Внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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проведения внеурочного мероприятия по английскому языку

на тему: «I know everything»

Тема: "I know everything"


  • закрепление раннее изученного грамматического материала

  • закрепление пройденного лексического материала по теме "Weather. Climate."

  • развитие памяти, внимания, мышления

  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению английского языка


1. Повторить с учащимися грамматический материал по ранее изученным темам

2. Повторить пройденный лексический материал по теме "Weather. Climate."

3. Тренировать в употреблении грамматического и лексического материала


  • раздаточный материал с заданиями для каждой команды.

Ход мероприятия:

  1. Организационный момент (2 мин.)

  2. Основная часть (35 мин.)

  3. Заключительная часть (3 мин.)

Ход мероприятия

  1. Организационный момент

    • Good morning, dear children! I'm glad to see you! How are you today?

  1. Основная часть.

    • Today we will play! I want you to divide into 2 teams.

      • You should invent the name of your team and also you should choose the commander of

each command. I will give you 3 minutes.

  • And now, let's start! The 1st task will be:

1. What is what?

  1. It is an instrument that helps to tell what the weather will be like. (barometer)

  2. A man, who collects information about weather. (weatherman)

  3. It is a short rain. (shower)

  4. What can you see in the sky when rain and sun come together? (rainbow)

  5. Without what can't live plants? (water and sunshine)

  6. The light of the sun. (sunlight)

  7. Something that kills people or animals if it is swallowed. (poison)

  8. Something that is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or a war. (weapon)

  9. A number of people who live in a place, country. (population)

  10. What is opposite of ugly? (beautiful)

  11. What is opposite of dirty? (clear)

2. Put the words in the crossword.




















  1. __________ things break easily.

  2. Those farms _________ meant.

  3. Computers have had a great ______ on the world of science.

  4. They have forecast the unusual ________ in July.

  5. _________ is the light of the sun.

  6. To make mistakes is ___________.

  7. Sochi is situated on the _________ of the Black Sea.

  8. Such heat can ___________ the harvest.

  9. Plants can't live without water and ____________.

  10. The ___________ of the medicine was wonderful.

Keys: 1) fragile; 2) produce; 3) influence; 4) heat; 5) sunlight; 6) human; 7) coast; 8) ruin;

9) sunshine; 10) effect.

3. Все буквы в словах перепутаны. Вы должны угадать, что за слово зашифровано (Put the letters in correct order).

1st team

2nd team

u n s (sun)

t o h (hot)

d c l o (cold)

d y i w n (windy)

e w t (wet)

o f g (fog)

s f y o t r (frosty)

r l a c e (clear)

o l o c (cool)

m a r w (warm)

g i h b t r (bright)

u c d l o y (cloudy)

s e n i c t (insect)

i r e p l t e (reptile)

4. Translate the sentences using Present Simple or Past Simple.

  1. Обычно он приходит домой в 4. (He usually comes home at 4.)

  2. Где ты работаешь? (Where do you work?)

  3. Вчера я смотрел телевизор. (Yesterday I watched TV.)

  4. Прошлым летом я была в Англии. (Last summer I was in England.)

  5. Я обычно просыпаюсь в 9. (I usually get up at 9.)

  6. Вчера я навестила мою подругу. (Yesterday I visited my friend.)

№ 5. Вставьте пропущенную букву в слово (Put the missed letters in the words):

1st team

2nd team






to shine

to snow








6. Translate the sentences using Present Continuous or Past Continuous.

  1. Я сейчас делаю своё домашнее задание. (I'm doing my homework now.)

  2. Сейчас на улице идёт дождь. (It is raining now.)

  3. Вчера в 3 часа светило солнце. (It was shining at 3 yesterday.)

  4. Когда я пришла домой вчера, моя сестра готовила ужин. (When I came home yesterday, my sister was cooking the supper.)

7. Your task is to remember some irregular verbs.

1st team

2nd team

be - was/were - been

do - did - done

get - got - got

go - went - gone

begin - began - begun

become - became - become

come - came - come

have - had - had

see - saw - seen

say - said - said

swim - swam - swum

think - thought - thought

understand - understood - understood

write - wrote - written

stand - stood - stood

speak - spoke - spoken

run - ran - run

read - read - read

8. Translate the sentences using Present Indefinite Passive or Past Indefinite Passive.

  1. Я был приглашён на День Рождения моего друга. (I was invited to my friend's Birthday.)

  2. Ему дали почитать очень хорошую книгу. (He was given a very interesting book.)

  3. Картошка растёт во многих странах. (Potatoes are grown in many countries.)

  4. Эта история была прочитана на прошлом уроке. (This story was read at our last lesson.)

9. Find four things that are good for you. Find four things that are bad for you.

(Найдите 4 предмета, которые полезны для здоровья, а также 4 предмета, которые не полезны для здоровья. Слова в таблице перепутаны.)

a s p e r g

l o t h c o a e c

k l m i

k s a c e

s e w s e t

i s c i s t u b

a e s t d

e s h e c e

Good Bad

1 ___________ 1 ___________

2 ___________ 2 ___________

3 ___________ 3 ___________

4 ___________ 4 ___________


Good (grapes, milk, dates, cheese)

Bad (chocolate, cakes, sweet, biscuits)

10. Give the forms of degrees of comparison.

good - better - the best

bad - worse - the worst

little - less - the least

much/many - more - the most

3. Заключительная часть

  • The _______ command won!

  • Do you like our game?

  • Thank you! Good bye!

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