Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему Школьный клуб Планета дружбы собирает друзей

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Школьный клуб «Планета дружбы» собирает друзей

Путешествие по школам


  1. Формировать интернациональную культуру;

  2. повышать мотивацию школьников к предмету «Иностранный язык», раскрывая способности и талант учащихся, расширяя их кругозор.

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На протяжении 15 лет наш учитель, Григорьева Н. П. является руководителем клуба интернациональной дружбы, который является добровольной общественной организацией учащихся школы.

Все эти годы работа клуба строилась в целях воспитания у учащихся чувства патриотизма, братской дружбы между народами Российской Федерации и других стран, формирования интернациональной культуры. Девиз клуба - «За мир и дружбу на Земле», существуют и законы клуба, эмблема клуба. Это - наша карта дружбы.

С 1990 года Надежда Петровна - член организации Friendship Desk (Великобритания), тогда же начинается и активная переписка со школьниками Англии (г. Ковентри). Из писем мы узнаем об их школе, о любимых занятиях, о традиционных праздниках, одежде, школьных завтраках, о достопримечательностях г.Ковентри и Англии. Все это помогает в изучении английского языка.

Сейчас мы приглашаем вас в «Путешествие по школам». Вы побываете на уроках разных школ.



  • совершенствование навыков говорения;

  • развитие познавательных способностей, мыслительной деятельности;

  • повышение интереса к математике.

One, one, one,

Little dogs run!

Two, two, two,

Cat sees you!

Three, three, three,

Birds in a tree!

Four, four, four,

Rats on the floor!

One, two, three

You are free!

Teacher: Good morning, children! Glad to see you. Seat down, please. We start the lesson.

Появляются гости: кот, мышка (у мышки тарелочка с 5 кусочками колбасы), Том.

Cat: What have you Mrs. Mouse?

Mouse: I have 5 pieces of sausage. I want to eat them.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse, come into my house.

Mouse: Little cat, little cat, I cannot do that. You want to eat me.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse, give me the sausage.

Mouse: No, not at all.

Tom: Stop dividing! Mrs. Mouse and Mr. Cat, I want to help you. One piece is for you mouse, one piece is for cat, one, two, three pieces are for me.

One plus one plus three are five. Are you glad Mrs. Mouse?

Mouse: Yes, thank you.

Tom: Are you glad, Mr. Cat.

Cat: Yes, thanks. I'm glad.

Teacher: is Tom right? Can five be divided into three? (Children: no, it can't). Now the second task. Look at the magic square and find the magic sum, which can be divided into three.









7Дети делают подсчеты:

5+4+9=18 5+10+3=18 5+6+7=18

10+6+2=18 4+6+8=18 9+6+3=18

3+8+7=18 9+2+7=18

Teacher: Say it in English (дети зачитывают подсчеты и дарят мышке свои магические квадраты).

Teacher: I'm very happy to have such clever pupils. You can count and divide numbers. All of you were active and attentive today. It's time to say good-bye. Good-bye, children!



  • развитие способностей актерского мастерства;

  • совершенствование навыков говорения;

  • расширение кругозора учащихся.

A terrible situation







A party. Several groups of guests are talking. Mr. Green comes in.

MR. GREEN: Good evening, Mrs. Brown!

MRS. BROWN: Good evening, Mr. Green!

MR. GREEN: Best wishes on your birthday! And here are some flowers and a present for you.

MRS. BROWN: Oh, thank you very much! Feel at home.

(Presenting Mr. Green to Mr. Smith): Mr. Green - Mr. Smith.

The two men shake hands.

MRS. BROWN (to the guests): Dear friends! Take your seats, please! You'll hear a new song.

The guests take their places on the right. A beautifully dressed woman comes up to the piano. She begins singing in a pleasant voice.

MRS. SMITH: Dear, oh, my beloved,

I wish we'd never part!

Dear, oh, my beloved,

You are always in my heart.

Dear, oh, my beloved,

I wish we'd never die!

Dear, oh, my beloved,

Always smile and never cry!

Dear, oh, my beloved,

Our love will never die.

Dear, oh, my beloved,

Never say to me "Good-bye!"

All the guests are applauding except Mr. Green.

MR. GREEN (turning to Mr. Smith): What a terrible voice! Mr. Smith, do you know who she is?

MR. SMITH: Yes, I do. She is my wife.

MR. GREEN (feeling uneasy): Oh, I'm sorry. To tell the truth, her voice isn't bad. I wanted to say that the song is very bad.

MR. SMITH: People don't think so. Look around! They are applauding.

MR. GREEN: I always say what I think. The song is bad. Do you know who wrote that terrible song?

MR. SMITH (turning to him): That's me. I wrote the song.

Stands up and leaves Mr. Green.





  • Развитие навыков говорения, аудирования в процессе творческого общения учеников друг с другом;

  • создание творческой атмосферы в группе;

  • развитие интересов у учащихся к культурному наследию Великобритании.

Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you!

PP: We are very pleased to greet you and our guests.

