Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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The giraffe.

The giraffe is the tallest animal. His head is about five meters above the ground. It has its good and bad sides. The giraffe can eat leaves from high trees because he has a long neck and a strong tongue. But it's difficult for the giraffe to eat the grass. When the giraffe drinks water, lions and leopards often hide in the tall grass ready to catch him. It is very bad for the giraffe, because he can't raise his head quickly and run away. The giraffe can live for months without water.

He gets most of the water from what he eats. Also, because his heads is so far from the ground, a giraffe can see danger and can quickly walk away or run away.

1) The giraffe is the strongest animal.

a) true b) false c) not stated

2) He has a long neck.

a) true b) false c) not stated

3) The giraffe eats only grass.

a) true b) false c) not stated

4) The giraffe can run fast.

a) true b) false c) not stated

5) He can't raise his head fast.

a) true b) false c) not stated

6) The giraffe can't live without water for a long time.

a) true b) false c) not stated

7) He can see danger because he has a long neck.

a) true b) false c) not stated



Healthy Food

Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body's way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.

Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.

Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.

Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

  1. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

  1. The vitamin to make your hard.

  2. Tastes differ.

  3. You can't live without food.

  4. Vitamins and the ABC.

  1. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

  2. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. ______

  3. Vitamin C is important for our skin. ______

  4. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ______



1.Образуйте множественное число существительных.

  1. a wolf -

  2. a bison -

  3. a sheep -

  4. a tooth -

  5. a glass -

2. Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

  1. bad -

  2. little-

  3. far -

  4. interesting-

  5. pretty-

3.Заполнить следующие предложения a/an, the or no article.

  1. Can we visit ….. Bolshoi Theatre?

  2. I think we shall visit ....... Gorky Park tomorrow.

  3. Let's visit ....... Hermitage.

  4. Who visited ...... History Museum?

  5. Who wants to go to………Hyde Park?

4.Подберите к указанным порядковым числительным подходящую пару.

e.g.: the 56th - the fifty-sixth (пятьдесят-шестой)

  1. the 30th the forty-ninth

  2. the 2nd the sixty-eighth

  3. the 17th the thirtieth

  4. the 81st the fifth

  5. the 5th the second

  6. the 23rd the eighty-first

  7. the 49th the seventy-fourth

  8. the 116th the twenty-third

  9. the 74th the seventeenth

  10. the 68th the one hundred and sixteenth

5.Поствте местоимения в объективный падеж.

  1. Are you talking about ___? (обо мне)

  2. Do you know ___? (его)

  3. Don't take ___! (это)

  4. He gave ___ a beautiful bracelet. (ей)

  5. He gave ___ good advice. (мне)

  6. He is staring at ___. (на нас)

  7. He saw ___ in the street. (меня)

  8. I bought this dress for ___. (для тебя)

  9. I know ___ very well. (его)

  10. I love ___. (тебя)

6.Заполните пропуски, где это необходимо, подходящими предлогами at, on, in.

e.g. : He works out ... the morning every day. - He works out in the morning every day.

1. We had holidays ... July.
2. ... the 25th of March I met my future wife.
3. ... last year they had a baby.
4. I should be there ... 6 p.m.
5. Mike had a great party ... his birthday.

7. Вставьте is или are.

  1. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.

  2. There _____ some milk in the cup.

  3. There _____ an orange in the salad.

  4. There _____ six balls in the box.

  5. There _____ some cheese on the plate.

  6. There ______ a blue chair at the door.

  7. There _____ five chicks and a hen on the farm.

  8. There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom.

  9. There _____ a big window to the left of the door.

  10. There _____ three rooms in our country house.

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, can't, could, couldn't, must, mustn't, need, needn't.

e.g.: I was very busy, so I couldn't meet you at the airport.

1. You ... interrupt the lecturer. It's rude and impolite.
2. My friend ... speak five languages.
3. When I entered the room I ... smell roses.
4. I ... forget about this and move forward.
5. You ... come so early (вам не нужно (нет необходимости) приходить так рано).

9.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

  1. He (to spend) last summer in the country.

  2. Kate ( to cook) dinner every day .

  3. Kate ( to cook ) dinner tomorrow .

  4. Kate ( to cook ) dinner now.

  5. I (not to eat ) ice-cream tomorrow




1 - b, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c, 5- a, 6- b, 7 - b



Task 1: a) - B, b) - C, c) - D, d) - A.

Task 2: a) - T, b) - F, c) - T, d) - F.



  1. a wolf - wolves

  2. a bison - bison

  3. a sheep - sheep

  4. a tooth - teeth

  5. a glass - glasses

3.Заполнить следующие предложения a/an, the or no article.

  1. THE

  2. -

  3. THE

4.Подберите к указанным порядковым числительным подходящую пару.

  1. the 30th

  2. the 2nd

  3. the 17th

  4. the 81st

  5. the 5th

  6. the 23rd

  7. the 49th

  8. the 116th

  9. the 74th

  10. the 68th

5.Поствте местоимения в объективный падеж.

  1. me

  2. him

  3. it

  4. her

  5. me

  6. us

  7. me

  8. you

  9. him

  10. you

6.Заполните пропуски, где это необходимо, подходящими предлогами at, on, in.

1. in
2. on
3. in
4. at
5. on.

7. Вставьте is или are.

  1. are

  2. is

  3. is

  4. are

  5. is

  6. is

  7. are

  8. is

  9. is

  10. are

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, can't, could, couldn't, must, mustn't, need, needn't.

  1. mustn't (правильный ответ mustn't объясняется следующим правилом: (You) mustn't (do) означает, что вам следует воздержаться от совершения какого-то действия (не делать этого))

  2. can (в данном случае модальный глагол can употребляется для выражения умственной способности и указывает на то, что человек умеет говорить на пяти языках)

  3. could (модальный глагол can/could употребляется в сочетании с глаголами чувства и восприятия для придания оттенка усилия в выполнении действия, выраженного смысловым глаголом. В данном предложении употребляется форма could, так как из первой части предложения понятно, что действие происходило в прошлом - when I entered the room)

  4. must (в данном предложении must выражает необходимость совершения действия со значением должен, нужно, надо)

  5. needn't (need употребляется для выражения необходимости совершить действие со значением нужно, надо. В переводе предложения мы видим "не нужно, нет необходимости", поэтому употребляется отрицательная форма - needn't.)

9.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

  1. spent

  2. cooks.

  3. Will cook

  4. is cooking

  5. will not eat.

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