Конспект урока Роль книг в нашей жизни

     Урок английского языка по теме «Роль книг в нашей жизни» разработан на основе учебно – методического комплекта «HappyEnglish. ru» для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: «Титул», 2012 год). Данный урок входит в раздел «Если хочешь найти нового друга, спроси его, что он читает?» и относится к урокам с применением технологии проблемного обучения.      Основная практическая ценность этой разработки – развитие способности к межкультурному общению. Учебно – методической задачей явл...
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Урок английского языка

Слепневой Ирины Викторовны, учителя английского языка

Тема урока: «Роль книг в нашей жизни».

Тип урока: урок с применением технологии проблемного обучения.

Цель урока: развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся при помощи проблемных заданий.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательная: формирование навыков просмотрового чтения с основным пониманием прочитанного.

2. Развивающая: развитие активности, навыков аудирования и говорения учащихся по теме.

3. Воспитательная: привитие интереса к чтению книг.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, демонстрационный экран, доска, раздаточный материал для групповой работы, картинки - пособия с изображением библиотек, магнитофон, аудиозапись.

Ход урока:

I. Подготовительный этап урока.

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Teacher. Good morning, everybody! Good morning, boys and girls! Very glad to see you!

2. Ознакомление учащихся с планом предстоящего урока.

Teacher. Today we are going to work in groups. The theme оf our lesson is "The Role of Books in Our Life". We are going to find some new information on the topic, to listen to young people's opin­ions on reading and you will try to speak about your attitude to read­ing.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher. Let's begin with reading some difficult words.

На доске написаны слова: tablets, covered with wax, papyrus, strips of leather, unique, Johann Gutenberg, Yale, Bibliotheque Nationale.

II. Основной этап урока.

4. Речевая зарядка. Беседа с учащимися.

Teacher. Answer some questions, please.

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по материалам предыду­щих уроков в режиме Т- Р1, Т-Р2...)

What materials were used to make ancient books?

Pupil. They used tablets of wood covered with wax, pieces of bark, clay tablets, strips of leather and papyrus.

Teacher. In what places of the world did people have books in ancient times?

P u pi 1. People had books in Assyria, Babylonia, Greece, Rome and China.

Teacher. Where and when was printing invented?

Pupil. Printing was invented in China.

Teacher. Who was the first known printer in Germany? In England? In Russia?

Pupil. Johann Gutenberg was the first printer in Germany, Wil­liam Caxton in England and Ivan Fedorov in Russia.

Teacher. Say some words about each of these printers (Приложение № 1).

(Учащиеся кратко рассказывают о первопечатниках, исполь­зуя материал предыдущего урока)

Suggested answers:

Р u р i l. Russian enlightener Ivan Fedorov is believed to be of Belarusian origin. His real name was Ivan Fedorovich Moskvitin. He was the founder of book-printing in Russia and in the Ukraine. He printed such books as "Apostle", the "Psalter with Breviary" and "The Bible of Ostrog".

Pupil 2. Very little is known about Johann Gutenberg. He is supposed to be born about 1400. He was a son of a merchant. He printed indulgences, calendars and dictionaries. He is known for printing of the 42-line Bible.

Pupil 3. William Caxton was the first English printer. His fa­ther was a fanner but William worked in an office which traded with different countries. Later he had his own business in Belgium. Then he left his business and began to translate French books into English and to print them. The first printed book was "Tales of Troy". Caxton printed about 80 books.

Teacher. By whom were early libraries used?

Pupil. They were used only by scientists.

Teacher. When did many public libraries appear?

Pupil. They appeared in the 19th century.

Teacher. What old universities have good libraries?

Pupil. The Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Yale.

Teacher. What cities of the world have great libraries?

Pupil. Paris, London, Beijing, Washington and Moscow.

5. Монологические высказывания по тексту «Библио­теки».

Teacher. I'd like you to say some words about great libraries: look at the picture of the library. What is its name? Use your tables and speak about it (Приложение № 2).

(Учитель показывает картинки - пособия с изображением библиотек, представитель каждой группы рассказывает об одной из биб­лиотек)

Suggested answers:

Pupil 1. This is the British Library. It is the largest state library in Britain. It has over 13 mln volumes. Typical readers of the Read­ing Room are university professors and lecturers, students reading for higher degrees, journalists and authors. Such writers as Thomas Hardy, Bernard Shaw and Jerome K. Jerome worked there.

Pupil 2. The library of Congress was established as a reference library in 1600. Now it occupies 3 huge buildings. There are materi­als on practically every subject to which members of Congress can refer.

6. Чтение текстов о библиотеках Лондона.

Teacher. Now you will read some information about several London libraries and do the task. You have about 3 minutes.

(Каждая группа учащихся получает экземпляр с текстами о библиотеках Лондона и выполняет задания к текстам. После вы­полнения задания учащиеся обмениваются ответами и произво­дят взаимопроверку).

Teacher. Read questions 1-5 and find the answers to them in texts A-F. One text is extra.


Questions: What library...

.. .is famous for its original historical records?

.. .has a big collection of gramophone records?

.. .was destroyed in the Great Fire of London?

.. .has books on arts?

.. .has the large circular Reading Room?