Teacher: Fine! Dear guests, I invite you to join us in our literary tour around William Shakespeare Kingdom. It will be really wonderful. I hope you'll know many interesting things about William Shakespeare, his life and his work. Before we start our trip would you mind doing a few warning-up exercises.

PP: As many as you like!

Teacher: Answer the questions:

  1. Who is it? (It is William Shakespeare).

  2. What is he? (He is a poet, a dramatist, a writer).

  3. What language did William Shakespeare speak? (He spoke English).

  4. Is he an English or American poet? (He is an English poet).

I'm proud of you. Well done!

  1. The Dawn of English Literature

Many hundred years ago (about the 4-th century before our era) the country now we call England was known as Britain, and the people who lived there were the Britons. They belonged to the Celtic race. The language they spoke was Celtic. Their culture (that is to say, their way of thinking and their understanding of nature) was primitive. They believed that different gods lived in the darkest and thickest parts of the woods. The Britons were governed by a class of priests called the Druids. They had great power over Britons.

One of the old English words you will meet in English literature is "folk" which means "people". Folk-dances, folk-songs and folklore are the dances, songs and tales that people made up when at work, or at war, or for amusement. There were also professional singers called "bards". They composed songs about events they wanted to be remembered.

The beautiful Anglo-Saxon poem "Beowulf" may be called the foundation-stone of all English poetry. It tells of times long before the Angles and Saxons came to Britain. There is no mention of England in it. The poem was composed by the unknown author. Many parts were added later. The whole poem was written down in the 10-th century by an unknown scribe. The manuscript is in the British Museum, in London.

English literature is a common part of the world's culture. The works of great English poets and writers are translated into many languages, conquered love and admission far away from England.

The knowledge of Russian readers with Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, George Byron and Charles Dickens has its own history. Their creative works are considered to be the best.

The English literature came through a big and difficult way of development. It reflected the whole history of the country and it's people, and became a voice of special features of English national character. National peculiarity of English literature was displayed in ballads, in Chaucer's poetry, in great works by Shakespeare, Milton, Swift, Fielding, Burs, Shelley, Walter Scott.

Geoffrey Chaucer is considered to be the father of the English language, he was the last English writer of the Middle Ages and the first of the Renaissance. His most famous work written in verse is "The Canterbury Tales".

The English Renaissance gave birth to an amazing galaxy of great writers, but William Shakespeare outshines them all. He had a greater influence on the development of the whole of world literature than any other author. Characters created by him remain perfect depictions of the principal human passions and psychological traits. His unsurpassed portrayals of human nature came as a result of his profound insight into the most important social and philosophical problems of the period. With due apologies to the great Ben Johnson, we may say that Shakespeare was "for all time" because he was very much "of an age", of his own age.

  1. Teacher: Good afternoon everybody! The meeting of our club is dedicated to the greatest playwright in world literature: William Shakespeare. I hope all of you will take an active part in it. Listen to some facts from William Shakespeare's biography and the time when he lived and worked.

Pupil 1: The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16-th and the beginning of the 17-th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English Renaissance and sometimes are called "The Age of Shakespeare".

Pupil 2: People often call Shakespeare "Our National Bard", "The Immortal Poet of Nature". We really know few facts of his life and many of them are doubtful. But some facts are known to us and are proved by documents.

Pupil 1: The first facts of Shakespeare's biography are that he was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a dealer in corn, meat, wool. William's mother was a daughter of a rich farmer in the village of Wilmcote.

Pupil 2: We also know that, being 18 years old, William married with Anne Hathaway, who was 9 years older that himself. They had a daughter Susanna and twins-son Hamnet and daughter Judith.

Pupil 1: It's known that in 1567 Shakespeare went to London, to find a job, where he began writing plays staged at the Globe Theatre. By 1592, he had been an important member of a well-known acting company.

Pupil 2: It is known that only in 1611, at the height of his fame, Shakespeare returned to Stratford, where in April 23, 1616 he died. He was buried in a fine old church in Stratford.

Teacher: You have mentioned the main facts in Shakespeare's biography. Now I'd like you to agree or disagree with some facts from William Shakespeare's life:

  1. Shakespeare was born in the 17-th century. Is it true?

  2. William got a good education in London.

  3. William married late, his wife was younger than him.

  4. William Shakespeare had three children: daughter Susanna and twin sons.

  5. His wife Anne Hathaway loved theatre very much.

  6. Shakespeare never acted on stage.

  7. Shakespeare died in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

  8. Shakespeare wrote 47 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 poems.

Teacher: Thank you for your answers. I see that you know Shakespeare's life rather well. As you know, on London Shakespeare became an actor of the Globe Theatre and began to write plays for it. He wrote tragedies, comedies and historical plays. I'm sure that you know them well. So your next act is to divide his plays into tragedies and comedies.

(Каждая группа получает по 14 карточек, в которых написаны названия пьес, все карточки перемешаны).


