План урока на тему What is Jane going to do. .. (6class)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Сыныбы 6 a

Күні 26.01.2015 y

Сабақтың тақырыбы

What is Jane going to do?


To introduce students with the structure "to be going to do something…" (Future Simple)

«to be going to» құрылымын әр
түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы түсіндіріп, пысықтау, лексикалық тақырыппен байланыстыру.

Күтілетін нәтижелер

  1. Read and translate the new words

  2. Answer the questions and compare the sentences

  3. Read and retell the text, give their own opinion

«to be going to» құрылымын әр
түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы түсінеді, пысықтайды, лексикалық тақырыппен байланыстырады..

Керекті жабдықтар

An active board,a textbook, a flipchart, markers

Сабақ барысы:

Сабақ кезеңдері

Мұғалім әрекеті

Оқушы әрекеті


Good morning, children!

Sit down, please

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What date is it today?

What day?

How are you today?

Students answer the teacher's questions


Now, let's have some training

You must say who is whose friend and throw the ball,

Eg. I am Nurtilek,my friend is Merei.Merei I wish you hapiness

Now, let's divide into two groups

Choose one of the pictures

Now,I must check your hometask

What was your hometask?

Students held the training "Shanyrak"

Students have training and divide into two groups by choosing pictures( )

Негізгі бөлім

. Grammar " to be going to.."

a. Forming be going + to+ Infinitive

Examples : I am going to visit the museum.

You are not going to stay at home.

Are they going to ride a bike tomorrow ?

b. Grammar Reference p. 145

To be going to құрылымы біреудің болашаққа жасаған жоспарын және мақсатын білдіреді. Қажетті бір ақпаратты пайдалана отырып, ертең белгілі бір уақытта не болатынын болжау.
Мысалы: I am going to ride a bike tomorrow.
Мен ертен велосипед теппекпін.
shower (n) [´∫auә] душ, нөсер
take a shower [teik ә ´∫auә] душ қабылдау
play tennis [plei ´tenis] теннис ойнау
play computer [plei kәm´pju: tә geims] компьютер ойындарын ойнау
watch TV [wϽt∫ ti: vi:] теледидар көру
have lunch [hæv lΛnt∫] түскі ас ішу
cook a meal [´kukә ˏmi: l] тамақ пісіру
ride a bike [raid ә baik] велосипед тебу

Read and match the sentences with the words
a) Carol is going to take a shower at 8 o'clock.
b) Ann is going to play tennis at 4 o'clock.
c) Jennifer is going to watch TV at 6 o'clock.
d) Jane Evans is going to cook a meal at 3 o'clock.
e) Jane is going to read a book at 10 0'clock.
f) Jane is going to have lunch at 1 o'clock.

Practice: Doing of consolidation exercises.

I group.make up sentences using "to be going to"-to play tennis, to watch TV, to listen to music, to read the book, to write an exercise, to play computer games.

II-group.Write sentences using " be going to".

Example: It / rain It is going to rain.

1.They / eat / a hamburger.

2.He / not / watch/ a film.

3. We / play/ volleyball.

4. I / give / it next week.

Now, students, let's do the exercises on your books

Students read the text and discuss between each other

Students write down the new words

Students do the tasks


Conclusion of the lesson. T---Cl.

What have we done today on the lesson?

What have we learnt today?

I want to finish our lesson with the words of John Galsworthy " If you do not think about future you can not have one"

Homework a. learning of words by heart b. Grammar Reference p. 14 c. Ex. 10, 11 p. 120

Now the lesson is over,complete these sheets of papers about today's lesson.

Good-bye, children

Students do the exercises oraly

Students complete the reflection paper about today's lesson.

Good-bye, teacher!

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