the same.







Speaker 1

Men never get bored with wearing the same clothes. We a much lazier than women and don't want to worry about putting together a different outfit every morning. Once we find a style like and feel comfortable in, we stick with it unless our body shape changes. I have been wearing the same lace-up shoes for mo! than ten years and I've got over a hundred shirts in the same style It would never cross my mind to wear anything else.

Speaker 2

I think fashion is strictly for women and boys. Most men have found a style by their late twenties or early thirties. I was a slavish follower of fashion in the 1970s and 1980s. Now, I care about clothes, but I don't care about fashion. I like t, look good and I love the feel of quality fabrics, but I have some interest in what someone in Milan says I should buy, or whether this season's or last season's clothes

Speaker 3

When it comes to shopping for clothes, I think it's a question of self - confidence. I think men have less than women. They need the influence of friends and magazines when they are deciding what to buy. And they need to be sure that they feel totally comfortable in something before they part with their money. They worry about the whole business.

Speaker 4

Men's fashions change very little from season to season, compared with women's. The only variations are in the detail, such as the number of buttons on the suit or the width of the lapel, which most men wouldn't notice. Men want to look reasonably good., but fashion isn't such a big thing for men's clothes as it is for women's clothes.

Speaker 5

Men don't shop for clothes regularly as women, and they do, they always go back to the same two or three shops. Most men just don't like the process of shopping. After 15 min of going aimlessly from one shop to another, they get emotionally exhausted. But I know that shop has tops that suit me. I always go to another shop for a new suit I like the cut of certain jeans. So I always go to the same shops, because I know I can find what I want there.

Speaker 6

Women have different priorities to men when it comes to lance. Insecurity drives women to look for comfort in fashion because they are much more concerned than men about other people's opinions of what they're wearing. This isn't the case for men. I guess that's why, according to market research, sales of men's clothes are than half those of women's, and there is only one men's clothes store to every four women's shops.


You will hear a conversation about a survey. Decide which of the statements (1-6) are true according to the text (A), which are false (B) and on which the information in the text is not stated (C). Circle the letter of the answer you choose. You'll hear the recording twice.

1. People doing the survey were asked to make- a list of what annoyed them.

A. true B. false C. not stated

2. People doing the survey were asked how annoying they found certain things.

A. true B. false C not stated

3. More British people than people from Other European countries did the survey.

A. true B. false C. not slated

4. The survey indicated that Norwegians are very tolerant of bad behavior in public.

A. true B. false C. not stated

5. Lack of politeness annoys the British and French пик- than any other nationality.

A. true B. false C. not stated

6. The survey indicated that young people get annoyed 1 fewer things than the older generation.

Presenter (f)

What annoys you most in everyday life? The magazine Reader's Digest recently carried out a survey to find out what day to day irritations most infuriate people. With me is David Moller, one of the magazine's editors. David, how did the survey work?

Editor (m)

Well, first we asked the European editors of Reader's Digest to come up with a list of 20 common annoyances. Then, here in Britain and in 16 other European countries where our magazine I published, we handed the list to 200 people in each country and asked them to rate them on an irritability scale - did they find Bern extremely irritating, irritating, a little irritating or not irritating at all? And we asked them which one irritated them I he most'.'

Presenter (f)

And what kind of things have emerged from the survey?

Editor (m)

Well, we don't claim our survey is totally scientific, but от poll of 3,400 Britons and other Europeans aged 18 and over threw up some fascinating findings. It also graphically illustrated national differences - what annoys one country may be of little concern in another.

Presenter (f)

Give me an example

Editor (m)

Well, for instance, 85 per cent of Britons we polled hate pe pie spitting in public, as do 95 per cent of Hungarians and 85 p cent of Spaniards, whereas only 50 per cent of Norwegians a annoyed by it. Does that mean you can spit freely in Norway? Doubtful. Rather, it may mean that Norwegians encounter it rarely that it doesn't bother them, whereas in Britain, Hungary a Spain this unpleasant practice is more common - and annoying

Presenter (f)

So presumably there were quite a lot of national differences.

Editor (m)

Yes. Interestingly, automated telephone switchboards irritated the British more than any other Europeans - 79 per cent, again Norway, which came second with 61 per cent. When it comes irritation at people who don't say please and thank you, the French and the British are united - 80 per cent in each count said it irritated them, the highest level in Europe.

Presenter (f)

And what about age differences? Were the young annoyed certain things and the older generation by other things?

Editor (m)

Well, across all the countries, we found that only two issues irritate young people, who we defined as anyone between 18 and 35 more than the older generation, who we defined as anyone aged 51 and over. These were internet pop-up ads and road works. That' hardly surprising given that more young people use the internet an' they are bound to be impatient behind the wheel. The biggest gaps between the two age groups were over graffiti and swearing. Older people are more irritated by these things than the young.

Presenter (f)

OK, now which countries were the most irritated? Where will w find the most annoyed people? It would be fascinating to ... (fade)


(Базовый уровень)

Тext 1

You are going to read Ads about different museums. For questions 1-5 choose the answer А, В, C, D, E or F. One advertisement is extra. Which museum

1. is more than a century old?

2. is named after a Man who loved Asian part?

3. gives an idea of what George Washington looked like?

4. collects things of working class?

5. gives its visitors a chance to travel in space?

A .The Mount Vernon Museum gives an idea of George and Martha Washington's life. On display are personal things of America's first president and military equipment. One can also see porcelain and silver used at Mount Vernon. A bust of George Washington modelled at Mount Vernon by the French sculptor Jean Houdon, is also exhibited. The bust is thought to look like the model.

B. In the Freer Gallery of Art visitors will find one of the finest collections of Chinese and Japanese art in the western world. A Detroit industrialist, Charles Lang Freer, was fond of Oriental art. During his trips to London he began collecting it. Later he gave his private collection to the museum which had been opened a century before.

С. The Renwick gallery shows American art from the 19th to the 21st centuries. The collection has works of modern American artists in glass, ceramics, metal, and wood. The building, begun in 1 859, was Washington, D. С. first art museum. It is named after the building's architect, James Renwick.

D. This museum is filled with the sounds, sights and smells of the life of this big city in the past. The museum tells about common people who worked in industries, trades and services, looking at their work and pastimes and uses reconstructed scenes, objects and photographs to bring their story to life.

E. This museum is so much fun for kids and grown-ups. It tells the story of flight, from the first balloons to our current exploration of the Universe. It is the home of the first airplane. Only in this museum visitors can make a tour of the Universe and walk through a sky lab orbital workshop.

F. The attractive and unusual architecture of the Hirsh horn Museum sets it apart from the other museum on the Mall. Looking like a sculpture itself, the Hirsh horn Museum Washington is depicted as a general, the founder of the state, is a tall cylinder. The museum is named after an American collector of modern art.

Keys- 1c,2b,3a,4d,5e.

Text 2.