  1. "The Comedy of Errors"

  2. "The Taming of the Strew"

  3. "All's Well that Ends Well"

  4. "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

  5. "Much Ado about Nothing"

  6. "Twelfth Night"

  7. "The Merry Wives of Windsor"


  1. "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark"

  2. "Othello"

  3. "King Lear"

  4. "Macbeth"

  5. "Romeo and Juliet"

  6. "Julius Caesar"

  7. "Anthony and Cleopatra"

Teacher: Listen to this account from one of Shakespeare's plays and tells us what play it is from. What mostly troubled the young prince was uncertainty about his father's death. Claudius told everybody that snake had bitten the King. The young prince, however, suspected that Claudius himself had killed the King. How right was he? What ought he to think of his mother? (From "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark")

Teacher: What was the name of young prince? You are right. His name was Hamlet. Now listen to an extract from his famous play.

Pupil: To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune:

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing, end them? To die -, to sleep,

Nor more, and, by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flash in heir to; 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep-

To sleep, perchance to dream…

Быть или не быть - таков вопрос;

Что благородней думам - покоряться

Пращам и стрелам яростной судьбы

Иль, ополчась на море смут, сразить их

Противоборством? Умереть, уснуть -

И только, и сказать, что сном кончаешь

Тоску и тысячу природных мук,

Наследье плоти, - как такой развязки

Не жаждать? Умереть, уснуть. - Уснуть!

(Перевод М. Лозинского)

Teacher: "To be, or not to be, that is the question". Это высказывание знакомо всем, но не все знают о других высказываниях Шекспира. Translate some of them:

  1. The beginning at the end. - Начало конца.

  2. The whirling of time. - Превратности судьбы.

  3. There's the rub. - Вот в чем загвоздка.

  4. All is well that ends well. - Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

  5. To win golden opinions. - Заслужить благоприятное мнение.

Shakespeare wrote many sonnets (154). There are very popular and loved by our people. All of them were translated into different languages. Listen to some of them.

(Ученики читают любимые сонеты Шекспира.)

Teacher: The meeting of our club is over. Thank you for taking an active part in it. Goodbye!


Животный мир Австралии


  • Тренировка навыков устной речи;

  • Знакомство с представителями животного мира Австралии;

  • Актуализация страноведческого материала.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Today we shall know more about animals in Australia. Australia is both a continent and an island. The climate in Australia is dry, hot. In the deserts it rain at any time of the year and there are often long periods of drought. Many different animals and birds can live under such a climate. And who can name them?

(A lyrebird, a cockatoo, a buffalo, a rabbit, a dingo, a kangaroo, an emus)

Let's listen to the reports about some animals.

Доклады о животных:

Red kangaroo

The red kangaroo bounds along on its enormous back legs, using its strong tail to help it balance. A big male kangaroo clear more than 9 m on one leap. Only the male has red fur. The female is blue-grey in color. The kangaroo is able to survive the high temperatures and dry conditions in the outback.

Wild dog

Dingoes are descended from the domesticated dogs brought to Australia about 8000 years ago, but then they have become wild again. Dingoes yelp or howl instead of barking.


Emus cannot fly, but they have strong legs and massive feet and can run at up to 48 k/h. The emu is the second largest bird in the world. It usually eats grass, berries, fruit and insects, but they have been known to swallow marbles, nails and even coins.


The echidna's long, sharp spines help it to be protected from enemies. If it is attacked, it rolls itself into a ball or digs straight down into the soil; this way it hides its soft face under the parts, where there are no spines.


The koala has a very specialized diet - it eats only the leaves of trees. The koala gets most part of its moisture from its food and drinks water rarely. The koala is good at climbing trees.

Flower feeder

The honey possum uses its long snout to probe into flowers for getting pollen, nectar and insects. It has a long, thin tongue tipped with bristles for soaking up its food.


Девиз: песня "Clementine"

Эта песня известна всему миру. Наверняка вы пели ее не один раз, но вряд ли кто-либо задумывался о ее содержании. Ее история восходит к давним временам калифорнийской «золотой лихорадки», когда открытые золотоносных районов привлекло в те места много людей, желавших быстро обогатиться, но получивших взамен тяготу и нищету. Многим приходилось жить в тяжелых условиях, почти не имея крыши над головой. Возможно, добытчики золота сочинили эту песню, чтобы посмеяться над своими проблемами, а может быть, эту песню написали горожане, желавшие посмеяться над неудачниками…

Впервые слова этой песни были опубликованы в 1863 г. Известную нам мелодию записал Percy Montrose, хотя точно неизвестно, сам ли он сочинил ее или записал у золотодобытчиков.

  1. In a cavern in a canyon,

Excavating for a mine,

Lived a miner, forty- niner

And his daughter Clementine.

Chorus: Oh, ma darlin', oh my darlin',

Oh my darlin' Clementine.

You are lost and gone forever,

Dreadful sorry Clementine.

  1. Light she was and like a fairy

And her shoes were number nine:

Herring boxes without topses,

Sandals were for Clementine.


  1. Grove she ducklings to the water,

Every morning just at nine.

Stubbed her toe against a splinter;

Fell into the foaming brine.


  1. Ruby lips above the water

Blowin' bubbles soft and fine.


So I lost my Clementine.


  1. How I missed her, how I missed her,

How I missed my Clementine,

Until I kissed her little sister

And forgot my Clementine!


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