Конспект урока-мероприятия по английскому языкуПутешествие из Лондона в Париж

Конспект урока-мероприятия может быть использован как в урочной так и во внеурочной деятельности.Является результатом исследовательско-познавательного проекта.На уроке представлены различные виды деятельности учащихся:монологическая и диалогическая речь,аудирование видео фрагментов и пести Beatles,лексическая догадка в решении кроссвордов,описание картинки, вопросы по ситуации на картинке. В нашей школе учащиеся изучают два языка: английский и французский, поэтому целесообразно построить урок на...
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Методическая разработка урока на английском языке для учащихся

11 класса.

УМК: «Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight)

Авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.Эванс;

Opportunities Russian Edition Intermediate

Авторы: Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, Irina Solokova,

Oksana Melchina, Irina Larionova

Тема урока/занятия: «Путешествие из Лондона в Париж»

Аннотация: предлагается план-конспект урока английского языка на тему «Путешествие из Лондона в Париж» по УМК "Spotlight", "Opportunities Russian Edition Intermediate" с использованием ИКТ для обучающихся 11 классов. Учебно-методическими задачами урока являются: совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи с использованием тематической лексики, развитие коммуникативных навыков. На уроке используются различные формы классной работы: фронтальная, групповая, работа в парах, индивидуальная. Использование ЭОР позволяет реализовать принципы наглядности, доступности и системности изложения материала. Она стимулирует развитие мыслительной и творческой активности учащихся, увлечение предметом, создание наилучших условий для овладения навыками аудирования и говорения и обеспечивает эффективность усвоения материала на уроках английского языка. На уроке также используются элементы межпредметных связи с французским языком, географией и информатикой.

Технологии: коммуникативно-ориентированное обучение, личностно-ориетированное обучение, учебно-познавательная игра, использование мультимедийной презентации, видеозаписи.

Образовательная цель: формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке.

Задачи урока:

- обучающие: совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков.

- развивающие: развивать умение применять полученную информацию в монологической и диалогической речи, развивать умение вести диалог-обмен мнениями, используя речевые клише, изученные ранее.

- воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное, толерантное отношение к чужому мнению; воспитывать потребность к чтению и расширению кругозора; воспитывать чувство гордости за свою страну.

Вид используемых на уроке средств электронных образовательных ресурсов (ЭОР): мультимедийная презентация, ресурсы Интернет, видеозапись.

Техническое оснащение: компьютер и телевизор с HDMI портом.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент, целеполагание.

T. Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? I am glad to see you. Let's begin our lesson. Today we are going to speak about London and Paris and about their most famous sights. London and Paris are two very different cities. Both cities are very famous and it is very difficult to compare them. Our lesson is divided into several parts. Now let's start.

2.Видео фрагмент о Лондоне (5 мин.)

3. Диалог-обмен мнениями о посещении Лондона (P/P разговор по телефону)

Phone call

- Hi there, Gary! Well, today I'm standing right in the heart of London. I'm among the crowds outside Buckingham palace.

- Hello. This is your first visit to London, isn't it?

-Yes, I'm having a great time.

- How long have you been in London?

- Since last Monday.

- And what famous places have you seen so far?

- Well, I enjoyed the Tower of London.

- Right, what else have you done? Have you been to Madame Tissue's yet?

-Yeah, that was brilliant! The models of the famous people are so lifelike.

- Have you visited any of the London museums yet?

- No, we haven't but I'm going to the National Gallery this afternoon.

- Well, enjoy the rest of your stay in London. Good bye.

- Thank you. Good bye.

4. T. What do you know about London? (Презентация о Лондоне)Конспект урока-мероприятия по английскому языкуПутешествие из Лондона в Париж


P. London is the capital England and the UK, with a population of about 6-7 million. It is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. The gradual growth of the city helps to explain the fact that London does not have just one centre, it has a number of centers, each with a distinct character: the financial and business centre called the City, the shopping and entertainment centre in the West End, the government centre in Westminster. The famous older buildings in London include Buckingham Palace (the Sovereign's residence in London), the Houses of Parliament (the outstanding example of 19th century), St. Paul's Cathedral (the second largest in Europe), Westminster Abbey (where Sovereigns are crowded) and the Tower of London.