The following sentences tell a story, but their order has be­come mixed up. Can you put them in the correct order? Then solve the explorer's problem

A. But he didn't know whether the friendly village was to their right or left.

B. He also knew that if he went in the other direction, he
would come to a hostile village where he would be killed.

C. But he didn't know which man came from which tribe

D. An explorer was walking down a path in the jungle.

E. While he was thinking about this, he noticed that there
were two men standing at the fork.

F. He knew that one came from a tribe that always told the

G. He knew that if he went in one direction he would come
to a village of friendly people.

H. The other came from a tribe that always tied.

I. He came to a fork in the path.

Key - D,I,G,B,A,E,F,H,C.

Text 3.

(Повышенный уровень)

Read the text below. For questions 6-11 choose the correct answer А, В, С or D.

If you stay in an Indian home, bring something from your home country as a gift. Although it is not expected, it would be much appreciated. But find out the social status and religion of your hosts before you choose the gift. A bottle of foreign whisky would be the perfect gift for some, and not at appropriate for others. If you know the people you are going to stay , with, it is a good idea to ask them what they would like. Some things are just not available in India.

It is not necessary to bring a gift when you are invited to dinner. After all, you are the honored guest. Until recently^ it would have been almost insulting to bring sweets or a bottle of wine. Nowadays it is a custom which is becoming popular with many Indians. Fruit, flowers or a box of sweets are perfect gifts on such occasions, and will offend no one.

In all classes of society, both urban and rural, food is only taken to the mouth with the right hand. This is the most important part of the etiquette of eating in India, Once you have started eating, and have food in your right hand, it is all right to serve yourself, using the serving spoon with the left hand. When you watch Indians eat you will see that they keep their left hand on their lap.

If you stuck for a conversation topic in India, talk about families. Another useful subject to start with is cricket. But once you get to know a person better, any topic is acceptable. Indians love to talk about politics and religion. They enjoy opinionated discussions and not just polite conversations. Conversation is an art form and people take the time to really talk.

1.If you stay with an Indian family,

a) you are expected to take a gift.

b) you should take flowers.

c) You are not expected to take a gift

2.If you are invited for a meal at an Indian home,

a)you take a bottle of whisky from your count

b)should offer to pay for your food

c)you will offend your hosts if you take anything

d) it is fashionable to take flowers or sweets

e) it is traditional to take a dish

3.You should

a) never eat with your left hand

b) always keep your right hand on your knee

c) never eat with your right hand

d) only use your right hand for serving food

4.Indians love interesting discussions but they

a) only talk about family matters

b) avoid religion and politics

c) don't like talking about themselves

d) don't appreciate polite conversation

5.Some things are just not available". Does this mean:

a) You can buy these things in India?

b) They don't make these things in India?

c)They have never seen these things?

d)You can't get these things in India?

6.. ..and not at all appropriate for others". The underlined word means:

a) important

b) right

c) essential

d) good

keys- 1c,2c,3a,4d,5d,6b

Text 4

I. Прочитайте текст и выполните предложенные задания. Обведите кружком правильные ответы.

Half a mile from home, at the far edge of the woods where the: land was highest, a great pine tree stood. The top of this ancient tree towered above all the others and made it visible for miles and] miles. Sylvia had always believed that whoever climbed to the top! of it could see the ocean. Now she thought of the tree with a new excitement. Why, if she climbed at dawn, would she not be able t see the whole world, and discover where the white heron flew, and! find its hidden nest?

What an adventure! As she lay awake in her bed, she thought о the glory and triumph of telling everyone the secret of where the heron hid. Sylvia knew her mother and her quests were fast asleep] so she crept out of the house and followed the path through the woods. The air was filled with the sleepy songs of half-awakened birds.

There was the huge tree, seeming to sleep in the fading moonlight. Sylvia bravely began to climb, the blood racing through her veins,] her bare hands and feet gripping the bark. First she had to climb the oak tree that grew alongside. Sylvia felt her way easily. She had often climbed there before, and knew that higher up one of the oak's upper branches rubbed against the pine trunk. When she reached it,; the way was harder than she had thought. The sharp twigs scratched] her and the sticky pine sap made her little fingers clumsy and stiff.

The tree seemed to grow taller as she climbed, and she began to doubt if she could reach her goal before dawn. But Sylvia passed the last thorny branch, her face shining with triumph as she stood at the very top, weak and shaking with exhaustion.

There was the sea, dazzling in the first morning light. Two hawks flew east, so far below her she felt she, too, might fly away among the clouds. The birds sung louder and louder until the sun came up.

This beauty almost overwhelmed little Sylvia, but she did not forget her mission. Where was the white heron? She looked down ' - l he green marsh where she had seen him before. There he was. Rising and sweeping towards the great pine tree. He landed, and froze as she watched the heron, perched two branches below, calling to his mate, cleaning his feathers for the new day.

A I. Where was the pine tree located?

1. at the bottom of a hill

2. next to Sylvia's house

3. at a high point near Sylvia's house

4. in the middle of the forest

A 2. What made the pine tree so special to Sylvia?

1. It was Sylvia's hiding place.

2. Sylvia had built a tree house in it.

3. Sylvia was fascinated by its height.

4. Sylvia dreamt of it every night.

A 3. Why did Sylvia decide to climb the pine tree?

1. Because it seemed an easy thing to do.

2. Because she had climbed it before.

3. Because it was next to an oak tree she used to climb.

4. Because she wanted to know where the white bird hid.

A4. What feeling overwhelmed Sylvia when she stood at the top?

1 exasperation

2 exaltation

3 disappointment

4 fear

A5. How did she feel while climbing the pine tree?

1. She thought she might never make it in time.

2 She thought of giving up because she was hurt.
3 She felt disgusted because of the sap.
4 She was terrified of falling.

А6. How did she feel when she reached the top?

  1. She was so frightened of falling that her body shook.

  2. She was delighted but felt very tired.

  3. She was delighted, but disappointed that the bird's nest was not there.

  4. She was so delighted that she did not feel tired.

A7 What did the bird do when he reached the tree?

1. He sat down next to her.

2. He shouted for help.

3. He settled on a lower branch.

4. He flew past her.

A8. What does the word 'glory' mean here?

1. Great honour

2. Great desire

3. Certain disappointment

4. Certain achievement

A9. What does the phrase 'shining with triumph' imply?

  1. to be very tired

  2. to be very happy

  3. to be quite exhausted

  4. to be quite clumsy

A10. What does the word 'goal' mean?

  1. top

  2. edge

  3. nest

  4. aim

Keys- A1-3, A2-3, A3-4, A4-2, A5-1, A6-2, A7-3, A8-1, A9-2, A10-4.

Text 5.

(Высокий уровень)


You are going to read a newspapers article about health eating. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article Choose from the paragraph A-H the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Crete, that Greek island of olive trees and sunny beaches which was the home of the mythical Minotaur, now has another claim fame. It has Europe's healthiest population.

0 H____________________________________

The key to the Cretans' good health, say experts, lies in the' diet. They have long been known to use far more extra virgin olive oil, flavored with fresh herbs from the mountains, than other nationalities.


Experts believe the oil is so good for the health because i provides plenty of oleic acid. This is the kind of fat that is found in the purest olive oil.


Research has shown the benefits of this. When tests were carried out, replacing part of the animal fat content of the north European diet with olive oil, it was found that olive oil ca greatly reduce levels of the cholesterol that can clog the blood stream and cause heart problems.


