Планирование по инностранные языку на тему Control work

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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The theme: Control work

The aims: Revising and consolidating of learnt vocabulary and grammar

The Results: Pupils will revise grammar and vocabulary and consolidate learnt materials

Methods : Testing, questionnaire, writing, thinking, completing

Resources : tests, previous learnt materials

The Contents of the lesson

I . Org. mom

a) Greeting b) talking about their readiness for the lesson

II Test

I.Fill in the correct preposition

1. Nine years --- classes are compulsory ( of)

2.Our school year begins--- the first --- September ( on, of)

3. Every pupil learns one --- foreign languages ( of)

4. There`re several classrooms --- the ground floor ( on)

5.Dan started school --- the age --- five ( at, of)

6. Ben goes ---- a secondary school ( to)

7. The pupils are --- 12 and 18 ( between)

8. He will pass--- good marks ( with)

9. The American pupils have a holiday --- Christmas ( at)

10.The teacher is very strict--- them. ( with)

II Translate into English

1.Ағылшын тілі -әлемдегі ең көп таралған тіл.2.Оқу жылы 9 айға созылады.3.Ағылшын мектебінде негізгі пәндер: ағылшын тілі, математика , биология. 4.Ағылшын оқушылары мектеп формасын кигізеді. 5. Балалар 7 жасқа толғанда , бастауыш мектепке барады,онда олар 11 жыл оқиды.

III. Correct the sentences

1.German, History, Science are called < core> subjects

2. Boys and girls study together at private schools

3. Compulsory education begins at the age of 11

4. Primary education lasts for 5 years

5. In Great Britain children start going to school when they are seven

IV . Write the types of schools

1. British schools:

2. Kazakh schools:

Points : 22-21-5

20- 19- 4

18- 17- 3

VI the end of the lesson

a) Homework

to revise previous materials

VII The end of the lesson

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