План конспект урока Halloween Party

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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Halloween Party



1)отработка лексики по теме занятия;

2)совершенствование навыков устной речи.


1)развитие инициативы и творческих способностей;

2)развитие памяти.


1)воспитание умения работать в команде;

2)приобщение к культуре изучаемого языка.

Подготовительная работа начинается за две недели до занятия. Занятие проводится в форме развлекательного вечера, посвященного американскому празднику Halloween,и включает в себя задания на отработку лексики, чтение стихов, посвященных празднику, пьесу в исполнении учащихся ,а также творческие задания и игры. В самом начале на фоне таинственной музыки учитель читает стихотворение:

The month is amber,

Gold and brown.

Blue ghosts of smoke

Float through the town.

Great V' of geese

Honk overhead

And maples turn

A fury red….

Teacher: Good afternoon my dear boys and girls. Do you know what date is it today?

Pupils: The 31 of October.

Teacher: You are right. It is the 31 of October and it is Halloween. And our lesson today is called

«Halloween Party». Today we are going to speak about this holiday, to recite poems, to perform a play about Halloween and to play funny games. You know in the USA this holiday is called « The Day of All Hallows»(День всех святых).According to the legend on this day all spirits come to the Earth. People usually tell each other different horror stories, make lanterns and wear mystic costumes of devils, witches and vampires. Nowadays this holiday is celebrated in Russia too. Do you want to have a Halloween Party?

Pupils: Yes!

Teacher: Well, our first game today is called "Haunted House". Do you know what means the phrase "Haunted house"?

Pupils: Yes/No.

Teacher: There is a legend about a house where a lot of ghosts and other scary things live. This house is called "Haunted House". Look at the blackboard, please. Here is the Haunted House. Can you find all inhabitants of the house? You have 5 minutes. There are 10 inhabitants here. Try to find them.

Задание "Haunted House".

Это задание представляется в форме викторины или необычного кроссворда. На ватмане нарисован дом с привидениями. В разных частях дома, на привидениях и т д написаны слова, относящиеся к теме занятия. Учащиеся получают задание найти все слова на ватмане. Пока дети ищут слова, фоном может быть какая-нибудь таинственная музыка. Чтобы игра приобрела более захватывающий характер ,можно разделить учащихся на две команды.












Teacher: Well, let's check how many words you have found. That's very good. But do you know the translation of these words? Good. And now -the next task. I"ll give you 10 cards with the descriptions of the inhabitants of the Haunted House. Your task is to match the inhabitants fnd the description. Let's work in groups of 5.


1)It is a small, dwarfish creature specializing in stealing children and substituting fake ones in their place. It's a very malicious being.(elf)

2)It is a disembodied spirit. It is the sole of a dead person and appearing a visible form or otherwise making its presence known to humans.(ghosts)

3) It is a mischievous ,ugly spirit often conjured up by rogues.(goblin)

4) It is a spirit who makes its presence by various noises.(poltergeist)

5)It is a man or a woman who practices magic and has dealing with the devil.( witch)

6)It acts as a slave to the person who reanimated it.(zombie)

7)It is a man who can become a wolf at midnight. (werewolf)

8)It is a creature that feeds on blood.(vampire)

9)It is a creature which reminds a human but doesn't have skin only human bones.(skeleton)

Teacher: So, let's check. I"ll name you an inhabitants and you will read me your description.

После отработки лексики, следует спросить учащихся, верят ли они в мистических существ.

Do you believe in these mystic creatures ?

Which of these creatures can exist?

Which are prevented by people?

Are the most these mystic creatures positive or negative?

Do you fear different mystic creatures?

Teacher: Well, now we know all the inhabitants of the Haunted House. Many people believe in ghosts and other scary things. They even make poems about them. Do you know some poems about Halloween?

(Учащиеся читают стихи)

Five little pumpkins

Sitting on the gate

The first one said,

"My it's getting late!

The second one said,

" There are witches in the air"

The third one said,

"Good folk,beware!"

The fourth one said,

We'll run and run!"

The fifth one said,

"let's have some fun!" (etc)

Teacher: Very good!

Задание «Lanterns»

Teacher :You have just listened to the very interesting poem about 5 little pumpkins. But why do we speak about pumpkins on Halloween? Do you know what the symbol of Halloween is? What do many people make to decorate their homes for Halloween( Lanterns)

What material do we need for our lanterns( Some pumpkins, knives, candles).So, let's make some lanterns to decorate our classroom.

Детям раздаются принадлежности для изготовления чучел из тыквы.

Teacher: So, now a lot about Halloween and classroom is decorated with lanterns. And now let's play games.


1 «Black Cat»

Играют 2 команды .Дети по очереди должны гнать по полу бумажную черную кошку ,размахивая над ней листом бумаги, дуя, но не касаясь кошки.

2 «Key»

Водящий с ключами ходит вдоль сидящих детей. Те, кого касается, встают и идут вслед за ним. В центре класса стоят стулья. Количество стульев должно быть на один меньше, чем количество участников. Когда водящий роняет ключи, дети быстро занимают места. Тот, кому не досталось места, выбывает из игры. Игра продолжается до тех пор ,пока не останется один человек. Он становится победителем.

Правила должны объясняться на английском языке.


Teacher: Well, our party is over. It was very interesting and I would like to say thank you to all participants of the lesson and, of course, to our guests. Thank you!

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