Research was conducted by Christine Williams, Professor Food Studies at Reading University. She wanted to compare a diet rich in animal fats with one that used olive oil.


The results showed that the oily simplicity of the Cretan diet is it's strength. As the very essence of Mediterranean cooking, lacks the piles of pasta favored by the Italians, the grilled meats of southern France or the chorizo

(Spicy 20 sausages) of Spain.


Spreading mountains of butter on toast is equally foreign to km. The standard treatment for bread is to break it into lumps and dip them into a bowl of oil.


I don't think we're going to get people eating a Mediterranean diet here because we don't have the climate for it, but we could incorporate the benefits of olive oil into the foods we are used to', she said. "The scientific evidence is sufficient to jus-\ a really major campaign".

A. These scientists also say that the greener and more virgin the olive oil, the higher the level of falconoid chemicals. These stop cholesterol deposits sticking to the artery walls.

B. But whether this diet will catch on with Britons is uncertain. Williams believes it's unlikely that they will
change their eating habits.

C.A great reduction in heart disease was noted food during the Second World War and the years immediately afterwards. Once they returned to their usual diet the number of patients quickly rose again

D. In fact Cretans consume almost three times as much oil as northern Europeans, whose diets tend to be dominated by animal fats. The oil brings many benefits.

E. Unilever, the food multinational, supplied her with a variety of identical food, including, ready meals, pudding and cakes, for a seven-month experiment with two groups of men ages 30 and 45. In half the meals the fat content was made up of animal products, the other contained olive oil.

F. This discovery is one reason why leading doctors and scientists working in the European Commission are finishing a Cretan dietary factsheet. This will be circulated to all family doctors in the European Union, so everyone can benefit from the sun-kissed island's nutrition secrets.

G. Unlike the British, the islanders have always had a low part of meat and milk products. Instead of decorating animal-based food with creamy sauces, they would much rather use the local vegetables with their favourite olive oil.

H. In a developments that could create a new fashion for Cretan food, scientists have found that the islanders have rates of heart diseases, obesity and cancer far below those of people in Britain. They are also much lower than in other European countries.

Keys- 1-d, 2-a, 3-f, 4e, 5-g, 6-b.

Text 6

It was the first film I saw in Dolby stereo. I knew a lot of time and care had been taken to give it that strange sound that you find even more in Blade Runner, the film Ridley Scott made after Alien. It was just lovely to hear the sound of next-millen­nium machinery in space.


You have to understand the way I first saw Alien. When it was released I was 12 or 13 and it had an 'X' certificate, as it was then. My brother saw it and came home and told me the story, which I thought was terrific, and then I got the photo-book and fell in love with the pictures.


It was the first film I saw in Dolby stereo. I knew a lot of time and care had been taken to give it that strange sound that you find even more in Blade Runner, the film Ridley Scott made after Alien. It was just lovely to hear the sound of next-millen­nium machinery in space.

Every science fiction film that has come after it, seems to have that dirty, wet, steamy look, that kind of

blue light and green darkness. It has totally changed this type of movie, when you consider that only two or three years previously Star Wars was it as far as sci-fi was concerned.


Without any doubt, it has to be the most influential film of my life.

There is one scene in particular where I thought: I wish I had shot that. They're hunting down the alien after it's 45 got away - they believe it' only the size of a small dog at that point. They send Harry Dean Stanton off on his own to look for the ship's cat, and we all know that in the meantime the alien has got a lot bigger

The bit that for me was really dramatic is where Harry so Dean Stanton is leaning down to pick up the cat, and the alien's tail just drops down into view


And it's so understat­ed: you know just from the tail that this creature has immense power and is going to get him.

There was no attempt to shock, no violence. The audience knows something bad is going to happen and everyone is expecting the alien to jump into the shot in some way, but it does
the opposite: it moves slowly and smoothly in. I


It was the first time I'd ever seen on film a creature that was a real killer. It's purely a special effect, nothing that couldn't have been done before with just a little technical knowledge: there's no Jurassic Park-style, computer graphics. But up until then, whenever I saw a movie monster, it would be a guy in a rubber suit: it would always have that falseness about it. Or the film-maker would rely on editing but you would never really see the creature.


Even though we couldn't quite make out what it was, which added to the terror. That in itself was very interesting.

One of the other things that's really effective is the teeth of the alien.


When it opened it's mouth there was another mouth inside it, which was a stroke of genius by H. R. Giger - his design is genuinely shocking and inventive.


That may be true, but I also think that the director realized that no mat­ter how good your special effects are, if you leave them too long on screen, people will spot that they're not real. Fortunately, that didn't happen in Alien

A. However, in this scene the alien moved like a cat that was hunting and we could see it.

B. It's a shame that when they show Alien on television you miss it because it's on the edge of the wide screen.

C. I think seventy per cent of Alien's success is owed to him, even though he complained to Twentieth Century Fox that all the best shots of the alien were eventually left out of the film.

D. And the look has stuck; it's even got into Star Trek: The Next Generation.

E. It seemed to have so many.

F It was just the first of many battles with the creature.

G. It's like ballet.

H. This was in the days before video-records, so I was a se­rious fan of Alien for probably three or four years before I even saw it.

Text 7


A student campus is far more than a collection of lecture theatres and exam halls.

Campuses are places to work and play.

Thanks to their ever-growing rang academic and leisure fa­cilities,

and the friendly, 'village' environment they offer.

1 Student residences

Student accommodation varies from campus to campus, and there can be several types to choose from. The most traditional is halls of residence, which house a large number of students, have a strong community feel and offer lots of social and sport­ing events. Bills and meals are usually included in the cost. Stu­dent flats offer more independent and flexible living although, as in halls, there will be a warden responsible for student wel­fare. Flats are self-catering and students live in smaller groups (typically between four and eight). Whatever kind of accommodation you choose, you can expect to have your own private study-bedroom, plus communal facilities including kitchen and bathroom. But students moving into recently built halls' and flats may even get suitable


2 Library

Your essay starts here! Students have access to thousands upon thousands of books and journals via their

university or college library. There are also different borrowing arrange­ments - for example, normal loan,

overnight loan and refer­ence only - to ensure everyone gets their hands on the right texts without buying

up the local bookshop. Computerised cat­aloguing makes it easy to reserve the books you need and, of course,

track them down on the shelves. If you have any ques­tions, the staff on the help desk will be pleased to point you

in the right direction. But in this high-tech age, libraries offer much more than just the printed word. Students

have access to microfiche archives, CD-ROMs, audio-visual facilities and the internet - so there's no excuse

for turning in a bad essay.

3 Its facilities

These days, computers are a vital resource for students, so universities and colleges are putting IT facilities

at the top of their priorities list. Study-bedrooms in halls of residence and students flats are being linked up

to university networks, mean­ing that students lucky enough to have their own computers get

round-the-clock access to the Internet from the comfort of their own desk. Those without PCs can still get

easy access to com­puters via purpose-built IT rooms, many of which are open twenty-four hours a day.

Students can expect to get their own I mail account, printer credits, computer training (if needed) and free

Internet access.