A. The Capitular Library of St. Paul's Cathedral.

To reach the highest library in London, you must be prepared for a long climb, as it is situated near the Whispering Gallery which en­circles the base of the cathedral dome. The origin of the library dates back to the seventh century, but many books were destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The library was refounded after the Fire and the collection was built up again by gift and purchase during the 17lhand 18th centuries.

B. The British Museum Library.

The biggest library in London contains about six million books and the large circular Reading Room is in the centre of the Museum building. In the Reading Room there is a reference section of 30,000 volumes on open shelves and also the catalogues for the whole li­brary.

C. The London Library in St. James Square.

It was founded in 1841. It is a library of about 600,000 volumes, mainly devoted to the humanities and fine arts.

D. Holborn's Central library.

It is housed in a fine building which was opened in 1960 and has attracted interested visitors from all parts of the world. It has over 150,000 books, as well as over 5,000 gramophone records of musical works and language instruction.

E. Kensington's new Central Library.

It was opened in 1960, it is the largest municipal public library building in London.

F. Guildhall Library.

Founded in 1425, maintained by the City of London Corporation, it is the largest public general library in London. It has a very exten­sive collection, including many thousand original records, relating to every aspect of London history and topography.






Key: 1F 2D ЗА 4C 5 B.

7. Физминутка. (Приложение № 3).

Teacher: It was very interesting to listen to all of you. Thank you very much. You are tired a bit, aren't you? Why not relax a little? I hope you'll enjoy listening to wonderful music.

8. Проверка знаний лексики по теме.

а). Teacher. You've learned some new facts about the libraries of London and now let's revise the words naming the books.

(Учитель дает описание жанра книги, а уча­щиеся называют жанр)

Т e а с h е г. A book that contains recipes.

P u p i 1. A cookery book.

Teacher. A book about smb's life.

P u p i 1. A biography.

Teacher. A book that gives a list of words in alphabetical or­der and explains what they mean.

Pupil. A dictionary.

Teacher. A book published every year that tells you about what happened in a subject or activity.

Pupil. An almanac.

Teacher. A book based on people or events that took place in the past.

P u p i 1. A historical novel.

b). Now give the definition of the genre.
T e а с h e r. A science fiction book.

Pupil. A book about imaginary future events and characters, often dealing with space travel and life on other planets.

Teacher. A fairy tale.

P u p i 1. A traditional children story in which magic things happen.

Teacher. A romantic novel.

Pupil. A book about love and romance.

Teacher. An adventure story.

Pupil. A book about an exciting, unusual and sometimes dan­gerous experience.

Teacher. A thriller.

Pupil 1. A book that tells an exciting story, especially about smth dangerous like a crime.

Teacher. An autobiography.

Pupil. A book about your life that you write yourself.

9. Чтение отрывков из книг. Определение жанра книги
по отрывку (тест).

Teacher. As I see you know the definitions and now let's see how you can guess the genres of the books. You will read some paragraphs from books and decide what genres of books they are from. You have about 3 minutes.

(Индивидуальная работа по карточкам. Учащиеся читают отрывки из произведений и определяют, к какому жанру относится прочитанный отрывок; среди пред­ложенных названий жанров есть одно лишнее)








1. My childhood was a fairly happy one. My parents were a little strict, but they were fair and they were certainly loving towards me. It was clear right from the start that they wanted the best for me, and also that they had high hopes for me.

2. The room was almost completely dark. She felt for the light switch but nothing happened. There was no power. She held her breath as she crept across the room, stretching her hand out in front of her. Suddenly, something grabbed her wrist. She screamed. A hand covered her face and she knew no more.

3. Lady Matilda sat at her window and gazed down at the rolling green fields. From her room in the tower, she could see for miles around. There was not a living soul inside. How she longed to see a horseman galloping towards the castle to rescue her.

4. Spencer carefully picked up the bullet and placed it in a clear plastic bag. Handing it to Seargent Williams, he said, "Take that back to the forensics people. We'll soon find out what kind of weapon this guy was using."

5. "We need to be ready to attack", said Lord Greenface. "I have received information from my spies about a plan to invade out planet and steal our research." "Who is going to invade?" asked Kring, nervously clutching his laser gun. "And how did they find out about our research?"

6. Amy jumped out of the taxi and ran towards the restaurant. She hated being late. What if Tom had already left? She pushed open the door and saw that the restaurant was lit with hundreds of candles. There was only one other person there. He turned and saw her and his face lit up. "Amy", he smiled. "I knew you'd come."







Key: 1F 2 В ЗС 4E 5D 6 A

10. Аудирование.

Teacher. I should say that you know the genres of books quite well. Now you will listen to young people's opinions about reading. Find out what each person says. One saying is extra. You will hear the task twice (Приложение № 4).

(После выполнения задания учащиеся обмениваются ответа­ми и выполняют взаимопроверку)

11. Чтение с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного.

Teacher. Different people like to read different books. Read what kinds of books these people like to read and decide which book would be the most suitable for each person (Приложение № 5).

(Из восьми предложенных описаний книг учащиеся должны выбрать книгу для каждого из пяти людей и объяснить сделанный выбор)

Suggested answer:

Pupil 1. I would recommend Silvia to read the book "Free at Last" because she likes reading true stories which people have writ­ten about themselves and this book is written by a person who de­scribes his experiences.

III. Заключительный этап урока.

1. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок с пояснением.

2. Домашнее задание:

повторить ЛЕ, РО

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