Сценарий литературного вечера посвященного Роберту Бернсу

Сценарий литературного вечера посвящен известному шотландскому поэту Роберту Бернсу. Данный сценарий  рекомендован для учителей английского языка гимназий, лицеев и общеобразовательных учреждений. Данный материал может быть использован учителями английского языка во внеклассной работе в 8-11 классах. Материал включает в себя сценарий проведения литературного вечера и слайды с изображением портрета Р. Бернса, памятника в его честь и дома, в котором родился поэт. Все слайды демонстрируются в ходе ...
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Сценарий литературного вечера посвященного Р. Бернсу.

Автор: Гребенева Елена Георгиевна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ гимназия №40, г. Краснодар.

Описание материала: Данный сценарий литературного вечера рекомендован для учителей английского языка гимназий, лицеев и общеобразовательных учреждений. Данный материал может быть использован учителями английского языка во внеклассной работе в 8-11 классах.

На экране проецируется портрет Р. Бернса (Рисунок Burns.jpg).

Compere: We begin our school party dedicated to Scotland's greatest poet, Robert Burns. Robert Burns was the most democratic poet of the 18-th century. His birthday is celebrated in Scotland as a national holiday. Burns is very popular in Russia. His first poems were translated into Russian at the close of the l8-th century. Russian people admire R. Burns's poems and songs in the original and in the wonderful translations of Samuel Marshak. Now some pupils will tell you about Robert Burn's life.

На экране новый кадр: дом, в котором родился Р. Бернc (Рисунок House.jpg).

The first pupil: R. Burns, Scotland's national poet, was born on January 25, 1759, in a small clay cottage at Alloway in Ayrshire, Scotland. His father, W. Burns, was a poor farmer. He built this small clay cottage with his own hands. There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. His father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could afford. Robert was sent to school at the age of six, but as his father could not pay for the two sons, Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school in turn. When not at school the boy helped their father with his work in the fields. But soon the teacher left, and so Burns's father along with his four neighbours invited young school teacher, John Murdoch to teach their boys. When Murdoch left, the poet's father taught the children himself. Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, French, Latin - that was Robert Burns's education.

W. Burns died in February in 1784. Later R. Burns wrote about his father in his verses "My Father Was a Farmer":

My father was a farmer

upon the Carrick border, O,

And carefully he bread me

in decency and order, O.

He bade me act a manly part,

though I had ne'er a farthing, O,

For without an honest manly heart

no man was worth regarding, O.

Robert's mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. His mother's friend Betty told Robert many fantastic tales about devils, fairies and witches. Burns's mother died in 1820. She lived long and enjoyed the fame of her poet son.

На экране появляются строки одного из стихотворений Р. Бернса.

The second pupil: R. Burns became fond of reading. He read whatever he could lay his hands on. His favorite writers were Shakespeare, Sterne, Smollett, and Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet (1750 - 1774). Fergusson's tragic fate deeply touched Burns. Burns devoted many verses to Fergusson. In 1787, R. Burns erected a monument over the grave of the Scottish poet R. Fergusson at his own expense, when the book of his poems was published. R. Burns began to write poetry when he was 15. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk - songs which he had admired from his early childhood. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land. After William Burns's death the family moved to Mossgiel, where Robert and his brother Gilbert rented a small farm. The young men worked hard, but the land gave poor crops. The family began to live worse. Just at that time Burns fell in love with Jean Armour and was going to marry her, but the girl's father didn't want to have a poor peasant for his son - in - law.

Seeing that there was no way for a poor peasant to earn his living in Scotland, Burns decided to sail for Jamaica. To get some money for his passage he published some of his poems. Six hundred copies of "Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect" were printed in Kilmarnock in July 1786. Their success was complete. The edition was quickly sold out and Robert Burns became well known and popular.

На экране новый кадр: памятник Р. Бернсу в деревне Аллоуэй (графство Аршир, рисунок monument.jpg).

The third pupil: Instead of going to Jamaica, Burns went to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. He had received a letter from several Edinburgh scholars who praised his verses and invited him to come to the capital. In Edinburgh Burns was welcomed as one of the "wonders of the world". A new and enlarged edition of his poems was the result. But soon Edinburgh society grew tired of him and forgot about the poet.

Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy farm and marry Jean Armour, his "Bonnie Jean". Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as "I Love My Jean", "It Is Na, Jean, Thy Bonnie Face" and many others.

Though Burns's poems were very popular, he always remained poor. He worked hard on farm. But in 1791 Burns went bankrupt and had to sell the farm. He became a custom's officer in the town of Dumfries. The work was hard and it destroyed the poet's health. He died in poverty at the age of 37. Burns was buried in Dumfries. His funeral was attended by a crowd of ten thousand. They were the common Scottish people whom he had loved and for whom he had written his poems and songs. In the picture you see the monument to R. Burns at Alloway in Ayrshire .

Compere: The poetry and songs of R. Burns are famous all over the world. Burns is very dear to us Russian people. He was a democratic poet. His sympathy was with the poor, he hated the rich and hoped for a better future for the people, for a quality and justice for all. Now you'll hear his most popular poems. Listen to his poem "Is There for Honest Poverty".

The fourth pupil:

Is There For Honest Poverty.

Compere: Robert Burns was a revolutionary poet. He wrote many revolutionary poems. "The Tree of Liberty" is the best of them.

The fifth pupil:

The Tree of Liberty.

Compere: Burns had a deep love for Scotland, its history and folklore. His favorite nation hero was W. Wallacy, the leader of the uprising against the English oppressors. In many of his poems Burns sings the glorious past of his native land.

The sixth pupil:

Scots, Wha Hae.

Compere: Burns also sings the beauty of his native land.

The seventh pupil:

My heart's In The Highlands.

The eight pupil:

John Barleycon.

Compere: Burns was a remarkable lyric poet. In his lyrical poems and songs Burns glorifies true love and friendship. The ninth pupil:

Of A' The Airts The Wind Can Blaw.

Compere: Some of R. Burn's lyrical poems are popular as songs all over the world. Now a group of girls will sing a song: "A Red Red Rose" (words by R. Burns) Учащиеся исполняют песню "A Red Red Rose" на стихи P. Бернса.

Compere R. Burns' poems and verses inspired Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn, and other composes who wrote music to them. The best - known cycle of songs to R. Burns' verses was composed in Russia by G. Sviridov. The tunes to R. Burns' songs were written by D. Shostakovich, N. Myaskovsky, U. Levitan and a number of other Russian composers. And now let's sing the most popular song by R. Burns "Auld Lang Syne" together. It has now become a parting song at any party or meeting of friends.

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