4 Students 'unions

The very heart of student life, unions are run by student for students, and offer a wide range of facilities, from social and sporting clubs to welfare advice and personal support. Students' union bars and restaurants are rightly famous for their subsidized prices, so your social life won't cost a fortune. Students' union clubs and bars are popular venues for many of the UK's best bands and comedians too - in fact, you may see 'the next big thing' before anybody else. Virtually all unions have a ded­icated international students department, which helps interna­tional students with any problems they may have and organizes lots of great social events. Their aim is to make sure you get the very best out of your time in the UK.

Choose T (true) or F (false)

  1. Students living in student residences group themselves together.

  2. They have to make an extra pay for meals.

  3. In a flat students usually have a special place to study but not always.

  4. A library is a good resource of education for students.

  5. They use computers to registrate students.

  6. Students may work in archives, in the Internet and in oth­er modern facilities.

  7. Those who want to work in the Internet can go to the computer club.

  8. Free Internet access is given to every student.

  9. Students' social life is not expensive because everything is quite cheap.

Лексика. Грамматика

Тесты для этапа диагностики.

(Базовый уровень)

Test 1

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.


  1. Would you like some more ice-cream? There's .. left.

A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

  1. I introduced him ... my father.

A. with B. by C. to D. at

  1. Actions ... louder than words.

A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak

4. They went home ... foot.

A. on B. by C. with D.-

5. ... beautiful flower!

A. What B. What a C. So D. How

  1. It's a public holiday ... New Year's Day.

A. in B. on C. at D. -

  1. The doctor told her to stay in ... bed for a couple of days.

A. - B. the C. a D. any

  1. What time shall I phone you? - Ring ... time you like

A. some B. any C. no D. -

  1. The room is empty. There's ... here.

A. anyone B. someone C. none D. no one

10. We ... go to the supermarket as we had plenty of food.

A. needn't B. mustn't C. didn't need to D. don't have to

11. You should go on holiday because you ... too hard lately.

A. worked B. have been working C. work D. has worked

12. I... as ill as I do now for a long time.

A. didn't feel B. wasn't feeling C. haven't felt D. hasn't been feeling

13.1 didn't enjoy the party. It... .

A. was bored B. got bored C. was boring D. had bored

14. I've got... any money left.

A. hard B. most hard C. hardly D. harder

15.1 can't make conversation. - ... .

A. So I can. B. So can I. C. Neither I can. D. Neither can I.

16.1 have my computer classes ... Tuesday evening
A. in B. on Cat D.-

17. ... decision will be taken.

A. not any B. no any C. no D. not

18. The problem ... at present.

A. is discussing B. has discussed C. is being discussed D. Has been discussing

19. The fish smells ....

A. goodly B. well C. very well D. good

20. Never let your children ... with matches.

A. to play B. will play C. play D. playing


  1. I'll take something to read ... he's late.

A. until B. so C. whenever D. in a

  1. He asked me ....

A. since when I am waiting B. how long I have been wailing C. how long I had been waiting D. since when I waited

3. I hope he won't keep us ... .

A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. for waiting

4. Bad news... fast.

A. travel B. have travelled C. are travelling D. travels

  1. Tom is a little child and Sam is still ....

A. the least B. less C. smaller D. elder

  1. Would you like some more ice-cream? There's still ... left.

A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

  1. Mike hasn't made ... progress.

A. many B. some C. much D. a few

8.The encyclopedia is no good: it's completely out of... .
A. time B. hours C. age D. date

9. I don't agree ... anything she says.

A. with B. for C. in D. after

10. It was ... difficult test.

A. such B. such a C. so D. so a

  1. You can always count... old George; he's a very good friend!

A. for B. with C. to D. Oil

  1. All that sounded ....

A. strangely B. strange C. quite strangely D) little strangely

13.1 haven't heard ... in my life.

A. most beautiful song B. the most beautiful song C. a more beautiful song D. the least beautiful song,

  1. Did you see Mary ... the weekend

A. on В. - C. at D. in

  1. What ... sad news he's brought!

A. such В. a C. the D. -

l6.1 haven't been to this park for ages. -...

A. So I have. B. Neither I have. C. So have I D. Neither have I.

17. What... about this new film?

A. are you thinking B. do you think C. have you thought D. have you been thinking

18.1 haven't eaten all the apples. There arc ... left.

A. none B. no C. some D. not any

  1. There is a customer waiting for you , I show him in?

A. will B. shall C. would D. won't

  1. Why don't you ... what the matter is?

A. tell B. say C. speak D. tall

(Повышенный уровень)

Test 2.

Выпишите лишние слова в соответствующую строку справа. Если ошибка отсутствует, поставьте прочерк. Обра­тите внимание на образец.

Britain's most popular 'fast food' has got to be fish and



Chips. Fish and chips shops first have made an appearance at



the end of the 19th century and since then have been


a firm favourite up and down across the country. The dish is


simplicity in itself: fish (usually cod, haddock or plaice)


is dipped in a batter made from flour, eggs and the water


and then deep fried in hot fat. Chips are being made from


thick batons of potato and deep fried.


Fish and chips are served over the counter wrapped in


paper, and traditionalists prefer to eat them by straight


out of the paper because they taste better in that way!


The best known British dish is eaten at home has been


roast beef, traditionally eaten on the Sunday. The dish


used to be so popular that the French are still refer to


the British as 'les roast'! Roast beef is being served with


roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gradually, Yorkshire


pudding is a favourite accompaniment to roast beef.


Keys- 1-, 2-across, 3-in, 4-the, 5-being, 6-, 7-, 8-by, 9-in, 10-is, 11-the, 12-are, 13-being, 14-gradually, 15-.

Test 3.

Выпишите лишние слова в соответствующую строку спра­ва. Если ошибка отсутствует, поставьте прочерк. Обратите вни­мание на образец.

What is the oldest university in Britain?

The University of Oxford was the first university to be



established in the Britain. Dating from the 12th century



it is being organized as a federation of colleges which


are governed by their own teaching staff is known as


'Fellows'. The most oldest college, University College,


was founded in 1249. Other notable colleges include


all Souls (founded in 1438), Christ Church (founded


in 1546 by Cardinal Wolsey), the college chapel of


which is also Oxford Cathedral, and the Lady Margaret


Hall (founded in 1878), which was now the first women's


college. Today Oxford University is made up of 39


separate colleges, of which one is for women of students


only, and the rest take out both men and women..


In 1209, scholars running away from riots in Oxford


set it up the first academic community in Cambridge.


The University is also organized as a federation of


their colleges; the oldest, Peter's house, dates from 1284.


Keys- 1-being, 2-is, 3- most, 4-, 5-, 6- , 7-the, 8-now, 9-,10-of, 11-out, 12-, 13-it, 14-, 15-their

Test 4.

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слово из колонки спра­ва, образовав от него слово, необходимое по смыслу.

