Разработка урока в 7 классе

Тип урока: комбинированный Цели урока: а) учебные: систематизация и закрепление полученных лексико-грамматических навыков по теме ,формирование навыков монологической речи по теме ; формирование навыков чтения – чтение буквосочетания «ck»; б) общеобразовательные: развитие умений и навыков учащихся в монологической речи по теме ; в) развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие умения общаться, а также таких черт характера как трудолюбие, целеустремленность, активность. Г) восп...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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7 класс.

Автор учебника - Афанасьева, Михеева. Класс норма.

Цели урока - отработать навыки правильного чтения слов, практиковать навыки работы с текстом, научиться понимать слова по догадке.

Материал к уроку - рабочая тетрадь№1 , раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

Greetings…Today we'll speak about sightseeing. Look at the list of words and read them as quickly as you can:

City there new run south-east town from wall people some church

Castle world wide tourist country sell come walk travel to bus centre narrow . pleasant vegetables fruit postcards old buy university Thames century church around

Look at these words again and find antonyms. (old-new ,wide-narrow, from-to, buy-sell)

Read the sentences and try to guess the meaning. (on the additional papers for pupils)

1. I walked through the room - I came into the room and walked to the window - I passed all room.

Through -? What does this mean?

2. It was very old city, there were no big buildings but there are many big houses by day.

By day - ? What does this mean?

3. There are pictures around the classroom- the pictures are in all walls.

Around- ? What does this mean?

4 He is famous for her books- everybody knows her as a good writer.

Famous- ? What does this mean?

Now let's read the text.( AB p 42 Ex 17)

Read the text about Oxford and match its parts (a, b, c) with the questions (1-4). There is one extra question.

1.What was Oxford like in early days?

2.Why is Oxford a city to see?

3.What is Oxford like by day?

4.Where is Oxford situated?

a) Oxford is one of the oldest British cities. It is ninety kilometers from London and stands on the Thames. The Thames runs through Oxford and then the river runs south-east to London.

b) Oxford is famous for its history and its university. It started in the 13th century. At that time Oxford was a market town on the river with roads running in it. There were walls around the town and not many peo­ple lived there. But the town got big­ger and bigger. People made new houses, walls, bridges. They made a palace, a castle and sonic churches.

c) Now Oxford is a big city. It has got a lot of old and very beautiful houses. There are many interesting muse­ums, parks and gardens in the city. Tourists from many countries of the world come to Oxford to see It. The city has got a lot of hotels for tour­ists. There are many shops when- vis­itors can buy souvenirs. The centre of Oxford is a very green place. Visi­tors love walking in the narrow old streets. Many people travel in the city by bicycle. Some tourists like to see Oxford from the bus.

a)____ b)____ c)____ extra____

Look at the sentences.(on papers for pupils)

1. The town got bigger and bigger.

What is the best synonym? a- the town got bigger and bigger houses

b- the town became bigger and bigger.

2. It started in the 13 th century.

What is the best synonym? a- the history of the town began in the 13th century.

b- the town starts university in the 13th century.

3.The Thames runs through Oxford.

What is the best synonym? a - the river crosses the town

b-the river is near the town.

4. London stands on the Thames.

What is the best synonym? a-There are bridges above the Thames and people stand on the bridges.

b-London is on the river Thames.

5 People made new houses.

What is the best synonym? a-People build new houses

b-People visit a lot of houses.

Look at the text again and answer my questions.

What is the text about?

What is Oxford?

Where is it?

What is there around the town?

Who came to Oxford? Why?

How many palaces are there in Oxford?(1-A palace) How do you know?

How many churches are there in Oxford?(some)

Are the streets wide?

What kind of transport do people use in oxford?

How far is Oxford from London?

What is Oxford famous for?

When is the beginning of Oxford's history?

What do roads do?

Look at your books. read the questions near the text .

Read the first question. What part of the text answer this question.(etc)

Look at the part C and find 2 sentences which show us the main idea of the text

( 1st and last )

Now I want you to read additional information about why Oxford is a city to see.

(The text is also on the paper)


There are a lot of places to see in Oxford. There are beautiful University's buildings, Gardens and museums. Famous writers lived here. They wrote about beautiful Oxford's places. Open the door of a country of Alice! The place of a crime from the film" Inspector Morse" is also here!

You can find information about Big and little gardens in the books many writers wrote about beautiful places

The first English botanical garden is in Oxford.

A lot of universities museums are absolutely free and you can see rare historical things.

Some interesting facts about Oxford.

1. prime ministers studied here - Tony Charles Lynton Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Edmund Galley, Tim Burners-Lee.

Do you know who wrote a book about Alice? (Luis Carroll)

What is Galley famous for? ( he opened the comet which was named after )

Who is Tim Burners Lee? ( He created the world web)

By the way do you know what do the letters WWW mean?( Wide world web)

Now let us read the second text on page 43.

Match the numbers with the letters. There is one extra letter

London's Markets

There are 65 street markets in London. Here are four of them

  1. Billingsgate market is not a pleas­ant place for visitors of London. There are no flowers or vegetables and there is no fruit in this market. You can buy only fish here.

  2. Camden Lock is your market if you like listening to music. This market is very famous. 10 million people come here every year.

  3. Portobello Road is a good place for people who like old coins, medals, postcards and stamps. In this market you can see antiques [,aen'ti:ks].

4. Brixton market is in South London.You can buy lots of exotic food here. This food comes from Africa, South America and other places.

a) This market is good for collectors.

b) This market is for lovers of music.

c) We know where this market is situated.

d) You can see beautiful flowers in this market.

e) You can see only seafood in this market.

  1. ____ 2) ____ 3) ____ 4) ____ extra ____

After the texts about markets.

Do we have special markets for lovers of music? fish?

Work with phrases.

Let us make a cluster and tell me what is similar and what is different in the markets.

The cluster is written while children are discussing the text.

They decide what is different first( the teacher writes in brief)

Then children decide what is similar ( and again the teacher marks their idea)

The last thing for today is to write your h/w and to do the test.(children write their homework and get the lists with the tests.)


Variant 1

Britain's weather is very….1…. it doesn't snow very often, but it can

be rainy ,sunny, cloudy, windy ,warm, foggy, or cold at any….2....of the year. If it is raining when you get up in the morning, it….3....Be hot and dry by he afternoon. Generally, the west of Britain is wetter than the east, and the north is colder then the south. But be….4….for any kind of weather.

1 a. dangerous b. changeable c. translate

2 a. minute b. month c. time

3 a. can't b. can c. must

4 a. prepared b. famous c. sure

Variant 2

Most people in Britain….1 smoke. Cigarettes are expensive and you

can't….2….them until you are 16. You mustn't smoke in cinemas, on

buses or on the London Underground, and most public places….3…."no smoking" areas. As a general rule , don't smoke in queues, in shops

or when you 4…. with other people who don't smoke, especially in

someone's 5….

  1. a. are b. don't c. will

  2. a . buy b. sell c. show

  3. a. clean b. have c. has

  4. a. is b. are c. am

  5. a. theater b. house c. school

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