Inventions. Past, Present, Future /8 grade/

The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational aim: To form intercultural-communicative skills in the frame of the sphere and theme; To develop students' reading, listening and speaking skills; 2) Development aim:  To develop students' critical thinking skills: - identifying central issues understanding cause and effect - To develop perception, logic, imagination, and creativeness. 3) Upbringing: To be respectful to different cultures, to understand the meaning of different values of  the moder...
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Grade : 8 The plan of the lesson Date: 13. 10. 2015

The theme of the lesson: Inventions

The objectives of the lesson:

1) Educational aim: To form intercultural-communicative skills in the frame of the sphere and theme; To develop students' reading, listening and speaking skills;

2) Development aim: To develop students' critical thinking skills: - identifying central issues understanding cause and effect

- To develop perception, logic, imagination, and creativeness.

3) Upbringing: To be respectful to different cultures, to understand the meaning of different values of the modern world.

Visual aids: Interactive desk , blackboard, copybook, card with different questions etc

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

Procedure of the lesson

А. Өтілген лексиканы мағынасымен салыстыра отырып білу, табу, айту және меңгеру. Оқыған материалды есте сақтау, қайталау. EX.1 p. 39

В . Мәтінмен жұмыс, көру арқылы түсініп, ойын жеткізіп, жаңа ақпаратты қолдану

Берілген материалды өз сөзімен басқа формада жеткізе алу.

С. Алған білімінің мәндісін түсініп, жаңа ақпаратты талдау, жіктей білу

D . Ойды жинақтау, жеке бөліктерді қайта жасау, құрастыружәне байланысын табу, сол арқылы жұмыс жасау Алған ақпараттың құндылығын бағалау

Stages: Activities:

Knowledge. I. Organization moment a) Greetings.

-Good morning teacher!/ -Good morning students!/-How are you?/ -We are fine thanks. And you?/ -Thanks not bad./-Who is on duty today?/ -I'm on duty today/ -Who is absent today?/-All are present/ -What day is it today?/ -Today is Sunday/ -What date is it today?/ -Today is ---------

b) marking absentees (duty's report) Discussion about the weather, news, etc.

Phonetic drill: memory test in pairs look at the blakboard and let's learn the tongue twister:

Six silly sisters selling shiny shoes

Comprehension. II. Control of home task. Ex.1. p. 39

III. Concluding the home tasks.

Inventions. Past, Present,Future /8 grade/

Application. IV. Introduction of new lesson.

  1. read the new words and sentences and try to understand the meanings Texts

Inventions. Past, Present,Future /8 grade/

  1. questions about mobile phone and divide them into: a) fact finding questions

b)opinion finding question

Inventions. Past, Present,Future /8 grade/

Analysis. V. Conclusion of the lesson.

You are going to work in a group write down your opinion about Internet and Computer

Synthesis. . Feedback: What have we known? What have we learnt? What have we understood?

VI. Homework. To write about Inventions of the mordern world

The ending of the lesson: Commenting the work of the pupils at the lesson and

evaluation of each pupil. Everybody actively worked and tried to explain their opinion in English. The new lesson was completely done.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

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