Смотри образец: 0 - natural

The site of the town of Winchester was a (0) NATURE

... place for a (1)... , at the point where a river SETTLE

cut through the chalk of the (2)... hillsides. A SOUTH

simple camp at St Catherine's Hill was the (3) EARLY

...known use of the site. This was followed by an Iron Age hill-fort, but this was left (4) ... by 100 ВС INHABIT

It was the Romans who finally estab­lished the town and (5) . ROUND

. it with a defensive

wall for the protection of their people and trade. With the (6) . BUILD

of it's first cathedral in the

seventh century, the town became an important (7) . RELIGION

centre. Later. King Alfred, who had

(8)... pushed back the invading Danes, moved SUCCESS

his palace to Winchester. The town then expe­rienced rapid (9) DEVELOP.

.. , and it's (10) ... role in English- CENTRE

history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans,

like Alfred, made Winchester their capital.

Keys - 1-settlement 2-southern 3-earliest 4-uninhabited 5-surrounded

6-building 7-religious 8-successfully 9-developmen 10-central

Test 5

Смотри образец: 0 - unusual

At first light, there is nothing (0) ... about USUAL

the town of Yellowstone Park but, as the day begins

and the town comes to (1) ... , you can't LIVE

help (2) ... that, among the cars, there are light NOTICE

aeroplanes moving along the roads towards the airport.

When the town was (3) ... built, a small air- ORIGIN
port was included for the (4) ... of people fly- CONVENIENT
ing in to look at the properties which were for
(5) ... , but it soon became clear to the devel- SELL
opers that this was an attraction in itself. The
streets were (6) ... so that planes could use WIDE

them, the mailboxes near the road were made
(7) ... to avoid passing wings, and all the elec- SHORT
tricity cables were buried (8) ... . GROUND

Now, there is every (9) ... that the residents LIKELY

will have a private plane in their garage and use

it with the same (10) ... other people enjoy with FREE

their cars.


1- life 6- wider

  1. - noticing 7-shorter

  2. -originally 8-underground

4-convenience 9-likelihood

5 -selling 10-freedom

Test 6

Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. Fill in the words in the table below.

The British sport

Britain doesn't often produce sportsmen who are

Successful in world __ 1__, but it has been CHAMPION

good at inventing sports. In towns and cities space

for team sports is __2__. LIMIT

To keep fit, most people take part in individual sports.
They_ 3 go walking, swimming or cycling. USUAL

Taking part in all these sports is 4 FORMAL

and relaxing. Although many British people want

to be 5 , not many people do very much about it. HEalt="Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»"H

A recent study proved that many people were not as active

as they thought and__6__believed that they did enough CORRECT
Test 7.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. Do you know who this coat belongs to?

Do you know ... is?

2. Jo's training accident meant she couldn't take part in the


Jo's training accident... part in the race.

3. Cyclists are not allowed to ride on the station platform,

Bicycles ... on the station platform.

4. To Alan's amazement, the passport office was closed
when he arrived.


Alan ... the passport office closed when he arrived.

5. It isn't necessary to book tickets for the show in advance,

You ... tickets for the show in advance.

6. The top shelf was so high that the children couldn't reach it.

The top shelf was ... the children to reach.

7. I'd prefer you to start work next week,

I ... work next week.

8. 'Do you remember what you have to do?' the teacher
asked her class.


The teacher asked her class if... to do.

9. It's unusual for Carol to get angry with her staff.


Carol ... temper with her staff.

10. There is no ice-cream left.


We ... ice-cream.


  1. whose coat this OR whose this coat.

  2. prevented her (from) taking.

  3. must not be ridden.

  4. was amazed to find.

  5. don't need to/needn 't/need not book.

  6. too high for.

  7. would/'d rather you started.

  8. they remembered what (they had).

  9. hardly ever loses her.

  10. have/'ve run out of.

Test 8.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

0 Steve left before my arrival.

When / arrived Steve had already left.

1 This is my first visit to Italy.


2 Your taxi arrived a moment ago.

Your taxi has____________________

3. The film started before my arrival.

When I arrived, the film________________

4 Would you like me to call back later?


5 Simone has been learning English for two years.

Simone started________________________

6 I last went to Spain in 1998.
I haven't________________________

7 After the exam we'll go for a pizza.
When the exam .

8 I intend to speak to my boss tomorrow.


Keys- 1-I have never been to Italy before.

2-Your taxi has just arrived.

3-When I arrived, the film had already started.

4-Shall I call back later?

5-Simone started learning English 2 years ago.

6-I haven't been to Spain since 1998

7-When the exam finishes, we'll go for a pizza.

8-I'm going to speak to my boss tomorrow.

Test 9.

Multiple choice.

For questions 1 - 10, read the text below and decide which answer А, В, С or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example:

0 A buying B buy С to buy D bought

It was in 1947, and Jean and Tom were going to get married. But after the Second World War it was very difficult __C_ (0) new clothes in Britain. "Do not worry," Jean's dad______(1) to Tom. "You can_____ (2) my suit". "What shall I wear?" thought Jean. She______(3) an advertisement in her favorite magazine. "Picturegoer": "British Film Studios three-day wedding hire services".

They hired out dresses from films. She (4) £3 before the war, and it was enough.Jean (5) in the form giving them the size. The dress (6) in time. It was beautiful, and Jean _____(7) perfect in it. Their wedding day was wonderful.

Now they have been married for 53 years. They always _(8) the old films now, because who __________(9) they might see someone___(10) Jean's dress.

0.A buying

В B.buy

С to buy

D bought

1.A said

В was saying

С says

D has said

2.A take

В B to take

С be taking

Dhave taken.

3.A had remembered

В remembers

С has remembered

D. remembered

4.A saved

B has saved

С had saved

D have saved

5.A filled

B has filled

С had filled

D was filling

6.A has arrived

В had arrived

С arrives

D arrived

7.A had looked

В looked

С was looking

D has looked

8.A have watched

B watch

С were watching

D had watched

9.A knew

В is known

С know

D knows

10 A wearing

В wear

С wears

D wore

Keys -. 1a,2a,3d,4c,5a,6d,7b,8b,9d,10a.

(Высокий уровень)

Test 10.

Multiple choice .

For questions 1 - 10, read the text below and decide which answer А, В, С or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example:

0 A buying B buy С to buy D bought

It was in 1947, and Jean and Tom were going to get married. But after the Second World War it was very difficult __C_ (0) new clothes in Britain. "Do not worry," Jean's dad______(1) to Tom. "You can_____ (2) my suit". "What shall I wear?" thought Jean. She______(3) an advertisement in her favorite magazine. "Picturegoer": "British Film Studios three-day wedding hire services".

They hired out dresses from films. She (4) £3 before the war, and it was enough.

Jean (5) in the form giving them the size. The dress (6) in time. It was beautiful, and Jean _____(7) perfect in it. Their wedding day was wonderful.

Now they have been married for 53 years. They always _(8) the old films now, because who __________(9) they might see someone___(10) Jean's dress.

0.A buying

В buy

С C to buy D

D bought

1.A said

В was saying

С says DD

D has said

2.A take

В to take

С be taking

D D have taken.

