Конспект урока по английскому языку в 3 классе на тему Профессии

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Lesson 2.

Цели урока:

1) закрепление лексики по теме "Профессии";

2) отработка речевых структур He is (not) a …, He is from …, I want to be a …;

3) формирование навыков чтения и письма;

4) развитие навыков говорения.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, pupils!

- Good morning, teacher.

- I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?

- We are fine, thank you.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Let's train our tongues! Давайте разомнем наш язычок и совершим путешествие с паровозиком.

- Паровозик поет песенку ветра: [f], [f], [f].

- Ветер шелестит листочками, и паровозик запел песенку деревьев: [h], [h], [h].

- Колеса паровозика тоже поют песенку: [t], [t] - [d],[d] - [t], [t] - [d], [d].

- Паровозик слышит, как разговаривают между собой цветочки, и поет их песенку: [n], [n], [n] - [nei], [nei], [nei].

- Паровозик задумался и запел романтическую песенку: [m], [m], [m].

- Теперь паровозик видит летающих пчелок и поет их песенку: [ð], [ð], [ð].

- А вот и комарики: [z], [z], [z].

- А теперь паровозик выпускает дым из трубы. Вот так: [w], [w], [w].

Very good!

3. Сообщение темы и целей урока.

Today at the lesson we speak about professions, we read, write, sing a song and, of course, we play. (Сегодня мы поговорим о профессиях, почитаем, будем писать, споем песню и поиграем, конечно.)

4. Речевая разминка. Игра "Снежный ком".

Are you ready to play now? Let's play a "Snowball" game. Complete the list of professions (Поиграем в игру "Снежный ком". Закончите список профессий).


1 ученик: an engineer;

2 ученик: an engineer and a doctor… (a pupil, an officer, a dentist, a housewife, a pilot, a teacher).

5. Повторение лексики "Профессии", активизация грамматических структур He/She is a …, He/She is not a …, I want to be a … .

Далее идет показ картинок с изображениями профессий.

And now, look at the pictures and answer my questions:

What is he/she?

And what are you?

Now tell me please, what do you want to be? Do you want to be a …?

And now we're going to play the game "Neznaika". (Один из учеников выходит к доске и играет роль Незнайки: учитель показывает картинку с изображением одной из профессий, а Незнайка называет её неправильно, другие учащиеся его исправляют, используя отрицательную структуру.)

6. Орфография (составление слов из букв).

One more game for you. With the help of these letters find the names of the professions. (Используя карточки с буквами английского алфавита обучающиеся составляют слова, обозначающие названия профессий, и прикрепляют их магнитами на классной доске.)






(Has he/she got a mistake?/Is he/she right?)

7. Физкультминутка.

Are you tired? Let's have a rest! Stand up, please. (Физкультминутка на английском языке.)

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Stand up,

Hands up,

Bend left,

Bend right.

Very good, sit down.

8. Исполнение песни "I Am a Pupil".

And now it's time to sing a song "I am a Pupil"!

I am a pupil,

He is a pupil,

She is a pupil, too.

I am not a doctor,

I am a pupil

And I like you.

Now let's pretend we are pilots (teachers) and sing this song again.

Thank you! Well-done!

9. Развитие навыков устной речи.

Now you get a card. Your task is to say all we can about these people using the table. (См. Приложение 1.) What can we say about them? So say what they are and where they are from. What is Ann/Manos/Carl/Helen/Ricardo/Mitsuko? Where is he/she from?

10. Развитие навыков письменной речи.

Now you're going to write about yourselves. You get a card again. Don't forget to put down your last name. (См. Приложение 2.)

11. Развитие навыков чтения, говорения на основе прочитанного.

Children, do you like your mothers?

Let's get to know what Paul says about his mother. Open your books at p. 49. Read the text A of ex. 9.

So, what do you know about Paul's mother? What is she? What does she like to do? (Обсуждение прочитанного.)

At home you'll prepare a short story about your mother.

12. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

I like your work today. Thank you very much. And do you like today's lesson? What do you like? Your home task for the next lesson is to do ex.11 p.49. (Домашнее задание - рассказать о своей маме). The lesson is over, good buy, children!

Make the sentences complete.

1. Her grandmother is not a__________________ She is a__________________.

2.Tom and Kate are not__________________ They are__________________.

3.My mother is not a__________________. She is a__________________.

4. His brother is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

5.His father is a__________________. He is a__________________.

6.Your grandfather is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

7. My aunt is not a__________________. She is a__________________.

8. Her uncle is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

9. My friend is not a __________________.He is a__________________.

Make the sentences complete.

1. Her grandmother is not a__________________ She is a__________________.

2.Tom and Kate are not__________________ They are__________________.

3.My mother is not a__________________. She is a__________________.

4. His brother is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

5.His father is a__________________. He is a__________________.

6.Your grandfather is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

7. My aunt is not a__________________. She is a__________________.

8. Her uncle is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

9. My friend is not a __________________.He is a__________________.

Make the sentences complete.

1. Her grandmother is not a__________________ She is a__________________.

2.Tom and Kate are not__________________ They are__________________.

3.My mother is not a__________________. She is a__________________.

4. His brother is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

5.His father is a__________________. He is a__________________.

6.Your grandfather is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

7. My aunt is not a__________________. She is a__________________.

8. Her uncle is not a__________________. He is a__________________.

9. My friend is not a __________________.He is a__________________.

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