Утренник Английские и американские писатели -детям

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Утренник для учащихся 5-8 классов

«Английские и американские писатели - детям»

Составитель - учитель МБОУ СОШ №1 г.Кирсанова Тамбовской области Кужелева В.В.

Ведущий 1 Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! Thank you for coming to our English-speaking party devoted to English and American writers.

Ведущий 2 There are a lot of English and American writers who wrote novels and stories for children. I am sure you read some of them in Russian and know the names of the main characters.

Ведущий 1 I believe you know such names as Daniel Defoe and his famous novel "Robinson Crusoe", Jonathan Swift with his novel "Gulliver's Travels".

Ведущий2 And who hasn't heard of "The Headless Rider" by Mayne Reid or "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson?

Ведущий 1 Many interesting books are written by other English and American writers such as Charlotte Bronte, Mary Dodge, Charles Dickens, Walter Scott, Lewis Carrol, Allan Milne, Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, Jack London and many others.

Ведущий 2 Today we'll tell you about some of the authors and act scenes from their books.

Ведущий 1 The first author we are going to speak about is Rudyard Kipling.

Ведущий 1 Rudyard Kipling, the famous English writer, was born in Bombay, India, where his father, a professor, worked at that time. When Rudyard was 6 years old his parents sent him to England, and he went to school. When he was 17 he went back to India and worked as a journalist. At 21 he published his first books of poems. A year later he wrote a book of short stories about India. Between 1887 and 1899 Kipling visited many countries and lived for some years in America. During that time he wrote many children's stories about animals which are very popular among children of many countries. The most famous of them was "The Jungle Book". Later Kipling was the first writer to get the Nobel Prize for short stories.

Ведущий 1 R.Kipling wrote poems for children. One of his famous poems is "6 Serving Men". Listen to this poem.


(5 учащихся с табличками what, why, when, how, where, who читают стихотворение на английском и русском языках)

6 Serving Men

I keep 6 honest serving men.

They taught me all I knew.

Their names are What, and Why, and When

And How, and Where, and Who.

I send them over land and see

I send them East and West

But after they have worked for me

I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from 9 till 5

For I'm busy then

As well as breakfast, lunch and tea,

For they are hungry men.

But different folk have different views,

I know a person small.

She keeps 10 million serving men

Who get no rest at all.

She sends them on her own affairs

From the second she opens her eyes.

1 million Hows, 2 million Wheres

And 7 million Whys.

(by R. Kipling)

Есть у меня шестерка слуг,

Проворных, удалых,

И все, что вижу я вокруг,

Все знаю я - от них.

Они по зову моему

Являются в нужде,

Зовут их Как и Почему,

Кто, Что, Когда и Где.

Я по морям и по лесам

Гоняю верных слуг,

Потом работаю я сам,

А им даю досуг.

Даю им отдых от забот -

Пускай не устают

Они прожорливый народ -

Пускай едят и пьют.

Но у меня есть милый друг - 2

Особа юных лет.

Ей служат сотни тысяч слуг,

И всем покоя нет.

Она гоняет как собак

В ненастье, дождь и тьму

5 тысяч Где?, 7 тысяч Как?,

100 тысяч Почему?

(перевод С. Я. Маршака)

Ведущий 1 Now listen to a song "On the Amazon River", the words written by R. Kipling.

  1. На далекой Амазонке

Не бывал я никогда

Никогда туда не ходят

Иностранные суда

Только «Дон» и «Магдалина»

Быстроходные суда,

Только «Дон» и «Магдалина»

Ходят по морю туда.


Из Ливерпульской гавани

Всегда по четвергам

Суда уходят в плаванье

К далеким берегам,

Плывут они в Бразилию.

Бразилию, Бразилию

И я хочу в Бразилию

К далеким берегам.

  1. Никогда вы не найдете

В наших северных лесах

Длиннохвостых ягуаров,

Броненосных черепах.

Но в солнечной Бразилии,

Бразилии моей

Такое изобилие

Невиданных зверей.


Увижу ли Бразилию,

Бразилию, Бразилию

Увижу ли Бразилию до старости моей.


Ведущий 1 There are a lot of English folk poems and songs which are known to you by translations of Marshak and Chukovsky. Listen to a poem "The House that Jack built".

This is a house that Jack built.

This is a corn,

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is a rat,

That ate the corn,

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is a cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn,

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is a dog,

That worried the cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn,

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is a cow with the crumpled horn,

That tossed the dog,

That worried the cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn,

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the maiden all forlorn,

That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,

That tossed the dog,

That worried the cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn,

That lay in the house that Jack built.