3.A had remembered

В remembers

С has remembered

D remembered

4.A saved

В has saved

С had saved

D have saved

5.A filled

В has filled

С had filled

D was filling

6.A has arrived

В had arrived

С arrives

D arrived

7.A had looked

В looked

С was looking

D has looked

8.A have watched

B watch

С were watching

D had watched

9.A knew

В is known

С know

D knows

10 A wearing

В wear

С wears

D wore

Keys -. 1a,2a,3d,4c,5a,6d,7b,8b,9d,10a.

Test 11

Choose one correct answer:

What are the most common superstitions in Britain? There are many superstitions

in Britain, but one of the most widely-held is that it is (A1___) to walk under a ladder - even if it

means stepping off the (A2 ) into a busy street!

If you must pass under a ladder you (A3 ) avoid bad luck by

crossing your fingers and keeping them crossed until you (A4 )

seen a dog.

toe of (A5 ) shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the mark

has dried.

Another common (A6 ) is that it is unlucky to open an

umbrella in the house - it will either bring (A7 ) to the person

that opened it or to the household. Anyone opening an umbrella in
fine weather is (A8 ), as it inevitably (A9 ) rain!

The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13th
day of the month falls on a Friday, anyone wishing to avoid a bad
event had better stay (A10 ).

The ( A11 )misfortune can be brought upon yourself by

breaking a mirror, as it brings seven years of bad luck! The superstition is

(A12____) to have originated in ancient times, when

mirrors were considered to be tools of the (A13 ).

Black cats are generally (A14 ) lucky in Britain, (A15 )

they are associated with witchcraft - a witch's animal-familiar is usually a black cat.


1 unfamiliar

2 unlucky

3 unhappy

4 unusual


1 pavement

2 house


4 train


1 have to

2 must

3 should

4 can


1 are

2 have

3 were

4 had


1 your

2 his

3 her

4 its


1 belief

2 fear

3 idea

4 superstition


1 mistrust

2 misbehavior

3 mistake

4 misfortune


1 unpopular

2 unhappy

3 unkind

4 unreasonable


1 comes

2 happens

3 brings

4 changes


1 indoors

2 outdoors

3 in the garden

4 in the church


1 best

2 highest

3 worst

4 slightest


1 felt

2 supposed

3 announced

4 admitted


1 spirits

2 2 enemies

3 3 ancestors

4 4 gods


1 considered

2 2 mentioned

3 3 reported

44 discussed


1 so as

2 2 as if

3 3 so that

4 4 even though

Keys-1-2, 2-1, 3-4, 4-2,5-1, 6-4, 7-4, 8-1, 9-3, 10-1, 11-3, 12-2, 13-4, 14-1, 15-4.



(Базовый уровень)


От своего британского друга вы получили открытку следующего содержания:

Dear N..., Russia.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a

Happy New Year! I am sending you

a cassette with the most popular

Christmas songs.

Hope you will enjoy it.

Best Wishes




25 Sadovaya Street


Ваш друг Mike Taylor живет в Лондоне ( London) в доме 12 по улице St.Peter's Street. Его почтовый код Wl V 4HS.

Напишите ему почтовую открытку, поблагодарив за подарок и пояснив, почему он вам понравился.

Объем текста 25-35 слов.

Не забудьте правильно указать адрес.


Рекомендуемое время для выполнения того задания - 10 минут. PART 1

Read an extract from your pen friend's letter and write her a postcard to congratulate her on her success.

Your friend, Kate Clapman, lives in High Street, Skipton, house number 12, her post code is LA2 8MM.

As for good news, I have entered Oxford University and am very proud of this. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes


Write 25-30 words.

Remember to be polite.

Рекомендуемое время для выполнения этого задания - 20 минут.


Mr. Weston, director of the World Wildlife Fund, said yes­terday: "We are asking every jeweller in every shop to remove ivory items from their windows today".

Write the letter which you think Mr. Weston sent to the jewelers'. Use this guide:

Dear Sir,

I am director of... and I am writing to ask you ...

You may not know the tragic facts about ivory poaching: One elephant... Even female ...

Poachers... The elephant population ... If..., there ... in twenty-five years time.

Surely we do not want this to happen to the world's largest land mammal?

Yours faithfully, ...


(Повышенный уровень)

Write a composition about "A day I shall never forget". Try to use some of these narrative expressions: "suddenly, fortunately in the evening/morning, the next day, finally, then, to my great relief"


You are going on a class outing. You have all arranged to meet at the main railway station. There is another train to the same place half an hour later. The organizers will wait for peo­ple who miss the first train.

Write a note to another friend who wants to join the trip.
Explain the arrangements and tell your friend what to do if any-
thing goes wrong, for example, if he/she is late and misses the


Write about any dramatic or surprising incident in your life.


Write a short description of a famous sports personality in your country: Paragraph 1

Say who is he/she and why he/she is famous. Paragraph 2

Give some more details of the person's background, family and hobbies. Paragraph 3

Say where the person lives now, and what her/his ambition is.


INFORMAL LETTER-WRITING. Read the advertisement and write a letter asking for a job.


Tourist Guides wanted for June

Do you:

  • get on well with people

  • know you city well?

  • understand and speak English ?

  • have free-time this summer?

  • want to earn some pocket money?

If the answers to these questions "Yes ", write to us now, say­ing why we should offer you a job.

What will you write about and what not? What order will you put them in?

  • how long you summer holidays are;

  • why you want the part-time job;

  • your family;

  • your knowledge of city geography;

  • your biography;

  • your knowledge of English;

  • the sum of money you would get;

  • what hours you can work;

  • why you want this job;

  • your age, nationality;

  • your latest work experience;

  • when you could come to the office;


(Высокий уровень)

Your English-speaking friend is looking for some free-time activity to do and has written to you a letter for more information and good advice. Write a letter to your pen-friend, describing a sport you enjoy best of all or any free-time activ­ity, warning of any dangers about it (120 words).

Read the example of the letter:

Dear Sam,

Thank for your letter which I got this morning. I've thought about sports you might enjoy and what I suggest is potholing. You might have heard about it. It's getting really popular in my coun­try and I've tried it twice and it really is the best activity I've ever had.

Practically, it's very much the same as mountaineering or some­thing like that. You need the same equipment to do potholing. The difference is that you do it in the underground.

You can go down and climb up the underground caves. It's mysterious and entertaining. Though you may have some trouble with fresh air. And besides, there's no light at all! You should have a good energy source with you to travel. I'm sure, it'll be a fan­tastic experience and you'll feel wonderful for days afterwards.

I think, though it'll take quite a lot of nerve to go through the holes and caves, especially for the first time, you also worry wheth­er the batteries in your torch are strong enough and about missing the way out. Oh, and it's not that cheap.

Do try it though. I'm sure, you'll enjoy it.

Sincerely yours, Alexander.

Task 10

Write a letter to уour pen friend Ben. Tell him about your trip to a school in another town

Read the notes you made and use them in your letter. Write what you liked and disliked and why.

morning - a history museum

afternoon - a game with a school team from that town

evening - a disco

Task 11

Вы получили письмо от своего английского друга по переписке Тони (Тоnу). Он сооб­щает вам, что собирается серьезно заняться каким- нибудь видом спорта на будущий год. Мама советует ему выбрать плавание, а старший брат - футбол. Он просит вашего совета.