P. London is situated on the river Thames. London would not be London without the river Thames. It flows 215 miles across the English countryside and then through the heart of the great city before it reaches the sea. Today the Tames has become a symbol of London, just as much as Big Ben or Buckingham Palace.

P. the Tower of London is a historical castle on the north bank of the river Tames. It was founded towards the end of 1066. The castle was used as a prison since at least 1100.

P. Beefeaters

The guards at the Tower of London are called Yeoman Warders. In principle they are responsible for looking after any prisoners at the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels, but in practice they act as tour guides and are a tourist attraction in their own right. There are twelve Yeomen Warders. Their nickname is Beefeaters.

P. Westminster Abbey is situated in one of the central parts of London. Abbey was built in times of King Edgar in X century. The interior refers to the period of the Gothic architecture. Almost all the kings since William the Conqueror were crowded here in Westminster Abbey. Here stored the wooden coronation throne.

P. St Paul's Cathedral

The present cathedral is the fifth cathedral which was standing on this place since 604.It was built between 1675 and 1710.The previous was destroyed by the Great London Fire.

P. Trafalgar Square is one of the centers of London. It was named Trafalgar square to commemorate the historical naval victory in 1805 by the British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson over the French fleet. Nelson's Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on the top and the four lions at the base, rises in the centre of the square. Today Trafalgar Square is the place of demonstrations and parades. There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them. Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of peace all over the world.

P. the Houses of Parliament also, also known as the Palace of Westminster is the seat of Britain's two houses, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Palace of Westminster, together with Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower (Big Ben) form an architectural complex.

P. Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks. The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

P. Parliament Square is a square outside the northwest end of the Palace of Westminster. Statues in and around the Parliament square are mostly of well-known statesmen. The statue of Sir Winston Churchill stands in the square. Sir Winston Churchill is widely known as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century and served as Prime Minister twice.

P. British Museum is a museum of human history culture. Its collections originate from all countries, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present.

P. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

William Shakespeare was born in April, 1564. He grew up in Stratford-upon -Avon. Shakespeare moved to London where he worked as an actor and a playwright. He worked in "The "Globe" theatre. Now "The Globe" is a permanent exhibition showing visitors what the theatre was like in Shakespeare's time.

5. Рефлексия.

T. Answer some questions about London.

Do the crossword puzzle









Horizontal lines

1. The biggest and the most famous clock in Britain.

3. The capital of Great Britain.

4. The most significant and famous royal church.

5. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of …family.

6. The popular square for tourists in London. A meeting point of six streets.

8. A fashionable and stylish place to visit with shops, markets, bar sand cafes.

Vertical lines

1. The Royal Palace in London.

2. The fortress, royal palace, prison, and now a museum.

7. A word that means an interesting place for tourists.

Check your crossword puzzle





































































6. T. Have you ever been in Paris? (T/P обмен мнениями)

7. Видео фрагмент о Париже (30 сек).

8. Диалог расспрос (P/P).


-Hello. Where did you go last weekend?

-I went to Paris.

-Did you? Lucky you! How did you go?

-By train.

-Really? How long did it take?

-About 3 hours.

-Was the journey OK?

-Yes, it was fine.

-Did you have much trouble with your French when you were there?

-No, I didn't but the Parisians did.

-What did you do in Paris?

-We went to the Louvre and nearly missed the train to London.

-I see. Thank you. Good bye.


9. T. What do like in Paris? (Презентация о Париже) Конспект урока-мероприятия по английскому языкуПутешествие из Лондона в Париж


P. Like the French says "Paris wasn't made in a day" and the city has a very rich history. The city centre boasts many outstanding historical landmarks or monuments and there is of course a lot to be seen.

P. the Eiffel Tower was built by Gustavo Eiffel as a temporary monument for the World's Fair of 1889. Just a few days after it was completed it became the most famous landmark of the city. Today after more than 120 years it remains tourist's favorite attraction and welcomes about 6 million visitors a year.

P. Notre Dame de Paris. The Cathedral is the geographical and spiritual "heart" of Paris. It is located in the eastern part of the Ile de la Cité.

