Упражнения к тексту по теме Спорт в нашей жизни

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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Упражнения к тексту по теме Спорт в нашей жизни

Ex 1. Insert the missing words in each sentence, and then translate them.

  1. …is a kind of sport involving difficult physical exercises designed to increase your strength and ability to bend and balance. It can be of several types: callisthenics, acrobatic, hygienic.

  2. …is a kind of sport which involves the exercises with a skipping-rope, a hoop, a ball, a mace, a ribbon.

  3. …is a sport of fighting with a light thin sword.

  4. …is a kind of sport in which two people fight by holding each other in special positions and throwing each other.

  5. …is a sport of lifting heavy weights.

  6. …is a sport in which two men fight by hitting each other while wearing large leather boxing gloves on their hands. They fight in a square area with ropes around it, called a boxing ring.

  7. …is the activity of racing or sailing a yacht.

  8. …is very active physical exercises done while listening to music, often in a class.

  9. …is a programme of regular physical exercises designed to make your muscles bigger and stronger, especially exercises involving lifting, pulling, and pushing weights.

  10. …is the activity or exercise of running at a slow steady speed.

  11. …is a way of fighting from Japan in which people hit each other using their hands, feet, arms, and legs. It is a form of martial art.

  12. …is a sport in which you fight using balance and your body weight to throw your opponent to the ground. Judo is a type of martial art.

Ex 2. Match the words from the first column with their synonyms from the second column:

shape chance, possibility

youth in the concrete

coach order, command

opportunity form

disposal instructor, trainer

practically speaking to endorse, to sustain, to maintain

to support young people, teenagers

Ex 3. Complete the following sentences from the text:

  1. It helps people to keep fit,…, to become strong and to develop physically.

  2. Sports and games are…character training.

  3. At school physical education lessons…and sports grounds.

  4. Some children and youth study at…under professional coaches.

  5. Our sportsmen have at their disposal thousands of stadiums,…,and palaces of sports.

  6. You can see people going in for light athletics,…,hockey and chess-sports.

  7. Besides there are some other kinds of sports such as…judo, taekwondo.

  8. Thousands of people go to stadiums to…the games on TV.

Ex 4. Give English equivalents from the text for the following words and word combinations:

для всех возрастов тренироваться под руководством тренера

поддерживать себя в форме заниматься спортом

быть в хорошей спортивной форме гребля

физическая культура альпинизм

утренняя зарядка хоккей

спортивная площадка спортивные соревнования

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