Тест Звёздный английский 4 Модуль 2

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Тип Тесты
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Test Starlight 4 MODULE 2

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple.( Всё не переписывать, писать номер предложения и глагол

  1. The school (start) starts at 9 0'clock. в правильной форме, все задания делать в

  2. My dad (fly)_____ spaceships, he is an astronaut. cтолбик !!!)

  3. The girls (wash)_____ the dishes every day.

  4. I (help) my mum about the house.

  5. My sister (get)_____dressed at 7 o'clock.

2.Put the words in the correct order. (Полностью записывать предложение)

1.you/ Do/always/go/ Sunday/ shopping /on ?

2. concerts/ We / go/ sometimes / to.

3.time/ What /get/you/up/do?

4.don't/ I/ into/ fly/ space.

5. finish/What/time/you/do/school?

3.Make sentences as in the example.(Предложение не переписывать, писать переделанный вариант. Не забы-

1. Kate is a good singer. Kate sings well. вайте про правильную форму глагола)

2. Sandy is a slow football player._________________

3. My mum is a hard worker. _____________________

4. I am a beautiful skater. ________________________

5. My brother is a careful driver.__________________

6. Tom is a bad hokey player._____________________

4.Answer the questions, using always, usually, sometimes, never. (Вопрос не переписывать. Номер предложе-

1. How often do you make the bed? _________________________ ния и ответ).

2. How often do you mop the floor? _________________________

3. How often does your mum wash the dishes? ________________

4. How often does your dad go to the restaurants?______________

5. How often do you go shopping?___________________________

5. Read and complete the sentences. Use in, on, at. (Не переписывать. Номер и предлог, если два предлога, то

1. I get up _____ 10 o'clock ______ the morning. писать под одним номером через

2. ____ Sundays I don't go to school. запятую)

3. ____ the afternoon I go shopping with my mum.

4. I come back ____ 1 o'clock.

5. Then we watch TV and ____ 10 o'clock _____night I go to bed.

6.Circle the odd one. (Писать номер и только лишнее слово)

1. Train, plane, cake, car.

2. Horse, elephant, cow, bread.

3. Guitar, shark, drum, piano.

4. Pilot, baker, planet, chef.

7. Complete the sentence. (Писать номер и название школьного предмета)

1. We play football at _________.

2. We work on the computer at __________.

3. We study different countries and continents at _________.

4. We sing songs at_________.

5. We work with numbers _________.

6. We work with chemical elements at___________.

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