Дом, который построил Джек.

А это пшеница,

Которая в темном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек. 4

А это веселая птица-синица,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в темном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

Вот кот,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в темном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

Вот пес без хвоста,

Который за шиворот треплет кота,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в темном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

А это корова безрогая,

Лягнувшая старого пса без хвоста,

Который за шиворот треплет кота,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в темном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

А это старушка, седая и строгая,

Которая доит корову безрогую,

Лягнувшую старого пса без хвоста,

Который за шиворот треплет кота,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в темном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

Ведущий 1 Now listen to the biography of Mark Twain. 5

The name of Mark Twain is known to everybody. "Mark Twain" is a pen-name of a famous American writer. His real name was Samuel Clemens. Samuel Clemens was born in a small USA town on the river Missouri. The boy had many friends at school and when he became a writer he wrote about them in his stories. When Samuel was 12, his father died and the boy began to work. He learned the profession of a printer. He wanted to become a sailor and when he was 20 he found work on a ship and went to California. There he began to write short stories under the pen-name of Mark Twain. The riders liked the stories. In 1876 he published his best novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" which boys and girls in many countries know and like very much.

Now let's see a scene from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

Персонажи: тетя Полли, Том, Бен.

Сцена 1

Aunt Polly: "Tom!.. Tom!.. Where can that boy be? Tom!.. If I catch you, Tom, I'll… (заглядывает под стол, кровать, за дверь) Tom! (поворачивается и ловит Тома за руку) What? In the cupboard again?"

Tom: "No, Aunt Polly."

Aunt Polly: "No! Look at your mouth! Look at your hands! What is that on them?"

Tom: "I don't know, Aunt."

Aunt Polly: "But I know. It's jam. I told a hundred of times - don't touch jam in the cupboard. Give me that stick!"

Tom: "Look behind you, Aunt!" (Тетя поворачивается, смотрит назад, Том вырывается и убегает).

Aunt Polly: "What a boy! Why can't I learn? He has often done that! But I can't beat him. He is my sister's son. (Садится на стул, думает). It's Saturday tomorrow - a holiday. But no holiday for you, Tom Sawyer. You will work."

Сцена 2

Tom: "Today is Saturday. No school! But I must work. I must whitewash the fence. How terrible life is! The boys will come soon. They will laugh at me. (берет кисть, белит забор.)

Ben: "Tom! What are you doing? (Том делает вид, что не слышит.) Hello, Tom! Why are you working today?

Tom: "Oh, it's you, Ben, I didn't see you."

Ben: "I'm going to the river, don't you want to go too? But you must work, I see."

Tom: "Work? You think this is work?"

Ben: "Why? Isn't this work?" (Достает яблоко, ест)

Tom: "You may think so. But I like it." 6

Ben: "You like it?"

Tom: "Why not? Does a boy whitewash the fence every day?"

Ben (думает, жует): "Tom, let me whitewash a little."

Tom: "Oh, no, Ben. Aunt Polly asked me to do it very well. The fence is on the street. Nobody can do that better than I can."

Ben: "Oh, please, Tom, let me do it. I'll give you my apple. I'll try to do it the best." (Том думает и дает кисть Бену. Бен красит, а Том садится , ест яблоко и смеется).

Ведущий 1 And now let's listen about the biography of Lewis Carrol. Lewis Carrol was the pen-name of Charles Dodgson, the man who wrote a famous book for children "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Charles Dodgson was born in England in 1832. After finishing school and graduating from Oxford University he worked as a teacher of maths at the university. Charles Dodgson had no family but he loved children. He often visited his friend Henry Liddell who had 3 little daughters. Alice Liddell was 4 years old. Charles Dodgson told her stories which he made up himself. He told stories about adventures of a little girl in Wonderland. After a few years he published the book under the pen-name of Lewis Carrol and the book was a success.

Now let's see a cartoon film "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

В конце утренника можно провести викторину по произведениям английских и американских писателей. Участники должны узнать произведения, назвать автора и персонажей (отрывки на русском или английском языке).

  1. Алан Милн «Винни - Пух»

  2. Марк Твен «Приключения Тома Сойера»

  3. Герберт Уэллс «Человек-невидимка»

  4. Р. Л. Стивенсон «Остров сокровищ»

  5. Д. Дефо «Робинзон Крузо»

  6. Памела Треверс «Мэри Поппинс»

  7. Д. Свифт «Приключения Гулливера»

  8. Л. Кэрролл «Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес»


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