Контрольный тест 7 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа 7 класс


1. Make up questions to the sentences. Сделай вопрос из предложения.

1) She is a nice girl.___________________________________________________________

2) They were at the cinema last week._____________________________________________

3) We are from America._______________________________________________________

4) He was a good pupil.________________________________________________________

2.Вставьте play или plays :

  1. I _______________ with my brother.

  2. The dog ________________________ with my ball.

  3. My sisters______________________ with dolls.

  4. She ___________________ with puppies.

  5. We _____________________ with my monkey.

  6. His brother _______________________ with toys.

7.Kate ____________________ tag

3.Задание. Исправь ошибки

1. Steven didn`t went to school yesterday.

2. February is shortest than January

3. He is knowing my father.

4. Is it often rain here in autumn?

5. Mr. Jackson goes to his office on taxi.

4.Раскрой скобки. Поставь глагол в нужное время.

1. He…… ( go) to school every day.

2. He……. (go) to school now.

3. He……. (go) to school yesterday.

4. He…….already (go) to school.

5. He…….. (not go) to school tomorrow.

6. ……he (go) to school at the moment?

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