Ағылшын тілінен Health problem тақырыбына сабақ жоспары

Date:Form:7Theme of the lesson:Health problem Aims of the lesson: 1. Білімділік: “Health problem” тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту;Практикалық: Үстеулердің қолданылуын қайталау; 2. Дамытушылық: Ойлау қабілетін дамыту; 3. Тәрбиелік: Оқушының уақытын тиімді пайдалануға үйрету; Салауат...
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Тип Конспекты
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Form: 7

Theme of the lesson: Health problem

Aims of the lesson:

  1. Білімділік: "Health problem" тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту;

Практикалық: Үстеулердің қолданылуын қайталау;

  1. Дамытушылық: Ойлау қабілетін дамыту;

  2. Тәрбиелік: Оқушының уақытын тиімді пайдалануға үйрету;

Салауаттылық тәрбиесін беру;

Method of the lesson: answer the questions

Type of the lesson: mixed

The aids of the lesson:

Technical notebook___________________________________________

Didactic pictures, posters, blackboard, cards_________________________

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

А) Greetings: Good morning, dear children! How are you? I'm fine, too. Sit down, please. I'm glad to see you today!

B) Checking up the attendance

С) Topic announcement and setting the task before pupils:

So children, today our lesson is Health Problem. Today we'll talk about our health, past habits and eating. And we'll revise our past grammar. It is Adverbs of frequency. We'll learn the new words. Please open your books and write down the date.

II. Warming up activities:

  1. Phonetic drill: tongue-twister

So children, look at the board. At first listen to me then you should repeat after me. Do you understand me?

Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum.

  1. Speech exercises:

Checking and discussing home task:

Exercise 1. page 107.

  1. Four parts of the body which you can move;

  1. Five things which you can eat to be healthy;


  1. the jobs of three people who work in a hospital;


  1. three things you can take when you are ill;


III. New lesson

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson

Our theme is "Health problem". The new words. Let's repeat our new words. At first listen to me then you should repeat after me.

Habits - дағдылар

Health - денсаулық

Teenager - жасөспірім

Weight - салмақ

Ambulance - жедел жәрдем

Healthy - дені сау

Temperature - температура

Prescription - рецепт

Weigh - салмақты өлшеу

Headache - бас ауруы

Toothache - тіс ауруы

Earache - құлақ ауруы

Backache - арқа ауруы

Sore throat - тамақ ауруы

Insomnia - ұйқысыздық

Group work.

Exercise 2. A. Talk your partner.

What foods are good for you?

What foods are bad for you?

B. Complete the diagram

Ағылшын тілінен Health problem тақырыбына сабақ жоспары

Exercise 3. Read

When you are young and growing, it is important to eat a variety of food which is good for you. This makes you strong and healthy.

It is also important not to eat a lot of food which you don't need or which is bad for you

Exercise 6. Now read the text and see how many of your words you can find.

Ағылшын тілінен Health problem тақырыбына сабақ жоспары

Health Farm

  1. «Thousands of teenagers are overweight», says Health Farm manager Mr. White, «many teenagers often do not know how to eat well and stay healthy, like Karen».

  2. Karen was 13 years old. She weighed 110 kilos and was 1.55 m tall. Karen usually had a large bowl of cereal with a few spoons of sugar for breakfast. At school she always bought chocolate at break time and every lunch time she had fried chickens and chips. In the evening Karen usually had more fried food after she often ate a packet of biscuits or a box of chocolates in front of the television. She sometimes went out for a take-away Chinese meal or pizza before going to bed. Karen never ate any fruit and she rarely had fresh vegetables. Her main exercise was changing the TV channel or opening the fridge door.

  3. Health Farm helped Karen with her diet and exercise plan. She now eats lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and goes swimming regularly. She never did any sport before because she was always so worried about her size. She now weighs 60 kilos and is still losing weight.

  4. Mr White says, "Teenagers often come to the Farm depressed and with very little confidence. When they leave us they are usually happier and much more confident about themselves."

Exercise 7. Which paragraphs are about:

1. Karen's new habits. 3

2. General teenage health problem. 1

3. The health farm's results. 4

4. Karen's old habits. 2

Group work.

Exercise 8. Group A. Write a list of Karen's bad habits before she went to Health Farm.

Group B. Write a list of Karen's good habits after she went to Health Farm


Adverbs of frequency

Position of adverbs

usually always never sometimes often rarely

  1. Әдетте бұл үстеулер мағыналық етістіктің алдында қолданылады

I usually get up at seven o'clock

I don't often go to the cinema.

She never eats bananas.

We always watch TV in the evening.

I sometimes go swimming.

  1. Sometimes және usually сөйлемнің басында және соңында қолданылуы мүмкін.

Sometimes I play tennis. I play tennis sometimes.

Usually he goes to school by bus. He goes to school by bus usually.

  1. Бұл үстеулер әрқашан to be етістігінен кейін қолданылады.

I am never late.

They are always polite.

Exercise 11. Look at the text in exercise 6 and find sentences with adverbs of frequency. Which adverb is used frequently?

Сергіту сәті.

Song. If you happy and you know it

Group work. (Work with the cards)

Group the words into two categories.

Exercise 13. Complete the questionnaire to find out if the students in the class are interested in healthy lifestyle. Ask several students the questions and record their answers. Tell the class the results.


Do you have breakfast?






Are you careful about what you eat drink and drink?






How often do you weigh yourself?

every day

once a week

from time to time



How often do you do exercises?

every day

once a week

from time to time


VI. Round off activities:

  1. Giving and explaining the homework:

- Exercise 12. Put the adverbs in brackets into the correct place in the sentences.

- Exercises from Practise your grammar. (Exercise 2. p.190-191)

Brief reference to the next lesson: "School exchange programme"

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