Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М. З

Данные контрольные работы  разработаны для проверки уровня усвоения иноязычных навыков и умений учащихся 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, обучающихся по УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English". Представленный материал включает тесты по разделам в четырех четвертях, а также итоговую контрольную работу за курс начальной школы.  Они состоят из упражнений различного типа для проверки знаний по лексике, грамматике и фонетике, которые охватывают весь изученный материал по определенному разделу. К...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Контрольные работы 4 класс

Контрольная работа №1

Контроль навыков аудированияКонтрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контроль навыков чтения

Прочитай текст. Выполни задание.

In spring and summer Peter works on the farm. In autumn the farmer gives him three coins.(монеты) Peter takes them and goes to a large town. He walks on and on in the forest. It's cloudy and windy. Soon he meets a mouse. The mouse says:"Peter, help me! It's cold and rainy. My children are hungry. Give me your coins, please. I'll help you, too. Peter thinks: "Why not? People will give me some bread to eat." So Peter gives the mouse the coins.

Peter comes to the town. A beautiful but sad girl Mary lives in the town. She can't find ( найти) her nice ring( кольцо). Her father says, "I'll give a lot of coins to the man who will find Mary's ring."

Peter asks the mouse to help him. The mouse runs under the table, behind the armchair, between the sofa and the wardrobe. Look! The ring is in the left corner of the kitchen( в левом углу на кухне) next to the fireplace. Mary is happy.

Her father is happy too. He gives Peter a lot of coins. Peter gives the mouse a lot of presents( подарков) for her children.

  1. Закончи предложение, выбрав один вариант из трёх предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.

Peter gives the mouse his three coins because……

  1. he has got a lot of coins.

  2. people will give me some bread to eat.

  3. Mary will give him her ring.

  1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1.Why is Mary sad?

  1. She can't find her ring.

  2. She lives in a large town.

  3. She doesn't have coins.

2. What does Mary's father give Peter?

  1. He gives Peter a lot of presents.

  2. He gives Peter a lot of coins.

  3. He gives Peter Mary's ring.

  1. Выбери утверждение, которое не соответствует содержанию сказки. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  1. On a cloudy and windy day Peter meets a mouse.

  2. So Peter gives the mouse some bread to eat.

  3. Mary can't find her nice ring in the house.

  4. The mouse finds the ring in the kitchen.

4.Пронумеруй предложения в соответствии с прочитанной сказкой.

___"People will give me some bread to eat."

___ Peter gives the mouse a lot of presents for her children.

___"I'll give a lot of coins to the man who will find Mary's ring."

___ Peter asks the mouse to help him.

___" Give me your coins, please."Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контроль навыков говорения Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контрольная работа №2

Контроль навыков чтения

Прочитай текст и выполни задания.

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your letter. In summer I was in the country, too. In June my mum took my brother and me to the Black Sea. The Sea was blue and nice. We swam and dived a lot. We saw dolphins in the sea. They were big and strong. I think dolphins are the nicest animals in the sea.

In July I went to the country with my grandma. We lived on the farm. There were many green fields and a long river next to our farm. There was a green garden with apple trees behind our house. In the morning I fed hens and ducks. Then I rode a horse in the fields. I saw a lot of cows and sheep there. I like to live in the country.

In August my dad and I went to Moscow. It's the capital of Russia. It's the biggest city in our country. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. There are lots of people, cars and tall houses. One day we visited the most interesting place in Moscow - the zoo. We saw many different animals: eagles, camels, monkeys, elephants, tigers, bears and a giraffe Samson. I spent (провел) five days in Moscow. And I was glad to come back home. Now I know "East or West home is best!" I like my friends and my old green town - Kaluga.

Would you like to visit Kaluga next summer? We'll have a good time together!

Write back.

Your friend, Dima Sokolov

1. Закончи предложения, выбрав один вариант. Обведи букву.

1) In June Dima went to...

a) to the country.

b) to the Black Sea.

c) to Moscow.

2) Dima liked the dolphins because...

a) they were nice, big and strong.

b) he fed them in the morning.

c) they swam and dived a lot.

2. Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы. Обведи букву.

1) Where did Dima ride a horse?

a) in the forest.

b) in the fields.

c) in the garden.

2) Why was Dima glad to come back home?

a) He didn't like Moscow.

b) He likes to live in the country.

c) He likes his friends and his old town.

3. Выбери утверждение, которое не соответствует содержанию письма. Обведи букву.

1) Dima and his brother saw dolphins in the sea.

