Разработка открытого занятия на тему Holidays and traditions in Great Britain

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 12 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Разработка открытого занятия на тему Holidays and traditions in Great Britain

По предмету«Английский язык»

Открытый урок на тему: «Holidays, traditions and customs in England.

English Tenses»


______Байболова Ш.Е.

Кафедра «Русский и английский языки»»

Рассмотренно на заседаний кафедры

Протокол № 2 «02» 11. 2015ж.

________ Тлеубаева М.Т.

Астана 2015 г.

Theme: " Holidays, traditions and customs in England. ''. English Tenses.
Group: 1Д-115

The Date: 18.11.2015
Visual aids: a computer, an interactive board, slides.

The type of the lesson: combined lesson

The aim of the lesson: activation in speech and consolidation of vocabulary on the theme: " Holidays, traditions and customs in England. ''

Educational:to enrich the students' knowledge about English holidays, traditions and customs.

Developing: to develop students' monological speech and culturological knowledge, enlarge of general culture of communication.

Upbringing : to upbring students to know other traditions and customs and respect our native traditions .

Procedure of the lesson:
1.Organization moment.
Good morning students! Thank you. Sit down please. I am glad to see you.

The theme of our lesson is " Holidays, traditions and customs in England. ''.

T: The aims of the lesson:

Today at the lesson we will consolidate your knowledge on the theme " Holidays, traditions and customs in England and I'll try teach you to search and learn materials yourselves.

Plan of the lesson:

1. Organization moment - 2min

2. Checking up home task -15 min

3. Phonetic charge -10

4. Project work - 20 min

5. English Tenses - 7-10 min

6. Game-10.

7.Grammar material. Doing exercises -15

8. Conclusion of the lesson- 2min

9. Evaluation of students- 5min

10. Home task- 1 min

2.Phonetic charge

Poem. Slide 1

This is the season

When mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing

In the forests and park.

This is the season

When children ski

And Father Frost brings

The New Year

3. Home task.

T:Let's check up your home task. What was the home task for today?

S:Our task was to learn new words on the theme "Education in England".

T: Please, answer to the following questions:

1. When does compulsory school begin?

2. How long does a child stay in compulsory school?

3. What subjects do children learn in Primary School?

4. What kind of exam do students have to take when they are 16?

5. Do students have to leave school at the age of 16 or to continue their studies?

6.How do private schools differ from the regular ones?

7.How many universities are there in England?

T: Thank you for your answers.

Phonetic exercises, working out in unison pronunciation of words (lexical repetition of the material).

Slide 2


Chimney-дымоход, труба





Trick- трюк,фокус


Turkey- индейка,индюк




Party- вечеринка



Play tricks- разыгрывать трюк

Pudding- пудинг


Sweets- сладости

a pumpkin pie- тыквенный пирог

money- деньги

gather together- собрать вместе

gifts- подарки, дарить


ghosts- призраки

traditional dinner- традиционный ужин

fireworks - фейерверк

bonfire- костер

candle- свеча

national- национальный

tradition- традиция

guy- парень



  1. 4. Project work. Customs and Traditions in England

T: What do you know about customs and traditions in England?

S:1. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system.

S:2. British people think that the Grand National horse race is the most exciting horse race in the world.

S:3 A popular Scottish event is the Edinburgh Festival of music and drama, which takes place every year.

S:4. The English always give people's weight in pounds and stones.

T:What holidays are in England?

Answer the questions.

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world.

Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays.

- What about your families?

- What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate ?

- What is your favourite holiday?

- When is it celebrated ?

- What do you usually do?

- What do you eat?

5. Game " The quickest 1111qVagons"

6. Grammar practice. English Tenses. The Present Continuous Tense.

T: Now let's have our grammar practice.

English Tenses. The Present Continuous Tense.

Основным назначением группы "Continuous" является обозначение действий, протекающих в точно указанное время, либо одновременно с другим действием. Дополнительными характеристиками таких действий является их незаконченность, динамичность и наглядность. Глаголы во всех временных формах этой группы состоят из вспомогательного глагола "to be"в соответствующем времени и смыслового глагола в форме "-ing" (т.н. инговая форма глагола"V-ing", которая образуется путём прибавления суффикса "-ing" к основе инфинитива "V"). Например:

to write (писать) - I am writing (Я пишу).
to look at (смотреть на) - He is looking at me (Он смотрит на меня).

При добавлении суффикса "-ing" соблюдаются следующие правила правописания:
- если слово оканчивается на "-ie", то перед суффиксом "-ing" оно заменится на "-y": to lie(лгать) - I am not lying to you (Я тебе не лгу;
- конечная согласная в закрытом слоге удваивается перед "-ing": to sit (сидеть) - She is sitting(Она сидит).

The Present Continuous Tense. Настоящее длительное время.

Для того, чтобы показать, что действие происходит именно в настоящий момент (в момент речи), используются глаголы в форме настоящего продолженного (длящегося) времени. Глаголы в форме настоящего продолженного времени употребляются обычно в предложении с обстоятельствами now - сейчас, at the moment - в настоящий момент, но большей частью эти обстоятельства только подразумеваются, так как они всегда очевидны из самой формы глагола.

- What are you writing? - I am writing a letter to a friend of mine.
- Что ты (сейчас) пишешь? - Я пишу (сейчас) письмо моему другу.

They are not working. They are on their holidays.
Они не работают (сейчас). Они в отпуске.

Утвердительная форма настоящего времени образуется из вспомогательного глагола "to be" в соответствующем лице настоящего времени (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола в инговой форме (V-ing), которые следуют за подлежащим.

He is reading a book.
Он читает книгу .

I am waiting for a call.
Я жду телефонного звонка.

Some students give some examples

7.Do exercises. Read what a boy is saying. Write in am, is or are.


I'm in the park. I can see some children. They ____ playing volleyball. There's my friend Greg! He ____ reading a book. The girl ____ eating a sandwich. The boy and the dog ____ playing with a ball. They can't see me because I ____ sitting in a tree. What ___ you doing? ____ you listening to me?


  1. Look! The children ____ jumping.

  2. The cat ____ sleeping now.

  3. My friend and I ____ not dancing now.

  4. Dave ___ reading now.

  5. Look! I ___ swimming.

C )Make up negative sentences in Present Progressive.

  • the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting.

  • Are / playing / not / the cats.

  • cooking / Mother / not / my / is

  • Reading / friends / her / are / not

8. Conclusion of the lesson.

T: Now, let's consolidate our lesson. Please write down your opinions in one word.(Doing claster)

Today you were very active. Thank you everybody.

9. Evaluation of students. Giving comments to the marks.

10.Home task. Your home task is to learn by heart the new words and write about what customs and holidays do you like.

So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our aims. You are free. Good-bye!

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