Конспект на тему The Family Photo (5 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

English Teacher

Yeshpanova Shara

School 6.

Theme of the lesson:

The Family Photo.

English 5A. 30 .10.2015.

Aims of the lesson:

To get new information about family and using have got/ haven"t got .

Speaking about families.


At the end of the lesson students will speak about their family and use new vocabulary and have got in their speech.

The methods of the lesson:

Warm-up, question-answer, , individual work, pair work, group work, game "snowballs", game "Who is the quicker?"

Procedure of the lesson


Teacher's activity

Pupils" activities

1. Organization moment.

  1. min

Good morning, Pupils

How are you?

What is the date today?

What is the weather like today?

Good morning, teacher.

I am glad to see you.

2.Phonic song "ABC'


Let"slisten to the song "ABC"

Students will listen to the song.

3.Warm-up questions.

2 min

What letter comes after Cc?

What letter comes before G?

Students will answer the questions individually.

4.Dividing the class into groups

1 min

I give them green and yellow leaves with letters and they have to compose the words.

  1. group- FATHER,

2- group - MOTHER.

5. Watching a video "Family fingers"

3 min

Let's watch attentively the video and repeat every words in chorus..

Students will watch the video.

6. Game "Snowballs"

2 min

Name all the words connected the theme "Family'

Students will name all the words connected the theme individually.

7. Grammar

2 min

I write these words SISTER, Brother, COUSIN, WEBSITE, DOG on the blackboard and put them questions: Have you got a sister?

Has she got a sister?

Repeat after me and give me positive and negative short answers.

Students will answer the questions

8 Individual Work. Put the missing letters

3 min

Your task is to put the missing letters.

Students will put the missing letters.

9 Individual Work. Order the questions

5 min

Your task is to order the questions

  1. got/ Has/ dog/ Saras/ a?

  2. Danny/Has/ brother/ got/a?

  3. a/ cousin/ Has/ got/ Ben?

Students will order the questions individually.

10 Pair work.


5 min

Your task is to answer your partner's questions

  1. Hello

  2. What is your name?

  3. How are you?

  4. How old are you?

  5. Have you got a father?

  6. Have you got a sister?.

Students will answer her /his partner's questions in pairs.

11.Group Work. Game " Who is the quickest?

7 min

Your task is to write as more as quickly the words. I will say them in Kazakh and they will write their translation.

1.The colours

2. the family names

3. plural forms of the nouns.

Students will play the game in group.

12. Project Work. My Family Photo.

7 min

Let"s speak about your family

Students will speak their family using their family.

13.Work with E-book

2 min

Let's do exercises from E- book.

Students will do this exercise


14. Conclusion

1 min

Your are very active today. Thank you for your participation for the lesson.

15.Giving the homework.

1 min

Your homework is to write an essay about your family.

Students will write their homework on their diary.

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