Напишите Тони ответ. Дайте ему совет и обоснуйте его.

Обратите внимание на правильное оформление письма.Объем текста 100-140 слов.



( Базовый уровень)

TASK 1 (3-3,5 min)

Give a two-minute talk on the problem of good health. Remember to say the following:

  • why it is important to think about your health when you are still young;

  • what people should/should not do to be healthy;

  • what healthy food is;

  • why it is necessary to see the dentist twice a year.

You have to talk for 2 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished.

Then he/she will ask you some questions.

TASK 2 (1,5-2 min)

It is Friday morning, 12 o'clock. You are at a tourist :" . You need to get to Novgorod as quickly as possible, better today. You need a single ticket and can spend 700 rbls only for the ticket. Ask the tourist office clerk about the following:

  • how to get to Novgorod;

  • departure time;

  • arrival time;

  • the ticket price.

The teacher will play the role of the tourist office clerk and will begin the conversation. Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask all the questions to get the necessary information;

  • book a ticket.

TASK 3 (4-5 min)

You and your twin sister /brother are discussing your birthday party. There are 4 options to choose from. You have to decide on one or two of them:

  • home party with relatives;

  • home party with your friends;

  • going to a disco bar;

  • a barbecue party in the countryside.

You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the role of your brother /sister. Remember to:

  • discuss all the options;

  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite;

  • come up with suggestions;

  • give reasons;

  • invite your brother/sister to come up with suggestions;

  • find out his/her attitudes and take them into account;

  • agree /disagree with your brother/sister;

  • come to an agreement.

(Повышенный уровень)


Look at the photo and say: Why is this girl so hap­py? Do you think she is having her birthday?


Speak about advantages and disadvantages of being a hacker. How do information technologies influence hu­man society? Express your opinion.


What do you think, why do people choose going in for sport?


Look at the photo and talk about pros and cons of play­ing football. Would you like to play it someday? Why?


Imagine that you're making a radio program about this man. Introduce his life and work to the public.


Sometimes foreigners have old stereotypes and images of Russians. Do you agree? Why not?


What do you think what problems does this girl could have? If none, explain why?


Look through the newspaper ads and say which person you would like to get acquainted. Why?


Study this love letter. How do you think why does he love her so much? Give reasons.


Some people think that school rules in Britain are too strict. Do you share the same opinion or not?


Examine the map of the area - now and in the past. How it has been changed. Tell the examiner about it.

(Высокий уровень)


What is your philosophical attitude towards the purpose of your life?


Read and make up a dialogue:

A. You study Italian and love Italian opera. You live on the second floor, between an architecture student who plays the double bass and a PE student who wakes you up at
six every morning with noisy exercises. At least there's
no one living in the room above you. Express your
feelings about it.

B. You are a biology student, but spend most of your time learning the guitar. In fact, you'd like to give up biology and study guitar. Your room is very noisy. On the left there's a computer student, spends most of the time playing with a home computer and on the other side there are two French students who spend most of the time quarrelling. Above you there's a fitness fanatic, a PE student who spends the whole

For task 4 For task 6

Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»

For task 7 For task 8

Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»

Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»

For task 9 For task 10

For task 11

YOUNG MAN, lonely, wishes to meet warm, attractive woman, for friendship etc. Box G437.

EDINBURGH (m.) research worker, 25, not tall, shy, half Jew, half Arab, sin­cere, seeks interesting young lady. Box G382.

MAN. 23, Edinburgh, tall, intelligent, seeks female companion for genuine friendship. Enjoys theatre, music and trav­elling. Box G276.

MALE, 28, seeks warm relationship slim, kind, gentle understanding woman, 30- 50. Box G448.

FAT, FEMALE LECTURER, dyed hair, young fifties, once married, seek humor­ous, tolerant, sincere man, for living-it-up. Arts, gardening, home-life. Box G30.

DAD, 30, widower; and baby seek fe­male friend, weekends & holidays. N. York­shire. Box G732.

WOMAN, mid-sixties, seeks male companion, similar age. East Devon area. Box G512.

ATTRACTIVE, intelligent lady, mid-for­ties, seeks single, compassionate man, similar age, to talk, laugh with. Box G735.

UNATTACHED LADY, 45, not parti­cularly attractive seeks ordinary man, 53/ 58, Surrey/Sussex, for happy relationship. Box G795.

SMALL, FRIENDLY, intelligent, red­headed designer, nearer 40 than 30, would like to meet man, over 23, black or white, warmhearted, cheerful, hopefully nonsmoking. Box G908.

For task 12

Rio, Tuesday.

Darling Judy,

Well, here I am in Brazil. It's very warm here, and

The sea is nice for swimming. The women are very

beautiful, and very, very friendly. But I miss you,

Judy. Please, come and stay with me in Brazil. Can

you take the 13.25 flight from London to Rio on

April 14 th? I'll meet you at the airport.

All my love


For task 14

Методическое пособие «Система подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдаём без проблем»

Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий.

Я предлагаю следующие критерии оценивания.

1. Понимание письменного текста (reading), лексико-грамматический тест, понимание устного текста (listening) - 1 балл, в зависимости от количества вопросов.

2. Раздел «Письмо»

(Максимум 20 баллов)


Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)

Организация текста

Kl (CI)

Kl (С2)

К2 (С1)

К2 (С2)


Задание выполнено полностью: содержание отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании; стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно с учетом цели высказывания и адреса­та; соблюдены принятые в языке нормы вежливости.

Высказывание логично; средства логической связи исполь­зованы правильно; текст разделен на абзацы; оформление текста соответствует нормам, принятым в стране изучаемо­го языка.


Задание выполнено: некоторые аспекты, указанные в за­дании, раскрыты не полностью; имеются отдельные нару­шения стилевого оформления речи; в основном соблюдены принятые в языке нормы вежливости.

Высказывание в основном логично; имеются отдельные недостатки при использовании средств логической связи; имеются отдельные недостатки при делении текста на абза­цы; имеются отдельные нарушения в оформлении текста.


Задание выполнено не полностью: содержание отражает не все аспекты, указанные в задании; нарушения стилевого оформления речи встречаются достаточно часто; в основном не соблюдаются принятые в языке нормы вежливости.

Высказывание не всегда логично; имеются многочислен­ные ошибки в использовании средств логической связи, их выбор ограничен; деление теста на абзацы отсутствует; имеются многочисленные ошибки в оформлении текста.


Задание не выполнено: содержание не отражает те аспек­ты, которые указаны в задании, или не соответствует требу­емому объему.

Отсутствует логика в построении высказывания; текст не оформлен.

3. Раздел «Говорение»

(Максимум 20 баллов)


Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)

Взаимодействие с собеседником

Лексическое оформление речи

Грамматическое оформление речи


Кб (СЗ) Кб (С4)

К7 (СЗ), К7 (С4)





Задание полностью выполнено: цель об­щения успешно до­стигнута, тема рас­крыта в заданном объеме, социокультурные знания ис­пользованы в соот­ветствии с ситуацией общения.