2) Dima and his dad lived on the farm in July.

3) Dima visited Moscow in August.

4) Dima was glad to come back.

Контроль навыков письма

Прочитай письмо и напиши ответ.

Dear friend,

Last summer I was in the country. I had a good time there. I swam and helped my grandpa. I fed the animals and took the horse for a walk. I can ride a horse now.

I have a parrot. Its name is Jimmy. Jimmy is green and yellow. Jimmy can speak and play. It's funny.

Soon it will be Christmas. I asked Santa Claus to give me roller skates.

And what about you? What's your name? How old are you? What do you like to do? Do you like summer? Do you have a pet? Where were you last summer? What did you do there? What present would you like for New Year?

Please write back.

Yours Beth

Dear _____________________________

Thank you for your letter.

My name is _______________________________

I am _________________________________________________

I like to _____________________________________________

I like_________________________________________________

I have ________________________________________________

I was ____________________________________ last summer.

Last summer I________________________________________

I'd like _________________________________for New Year.

Best wishes,

Контроль навыков устной речи.Speaking

1. Расскажи о том, как ты провел осенние каникулы. В твоем рассказе должно быть не менее пяти предложений.


- какая была погода;

- что ты делал в осенние каникулы;

- понравились ли тебе осенние каникулы, почему.

2. Разыграйте диалог со своим одноклассником. В вашем диалоге должно быть не менее трех реплик от каждого участника.

Карточка №1

Узнай у своего одноклассника

- какое животное ей/ему нравится;

- почему это животное ей/ему нравится.

Ответь на его/ее вопросы.

Карточка №2

Ответь на вопросы одноклассника. Узнай

- есть ли нее/него домашний питомец.

- каких животных он/она хотел/хотела бы иметь дома.

Контроль навыков аудированияКонтрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контрольная работа №3Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Part IV. Устная речь. Speaking.

Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контрольная работа №4

Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Part IV. Устная речь. Speaking.

Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Итоговая контрольная работа за курс начальной школы.

Контрольные работы 4 класс к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Part II. Reading

Прочитай текст и выполни задания.

There was a forest where all animals were friends. They were happy and merry.

But one day a monster (чудовище) came to their forest. The monster liked the forest . But the animals didn't like him. They were afraid of the monster. He was very tall and he was stronger than the animals. The monster was often angry. The animals were sad.

The animals wanted to throw the monster out (выбросить) but they couldn't. So they went to a fairy lady for help. She gave the animals a magic apple and said, "It will help." When the monster ate the magic apple, he became small. Now the animals weren't afraid of him any more.

"You can live in our forest but you must be polite. Don't shout! Ask when you want any thing! Say 'Please' and 'Thank you!' " said the animals to the monster.

Soon the monster learnt to be polite. He began to smile and play with the young animals. Every evening he told them funny stories. The monster became happy because he found friends and was not lonely (одинокий) any more.

1 Закончи предложения, выбрав один вариант из трех, обведи букву.

The animals didn't like the monster because...

a) he was strong.

b) he was angry.

c) he was sad.

2. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос, обведи букву..

1) Why did the animals go to a fairy lady?

They wanted...

a) to throw out of the bad monster.

b) to talk to the angry monster.

c) to feed the hungry monster.

2) What did the animals asked the monster for?

The animals asked the monster...

a) to become merry.

b) to become kind.

c) to become polite.

3. Выбери предложение, которое не соответствует истории.

a) The animals in the forest were always kind and polite.

b) They were happy when the monster came to their forest.

c) One day a kind fairy lady helped the poor animals.

d) The monster changed and found friends in the forest.

4. Выбери правильный вариант и обведи букву.

1. Tomorrow we ______ shopping. a) go b) will go c)went

3. The red T-shirt is ___ than the green T-shirt. A) bigger b) biggest c) big

4. There is ____ juice in the glass. A) any b) some

5. Last summer I ____ in Moscow. A) was b) were c)will be

Part III. Writing

Заполни анкету для поездки в лагерь.

1 Name _____________

2 Surname ___________

3 Age ______________

4 Country ___________

5 Hobby ____________

6 Languages you speak______________________________

Part IV. Speaking. Расскажи о себе, своей семье, школе. В рассказе должно быть не менее 5 предложений.( чем ты и члены твоей семьи любят заниматься в свободное время, какой твой любимый предмет, что вы делаете на уроке)

Расспроси одноклассника о том, какое время года он любит, что он любит делать в это время, какой его любимый предмет в школе, что он делает на уроках.

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