P. Place de la Concorde is the largest square in Paris. It is situated between the Tuileries and the Champs Elysees. In 1763 a large statue of the king Louis XV was erected at the site to celebrate the recovery of the king after a serious illness. During French revolution (1792) the statue was replaced by another called "Liberte΄" (freedom) and the square was called Place de la Revolution. A guillotine was installed at the center of the square. A lot of people were beheaded here (like king Louse XVI, Queen Maria-Antoinette and revolutionary Robespierre). After the revolution the square was renamed several times until 1830, when it was given the name "Place de la Concorde". In the 19th century the Egyptian obelisk was installed at the centre of the square. The obelisk is sometimes called Cleopatra's Needle. In London we can also find an original Egyptian obelisk situated at the Thames Embankment. At each corner of the square is a statue representing a French city: Bordeaux, Brest, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Rouen and Strasbourg? They were installed in 1836. At the same year a bronze fountain "La fountain des Mars" was added to the square.

P. the Champs Elysees Avenue is 1.2 miles long and stretches from the Arch of Triumph to the Place de la Concorde. The Avenue is lined up with many shops, restaurants, cafes, theatres and even a cabaret (the famous Lido).

P. the Sacred-Heart Basilica of Montmartre was built until 1876 and 1910.It's situated on the hill of Montmartre on the top of the city. The basilica inside is decorated with colorful windows. From the top of Montmartre opens a beautiful view on Paris.

P. the Orsay Museum From 1900 to1939 it was a train station. Now it is a museum of impressionism paintings and sculptures. It is a nice place to walk along the left bank of the Seine River.

P. Conciergerie is a place where people used to put under prison. It was the famous and the biggest prison in France. There were many famous people (Queen Maria Antoinette). But in the middle part of the 20th century the Conciergerie was allowed to be a public place and people could come (especially tourists) to see this place.

P. the Louvre (Muse du Louvre)

The Louvre is one of the world's largest museums, the most visited art museum in the world and a historic monument. It is located on the right bank of the river Scene. The museum was opened on August 10th in 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings. The size of the collection increased under Napoleon. There is the most famous painting-Mona Liza. Many people arrive in Paris to see this masterpiece by Leonardo Deviance.

P. Sorbonne has been the historical house of the former University of Paris. Nowadays, it is houses several higher education and research institutes.

The name comes from the College de Sorbonne, founded in 1257 by Robert de Sorbonne as one of the medieval University of Paris. The college came to be the centre of the theological studies and "Sorbonne" was frequently used as a synonym for the Paris Faculty of Theology.

In 1970 the University was divided into 13 different universities. These universities still stand under the management of a common rectorate- the Rectorate of Paris- with offices in the Sorbonne.

P. Seine

The river Seine is a major river of north-western France. It is also a tourist attraction, particularly within the city Paris.

10. Рефлексия.

T. Now let's try to compare London and Paris. Answer the questions of the quiz.

( Презентация викторины о Лондоне и Париже в сравнении)Конспект урока-мероприятия по английскому языкуПутешествие из Лондона в Париж

11. Песня Биттлз «Мишель» на английском и французском языке в исполнении учащихся.


Michelle, my belle.

These are words that go together well,

My Michelle.

Michelle, my belle.

Sont des mots qui vont tr?s bien ensemble,

Tr?s bien ensemble.

I love you (3)

That's all I want to say

Until I find a way

I will say the words I know that

You'll understand.

Michelle, my belle.

Sont des mots qui vont tr?s bien ensemble,

Tr?s bien ensemble.

I need you (3)

I need to make you see,

Oh, what you mean to me.

Until I do I'm hoping you will

Know what I mean.

I love you

I want you (3)

I think you know by now

I'll get you somehow

Until I do I'm telling you so

You'll understand.

Michelle, my belle.

Sont des mots qui vont tr?s bien ensemble,

Tr?s bien ensemble.

I will say the only words I know that

You'll understand, my Michelle.

12. Подведение итогов.

T. To sum up our work I would like to say that it was interesting and useful for you. Did you like our lesson? What do you think who was the best? Thank you for your participation. Our next lesson will be in April that's why you don't have any homework. Goodbye.


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