Игра по английскому языку «Who is the best in English?»

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Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
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Игра по английскому языку «Who is the best in English?»

(Кто лучше знает английский?)

для студентов 1 -2 курсов,

Новый Оскол - 2015 г.

Игра по английскому языку «Who is the best in English?»

(Кто лучше знает английский?)

Главная цель: повторение пройденного учебного материала в неформальной обстановке во время игры;

подведение итогов по изученным темам на данном этапе обучения английскому языку;

повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка;

развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности студентов, позволяющих участвовать в социально-бытовой и учебно-профессиональной сферах.

Обучающие цели:

по фонетике: тренировка произносительных навыков (звуки, интонация, паузирование)

по лексике: повторение и активизация лексического материала по различным тематикам, тренировка в переводе, применение ранее изученного лексического материала в новых ситуациях общения

по грамматике: применение грамматического материала

аудирование: практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность

- говорение - развитие монологической и диалогической речи

- чтение - применение навыков чтения

- развитие памяти и логического мышления

Воспитывающие цели: усиливает мотивацию к учению, воспитывает чувство сплоченности, взаимопомощи, дух соперничества.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями.

Состав участников: игроки двух команд, ведущий, жюри.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями-тестами.


Read the sentences and find the correct ending or answer

  1. Students go to college

a) to dance

b) to study

c) to read

d) to play

e) to write

  1. Students write with

a) paint

b) pens

c) water

d) glue

e) rulers

3. You open an umbrella when it is

a) fine

b) rainy

c) cloud

d) hot

e) foggy

4. You go to the shop

a) to sell something

b) to buy something

c) to find something

d) to see somebody

e) to lose something

5. Your friend has a birthday. What do you say?

a) How do you do?

b) Many happy returns!

c) Get better!

d) Don't worry!

e) Hello!

6. You decorate a New Year tree with

a) flowers

b) paper

c) toys

d) money

e) candies

7. You bathe in the river when it is

a) foggy

b) rainy

c) snowy

d) fine

e) stormy

8. You can see many animals in

a) the shop

b) the circus

c) the cafe

d) the office

e) the playground

9. You are hungry. You want

a) to drink

b) to sleep

c) to eat

d) to rest

e) to play

10. Sausage is made of

a) butter

b) meat

c) milk

d) vegetables

e) potato


Read the story. Then read the questions below the story. Choose the correct answer.


Every weekend is important to the Taylor family. During the week (end) they don't have very much time together, but they spend a lot of time together on weekends. Mr. Taylor works at the shoe store downtown during the week, but he doesn't work there on weekends. Mrs. Taylor works at the city hospital during the week, but she doesn't work there on weekends. Nick and Pete go to school during the week, but they don't go there on weekends. On Saturday and Sunday the Taylors spend all their time together. On Saturday mornings they clean the house together. On Saturday afternoons they work in the garden. And on Saturday evenings they sit in the living-room and watch adventure films, comedies and cartoons. On Sunday mornings they go to church. On Sunday afternoons they have a big dinner. Are on Sunday evenings they listen to music. They usually listen to jazz and rock'n'roll. As you can see, every weekend is special to the Taylors.

  1. Why is every weekend important to the Taylors?

a) They don't go to work

b) They clean the house

c) They spend time together

  1. What does Mr. Taylor sell?

a) clothes

b) shoes

  1. What do the Taylors do on saturday first?

a) they clean the house

b) they work in the garden

c) they watch TV

  1. Which films do they prefer?

a) thrillers

b) adventure films

c) historical films

  1. What do they do on sunday first?

a) they go to the church

b) they listen to jazz

c) they have dinner


Listen to short conversations between two people. After each conversation you will hear a question about the conversation. After you hear a question and four possible answers - your task to choose the correct answer.

Conversation 1

  • Ann, is this your umbrella?

  • No, it isn't.

  • Are you sure?

  • Yes, I'm. My umbrella is black and this umbrella is brown. What colour is Ann's unbrella?

a) brown b) black c) black and brown d) blue

Conversation 2

  • Are these your shoes?

  • No, they aren't.

  • Are you sure?

  • Yes, I'm. These shoes are old, and my shoes are new. What are these she like?

a) old b) new c) nice d) not very old

  • What is Kate's brother doing?

a) working in the yard b) cooking in the kitchen

c) eating in the kitchen d) playing in the yard

Conversation 3

  • Where is Susie?

  • She is in the living-room

  • What is she doing?

  • She is watching TV.

Where is Susie watching TV?

a) in the bedroom b) in the living-room

c) in the kitchen d) in the childrea's room


Read the sentences. In every sentence there are undelined words or phrases. Find the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. Thea travellers will arrivedb at the village at nightc.

2. There area no waterb in the pail. Bring some waterc.

3. It wasa cold. There wereb muchc snow in the streets.

4. There isa manyb salt in the soup, I can'tc eat it

5. My sistera very likeb friedc potatoes

Key: 1 b - will arrive

2 a - is

3 b - was

4 b - much

5 b - likes fried potatoes very much

1. Some people likea to haveb coffee at the morningc

2. The boy wanta to makeb a present to hisc mother on the eighth of March

3. He don't likea cabbage, give himb potatoesc instead

4. I don't likea meat, giveb to me somec fish, please

5. Thea boys isb hungry, givec them some food, please

Key: 1 c - in the morning

2 a - wants

3 a - doesn't like

4 b - give me

5 b - are


1. The British capital is

a) London b) Oxford c) Cardiff

2. London's poorest part is

a) the city b) the West End c) the East End

3. Hyde Park is in

a) the city b) the West End c) the East End

4. The Lincoln Memorial is situated in

a) Washington

b) New Yoek

c) Harlem

5. Many offices in New York are situated in

a) Wall street

b) Broadway

c) Harlem

1. The oldest part of London is

a) the City d) the West End c) the East End

2. The largest city in Wales is

a) London b) Oxford c) Cardiff

3. Washington is named after

a) the first state in America

b) the river

c) the first President of America

4. The United Natijns Organization building is in

a) Washington b) New York c) London

5. Black Americans in New York live in

a) the west of the city

b) the centre

c) Harlem

Read the sentences and find the correct ending

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