Демонстрирует спо­собность логично и связно вести беседу:

начинает, при необ­ходимости, и поддер­живает ее с соблюде­нием очередности при обмене реплика­ми, проявляет иници­ативу при смене те­мы, восстанавливает беседу в случае сбоя.

Демонстрирует сло­варный запас, адек­ватный поставленной задаче.

Использует разнооб­разные грамматиче­ские структуры в со­ответствии с постав­ленной задачей; практически не дела­ет ошибок.

Речь понятна: со­блюдает правильный интонационный ри­сунок; не допускает фонематических ошибок; все звуки в потоке ре­чи произносит пра­вильно.


Задание выполнено:

цель общения достиг­нута, однако тема раскрыта не в полном объеме, в основном социокультурные знания использованы в соответствии с ситу­ацией общения.

В целом демонстри­рует способность логично и связно вести беседу: начи­нает, при необходи­мости, и в большин­стве случаев поддер­живает ее с соблюде­нием очередности при обмене реплика­ми, не всегда прояв­ляет инициативу при смене темы, демонст­рирует наличие проб­лемы в понимании собеседника.

Демонстрирует доста­точный словарный запас, в основном со­ответствующий по­ставленной задаче, однако наблюдается некоторое затрудне­ние при подборе слов и отдельные неточно­сти в их употребле­нии.

Использует структу­ры, в целом соответ­ствующие поставлен­ной задаче; допускает ошибки, не затруд­няющие понимание.

Речь понятна: со­блюдает правильный интонационный ри­сунок; не допускает фонематических ошибок; практически все звуки в потоке ре­чи произносит пра­вильно.


Задание выполнено частично: цель об­щения достигнута не полностью, тема раскрыта в ограни­ченном объеме, социокультурные знания мало использованы

в соответствии

с ситуацией общения.

Демонстрирует не­способность логично и связно вести

беседу: не начинает и не ст ремится под держи вать.её, не проявляет инициативы при смене темы. .

Демонстрирует огра­ниченный словарный запас, в некоторых случаях не

достаточный для выполнения задания.

Делает многочислен ные ошибки или до­пускает ошибки, затрудняющие понимание.

В основном речь понятна. Не допускает грубых фонематических ошибок, интонационный рисунок правильный.


Задание не выпол­нено: цель общения не достигнута.

Не может поддер­живать беседу.

Словарный запас не­достаточен для вы­полнения поставлен­ной задачи.

Неправильное ис­пользование грамма­тических структур де­лает невозможным выполнение постав­ленной задачи.

РРечь почти не вос­принимается на

слух из-за большого количества фонема­тических ошибок и неправильного про­изнесения многих звуков.


Подавляющее количество выпускников, выполнявших тесты в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку, успешно справились с предлагавшимися заданиями. За несколько лет внедрения своей системы подготовки к ЕГЭ видна положительная динамика роста качества знаний учащихся.

2004-2005г - 78,5%

2007 - 2008 - 87,8%

однако были выявлены и некоторые проблемы:

в устной речи:

  • Часть выпускников проявила инертность, и в значительной степени зависела от поддержки собеседника; особенную трудность вызывали запрос мнения собеседника и тем более приглашение собеседника сделать какое-либо предложение.

  • При обучении учителям следует обращать больше вни­мания на выполнение заданий интерактивного характе­ра, что способствует развитию у учащихся инициативы, повышает активность, находчивость при ответах; доби­ваться от учащихся обоснованности ответов, хорошей аргументации.

  • Некоторые учащиеся невнимательно прочитывали инструк­ции к заданиям и в результате выполняли не совсем то, что от них требовалось, или не задавали все указанные вопро­сы, получая более низкие баллы.

  • Некоторые учащиеся не могут уложиться во время, отведен­ное для выполнения каждого задания.

в аудировании:

  • Ошибки, вызванные неумением чётко следовать инструкциям.

  • Невнимательное прочтение вопросов в задании.

  • Отсутствие умения работать во временном режиме.

В аудиотексте всегда содержится определённый процент незнакомой лексики. Это вызывает у учащихся состояние паники. Помочь справиться с этим состоянием помогут такие умения, как:

1) умение догадываться о значении слов по контексту

2) умение догадываться о значении слова по словообразующим элементам.

3) умение не обращать внимания на незнакомые слова, которые не препятствуют пониманию запрашиваемой информации.

в чтении:

  • Трудность вызывают тесты на множественный выбор. Следовательно, необходимо в дальнейшем развивать лексический запас учащихся.

  • Трудным заданием оказалось установление логических связей в предложении и между частями текста.

в письме:

  • Ошибки, связанные с отсутствием знаний и умений, необходимых для выполнения задания.

  • Не все учащиеся умеют логично строить высказывание.

  • Не все учащиеся обладают достаточным запасом лексики.

Это показывает, что нужно формировать у учащихся умение внимательно читать задание и выделять всю существенную информацию, знакомить с разными видами заданий по письму и их форматом, употреблять разнообразные прилагательные, средства логической связи.

Возникают проблемы и в написании эссе. Учащиеся не всегда следуют структуре эссе и не раскрывают проблему.

Что касается лексико-грамматических тестов, значительную трудность представляет задание, проверяющее правильное использование фразовых глаголов. Анализ допущенных ошибок свидетельствует о неумении многих учащихся вникать в контекст. Анализ результатов выполнения задания на словообразование говорит о недостаточной сформированности у учащихся навыка употребления отрицательных префиксов, о наличии значительного количества ошибок в написании слов с суффиксами '-ance, -ant, -ence, -ent.

Это доказывает, что следует больше обращать внимания на анализ смысла всего предложения, на правильное написание изучаемых лексических единиц.

Итак, мы убедились, что тесты обучают и развивают. Надеюсь, данная система поможет вам достойно, без проблем подготовиться к сдаче Единого Государственного Экзамена.

Список литературы.

  1. А. Н. Галкина «Пособие для поступающих на факультет иностранных языков (английское отделение)»

Москва, МГПУ, 2005г.

  1. А. С. Числова «Тесты по английскому языку». Издательский центр «Март», Москва - Ростов на Дону, 2004г.

  2. Т. К. Сигал. «Готовимся к олимпиадам по английскому языку», Москва, Айрис - пресс, 2007г.

  3. Г.И. Фёдорова « Пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ и централизованному тестированию по английскому языку», Ростов - на Дону, «Феникс», 2004г.

  4. Л.Н. Иванова. «Английский язык. Сдаём без проблем», Москва, «Эксмо», 2008г.

  5. Е.Ф. Прохорова, Т.М. Тимофеева. « Единый Государственный Экзамен. Английский язык. Учебно-тренировочные материалы.» «Интеллект- центр», 2004г.

  6. Е.Ф. Прохорова, В.В. Большакова «ЕГЭ. Контрольно-измерительные материалы», Москва.«Просвещение», 2003г.

  7. Ю.Б. Курасовская, А.И. Усманова «Английский язык. Всероссийские олимпиады. Выпуск 1», Москва «Просвещение», 2008г.

  8. Е.Ф. Прохорова «ЕГЭ. Английский язык» Москва Просвещение. 2008г

10. fipi.@ yandex.ru

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